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Re  Rh  Ri  Ro  Ru  Ry  

Rachmaninov, Sergei (1873-1943) Russian

Dans mon jardin je vois Op. 26 no. 10; Eng. words Rosa Newmarch {sop. : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/464-4

2e Suite Op. 17 {p. duo : Boosey & Hawkes} 22/034-4

Etudes-tableaux Op. 33 and Op. 39: [8 + 9 pieces] {p. solo} 21/288-1

Fantasy (Suite no. 1) Op. 5 {p. duo : International} 22/034-5

The harvest of sorrow Op. 4 no. 5: mez./ bar.; words by Count Alexis Tolstoi, Eng. version M. C. H. Collet {Chester} Cab 17/464-2

Humoreske Op. 10 no. 5; ed. Herbert Fryer {p. solo : ABRSM} Cab 21/288-7(5)

Piano concerto 2 Op. 18 [min. sc.] {Boosey & Hawkes} 04/019-1

Polchinelle Op. 3 no. 4 {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/288-2 a-b

Polka de W. R. {p. solo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 21/288-9

Prelude [in Bb major] Op. 23 no. 2 {p. solo : Hawkes & Son} Cab 21/288-6(2)

Prelude in C sharp minor Op. 3 no. 2; ed. Stanley Hawley {p. solo : Alfred Lengnick} Cab 21/288-5 a

Prélude [in C sharp minor] Op. 3 no. 2: édition originale {p. solo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 21/288-5 b

Prélude in C sharp minor [Op. 3 no. 2]; ed. C. Whitaker Wilson {p. solo : Reid Bros.} Cab 21/288-5 c

Prélude [in C sharp minor] Op. 3 no. 2 {p. solo : Norsk} Cab 21/288-5 d

Prelude [in G major] Op. 32 no. 5 {p. solo : Hawkes & Son} Cab 21/288-3(5) a-b

Prelude [in G minor] Op. 23 no. 5 {p. solo : Hawkes & Son} Cab 21/288-6(5) c

Prelude Op. 23 no. 5 {p. solo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 21/288-6(5) a-b

Rachmaninoff-Album vol. 1: 5 morceaux de fantaisie Op. 3 {p. solo : Augener} 21/288(1)

Rachmaninoff-Album Bk 2: Nocturne, Valse, Barcarolle Op. 10 {p. solo : Augener} 21/288(2)

Rapsodie sur un thème de Paganini Op. 43 [min. sc.]: pour piano et orchestre {Charles Foley} 04/019-2

Rapsodie sur un thème de Paganini Op. 43 {p. duo : Charles Foley} 22/034-1

Romance in E flat; rev, John A. Preston {p. solo : Wood} Cab 21/314-3 b

Romans dlia violoncheli s fortepiano {State Mus Pub (USSR)} 33/054.6

Russian rag: interpolating the 'Prelude' by Rachmaninoff / George L Cobb {p. solo : Francis, Day & Hunter} Cab 21/087.5

Scherzo {from Mendelssohn's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'} {p. solo : Charles Foley} Cab 21/288-4 a-b

Second piano concerto arr. E. Thorne {p. solo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 21/288-8

Second piano concerto Op. 18 {p. duo : Hawkes & Son} 22/034-2 a-b

Select pianoforte compositions {Edward Arnold} 21/288

Thirteen preludes Op. 32 {p. solo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 21/288-3

To the children Op. 26 no. 7: song; Eng. words Rosa Newmarch {mez. : Hawkes & Son} Cab 17/464-3

Uzh ty, niva moia! (The harvest of sorrow) Op. 4 no. 5: sop./ ten. (orig.); words by Count Alexis Tolstoi, Eng. version Rosa Newmarch {Gutheil} Cab 17/464-1

Valse {from Six morceaux} Op. 11 no. 4 {p. duet : Gutheil} Cab 22/034-3(4) a-b

Radcliffe, Desmond (1917-2001) English

Four pieces from Abdelazar, or the Moor's Revenge / Henry Purcell arr: Desmond Radcliffe {organ : Novello} 40/195-2

Rae, James (1957- English

Jazz clarinet studies: 78 progressive studies in jazz technique {Faber} 37/080

Rae, Kenneth (1869-1942)

Evening pastoral; words by E. Teschemacher {solo v. : Larway} Cab 17/464.5 : No. 3 in F

Raff, (Joseph) Joachim (1822-1882) Swiss

Cavatina {cello : Beal, Stuttard} 33/099(1) [6]

La fileuse Op. 157 no. 2: étude; ed. Karl Klindworth {p. solo : Larway} Cab 21/290-2 a

