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Le  Li  Ll  Lo  Lu  Ly  

L'Estrange, Bertram (19th-20th c,) American

Chanson rivière: valse {p. solo : Newnes} 16/040 [5/16]

L, A (Amelia Lehmann) (1830-1908) English

see Amelia Lehmann

La Forge, Frank (1879-1953) American

In pride of May: song; [after Thomas Weelkes?] {high v. : Schirmer} Cab 17/325 : [No. 1] high in C (orig.)

La Rue, Pierre de (c1455-1518) Franco-Flemish

Salve Regina {SATB choir} 05/009

Lack, Théodore (1846-1921) French

Valse-arabesque Op. 82 {p. solo} Cab 21/213

Lacoste, Leona [=Felix Burns] (1864-1920) Scottish

Woodland cascade schottische: No. 6 from 'Sunny Rays' (a series of short piano solos without octaves) arr. Felix Godard {Mathias & Strickland} Cab 20/120(6)

LaForge, Frank (1879-1953) American

The best of Pathways of Song; comp., arr., transl. & ed. Frank LaForge and Will Earhart {low v. : Warner Bros.} 10/053 : low v.

Iberia Cah. 1: suite for piano in 4 books {p. solo : Unión Musical } 21/005-9(1)

Lake, Frank [=Frank Kerslake] (fl.1940) American

Bless 'em all; words by Jimmy Hughes {solo v. : Keith, Prowse} Cab 17/326-1

Lake, Ian

Divertimento Op. 45 {str. trio : Chappell} 42/021

Lake, Mayhew Lester (1879-1955) American

Bach chorales for mixed ensembles: 16 chorales / J S Bach arr. Mayhew Lake {Schirmer} 42/002-3

Lally, Jimmy (20th c.) English

Waltz medley: [a medley of 6 waltzes in 2 parts] / Ivor Novello arr. Jimmy Lally {solo v. : Chappell} 16/016-1

Lalo, Édouard (1823-1892) French

Aubade {from Le Roi d'Ys} {solo v. : Heugel} 10/045-6 [14]

Aubade; Eng. words Arthur Davenport {solo v. : United Music} Cab 17/327-2

L'Esclave {solo v.} Cab 17/327 [1]

Souvenir {solo v.} Cab 17/327 [2]

Lambert, Constant (1905-1951) English

Façade (Suite for orchestra) / William Walton arr. Constant Lambert {p. duet : OUP} Cab 22/056-1

The Rio Grande: cantata [for chor. w. solo piano]; poem by Sacheverell Sitwell Cab 01/054 a-c

The Rio Grande: for SATB chor., solo p. & orch. []; poem by Sacheverell Sitwelll with German translation by Beryl de Zoete {OUP} Cab 01/054 d

The Rio Grande; poem by Sacheverell Sitwell {p. solo : OUP} Cab 21/213.1

Lambert, Edward Frank (1868-1925) English

God's garden: sacred song; words by D. F. Gurney {Chappell} Cab 17/328 a : No. 3 in Bb

God's garden: sacred song; words by D. F. Gurney {Chappell} Cab 17/328 b-c : No. 2 in Ab

She is far from the land; words by Tom Moore {ten. : Chappell} 13/020-8 [4]

Speak but one word; words by Edward Teschemacher {ten. : Chappell} 13/020-8 [9]

Lamperti, Francesco (1813-1892) Italian

First lessons in singing (complete): for sop./ mez. or ten. {Ricordi} 19/034

First lessons in singing for the study of the intervals, Book 1: for sop./ mez. or ten.; ed. & rev. Henry Blower {Ricordi} 19/034(1)

Lane, Gerald (19th-20th c.) English

Carmencita: song; words & music Gerald Lane {Leonard} 10/045-6 [13] : No. 2 in F

A song of flowers: song; words & music Gerald Lane {Enoch} 16/050-4 [30] : No. 3 in F

Lane, Philip (1950- English

By arrangement: seven transcriptions for organ {Novello} 40/139

Lang, Agnes Mary (1869-1951) Australian

Two Eastern songs {Elkin} Cab 09/105 a : No. 1 low v.

Two Eastern songs {Elkin} Cab 09/105 b : No. 2 med. v.

Lang, Craig Sellar (1891-1971) New Zealander

Exercises for organists, Bk 2 {Novello} 40/141(2)

Score reading exercises in 3 and 4 parts, Bk 1: in G and F clefs {organ : Novello} 40/020-2(1)

Tuba tune in D major Op. 15 {organ : Cramer} 40/141-2

Langdon, Chris (20th c.) English

The Boy Friend (piano selection) / Sandy Wilson arr. Chris Langdon; words & music Sandy Wilson {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/580

Lange, Gustav (1830-1889) German

Im grünen Hain Op. 60: Tonstück {p. solo} Cab 21/214

Lange, Oscar (19th-20th c.) German

Voices of Spring: valse / Johann Strauss II arr. Oscar Lange {p. solo : Paxton} Cab 21/359-2

Langey, Otto (1851-1922) American

Practical tutor for the French horn: (with & without valves) {Boosey & Hawkes} 35/059-1 a-b

Practical tutor for the oboe and the cor anglais {Boosey & Hawkes} 36/099

Practical tutor for the clarinet {Boosey & Hawkes} 37/121-6

Practical tutor for the flute {Boosey & Hawkes} 38/099-10

Tutor for the cornet {Hawkes} 35/001-3

Langlais, Jean (1907-1991) French

Triptyque {organ : Novello} 40/142

Langley, Hubert (19th-20th c.) English

Foundling hospital anthem (Blessed are they that consider the poor): for 2 solo v. (sop./ten. & contr./bar.), chor., strings & 2 oboes / George Frideric Handel arr. Hubert Langley {Hinrichsen} 02/052-5

Langrish, Hugo (20th c.) English

Eight easy pieces for horn & piano arr. Hugo Langrish {horn : OUP} 35/030-7

Lanning, Jerry (20th c.) English

The classic experience: for clarinet and piano arr. Jerry Lanning {Cramer} 37/122-2

Lara, Agustín (1897-1970) Mexican

Granada: fantasía española; music and Span. lyric Agustín Lara; Eng. lyric Dorothy Dodd {solo v. : Latin-American} Cab 17/329

Lassen, Eduard (1830-1904) Danish

Two songs; Eng. words Mrs Malcolm Lawson {Stanley Lucas, Weber} Cab 09/106 a : high v.

Last, Joan Mary (1908-2002) English

March of the dwarfs / Edvard Grieg arr. Joan Last {p. duo : Galliard/Galaxy} Cab 22/019-5

Latham, Richard (20th c.) English

Now Jesus Christ, the Son of God {from Easter Cantata 'Christ lag in Todesbanden'} / J S Bach arr. Richard Latham {p. duo : OUP} Cab 22/003-8

Laubach, Frank (1857-1923) Scottish

Twenty Scottish songs {cello : Augener} 33/080-3

Lauder, Harry (1870-1950) Scottish

The end of the road / William Dillon; written by William Dillon & Harry Lauder {solo v. : Francis, Day & Hunter} Cab 17/165 a-b

Lauth, Henry (20th c.)