La fileuse Op. 157 no. 2: étude {p. solo : Patey & Willis} Cab 21/290-2 b

Polka de la Reine Op. 95: caprice {p. solo : Peters} Cab 21/290-1

Serenade (Ständchen): song; words by Sternau {Leonard} Cab 17/464.8 : No. 3 in Bb

Stars of Earth!: song adapted (with violin or cello obbl.) to cavatina by Joachim Raff / Michael Watson; words by Michael Watson {Enoch & Sons} 10/045-4 [10] : No. 2 in F

Raffy, Antoine Louis (1868-1931) French

Meditation Op. 67: for the reed or pipe organ 45/114

Rakhmaninov, Sergei (1873-1943) Russian

see Sergei Rachmaninov

Rameau, Jean-Philippe (1683-1764) French

Airs; rev. Vincent d'Indy, Auguste Chapuis, Paul Dukas {solo v. : Durand} 09/149

Castor et Pollux (Menuet) arr. Georges Catherine {violin : Alphonse Leduc} Cab 28/065-2(2)

Choeur de 'Castor et Pollux' arr. Oskar Brückner {cello : Augener} 33/054.7

Suiten {p. solo} 21/292

Les tendres plaintes: [arr. for oboe and piano]; ed. & arr. Evelyn Rothwell {Chester} Cab 36/080.8

The three hands: courante for clavecin transc. Edward MacDowell {p. solo : Elkin} Cab 21/292-2

Ramsay, G Scottish

Celtic croon {p. solo : Methven, Simpson} 21/292.3

Ramsay, Harold (1901-1976) English

Her name Is Mary: song; words by Bruce Sievier & Harold Ramsay {Chappell} Cab 17/465-1 : No. 2 in Bb

Ramsay, Neil (20th c.) Scottish

Golden rain {p. solo : Warren & Phillips} 21/292.4

Ramsey, Benjamin Mansell (1849-1923) English

Peach blossom: children's operetta; written by Lilian F Ramsey {Curwen} 07/028

Ramskill, Robert (1950- English

All jazzed up: trombone solos in treble or bass clef w. p. accomp.; Brit. grades 3-5 {Brass Wind} Cab 35/070 : treble clef

Randall, Anthony (20th-21st c.) Welsh

Do not go gentle into that goodnight: for soprano, horn & piano; setting of the Dylan Thomas poem 35/071

Randall, Julia (fl.20th c.) English

Les roseaux (The reeds) / François Couperin arr. Julia Randall {OUP} Cab 36/013

Randegger, Alberto (1832-1911) Italian

Come hither, shepherd swain: canzonet; words by the Earl of Oxford (1560) {Novello, Ewer} Cab 17/465.2

Ten celebrated classical songs ed. Alberto Randegger; Eng. adapt. R.H. Elkin {med. v. : Elkin} 12/015-7(1) : No. 2 med./high v.

Raphael, Mark (born Harris Furstenfeld) (1900-1988) Anglo-Polish

At the mid hour of night; words by Thomas Moore {Roberton} Cab 17/465.25

Three Blake songs: for med. v & piano; words by William Blake {Roberton} Cab 17/465.25-2

Rapley, Felton (1907-1976) English

Four songs from The Sound of Music / Richard Rodgers; arr. for instrumental quartet by Felton Rapley {wind & str. : Williamson} 42/027.7

The story of Gilbert and Sullivan: piano selection music by Arthur Sullivan {Chappell} Cab 21/292.5

The twelve days of Christmas {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/465.3

Rapp, Eugen (20th c.) German

Old master melodies for young cellists (Alte Meisterweisen für junge Cellisten) [Heft1]: [12] easy classical pieces (1st position) arr. Eugen Rapp after Alfred Moffat; after Alfred Moffat {Schott} 33/090-1

Rasbach, Oscar (1888-1975) American

Trees: song; words by Joyce Kilmer {Chappell} Cab 17/465.5 a,d : No. 1 in C

Trees: song; words by Joyce Kilmer {Chappell} Cab 17/465.5 b : No. 3 in E

Trees: song; words by Joyce Kilmer {Chappell} Cab 17/465.5 c,e : No. 2 in D

Trees; words by Joyce Kilmer {p. solo : Chappell} Cab 21/293

Ravanello, Oreste (1871-1938) Italian

Missa in honorem Sancti Josephi Calasantii Op. 63: {for 2-v. choir & organ] {Boileau} Cab 02/100