OEdipe, op. 23: tragedie lyrique en 4 actes et 6 tableaux / George Enescu p. red. Henry Lauth; poèmes de Edmond Fleg {Salabert} 06/015.5 a-b

Lawes, Henry (1596-1662) English

Six songs arr. Gwilym Beechey; words by Thomas Carew (1-4) & Robert Herrick (5-6) {Peters} Cab 09/107

Lawson, Malcolm Leonard (1847-1918) Scottish

Ae fond kiss {from Songs of the North}: old Highland melody; words by Robert Burns {Cramer} Cab 17/331-4 a-b

Bonnie Strathyre {from Songs of the North}: old air; words by Harold Boulton {Cramer} Cab 17/331-3 a-b

Brown-haired maiden {from Songs of the North} {Cramer} Cab 17/331-9

Colin's cattle {from Songs of the North}: milking song {Cramer} Cab 17/331-8

Fair young Mary {from Songs of the North}: old Highland melody {Cramer} Cab 17/331-11

Herding song {from Songs of the North}: old Highland air; words by Jan L. Lawson {Cramer} Cab 17/331-13 also at 10/045-8.1 [15]

How can ye gang, lassie? {from Songs of the North}: old Scottish ballad {Cramer} Cab 17/331-10

Leezie Lindsay {from Songs of the North}: old Scottish ballad {Cramer} Cab 17/331-12

Linten lowrin {from Songs of the North}: old Aberdeenshire song {Cramer} Cab 17/331-7

Maiden of Morven (Ossianic love lament) {from Songs of the North}: old Highland melody; words by Harold Boulton {Cramer} Cab 17/331-1 a-b also at 10/055 [5]

The praise of Islay (Moladh na landaidh) {from Songs of the North}: old Highland melody; Eng. trans. Thomas Pattison; arr. Malcolm Lawson {Cramer} Cab 17/331-5

Skye boat song (Jacobite) {from Songs of the North}: old Highland rowing measure; words by Harold Boulton {Cramer} Cab 17/331-2 a : [No. 1] in G

Skye boat song (Jacobite) {from Songs of the North}: old Highland rowing measure; words by Harold Boulton {Cramer} Cab 17/331-2 b : [No. 2] in Bb

Skye boat song {from Songs of the North}: duet / Anne Campbell MacLeod arr. Malcolm Lawson; words by Harold Boulton {sop. & bar. : Cramer} Cab 18/083 : in G

Songs of the North 3rd ed. [vol. 1]: 'gathered together from the Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland'; ed. A. C. Macleod & Harold Boulton {Cramer} Spec Coll

Turn ye to me {from Songs of the North}: old Highland melody; words by John Wilson ('Christopher North'); arr. Malcolm Lawson {Cramer} Cab 17/331-6 : [No. 1] in E

Lawton, Sidney Maurice (b.1924) English

Air {from the Water Music}: for Bb clar. & piano / George Frideric Handel arr. Sidney Lawton {OUP} 37/121(2) [5]

Bist du bei mir {from the Anna Magdalena Notebook}: for Bb clar. & piano / J S Bach arr. Sidney Lawton {OUP} 37/121(2) [3]

Minuet {from Berenice}: for Bb clar. & piano / George Frideric Handel arr. Sidney Lawton {OUP} 37/121(2) [4]

Overture in C: clarinet trio (3 x Bb) / George Frideric Handel arr. Sidney Lawton {3 clar. : OUP} 37/037

Sheep may safely graze {from Cantata no. 208}: for Bb clar. & piano / J S Bach arr. Sidney Lawton {OUP} 37/121(2) [1]

Where'er you walk {from Semele}: for Bb clar. & piano / George Frideric Handel arr. Sidney Lawton {OUP} 37/121(2) [2]

The young clarinettist, vol. 1: [16] graded arrangements [of national songs and hymn-tunes] for for Bb clar. & piano {OUP} 37/121(1)

The young clarinettist, vol. 2: [5 easy Bach-Handel] arrangements for for Bb clar. & piano {OUP} 37/121(2)

The young oboist vol. 3: series of graded arrangements {OUP} 36/132-1(3)

The young trumpet player vol. 3 (of 3): graded arrangements for trumpet in B flat & piano {OUP} 30/200-5(3)

Le Bègue, Nicolas Antoine (c1631-1702) French

see Nicolas Lebègue

Le Brunn, George (1863-1905) English

Remember me to Mother dear!; written by John P. Harrington {solo v. : Monte Carlo} Cab 17/333

Le Fleming, Christopher (1908-1985) English

Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald ((Tales from the Vienna Woods) / Johann Strauss II arr. Christopher Le Fleming {p. duo : Chester} Cab 22/052-1

If it's ever Spring again: for med. v. & p.; words by Thomas Hardy {Chester} Cab 17/333.2 a-b

Jesu, source of our desire / J S Bach arr. Christopher Le Fleming {p. duo : Chester} Cab 22/003-10 [2] a-b

Mortify us by thy Grace / J S Bach arr. Christopher Le Fleming {p. duo : Chester} Cab 22/003-10 [1] a-b

Two chorales / J S Bach arr. Christopher Le Fleming {p. duo : Chester} Cab 22/003-10 a-b

Le Roy, Adrian (c1520-1598) French

French Renaissance songs: [21 songs] for voice & guitar; orig. for voice & lute; 9 of the 21 by A. Le Roy {Musica Budapest} 10/015

Lebègue, Nicolas Antoine (c1631-1702) French

[Noëls anciens 1-4] {organ : Schott Frères } 40/247 [1-4]

Lebermann, Walter (1910-1984) German

Konzert C-Dur für Oboe, &c / Antonio Vivaldi p. red. Walter Lebermann {Schott's Söhne} 36/094.5-2

Lebert, Sigmund (1821-1884) German

Fantasie über eine italienische und eine deutsche Volksweise: (Instruktive Klavierstücke, 4. Grad. - Stücke für die moderne Salonspiel, Nr 1) ; Lebert / Stark {p. solo : Röder } Cab 21/213.15(4.1)

Fantasie über eine italienische und eine deutsche Volksweise: (Lebert u. Stark - Instructive Klavierschule 4. Grad. Heft 1) {p. solo : Röder } Cab 23/027(4.1)

6 Sonatinen Op. 36 / Muzio Clementi arr. Sigmund Lebert {p. solo : Bosworth} 21/086-1 f

Lecocq, Alexandre Charles (1832-1918) French

La petite mademoiselle: comic opera {p. solo : Joseph Williams} 16/070 [1]

Lecuona, Ernesto (1895-1963) Cuban

Always in my heart; lyric by Kim Gannon {solo v. : Southern} Cab 17/333.5

Lee, Bert (1880-1946) English

You're well dressed if you're wearing a smile / R P Weston; words & music R. P. Weston & Bert Lee {solo v. : Francis, Day & Hunter} Cab 17/570.3

Lee, Ernest Markham (1874-1956) English

Five sketches: short duets for two pianos {Elkin} 22/025

Minuet and Trio in E flat / W A Mozart arr. E. Markham Lee {p. duet : Alfred Lengnick} Cab 22/031-6

Moorland and torland: six sketches for pianoforte; Lebert / Stark {Alfred Lengnick} Cab 21/213.18-2

Six characteristic pieces; Lebert / Stark {p. solo : Joseph Williams} Cab 21/213.18

With laughter and joy {from the 'Peasant' Cantata} / J S Bach arr. E. Markham Lee {p. duo : Murdoch} Cab 22/003-9

Lee, George Alexander (1802-1851) English

Here's a health Bonnie Scotland to thee: [an old song by G. A. Lee] / John Blockley; written by W. H. Freeman {solo v. : John Blockley} 10/045-4 [4]

Macgregor's gathering; [words by Sir Walter Scott] {solo v.} 16/050-1 [26]

Lee, Sebastian (1805-1887) German

Eight studies Op. 105; ed. L. Lebell {cello : Augener} 25/010.8 [3]

Melodious and progressive studies Op. 31, Heft 1 (1-22) Lee-Becker; ed. Hugo Becker {cello : Schott} 25/010.8-3

Melodische und progressive Etüden Op. 31, Heft 2 (23-40); ed. Hugo Becker {cello : Schott} 25/010.8-3(2)

Melodische und progressive Ãœbungen Op. 131: 24 exercises [Grade 7]; ed. Hugo Becker {2 cellos : Schott} 25/010.8-2 b

Six melodious studies Op. 76; ed. L. Lebell {cello : Augener} 25/010.8 [2]

Six studies Op. 92; ed. L. Lebell {cello : Augener} 25/010.8 [1]

Twenty studies Op. 92, 76 & 105 {cello : Augener} 25/010.8

Twenty-four melodious and progressive studies Op. 131: [Grade 7] Lee-Becker; ed. Hugo Becker {2 cellos : Schott} 25/010.8-2

Leeds, Geoffrey Norman (1891-1965) English

Trumpet voluntary / Henry Purcell arr. Geoffrey Leeds {organ : Edwin Ashdown} 40/195-1 a-b

Lees, John Kenyon (1853-1923) Scottish

The Balmoral reel book arr. J. Kenyon Lees {p. solo : Bayley & Ferguson} 20/143-2

Oh! Open the door: Scottish song {Bayley & Ferguson} Cab 17/333.8

Songs of Caledonia: collection of old and new Scots songs p. accomps. J. Kenyon Lees; ed. George Eyre-Todd {Bayley & Ferguson} 10/062-4

Leeson, J F (19th-20th c.) Scottish

The auld Scotch sangs; words by Rev. Dr Bethune {solo v. : Bayley} Cab 17/334 a

O sing to me the auld Scotch songs; words by Rev. Dr Bethune {solo v. : Paxton} Cab 17/334 b

Lefébure-Wély, Louis-James-Alfred (1817-1869) French

see Lefébure Wély

Legrand, Michel (1932-2019) French

The music of Michel Legrand: [15 melodies] arr. Frank Booth {p. solo : Wise} 21/213.2(1)

The music of Michel Legrand (2nd ed.): [19 melodies] arr. Frank Booth {p. solo : Wise} 21/213.2(2)

The windmills of your mind: theme from The Thomas Crown Affair; lyric by Marilyn and Alan Bergman {solo v. : Columbia Pictures} Cab 17/334.7

Lehár, Ferencz (Franz) (1870-1948) Hungarian

Anneliese Rothenberger's favourite soprano arias: [7 pieces] {Glocken} 11/013 a-b

Farewell, my love, farewell {from Frasquita}; words by Reginald Arkell {solo v. : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 16/020(4) [2]

Gipsy love: new musical play; lyrics by Adrian Ross {Chappell} 07/018-1 a-b

Gipsy love: operetta arr. Ronald Hanmer; new lyrics by Phil Park {Glocken} 07/018-1.1

Girls were made to love and kiss {from Paganini}; Eng. lyric by A. P. Herbert {solo v. : Francis, Day & Hunter} Cab 17/335-6

Gold and silver: valse {p. solo : Hawkes} Cab 21/213.5 a-b

Gypsy Love (Zigeunerliebe): Valse: cello/bass arr. H. M. Higgs {Kalmus} Cab 33/041

I love you so {from The Merry Widow}; words by Adrian Ross {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/335-4 : No. 3 in G

The Land of Smiles: musical play; Eng. lyrics by Harry Graham {Chappell} 07/018-3

The Merry Widow (libr.): operetta; new lyrics by Phil Park, arr. Ronald Hanmer {Glocken} 03/075 a-d

The Merry Widow: [operetta] arr. Ronald Hanmer; new lyrics by Phil Park {Glocken} 07/018-2.1 a,c

The Merry Widow: [Sadler's Wells production]; Eng. version Christopher Hassall {Glocken} 07/018-2.2 a-b

The Merry Widow: valse arr. Leonard Williams {p. solo : Chappell} Cab 21/213.5-2

Oh maiden, my maiden {from Frederica}; words by Harry S. Pepper {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/335-1 a-b : No. 2 in G

Songs from 'The Czarevitch': [7 songs] 09/109

Vilia {from The Merry Widow}: song; words by Adrian Ross {Chappell} Cab 17/335-5 : No. 2 in F

The white dove {from The Rogue Song}: song; words by Clifford Grey {Chappell} Cab 17/335-2 a-b

You are my heart's delight {from The Land of Smiles}; words by Harry Graham {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/335-3 a : No. 2 in Bb

You are my heart's delight {from The Land of Smiles}; words by Harry Graham {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/335-3 b-c : No. 2,3 in C

Lehmann, Amelia (1830-1908) English

Bois épais (Sombre woods) {from Amadis} / Jean-Baptiste Lully arr. A[melia] L[ehmann]; Eng. by Theo Marzials {solo v. : Boosey} Cab 17/337-3 a : No. 1 in Eb also at 10/087 [16]

Bois épais (Sombre woods) {from Amadis} / Jean-Baptiste Lully arr. A[melia] L[ehmann]; Eng. by Theo Marzials {solo v. : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/337-3 b : No. 2 in F

Care selve (Come beloved) {from Atalanta} / George Frideric Handel arr. A[melia] L[ehmann] {solo v. : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/250-6 a,c : No. 1/2 in F

Care selve (Come beloved) {from Atalanta} / George Frideric Handel arr. A[melia] L[ehmann] {solo v. : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/250-6 b.d : No. 2/3 in A

Hear me, ye winds and waves! {from Scipio}: inc. recit. From the rage of the tempest {from Julius Caesar} / George Frideric Handel arr. A[melia] L[ehmann]; words of recit. Theo. Marzials {solo v. : Boosey} Cab 17/250-8 a-b : No. 1 in G min

The lass with the delicate air: song / Michael Arne arr. A. L. {Chappell} Cab 17/015-1 a,d : No. 3 in G

The violet and the rose {from A la Watteau}: song; words by R. H. Elkin {Elkin} Cab 17/337-1 : No. 2 in F

When love is kind: old melody; words by Thomas Moore; arr. A[melia] L[ehmann] {solo v. : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/337-2 : No. 2 in Ab also at 16/050-5 [12]

Lehmann, Elizabeth Nina Mary Frederika (Liza) (1862-1918) English

Ah, moon of my delight {from In a Persian Garden}; words from FitzGerald's Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám {solo v. : Metzler} Cab 17/336-10 : No. 1 in F

At love's beginning: duet for sop. & bar.; words by Thomas Campbell {Boosey} Cab 18/085 a-c : No. 1 in G

Bird songs: [5 songs]; words by A. S. [Stanton] {Boosey} 09/111-2 a-b : No. 1

Bonnie wee thing; words by Robert Burns {solo v. : Boosey} 10/087 [17] : No. 1 in Eb

Cherry ripe / Charles Edward Horn arr. Liza Lehmann; words by Herrick {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/288.7 a-b

The cuckoo {from More Daisies}; words by W. B. Rands {solo v. : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/336-1 : No. 1 in C

Evensong (Fold your white wings...); words by Constance Morgan {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/336-2 : No. 2 in C

Fly away, pretty moth: old song {Chappell} Cab 17/336-11 : No. 1 in Eb

Good morning, Brother Sunshine: song; words by J.W. Foley {Chappell} Cab 17/336-3 a-b : No. 3 in Eb

If no-one ever marries me {from The Daisy Chain}: [song of childhood]; words by Laurnce Alma Tadema {Boosey} Cab 17/336-4 : No. 2 in D

The life of a rose: seven short songs; words & music Liza Lehmann {med. v. : Boosey} 09/111 : No. 2 med. v.

Magdalen at Michael's Gate: song; words by Henry Kingsley {Chappell} Cab 17/336-5 a-c : No. 1 in F# min

More daisies: new songs of childhood for 4 solo voices (SCTBar/B); words by Robert Louis Stevenson, W. B. Rands etc {Boosey} 10/045-8.4 [3]

Myself when young {from In a Persian Garden}; words from FitzGerald's Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám {solo v. : Cramer} Cab 17/336-6 a-b : No. 1 in Eb

Oh tell me, nightingale; words from Bodenstedt's Songs of Mirza-Schaffy {solo v. : Joseph Williams} Cab 17/336-7 : [No. 2] in D min

There are fairies at the bottom of our garden: song; words by Rose Fyleman {Chappell} Cab 17/336-9 : No. 2 in Eb

Two seal songs; words by Rudyard Kipling {mez. : Chappell} Cab 17/336-8 : No. 2 mez.