Ravel, Maurice (1875-1937) French

Bolero transc. Roger Branga {p. solo : Durand} Cab 21/294-9 a-b

Boléro: ballet suite, arr. for 2 pianos by the composer {Durand} 22/034.5

Cinq mélodies populaires grecques (Five Greek folksongs) {Durand} 09/151

Le gibet {from Gaspard de la Nuit} {p. solo} Cab 21/294-1(2) a-b

Jeux d'eau {p. solo : Schott} Cab 21/294-2 a-b

Ma mère l'oye: cinq pièces enfantines {p. solo} Cab 21/294-2.5

Menuet extrait de la Sonatine pour Piano {p. solo : Durand} Cab 21/294-8

Menuet antique {p. solo : Enoch & Sons} Cab 21/294-8.2

Miroirs No. 2, Oiseaux tristes {p. solo} Cab 21/294-3(2)

Miroirs No. 4, Alborada del gracioso {p. solo} Cab 21/294-3(4)

Miroirs No. 5, La vallée des cloches {p. solo} Cab 21/294-3(5)

L'Ondine {from Gaspard de la Nuit}; d'apres Aloysius Bertrand {p. solo : Durand} Cab 21/294-1(1)

Pavane pour une infante défunte {p. solo : Schott} Cab 21/294-4 a-b

Pavane pour une infante défunte {clar. : Max Eschig} 37/081-1

Scarbo {from Gaspard de la Nuit} {p. solo} Cab 21/294-1(3)

Sonatine {p. solo : Durand} Cab 21/294-5 a-b

Le tombeau de Couperin: suite pour le piano (6 pièces) {Durand} Cab 21/294-6 a-b

Valses nobles & sentimentales {p. solo : Durand} Cab 21/294-7 a-b

Ravenscroft, Raphael (1954-2014) English

The complete saxophone player Bk 2: [27 songs & solos] {Wise} 37/697(2)

Rawlings, Alfred William (1860-1924) English

see Florence Fare

see Edith Fortescue

see Edward St Quentin

see Constance V. White

Rawlings, Charles Arthur (1857-1919) English

see Theo Bonheur

see Jean Douste

see Maxime Heller

see Emerson James

see Oscar Verne

Rawsthorne, Alan (1905-1971) English

Four romantic pieces {p. solo : OUP} Cab 21/296

Sonata for cello and piano {OUP} 33/054.9

Ray, Lilian [=John Neat] (1876-1949) English

Always with my heart: song; words by David & Eugene Arale {Lawrence Wright} Cab 17/466-1 a : No. 1 in C

Always with my heart: song; words by David & Eugene Arale {Lawrence Wright} Cab 17/466-1 b : No. 2 in Eb (orig.)

God keep you is my prayer: song; words by David Arale {Lawrence Wright} Cab 17/466-2 a : No. 3 in F

God keep you is my prayer: song; words by David Arale {Lawrence Wright} Cab 17/466-2 b : No. 1 in C

Raymond, Percy (19th-20th c.) English

Petals: intermezzo for piano {Beal, Stuttard} Cab 21/296.2

Read, Ezra (1862-1922) English

see also Aigrette (pseud.)

Cinderella waltz {p. solo : Paxton} Cab 21/297-2

Daisy's music of the bells arr. Ezra Read {p. solo : Paxton} Cab 20/146

Ruby: schottische {p. solo} Cab 21/297

Read, Harry

Mary: waltz {p. solo : Paterson} 16/050-2 [4]

Rebikov, Vladimir Ivanovich (1866-1920) Russian

Autumn thoughts Bk 1: [8] short pieces for the piano; ed. & fing. Thomas F. Dunhill {Augener} Cab 21/298-1(1)

Waltz from the fairy tale 'The Christmas tree' {p. solo : Chester} Cab 21/298-2

Redhead, Alfred Edward (1855-1937) English

Thy voice: song; words by Clifton Bingham {Ascherberg} 10/045-9 [9]

Redler, Gervasius (19th c.)

Les rats: quadrille {p. duet} 22/035

Redlich, Hans Ferdinand (1903-1968) Austrian

Sfogava con le stelle (Raving aloud at heaven): for SSATB / Claudio Monteverdi; ed. with p. red. H. F. Redlich; Eng. trans. Millicent Rose {Schott} 05/012.3 a-g

Redman, Reginald (1892-1972) English

Folk songs from China: [10 songs]; Eng. words Irene Gass & Arthur Waley {Curwen} 10/060-5

Te Deum: sacred song; words by Herbert J. Brandon {Chappell} Cab 17/467 : No. 3 in F

Rée, Louis (1861-1939) Austrian

Andante and rondo capriccioso Op. 14 / Felix Mendelssohn arr. Louis Rée {p. duo : Murdoch} Cab 22/026

Fünf Klavierstücke Heft 1 (1-3) / Edvard Grieg arr. Louis Rée {p. duo : Peters} Cab 22/019-3(1) a-b

Reeve, Stephen (1948- English

I am a friar of orders gray new arr. Grenville Smart; words by [John] O'Keefe {solo v. : Broome} Cab 17/468

Reeves, Ernest (1874-1940) English

see also René Dubois (pseud.)