Lehmann, Mrs Rudolf ('A. L.') (1830-1908) English

see Amelia Lehmann

Leighton, Kenneth (1929-1988) English

An Easter sequence: for boys' or female voices & organ w. opt. trumpet {OUP} Cab 02/073

Elegy for 'cello and pianoforte {Alfred Lengnick} Cab 33/041.2

Et resurrexit Op. 49: theme, fantasy and fugue {organ : Novello} 40/143-1

Marcia capricciosa: for flute & piano {OUP} 38/099-5(1) [1]

Pieces for Angela Op. 47 {p. solo : Novello} Cab 21/213.7

Lemaigre, Edmond (1849-1890) French

Douze pièces pour orgue {Alphonse Leduc} 40/144

Lemare, Edwin Henry (1865-1934) English-American

Allegretto in B minor {organ : Novello} 40/146-3

Andantino (Song of the soul) arr. W. H. Squire {cello : Novello} Cab 33/041.3

Andantino in D flat {organ : Novello} 40/146-1 a-b

Finale aus der Symphonie No. 5 Op. 95 'From the New World' / Antonín Dvorák arr. E. H. Lemare {organ : Simrock} 40/087-1

Humoreske Op. 101 no. 7 / Antonín Dvorák arr. E. H. Lemare {organ : Simrock} 40/087-2

Lohengrin. Prelude to 3rd Act and Bridal music / Richard Wagner transc. Edwin H. Lemare {organ : Schott} 40/260-4(16)

Moonlight and roses: adapted from Lemare's celebrated Andantino in Db arr. Ben Black, Neil Morét {solo v. : Francis, Day & Hunter} Cab 17/338-1 a-b

Overture in C (In memoriam) / Arthur Sullivan transc. Edwin H. Lemare {organ : Novello} 40/241

Parsifal. Good Friday music / Richard Wagner transc. Edwin H. Lemare {organ : Schott} 40/260-4(14)

Parsifal. Prelude to 3rd Act / Richard Wagner transc. Edwin H. Lemare {organ : Schott} 40/260-4(13)

Pastorale in E {organ : Novello} 40/146-2

Pomp and circumstance Op. 39 no. 1 in D: military march / Edward Elgar arr. Edwin H. Lemare {organ : Boosey} 40/090-4(1)

Das Rheingold. Walhall scene / Richard Wagner transc. Edwin H. Lemare {organ : Schott} 40/260-4(32)

Der Ritt der Walküren / Richard Wagner transc. Edwin H. Lemare {organ : Schott} 40/260-4(28)

Lemoine, Henry (1786-1854) French

Hundert Elementar-Etuden, Bd 1 (1-58) / Heinrich Germer; von C. Czerny, H. Lemoine und H. Germer {p. solo : Bosworth} 21/150.5

Lemon, Laura Gertrude (1866-1924) Canadian

Auld Scotland: song (set to an old Gaelic air); words by Alexander Grant {Boosey} 16/050-3 [15]

My ain folk: ballad of home; words by Wilfrid Mills {Boosey} Cab 17/339 a-b : No. 3 in F

My ain folk: ballad of home; words by Wilfrid Mills {Boosey} Cab 17/339 c : [No. 3 in] G

My ain folk: ballad of home; words by Wilfrid Mills {Boosey} Cab 17/339 d : No. 2 in F

A wee bit o' heather: song; words by Alexander Grant {Boosey} 16/050-3 [14] : No. 2 in F

Lennon, John (1940-1980) English

If I fell (SSA Chor); words & music John Lennon & Paul McCartney {Northern Songs} Cab 15/039.5

Michelle (SATB); words & music John Lennon & Paul McCartney {Northern Songs} Cab 15/039.5-2 a-b

Penny Lane (SATB Chor); words & music John Lennon & Paul McCartney {Northern Songs} Cab 15/039.5-3 a-b

When I'm sixty-four (SATB Chor); words & music John Lennon & Paul McCartney {Northern Songs} Cab 15/039.5-4 a-b

Yesterday (SSA); words & music John Lennon & Paul McCartney {Northern Songs} Cab 15/039.5-5 a-c

Leonard, Conrad (1898-2003) American

I'm in love with a song; words by Carroll Levis {solo v. : Lawrence Wright} Cab 17/339.5 : No. 2 in C

Léonard, Hubert (1819-1890) Belgian

Pastorale Op. 57 no. 9 {violin : Schott} Cab 28/031.1(9)

Leonard, John (1899-1956) American

see Little, Jack

Leoncavallo, Ruggiero (1858-1919) Italian

Mattinata: sop./ ten.; parole e musica R. Leoncavallo {Gramophone Italy} Cab 17/340-2 : No. 2 in E

Pagliacci (Punchinello): [musical drama] 06/024

Pagliacci - selection {p. solo : Ricordi} 16/020(12) [5]

Prologue {from Pagliacci); words & music R. Leoncavallo; Eng. adapt. Frederic E. Weatherly {low v. : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/340-1 a,c : low (Bb)

Prologue {from Pagliacci); words & music R. Leoncavallo; Eng. adapt. Frederic E. Weatherly {high v. : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/340-1 b : high (C)

'Tis the day (Mattinata); words & music R. Leoncavallo; Eng. trans. Frederic E. Weatherly {solo v. : Ricordi} Cab 17/340-2.2 : No. 2 in D

Leoni, Franco (1864-1949) Italian

The lark: song; words by G. Hubi Newcombe {Boosey} 10/045-5 [14]

Too late: rondeau; words by Adela Wilkins {solo v. : Boosey} 10/045-5 [13]

When he comes home: song; words by Maurice Maeterlinck; Eng. version Fred G. Bowles {Chappell} Cab 17/341 : No. 2 in E

Leopold, R

The Tweedale quadrilles {p. solo : Moffatt} 16/050-2 [16]

Leppard, Raymond (1927-2019) English

The National Anthem in the version used by the Royal Shakespeare Company / Thomas Arne arr. Raymond Leppard {solo v. : Gamut} Cab 17/016-5

Leslie, Henry David (1822-1896) English

Annabelle Lee: song; words by Edgar Poe {Cramer} Cab 17/342 : [No. 2] in G (orig.)

Leslie, Henry T (19th-20th c.) English

The four jolly smiths: right jovial song; written by J. Louis Rockliffe {Leonard} Cab 17/342.5 : No. 2 in Bb

Leslie, Michael (19th-20th c.)

The dance of the hours {from La Gioconda}: suite de ballet / Amilcare Ponchielli arr. Michael Leslie {p. solo : Ricordi} Cab 21/281 c

Leslie-Smith, Kenneth (d.1993) English

One love for ever; words by James Dryenforth {solo v. : Boosey} Cab 17/343 : No. 1 in G

Leva, Enrico de (1867-1955) Italian

'E spingole frangese: canzone popolare per Piedigrotta 1888; versi di S. di Giacomo {Ricordi} 10/045-5 [15]

Levey, Richard Michael [=Richard Michael O'Shaughnessy] (1811-1899) Irish

Second collection of the dance music of Ireland: national jigs, reels hornpipes, etc [92 pieces] {p. solo : Jefferys} 20/144-1(2)

Levine, Evelyn Danzig (1902-1996) American

see Evelyn Danzig

Leweck, Gustave Wilhelm (1848-1915) American

see Gus Williams

Lewis, F W

The Princess of Lochlann: legend for mixed choir, bar. & sop. soli; words by Harold Boulton {Bosworth} 01/054.8

Lewis, Sidney

Roses remind me of you: song; written by Eric Graham {Marks} Cab 17/343.5

Ley, Henry George (1887-1962) English

Fantasia in F minor and major for a mechanical organ / W A Mozart; ed. & arr. Henry G. Ley {Novello} 40/175-1

Passacaglia 'Death of Falstaff' / William Walton arr. Henry Ley {organ : OUP} 40/264-2

Savernake, or The Professor's Dilemma: fairy play; words by Evelyn Ley {childr. v. : Oxford} 07/019

Liadov, Anatoly (1855-1914) Russian

see Lyadov, Anatoly

Liddle, Samuel (1867-1951) English

Abide with me: sacred song; words by Henry Francis Lyte {Boosey} Cab 17/344-1 a : No. 2 in Db also at 16/050-4 [17]

Abide with me: sacred song; words by Henry Francis Lyte {Boosey} Cab 17/344-1 b,d : No. 1 in C

Abide with me: sacred song; words by Henry Francis Lyte {Boosey} Cab 17/344-1 c : No. 2 in E

Abide with me: sacred song; words by Henry Francis Lyte {Boosey} Cab 17/344-1 e-f : No. 3 in Eb

Abide with me: favorite sacred song arr. Percy Newman; [words by Henry Francis Lyte] {Paxton} Cab 17/344-1.1

The garden where the praties grow: old Irish melody {solo v. : Stainer & Bell} Cab 17/344-4

God is our refuge and strength: sacred song; words from Psalm 46 {Boosey} Cab 17/344-2 : No. 2 in D

How lovely are Thy dwellings: sacred song; words from Psalm 84 {Boosey} Cab 17/344-3 a : No. 4 in Eb

How lovely are Thy dwellings: sacred song; words from Psalm 84 {Boosey} Cab 17/344-3 b : No. 2 in Db

How lovely are Thy dwellings: sacred song; words from Psalm 84 {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/344-3 c-e : No. 1 in C

Lidgey, Charles Albert (d.1924) English

A widow bird state mourning: Archy's song; words by Shelley {Cary} Cab 17/344.5 : No. 2 in E min

Liebling, Estelle (1880-1970) American

C'est bien l'air (That's the tune) {from L'Etoile du Nord}: with special cadenza for col. v. & 2 flutes / Giacomo Meyerbeer arr. Estelle Liebling {solo v. : Schirmer} Cab 17/400-1 a-b

Invitation to the dance: for coloratura v. with flute ad lib. / Carl Maria von Weber arr. Estelle Liebling; words by Leonard Liebling {Schirmer} Cab 17/567-1.1

Should he upbraid / Henry Bishop arr. Estelle Liebling; words by Shakespeare {solo v. : Schirmer} Cab 17/078-2

Lieurance, Thurlow Weed (1878-1963) American

By the waters of Minnetonka: Indian love song (w. violin or flute accomp., ad lib.); Eng. words by J. M. Cavanass, Fre. by Louis Poterat {Chappell} Cab 17/345 a-b : No. 2 in G

Liftl, Franz J (1864-1932) Austrian

Das Glöckchen des Eremiten / Aimé Maillart arr. Franz J. Liftl {p. duet : Bosworth} 22/060-2(4) [2]

Impressions de voyage: 10 characteristic pieces (without octaves) {p. solo : Bosworth} Cab 21/216.2

Der Kalif von Bagdad / François-Adrien Boieldieu arr. Franz J. Liftl {p. duet : Bosworth} 22/060-2(4) [4]

Lustspiel-Ouverture / Béla Kéler arr. Franz J. Liftl {p. duet : Bosworth} 22/060-2(4) [1]

Ouverturen-Album, Bd 4: [5 p. duets] arr. Franz J. Liftl {Bosworth} 22/060-2(4)

Rosamunde / Franz Schubert arr. Franz J. Liftl {p. duet : Bosworth} 22/060-2(4) [5]

Wilhelm Tell / Gioachino Rossini arr. Franz J. Liftl {p. duet : Bosworth} 22/060-2(4) [3]

Lincke, Paul (1866-1946) German

Favourite valses of yesterday and today {p. solo : Hawkes} 21/216.5

Glow-worm (Glühwürmchen): idyl from the operetta Lysistrata {p. solo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 21/216.5-2

Lind, Gustave [=Frederic Mullen] (1868-1936) English

Fireside dreams {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/217

Lindberg, Oskar Fredrik (1887-1955) Swedish

Gammal fäbodpsalm från Dalarna: old tune from Dalecarlia {organ : Wilhelm Hansen} 40/149

Lindner, August (1820-1878) German

Adagio von Locatelli (Altes und Neues, Op. 36 no. 2) {cello : Cranz} Cab 33/041.7(2)

Lindsay, Maria (Mrs J Worthington Bliss) (1827-1898) English

The Bridge: [song]; written by H W Longfellow {Paxton} 16/050-3 [17] : Eb

Far away: song; poetry from Summer Songs of Country Life by M. Lindsay (Mrs. J. Worthington Bliss) {Robert Cocks} 10/045-4 [17]

Linley, George (1798-1865) English

Little Nell: song; words by Charlotte Young 16/050-5 [8]

Linley, Thomas Sr (1733-1795) English

Still the lark finds repose: song / Ella Ivimey; the air by Thomas Linley (from 'The Spanish Rivals') {Augener} Cab 17/295-2 : Bb (Eb to Ab)

Linley, William (1771-1835) English

Orpheus with his lute arr. Dennis Arundell; words by Shakespeare; {solo v. : OUP} Cab 17/345.5

Liszt, Franz (1811-1886) Hungarian

Années de pèlerinage {p. solo} 21/218-4

Années de pèlerinage 'Suisse' {p. solo} 21/218-4(1)

Années de pèlerinage 'Italie' {p. solo} 21/218-4(2)

Années de pèlerinage 'Venezie e Napoli' {p. solo} 21/218-4(3)

Au bord d'une source {p. solo} Cab 21/218-6 a-b

Auf Flügeln des Gesanges [from Mendelssohn] / Felix Mendelssohn {p. solo} Cab 21/218-6.5

Ave Maria / Franz Schubert transc. F. Liszt {p. solo} Cab 21/218-7

Ballade No. 2 {p. solo} Cab 21/218-8

La campanella arr. Paganini {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/219-1 a-b also at 21/218-1 [1]

Chant polonaise No. 5 {from Chopin Op. 74 no. 12} transc. F. Liszt {p. solo} Cab 21/219-2

Chants polonais Op. 74 / Frédéric Chopin transc. F. Liszt {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/082-2 a-c

Consolation no. 1 arr. Hugo Cole {cello : Novello} Cab 33/019.85 [1]

Consolations {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/219-3 a-b

Consolations No. 6 {p. solo} Cab 21/219-3(6) a-b

Consolations: six poetical pieces {p. solo : Joseph Williams} Cab 21/219-3.1

Consolations (1-6): for tenor [violin] & piano transc. Friedrich Hermann {Augener} Cab 28/031.2-2

Devotion: Liebeslied / Robert Schumann arr. Liszt {p. solo} Cab 21/219-4 a-b

Dreams of love (Liebesträume): three nocturnes; Berners edition {p. solo : Joseph Williams} Cab 21/220-1 c

Eglogue {from Années de Pèlerinage 'Suisse'} {p. solo} Cab 21/218-5(1.7) a-b

Einzug der Gäste auf Wartburg {from Tannhäuser} / Richard Wagner transc. F. Liszt {p. solo : Breitkopf & Härtel} Cab 21/372-7

Erlkönig (Lied von F. Schubert) {p. solo} 20/014 [11]

Es muss ein Wunderbares sein {solo v.} Cab 17/346-1

Etude de concert in F {p. solo} Cab 21/219-5.4

Etude in D flat (Un sospiro) {p. solo} Cab 21/219-5.3 a

Etüden Teil 2 nos. 13-23 (Klavierwerke Bd 4); hrsg. Emil von Sauer {Peters} Cab 21/219-5.5

Etudes de concert {p. solo} 21/219-5

Etudes de concert No. 3 (Un sospiro); ed. E. Pauer {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/219-5.3 b

Fantasia and fugue on BACH ed. C. H. Trevor {Novello} 40/150-2

Favourite pianoforte pieces: [8 pieces] {Alfred Lengnick} 21/218

Frühlingsnacht / Robert Schumann arr. Liszt {p. solo} Cab 21/219-9

Geharnischte Lieder: nach den Männer-Chorgesängen {p. solo} Cab 21/219-7

Grand galop chromatique Op. 12 {p. solo} Cab 21/219-8

Hark! hark! the lark / Franz Schubert arr. Elsie Horne {p. duo : Chappell/Murdoch} Cab 22/045-3 a-b

Hungarian fantasia 2nd piano arr. Hans von Bülow; ed. & fing. Thomas F. Dunhill {p. duo : Augener} 22/025.3

Irrlichter {p. solo} Cab 21/219-6(5)

It must a wondrous rapture be (Es muss ein Wunderbares sein) {solo v.} Cab 17/346-3

Les jeux d'eaux à la Villa d'Este {p. solo : Kalmus} 21/218-9

Liebestraum (Dream of love); Ital. version Tito Schipa, Eng. version Lawrence Lipton {solo v. : Keith, Prowse} Cab 17/346-4