Liebestraum: for violin or cello solo w. p. accomp. / Franz Liszt arr. Ernest Reeves {Walsh, Holmes} Cab 28/031.2

Minuet: for violin (or cello) & pianoforte - also trio / Luigi Boccherini arr. Ernest Reeves {Walsh, Holmes} 33/015-3

Minuet in G / Ludwig van Beethoven arr. Ernest Reeves {p. solo : Walsh, Holmes} 21/027-10

Minuet in G / Ludwig van Beethoven arr. Ernest Reeves {cello : Walsh, Holmes} 33/011-2

The Miserere scene {from Il Trovatore} / Giuseppe Verdi arr. Ernest Reeves {violin : Walsh, Holmes} Cab 28/051.5

On wings of song (Auf Flügeln des Gesanges) / Felix Mendelssohn arr. Ernest Reeves {p. solo : Walsh, Holmes} Cab 21/236-1.5

The Rose of Tralee: [song] / Charles William Glover arr. Ernest Reeves; words by E. Mordaunt Spencer {Walsh, Holmes} Cab 17/221.5-1 b

Scarf dance {from 'La Source'}: for violin (or cello) & pianoforte - also trio / Léo Delibes arr. Ernest Reeves {Walsh, Holmes} 33/022.5

Serenade / Franz Schubert arr. Ernest Reeves {cello : Walsh, Holmes} 33/064-1

Serenata (Come back): voc. duet (contr. & bass) / Enrico Toselli arr. Ernest Reeves; words by R. H. Elkin {Freeman} Cab 18/169

Two serenades / Franz Schubert arr. Ernest Reeves {p. solo : Walsh, Holmes} Cab 21/328-10

Reger, Max (1873-1916) German

Fantasia in G major / J S Bach transc. Max Reger {p. duet : Augener} 22/065 [11]

Introduktion und Passacaglia (D moll) : für Orgel {Breitkopf & Härtel} 40/203 a-b

Neun Stücke für die Orgel Op. 129 Heft 1 [nos. 1-4] {Bote & Bock} 40/203-4(1)

[Original compositions for piano 4 hands]; ed. Leopold Josef Beer {Universal} 22/060-6 [11-13]

Passacaglia in C minor / J S Bach transc. Max Reger {p. duet : Augener} 22/065 [9]

Phantasie und Fuge für Orgel über B-A-C-H Op. 46 arr. August Stradal {p. solo : Universal} Cab 21/298.5

Prelude & fugue in G major / J S Bach transc. Max Reger {p. duet : Augener} 22/065 [8]

Sonatine D-dur Op. 89 Nr 2 {p. solo : Bote & Bock} Cab 21/298.5-2

Toccata & Fugue in E major / J S Bach transc. Max Reger {p. duet : Augener} 21/348-3(4/5)

Toccata & Fugue in D minor / J S Bach transc. Max Reger {p. duet : Augener} 22/065 [7]

Toccata and Fugue Op. 59 nos. 5-6 {organ : Peters} 40/203-2

Two cradle songs Cab 09/152

Zwölf Stücke für die Orgel Op. 59 Heft 1 [nos. 1-6] {Peters} 40/203-3(1)

Zwölf Stücke für die Orgel Op. 59 Heft 2 [nos. 7-12] {Peters} 40/203-3(2)

Rehberg, Willy (1863-1937) Swiss

Concerto in D major K 537 / W A Mozart arr. Willy Rehberg {p. duo : Schirmer} 22/031-8

Rondo F-Dur / J C Bach arr. Willy Rehberg {p. duet : Schott} Cab 22/001.9

Reichardt, Alexander (1825-1885) Austrian

Love's request (Liebes Bitte): song; Eng. version Campbell Clarke {Leonard} Cab 17/469 : [No. 3 in] F

Reichardt, Johann Friedrich (1752-1814) German

Freudvoll und Leidvoll Op. 2 no. 1 / Rudolf Willmers transc. Willmers; 'Lied von Reichardt' = "Liebe" from Goethe's Egmont {p. solo : Schuberth} Cab 21/380(1)

Reichel, Bernard (1901-1992) Swiss

Au jardin: pour flûte et piano {Foetisch (M. et P.)} 38/099-13 [4]