Liebestraum: dream of love; Berners edition {p. solo : Banks} Cab 21/220-1.0

Liebestraum No. 2 in E: notturno; ed. Eric Grant {p. solo : ABRSM} Cab 21/220-1.2 a

Liebestraum (Nocturne No. 3 in A flat); ed. Aug. Schmid-Lindner {p. solo : Schott} Cab 21/220-1.3 a

Liebestraum (Nocturne No. 3 in A flat) {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/220-1.3 b

Liebestraum (A dream of love) [Nocturne No. 3 in A flat] {p. solo : Duff, Stewart} Cab 21/220-1.3 c

Liebestraum: for violin or cello solo w. p. accomp. arr. Ernest Reeves {Walsh, Holmes} Cab 28/031.2

Liebesträume Nos. 1-3 {p. solo} Cab 21/218-1 [3]

Liebesträume (Dreams of love); ed. O. Thümer {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/220-1 a-b

Liebesträume: Notturno Nr 1 (Hohe Liebe) {p. solo : Breitkopf} Cab 21/220-1.1

Liebesträume: Notturno Nr 2 (Seliger Tod) {p. solo : Breitkopf} Cab 21/220-1.2 b

Liebesträume [sic] (Nocturne No. 3) arr. Ronald Argentson {p. solo : Leonard, Gould & Bolttler} Cab 21/220-1.3 d

Liebesträume (Dreams of love): three nocturnes {p. solo : Walsh, Holmes} Cab 21/220-1.4

Lieder, vol. 1: [10 songs] / Franz Schubert transc. Franz Liszt {Augener} 09/169-6(1)

Liszt-D'Albert album, vol. 1: [11 selected] piano compositions; rev. &c Eugen d' Albert {Edwin Ashdown} 21/218(1)

Liszt-D'Albert album, vol. 2: [12 selected] piano compositions; rev. &c Eugen d' Albert {Edwin Ashdown} 21/218(2)

Liszt Society Publications vol. 1: late piano works {Schott} 21/220-8(1)

Liszt Society Publications vol. 2: early and late piano works {Schott} 21/220-8(2)

Liszt Society Publications vol. 3: Hungarian and late piano works {Schott} 21/220-8(3)

Liszt Society Publications vol. 4: dances for piano {Schott} 21/220-8(4)

Die Lorelei {p. solo} Cab 21/220-2

The Loreley (Die Lorelei); words by Heinrich Heine {solo v. : Schuberth} Cab 17/346-2

Love's dream (Liebestraum): [voc.] waltz arr. E. J. Bennet {Cecil Lennox} Cab 17/062

Marche de Rakoczy {p. solo} Cab 21/220-3

Oeuvres d'orgue, 1re Suite / J S Bach transc. Franz Liszt {p. solo : Durand} 21/015-0.4 [4]

Oeuvres d'orgue, 2e Suite / J S Bach transc. Franz Liszt {p. solo : Durand} 21/015-0.4 [5]

Paganini-Etüde Nr. 5 {p. solo} Cab 21/220-4(5)

Paganini-studies Bk 2 Nos. 4-6; ed. E. Dannreuther {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/220-4(4-6)

Pastorale {from Années de Pèlerinage 'Suisse'} {p. solo} Cab 21/218-5(1.3)

Polonaise No. 1 in C minor {p. solo} Cab 21/220-5(1)

Polonaise No. 2 in E {p. solo} Cab 21/220-5.2 a

Polonaise No. 2 (E dur) {p. solo : Simrock} Cab 21/220-5.2 b

Praeludium und Fuge über BACH: für die Orgel 40/150

Quatrième valse oublié {p. solo} Cab 21/221-7

Rêves d'amour (Liebesträume): [3 nocturnes]; rev. S. Riéra {p. solo : Durand & Fils} Cab 21/220-1.5

Rhapsodie espagnole {p. solo} Cab 21/221-1

Rhapsodie hongroise No. 12 {p. solo} Cab 21/221-2(12)

Rhapsodie hongroise No. 2 {p. solo : Walsh, Holmes} Cab 21/221-2(2) a,d

Rhapsodie hongroise No. 2; rev. & fing. O. Thümer {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/221-2(2) b-c

Rhapsodie hongroise No. 2 {p. solo} Cab 21/221-2(2) e

Rhapsodie hongroise No. 4 {p. solo} Cab 21/221-2(4)

Rhapsodie hongroise No. 5/6 {p. solo} Cab 21/221-2( 5-6)

Rhapsodies hongroises Nos. 1-8 {p. solo} Cab 21/218-1 [2]

Rhapsodies hongroises Nos. 9-15 {p. solo} Cab 21/218-1 [4]

Rhapsodies hongroises Book 1 Nos. 1-9; rev. &c O. Thümer {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/218-1(1)

Rhapsodies hongroises vol. 2 (nos. 6-10); nouv. ed. red. Richard Burmeister {p. solo : Schlesinger/Haslinger} Cab 21/220-9(2)

Rhapsodies hongroises vol. 3 (nos. 11-15); nouv. ed. red. Richard Burmeister {p. solo : Schlesinger/Haslinger} Cab 21/220-9(3)

Rhapsodies hongroises vol. 2 (Nos. 9-15) {p. solo : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 21/221-8(2)

Ricordanza in A flat major {p. solo} Cab 21/219-6(3)

Rigoletto de Verdi: paraphrase de concert pour piano; rev. E. Pauer {Augener} Cab 21/221-9

Eine Sammlung wenig bekannter Klavierstücke (leicht bis mittelschwer): [12 pieces]; [sel. & ed.] Bruno Hinze-Reinhold {Peters} Cab 21/218-2

Sonata in B minor; [rev. & fing.] O. Thümer {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/221-3.5 a-b

Ständchen (Serenade) / Franz Schubert transc. F. Liszt {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/221-3

Ständchen / Franz Schubert transc. F. Liszt {p. solo} Cab 21/221-4

Symphonie No. 7 A dur Op. 92 / Ludwig van Beethoven arr. Franz Liszt {p. solo : Breitkopf & Härtel} 21/027-7(7)

Symphonies Nos 6-9 (vol. 2) / Ludwig van Beethoven arr. Franz Liszt {p. solo : Belwin-Mills} 21/027-7.2 b

Symphonies vol. 3 Nos 7-9 / Ludwig van Beethoven transc. Franz Liszt {p. solo : Durand} 21/027-7.1(3)

Three concert studies; ed. Edward Dannreuther {p. solo : Augener} 21/219-5.1 a-b

Trois caprices poétiques; rev. Lucien Garban {p. solo : Durand} Cab 21/220-6

Twenty compositions {p. solo : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 21/218-3.5

Twenty-one short piano pieces; ed. Howard Ferguson {ABRSM} Cab 21/218-3

Two concert studies {p. solo : Augener} 21/219-5.2 a-b

Valse-impromptu {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/221-5 a-b

Valse oubliée {p. solo} Cab 21/221-6 a-c

Das Wandern (Wandering) / Franz Schubert transc. Franz Liszt {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/328-13

Wiegenlied (Chant de berceau 1881); ed. László Szelényi {p. solo : Doblinger} Cab 21/220-7

Will o' the wisp {p. solo} Cab 21/219-6(5)

Litolff, Henry (1818-1891) French

Le Barbier de Séville / Gioachino Rossini [arr. Henry Litolff] {p. solo : Litolff (Enoch)} 21/308-3

Cosi fan tutte (Weibertreue): opéra-comique / W A Mozart [arr. Henry Litolff] {p. solo : Henry Litolff} 02/014-1 [3]

Don Juan / W A Mozart [arr. Henry Litolff] {p. solo : Litolff (Enoch)} 21/254-1.5

Figaro's Hochzeit (Les Noces de Figaro): opéra-comique / W A Mozart [arr. Henry Litolff] {p. solo : Henry Litolff} 02/014-1 [2]

Messe solennelle en Ré majeur Op.123: [for SATB soli & chor.] / Ludwig van Beethoven [arr. Henry Litolff] {Henry Litolff} 02/014-1 [1]