Danse matinale: pour flûte et piano {Foetisch (M. et P.)} 38/099-13 [2]

Partons joyeusement: pour fl?te et piano {Foetisch (M. et P.)} 38/099-13 [3]

Reid, Duncan (fl.21st c.) English

Nimrod: for oboe & piano / Edward Elgar arr. Duncan Reid {Nova} 36/023.2

Reid, J Stuart

Trilby: waltz {p. solo} Cab 21/299-1

Reimann, Heinrich (1850-1906) German

Das deutsche geistliche Lied … nach den Quellen, Bd 3 (of 6) {solo v. : Simrock} Cab 09/153(3)

Reinecke, Carl Heinrich Carsten (1824-1910) German

Duet Op. 272a {p. duo : Augener} 22/036

Three sonatinas Op. 47 {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/299.5

Reiner, Karel (1910-1979) Czech

Three preludes {organ : Panton} 40/033(2) [4]

Reinhold, Hugo (1854-1935) Austrian

Studies (Etüden für Clavier) Bk 1, 1-21 (of 84) / J B Cramer [arr. Hugo Reinhold] {Augener} 23/015(R1)

Studies (Etüden für Clavier) Bk 2, 22-42 (of 84) / J B Cramer [arr. Hugo Reinhold] {Augener} Cab 23/015(R2)

Studies (Etüden für Clavier) Bk 3, 43-63 (of 84) / J B Cramer [arr. Hugo Reinhold] {Augener} 23/015(R3)

Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb (1798-1859) German

Trios Op. 85 & 97; rev. Fr. Hermann {p. trio: vn & vc : Peters} 24/027

Valse lente; ed. & arr. Clifford Ross {p. solo : Ross, Grey} Cab 21/306.8-1 [1] : foreign fing.

Reith, James Duncan (1932-2011) Scottish

The Scottish collection for descant recorder and piano: 50 pieces arr. Elspeth Hardie, James Reith and Douglas Haston; ed. Douglas Haston {Sunhoney} 38/140 a-b

Song, dance and fiddle music: [4 dances, 6 fiddle tunes, 4 songs]; words by David Rorie {David Rorie Society} 26/005

Reizenstein, Franz (1911-1968) Anglo-German

Sonatina {oboe : Hawkes} 36/081.5

Rennie, Blanche (20th c.) English

Hand culture: finger, hand and arm gymnastics at the piano {Bosworth} 23/052

Respighi, Ottorino (1879-1936) Italian

Sechs kleine Stücke {p. duet : Anton Benjamin} 22/036.5 a

Six little pieces for pianoforte duet {Alfred Lengnick} 22/036.5 b

Suite from 'La Boutique Fantastique': ballet in one act / Gioachino Rossini arr. Ottorino Respighi {p. solo : Chester} Cab 21/308 a-b

Rettich, Willem (1892-1988) German

Sonatine Op. 108 {p. solo : Alsbach} Cab 21/300

Reubke, Julius (1834-1858) German

The 94th Psalm: sonata for organ; new ed. Herbert F. Ellingford {OUP} 40/205 a-b

The 94th Psalm: sonata for organ; new ed. Herbert F. Ellingford {OUP} 40/205 a-b

Revell, Roland (1867-1938) English

Two pieces / Henry Purcell arr. (for flute or oboe) Roland Revell {flute : Rudall Carte} Cab 38/080 a-b

Reynolds, Alfred (1884-1969) English

Come then, pining, peevish lover {from Lionel and Clarissa} / Leonardo Vinci arr. Alfred Reynolds {Elkin} Cab 17/557

Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel (1839-1901) German

Idyl Op. 12 {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/300.5

Selected compositions Bk 2: [10 pieces] {organ : Paxton} 40/208(2)

Sonata No. 4 (in A minor) Op. 98; ed. Harvey Grace {organ : Novello} 40/208-2

Sonata No. 7 in F minor Op. 127; ed. Harvey Grace {organ : Novello} 40/208-3

Sonata No. 16 in G# minor Op. 175; ed. Harvey Grace {organ : Novello} 40/208-4

Rheinhault, Otto (19th c.) German

Gloria in Excelsis {from 12th Mass} / W A Mozart arr. Otto Rheinhault {p. solo : Swan} Cab 21/254-8 a-b

Rhodes, David J (20th-21st c.) English

Oboe concerto in E flat: (for solo oboe, strings &c) arr. for oboe & piano / Johann Pfeiffer; ed. & arr. David J. Rhodes {Piper} 36/076.7-1

Rhodes, Helen Guy (1858-1936) French

see Hardelot, Guy d'

Rhys-Herbert, William (1868-1921) Welsh

Fairest evening: barcarolle - 2-part chorus for ladies voices (SA) / Jacques Offenbach arr. W. Rhys-Herbert; words by E. H. Federlein {Cramer} 15/048

Ricci, Luigi (1805-1859) Italian

Variazioni - Cadenze - Tradizioni {sop.} 11/021

Richards, David (1822-1900) Welsh

If I were: song; words by Philip Henry {Boosey} Cab 17/470 : No. 1 in E min

The skipper of the "Mary Jane": [song]; words by Philip Henry {Boosey} Cab 17/470-2

Richards, Richard (19th-20th c.) Welsh

Pavola Op. 20 no.1: danse gracieuse {p. solo : Wood} Cab 21/300.6(1)

Richardson, Alan (1904-1978) Scottish

Aria and allegretto for oboe and piano {Chester} 36/081.7

First book of oboe solos: [26 pieces]; ed. & arr. Janet Craxton & Alan Richardson {oboe : Faber} 36/131-3(1)

Grandmother's waltz {p. duo : OUP} Cab 22/037

Second book of oboe solos: [28 pieces]; ed. & arr. Janet Craxton & Alan Richardson {oboe : Faber} 36/131-3(2)

Sonata in C minor Op. 1 no. 10 / Giuseppe Tartini transc. Watson Forbes & Alan Richardson {viola : OUP} Cab 32/014

Two short impromptus Op. 28 {p. solo : OUP} Cab 21/300.65

Richardson, Clive (1909-1998) English

Greensleeves: song; lyric adapt. H. W. {Chappell} Cab 17/471

Les Patineurs (The skater's waltz) / Emile Waldteufel arr. Clive Richardson {p. duo : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 22/055.8

Theme from "London Fantasia" {p. solo : Lawrence Wright} Cab 21/300.7

Richardson, H Forster (20th c.) English

Vagabond lover: song; words by Gladys Morton {Cramer} Cab 17/471.3

Richardson, Stephen (c1877-1937) English

Trois morceaux {p. solo : Hammond} 21/300.8

Riddell, R S (19th c.) Scottish

The Indian waltzes {p. solo} Cab 21/301

Ridgeon, John (1944- English

Nine miniatures for horn in F, Eb etc / Edward Gregson Gregson / Ridgeon {Brass Wind} Cab 35/052 : Horn in F

Ridley, Sebastian Claude (1853-1924) English

Floral album {p. solo : Leonard} Cab 21/302

Ridout, Alan (1934-1996) English

Sonatina for clarinet and piano {clar. : Schott} 37/082 a-b

Rieding, Oscar (1840-1916) German

Concerto in B minor Op. 35 {cello : Bosworth} 33/055

Riego, Teresa Clotilde del (1876-1968) English

see Del Riego, Teresa

Ries, Franz Anton (1755-1846) German

Wiegenlied (Slumber song) Op. 33 no. 4; [von] A. Kayser-Langerhannss {Ries& Erler} Cab 17/472 a-b : hoch: F

Rieu, Andre Leon Marie Nicolas (1949- Dutch

Second waltz {Suite for Variety Orchestra no. 7)} / Dmitri Shostakovich arr. Andre Rieu / Jan van der Goot {cello : Sikorski} Cab 33/085 [3]

Rihm, Alexander (1870-1952) American

Aufforderung zum Tanz (Invitation to the Dance) Op. 65 / Carl Maria von Weber arr. Alexander Rihm; Weber-Weingartner {p. duo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 22/058-2 a-b

Eighteen sonatas / W A Mozart arr. Alexander Rihm; ed. Henry Schradiek {violin : Schirmer} 28/033-2 a-b

Invitation to the Dance (Aufforderung zum Tanz) Op. 65 / Carl Maria von Weber arr. Alexander Rihm; Weber-Weingartner {p. duo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 22/058-2 a-b

Rimbault, Edward Francis (1816-1876) English

Comin' thro' the rye (Rimbault: Scotch air {p. solo : Chappell} 16/050-1 [1]

Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai (1844-1908) Russian

Boris Godunov: narodnaia muzikal'naia drama / Modest Mussorgsky red. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov {Muzgiz} 06/033

Chanson indoue {from Sadko} arr. Fritz Kreisler {violin : Carl Fischer} Cab 28/031-9 b

Chant hindu {from Sadko} arr. Fritz Kreisler {violin : Schott} Cab 28/031-9 a

Hindu song (Song of the Hindu merchant) {from Sadko}; Eng. trans. Fanny S. Copeland {Belaieff} Cab 17/473-1 a-b