Ouvertures célèbres / Vincenzo Bellini [arr. Henry Litolff] {p. solo : Henry Litolff} 02/014-1 [4]

Ouvertures célèbres de Donizetti, Méhul & Paër {p. solo : Litolff (Enoch)} Cab 21/224-1

Preciosa / Carl Maria von Weber [arr. Henry Litolff] {p. solo : Litolff (Enoch)} Cab 21/376-6

Les Puritains (I puritani) / Vincenzo Bellini [arr. Henry Litolff] {p. solo : Henry Litolff} 02/014-1 [5]

Scherzo {from Concerto symphonique No. 4} transc. Henri Ghys {p. solo : Keith, Prowse} Cab 21/224-2 a

Scherzo concerto {from Concerto symphonique No. 4} arr. Frederic Curzon {p. solo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 21/224 a-d

Scherzo Concerto {from Concerto symphonique No. 4} arr. Frederic Curzon {p. solo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 21/224-2 b-c

Little, Jack ('Little Jack') [=John Leonard] (1899-1956) American

Hold me; by Little Jack Little, Dave Oppenheim & Ira Schuster {solo v. : Campbell, Connelly} Cab 17/348

Livens, Leo (1896-1990) English

Sing a song of sixpence {p. solo : OUP} Cab 21/223-1 a-b

Livingston, Jacob Harold (Jay) (1915-2001) American

Havin' a wonderful wish (Time you were here); words & music Jay Livingston and Ray Evans {solo v. : Victoria} Cab 17/349

Lloyd Webber, Andrew (1948- English

see Webber, Andrew Lloyd

Lloyd Webber, Julian (1951- English

see Webber, Julian Lloyd

Lloyd Webber, William Southcombe (1914-1982) English

see Webber, William Lloyd

Lloyd, David John de (1883-1948) Welsh

see de Lloyd, David John

Loam, Arthur Steadman (1898-1976) English

Negro spirituals: [14 songs] arr. Arthur S. Loam {Lawrence Wright} 10/061-2

Lobanoff, Loris

Berceuse in F {p. solo : Phillips & Page} 16/050-2 [14]

Locatelli, Pietro Antonio (1695-1764) Italian

Adagio von Locatelli (Altes und Neues, Op. 36 no. 2) / August Lindner {cello : Cranz} Cab 33/041.7(2)

Concerto grosso F major Op. 7 no. 12 [min. sc.]; ed. Newell Jenkins {4 violins : Eulenburg} 04/014.8

Locknane, Clement (19th-20th c.) English

Ah! Let me dream: song; words by Harry Paulton {Mathias & Strickland} 16/050-4 [23] : No. 3 in G

Loder, Edward James (1813-1865) English

The diver: song; words by G. Douglas Thompson {Paxton} Cab 17/349.5

Loeb, John Jacob (1910-1970) American

Masquerade: waltz song; lyric by Paul Francis Webster {Leo. Feist} Cab 17/350

Loeillet, Jean Baptiste (1680-1730) Belgian

Quintet in B minor: for two flutes, two treble recorders and basso continuo transp. Carl Schröder {Bärenreiter} Cab 38/051.7

Sonata X: for flute and [keyboard] bass transc. (from figured bass) Joh. Feltkamp {Broekmans & van Poppel} Cab 38/051.7-2

Sonata in C major; ed. Evelyn Rothwell {oboe : Chester} 36/050

Sonata in e Op. 5 (book 1) no. 1: for oboe (flute) & continuo; ed. Stanley Sadie {Musica Rara} 36/050-2

Sonate arr. Carl Schroeder {cello : Augener} 33/042

Sonate no. 7: pour flûte et piano harmonisée par Alexander Béon {Lemoine} Cab 38/051.7-3

Loesser, Frank Henry (1910-1969) American

Guys and Dolls: [musical]; lyrics by Frank Loesser {Edwin Morris} 07/020-1

On a slow boat to China; words & music Frank Loesser {solo v. : Edwin Morris} Cab 17/350.5-1 a-b

Wonderful Copenhagen {from Hans Christian Andersen}; [words & music] by Frank Loesser {solo v. : Edwin Morris} Cab 17/350.5-2

Loewe, Frederick (1901-1988) Austrian-American

Brigadoon (libr.): musical; lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner {Chappell} 03/078-1 a-b

Brigadoon: musical play; lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner {Sam Fox} 07/021-3 a-c

Brigadoon {from Brigadoon}; lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner {solo v. : Sam Fox} Cab 17/351-2.1 a-b

Camelot song album: [7 songs]; lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner {Chappell} 09/115

The heather on the hills {from Brigadoon}; lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner {solo v. : Sam Fox} Cab 17/351-2.2

I could have danced all night {from My Fair Lady}; words by Alan Jay Lerner {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/351-1.1

My Fair Lady (libr.): musical; lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner {Penguin} 03/078-2

My Fair Lady: musical; lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner {Chappell} 07/021-1 a-b

My Fair Lady [piano selection] {Chappell} Cab 21/224.3 a-b

Paint your wagon: musical play; lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner {Chappell} 07/021-2

Thank Heaven for little girls {from Gigi}; words by Alan Jay Lerner {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/351-3.1

With a little bit of luck {from My Fair Lady}; words by Alan Jay Lerner {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/351-1.2 a-b

Wouldn't it be loverly {from My Fair Lady}; words by Alan Jay Lerner {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/351-1.3

Logan, Felicity (fl.1928) English

Flowr delice: carol; words from the Balliol M.S. of Richard Hill {choir : Stainer & Bell} Cab 01/055.8

Logan, Frederic Knight (1871-1928) American

Missouri waltz {p. solo : Chappell} Cab 21/224.5 a-b

Löhr, Frederic Nicholls (1844-1888) English

Out on the Deep; words by Samuel K. Cowan {solo v. : Enoch & Sons} Cab 17/351.5 : No. 1 in A

Löhr, Hanns (1892-1982) German

Pitter Patter (Schnick Schnack / Galimatias): novelty {p. solo : Bosworth} Cab 21/224.4

Löhr, Hermann Frederic (1872-1944) English

Chorus, gentlemen!: song; words by Mark Ambient {Chappell} Cab 17/352-1 : No. 1 in F

The day is done: duet; words by Longfellow {low v. : Chappell} Cab 18/087 : No. 1 low v.

Give: sacred song; words by Isabel C. Clarke {Chappell} Cab 17/352-2 : No. 3 in F

I dream of a garden of sunshine; words by Edward Teschemacher {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/352-3 : No. 2 in Eb

In love; words by Helen Taylor {ten. : Chappell} 13/020-8 [6]

Little grey home in the west: song; words by D. Eardley-Wilmot {Chappell} Cab 17/352-4 a-b : No. 2 in C

The little Irish girl: song; words by Edward Teschemacher {Chappell} Cab 17/352-5 a-b : No. 2 in C

The little Irish girl: song; words by Edward Teschemacher {Chappell} Cab 17/352-5 c : No. 1 in Bb

Only one word: song; words by D. Eardley-Wilmot {Chappell} Cab 17/352-6 a : No. 1 in D

Only one word: song; words by D. Eardley-Wilmot {Chappell} Cab 17/352-6 b : No. 2 in Eb

Roadways: song; words by John Masefield {Chappell} Cab 17/352-8 : No. 2 in Eb

Rose of my heart; words by D. Eardley-Wilmot {ten. : Chappell} 13/020-8 [3]

Temples of the forest: song; words by D. Eardley-Wilmot {Chappell} Cab 17/352-7

To my first love {from Two little Irish songs}; words by Edwin Hamilton {Chappell} Cab 17/352-10 [1] : med. v.

Two little Irish songs {Chappell} Cab 17/352-10 : med. v.

Where my caravan has rested {from Romany Songs}: song; words by Edward Teschemacher {Chappell} Cab 17/352-9 a-b : No. 1 in Eb

Where my caravan has rested {from Romany Songs}: song; words by Edward Teschemacher {Chappell} Cab 17/352-9 c : No. 2 in F

You'd better ask me {from Two little Irish songs}; words by Samuel Lover {Chappell} Cab 17/352-10 [2] : med. v.

Longmire, John (1902-1986) English

Reverie {oboe : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 36/051.8

Longo, Alessandro (1864-1945) Italian

Sonata in E major L. 23 / Domenico Scarlatti arr. Alessandro Longo {p. solo : Ricordi} Cab 21/320-7

Sonata pastorale in C major / Domenico Scarlatti arr. Alessandro Longo {p. solo : Ricordi} Cab 21/320-11

Longstaffe, Ernest (1884-1958) English

Gentlemen, good-night!: song; words by Edward Lockton {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/354-4 : No. 2 in D

Here come the Guards: song; words & music Ernest Longstaffe {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/354-2 a : No. 1 in G

Here come the Guards: song; words & music Ernest Longstaffe {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/354-2 b : No. 2 in A

Oh Sarah! Oh 'Enery!: humorous ('yokel') duet for lady & gentleman; [words & music Ernest Longstaffe] {Reynolds} Cab 18/089

When the sergeant major's on parade: song; words & music Ernest Longstaffe {Chappell} Cab 17/354-1 a : No. 1 in G

When the sergeant major's on parade: song; words & music Ernest Longstaffe {Chappell} Cab 17/354-1 b : No. 2 in A

Where's the sergeant?: song; words & music Ernest Longstaffe {Chappell} Cab 17/354-3 : No. 1 in G

Lonsdale, Eva (19th c.)

Chanson mauresque transc. I. B. Poznanski {violin} Cab 28/065-3(8)

Lott, Edwin Matthew (1836-1902) English

Andante {organ : Edwin Ashdown} 40/151(1)

L'ange gardien {organ : Edwin Ashdown} 40/151(14)

Lotti, Antonio (1667-1740) Italian

Misa a tres voces iguales: [unaccomp.] {Boileau} 02/074

Pur dicesti (O bocca bella): romanza {solo v. : Lonsdale} 10/045-5 [19]

Loughborough, Raymond (1882-1967) Irish

By the light of the moon; words by Fred Weatherly {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/356-1 : No. 2 in D

The silver swan: song; Anon. {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/356-3

A song in the night: song w. violin obbl.; words by Charles G. Mortimer {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/356-2 : No. 1 in Eb

Louiguy [=Louis Guglielmi] (1916-1991) French

La vie en rose (Take me to your heart again); Eng. lyric by Frank Eyton; Fre. by Edith Piaf {solo v. : Noel Gay} Cab 17/238-1

Louis XIII, King of France (1601-1643) French

Air [de] Louis XIII / Henri Ghys transc. Henri Ghys {p. solo : Hutchings & Romer} Cab 21/224.8

Lovell, Katharine (20th-21st c.) English

The train {from Three summer sketches}: for violoncello or bassoon & pianoforte {Elkin} Cab 33/044(2)

Lovelock, William (1899-1986) English

Autumn winds: étude caractéristique {p. solo : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 21/224.85

Lover, Samuel (1797-1868) Anglo-Irish

Barney O'Hea: Irish ballad; written & composed by Samuel Lover {Chappell} 16/050-4 [24]

Low, Betty (20th c.) Scottish

Baldovan set dances: jig, reel, strathspey arr. Ian MacLeish {p. solo : Mozart Allan} Cab 20/213

Lowry, Anthony (1888-1976) English

Pizzicato polka / Johann Strauss II arr. Tony Lowry; by Strauss (Johann II & Josef) {p. duo : Paxton} Cab 22/052-3

Sword dance {from Gayaneh} / Aram Khachaturian arr. Tony Lowry {p. duo : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 22/024

Lowthian (aftwds Prescott), Caroline (1858/60-1943) English

Gates of the West: song; written by A[melia] L[ehmann] {Chappell} 10/045-4 [24] : [No. 2] in F

Gates of the West: song; words by A[melia] L[ehmann] 16/050-3 [26] : [No. 1 in] D

Lubbock, Mark (1898-1986) English

The whispering poplar: song; lyric by Christopher Hassall {Schott} Cab 17/358 a-b

Lucantoni, Giovanni (1825-1902) Italian

A night in Venice (Una notte in Venezia): [duet for sop. & ten] ; Ital. words M. Marcello; Eng. trans. Theo Marzials {Ricordi} Cab 15/021 [2]

A night in Venice (Una notte in Venezia): voc. duet (mez. & bar.); orig. M. Marcello; Eng. words Theo. Marzials {Ricordi} Cab 18/091 : No. 3 in Eb

Lucas, Clarence (1866-1947) Canadian

Faust: grand opera / Charles Gounod arr. Clarence Lucas; Eng. version H. F. Chorley {Chappell} 06/020-1

Faust: grand opera (piano solo) / Charles Gounod arr. Clarence Lucas {Chappell} 21/152.2

Lukáš, Zdeněk (1928-2007) Czech

Concerto grosso [No. 1 Op. 36]: [for solo str. quart. and str. orch.] 42/021.5

Cultus amoris: [cantata written for the 1978 International Festival of Youth Orchestras (Aberdeen)] {SATB choir} Spec Coll

Partita semplice Op. 37 {4 violins : Panton} 29/006

Verba Laudata (1968) [min. sc.]: for sop. solo, str. & pf {Supraphon} 04/014.9

Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687) Italian-French

Bois épais (Sombre woods) {from Amadis} arr. A[melia] L[ehmann]; Eng. by Theo Marzials {solo v. : Boosey} Cab 17/337-3 a : No. 1 in Eb also at 10/087 [16]

Bois épais (Sombre woods) {from Amadis} arr. A[melia] L[ehmann]; Eng. by Theo Marzials {solo v. : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/337-3 b : No. 2 in F

Thésée (Marche triomphale et Canaries) arr. Georges Catherine {violin : Alphonse Leduc} Cab 28/065-2(1)

Luporini, Gaetano (1865-1948) Italian

Stabat Mater / Giuseppe Verdi arr. G. Luporini; Eng. words Rev. W.J. Hocking {Ricordi} Cab 02/130-2

Lutoslawski, Witold (1913-1994) Polish

Dance preludes for clarinet and piano {Chester} 37/052

Lutyens, Elisabeth (1906-1983) English

Prelude and capriccio Op. 20 {cello : Belwin-Mills} 33/044.5

Lutz, Wilhelm Meyer (1829-1903) Anglo-German

Pas de quatre {from Faust Up-to-Date} {p. solo : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 16/020( 6) [4]

Luzzi, Luigi (1826-1876) Italian

Ave Maria Op. 80; Eng. version H. Millard {solo v. : Schirmer} Cab 17/360

Lyadov, Anatoly (1855-1914) Russian

Mazurka Op. 3 no. 3 in C major {p. solo} Cab 21/216-1

A musical snuff box: sax. ensemble (AATTBB) 'playable as a quartet, quintet or sextet' arr. Earle K. Harger {Belwin} 37/648

Prelude Op. 31 no.2 arr. Hugo Cole {cello : Novello} Cab 33/019.85 [2]

Preludes, trifles & other pieces; ed. Lionel Salter {p. solo : ABRSM} Cab 21/216-3

Une tabatière à musique Op. 32: valse-badinage {p. solo} Cab 21/216-2

Lyell, Margaret Sutherland Dorothy (1910-2000) Scottish

The whistling sailor transc. Henri Ghys {p. solo : Curwen} Cab 21/224.9

Lyon, James (1872-1949) English

Twelve selected pieces by Russian composers: arr. for the organ arr. James Lyon {organ : Edwin Ashdown} 40/031-3

Lyons, Graham (1936- English

Christmas carol suite: for (mainly) flute, clarinet & bassoon, with elementary oboe {Chester} 39/080-1

New alto sax solos, Bk 1: 10 pieces, 'very easy to medium' {sax.} 37/650(1)

New alto sax solos, Bk 2: 7 pieces, 'medium to advanced' {sax.} 37/650(2)


Monday 16th September 2024

474 works by 121 named composer / arrangers beginning letter L

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