Hymn to the Sun (Chant au Soleil) {from Le Coq D'or}: [for sop./high sop.]; Eng. version Geo. Harris Jr & Deems Taylor {Hawkes & Son} Cab 17/473-2 : high in A

'Prince Igor' dances [min. sc.] / Alexander Borodin orch. Rimsky-Korsakov {full orch. : Larg } 04/006.7

The rose enslaves the nightingale (Aimant la rose, le rossignol) Op. 2 no. 2: Easter song - romance orientale; paroles de M. D. Calvocoressi; Eng.version Rosa Newmarch {Chester} 10/045-6 [21] also at 10/045-8.1 [1]

Le vol du bourdon (Flight of the bumble bee) {from Le Conte du Tsar Sultan} arr. J. Strimer {p. solo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 21/304-2

Rinck, Johann Christian (1770-1846) German

Practical organ school; ed. W. T. Best {Novello, Ewer} 40/210

Ring, Montague [=Amanda Ira Aldridge] (1866-1956) English

A noontide song; words by Fred G. Bowles {Elkin} Cab 17/474 : No. 2 in Ab

Ripley, Henry (1843-1902) English

True to the core: [song]; poetry & music by Henry Ripley {Williams} 16/050-3 [21]

Risher, Anna Priscilla (1875-1946) American

Unto Thee, O Lord: sacred song; Psalm XXV {Wood} Cab 17/474.5 : [No. 1 in] Eb

Ritchie, Joan (20th c.) English

Twelve 3-part songs: for male v. of lim. range / Vernon Griffiths arr. Vernon Griffiths & Joan Ritchie {Novello} Cab 15/014

Rizzi, Alba (20th c.) American

The house by the side of the road: song; words by Sam Walter Foss {Keith, Prowse} Cab 17/475

Roberton, Hugh Stevenson (Sir) (1874-1952) Scottish

All in the April evening: part-song for SCTB; words by Katherine Tynan {Curwen} Cab 18/129-1

Lewis bridal song (Mairi's wedding) {from Songs of the Isles}; words by Hugh S. Roberton {Curwen} Cab 17/476-1 a-d

Oh, by an' by: Negro spiritual arr. for choir (or trio) of equal voices, SSC unaccomp. {Roberton} Cab 15/052

Songs of the Isles: [20 songs inc. three 2-part or unison songs]; words & arr. Hugh S. Roberton {Roberton} 10/038 a-c

Steal away to Jesus: Negro spiritual {SATB choir : Curwen} Cab 17/476-4

Uist tramping song (Come along) {from Songs of the Isles}; Eng. words Hugh S. Roberton {Curwen} Cab 17/476-2 a-b

The wee cooper o' Fife: for mixed v. SCTB; Old Scots ballad {Curwen} Cab 18/129-2

The wee toun clerk: old Scottish ballad; Trad. adapt. & arr. Hugh Roberton {Paterson} Cab 17/476-7 a-b : Bb

Westering home {from Songs of the Isles}; words by Hugh S. Roberton {Curwen} Cab 17/476-3 a-c

When grandpa was a little girl like me; words & music Hugh Roberton {solo v. : Paterson} Cab 17/476-5

Whiskers; words & music Hugh Roberton {SATB choir : Paterson} Cab 17/476-6

Roberts, Mervyn (1906-1990) Welsh

Four preludes for piano {Novello} Cab 21/304.5

Sonatina {p. solo : Novello} Cab 21/304.5-2

Robertson, Alec (1892-1982) English

Andante from the solo Violin Sonata in A minor / J S Bach arr. Alec Robertson {cello : Curwen} 33/005-4

Robertson, Iain (19th-20th c.) Scottish

The Robertson rant: strathspey danced in square formation mus. arr. Herbert Wiseman {p. solo : Rae, Macintosh } Cab 20/230

Robertson, Rae (20th c.) English

Fantastic dance / Frederick Delius arr. Ethel Bartlett & Rae Robertson {p. duo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 22/009

Robinson, James (19th-20th c.) English

The beauteous song: song - with harmonium obbl. (ad lib.) by James Robinson / Odoardo Barri; written by Lindsay Lennox {Cramer} 10/045-4 [21]

Robinson, Stanford (1904-1984) English

Melodies (selection) / Lionel Monckton; sel. & arr. Stanford Robinson {p. trio: vn & vc : Chappell} Cab 24/015

Rondo for two pianos {Hawkes & Son} Cab 22/040

To you eternally: song; words by Christopher Hassall {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/477-1 : No. 1 in C

Roddie, William Stewart (1845-1931) Scottish

My land: song; written and composed by W. Stewart Roddie {Bayley & Ferguson} 16/050-3 [1]

Rodgers, Richard (1902-1979) American

Bali Ha'i {from South Pacific}; words by Oscar Hammerstein II {solo v. : Williamson} Cab 17/478-4.2 a-b

The best of Rodgers & Hart: [24 songs] {Chappell} 09/155-5

Blue moon {from With a Song in My Heart}; words by Lorenz Hart {Robbins} Cab 17/478-6

Carousel (libr.); lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein 2nd {Williamson} 03/129-1

Carousel; lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein 2nd {Chappell} 07/029-1

Climb ev'ry mountain {from The Sound of Music}; lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II {solo v. : Williamson} Cab 17/478-8.2

Do-re-mi {from The Sound of Music}; words by Oscar Hammerstein II {solo v. : Williamson} Cab 17/478-8.1

Falling in love with love: song; words by Lorenz Hart {Victoria} Cab 17/478-2

Four songs from The Sound of Music; arr. for instrumental quartet by Felton Rapley {wind & str. : Williamson} 42/027.7

Hello young lovers {from The King and I}; words by Oscar Hammerstein II {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/478-1

I enjoy being a girl {from Flower Drum Song}; words by Oscar Hammerstein II {Williamson} Cab 17/478-5 a-b

I have confidence {from The Sound of Music}; lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II {solo v. : Williamson} Cab 17/478-8.3

I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair {from South Pacific}; words by Oscar Hammerstein II {solo v. : Williamson} Cab 17/478-4.7

If I loved you {from Carousel}; words by Oscar Hammerstein II {solo v. : Williamson} Cab 17/478-3.1 a-b

It might well be Spring {from State Fair}; words by Oscar Hammerstein II {solo v. : Williamson} Cab 17/478-9

June is bustin' out all over {from Carousel}; words by Oscar Hammerstein II {solo v. : Williamson} Cab 17/478-3.5

The King and I: musical play; lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein 2nd {Williamson} 07/029-5

Oklahoma! (libr.); lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein 2nd {Williamson} 03/129-2

Oklahoma!: musical play; lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein 2nd {Williamson} 07/029-4 a-b

Oklahoma {from Oklahoma}; words by Oscar Hammerstein II {solo v. : Williamson} Cab 17/478-7.1

Oklahoma song album: [5 songs]; lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II {Williamson} Cab 09/155-2 a-b

Out of my dreams {from Oklahoma}; words by Oscar Hammerstein II {solo v. : Williamson} Cab 17/478-7.2 a-b

Rodgers & Hammerstein song album {Williamson} Cab 09/155-1

Slaughter on Tenth Avenue {p. solo : Chappell} Cab 21/305

Some enchanted evening {from South Pacific}; words by Oscar Hammerstein II {solo v. : Williamson} Cab 17/478-4.1 a-b

Sound of Music (libr.): [musical play]; lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein 2nd {Williamson} 03/129-4

The Sound of Music; lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein 2nd {Williamson} 07/029-3 a-b

The Sound of Music (vocal selection); lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II {Williamson} Cab 09/155-3 a-b

South Pacific (libr.): [musical play]; lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein 2nd {Chappell} 03/129-3

South Pacific: musical play; lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein 2nd {Williamson} 07/029-2 a-b

South Pacific song album: [5 songs]; lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II {Williamson} Cab 09/155-4

South Pacific (piano selection): [8 melodies] {Williamson} Cab 21/305-1

Wedding processional {from The Sound of Music}; words by Oscar Hammerstein II {organ : IMP} 40/215

You'll never walk alone {from Carousel}; words by Oscar Hammerstein II {solo v. : Williamson} Cab 17/478-3.9

Rodwell, George Herbert Buonaparte (1800-1852) English

Draw the sword Scotland; words by J. R. Planché {solo v.} 16/050-1 [31]

Roeckel, Joseph Leopold [=Edouard Dorn] (1838-1923) English

Angus Macdonald: song; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {Chappell} Cab 17/479-2 a : No. 1 in C

Angus Macdonald: song; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {Chappell} Cab 17/479-2 b : No. 2 in D

The gray mare (Three young men of Ware) {from Proverbs in Song}: song; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {Enoch & Sons} Cab 17/479-1 : No. 1 in Eb

The hours: cantata or operetta for female v.; words by Shapcott Wensley {Novello} 01/064.5

I couldn't, could I?: song; words by S. H. Emmens {Enoch & Sons} Cab 17/479-3 : No. 2 in Eb

Roger-Ducasse, Jean-Jules (1873-1954) French

Passacaglia / J S Bach transc. Roger-Ducasse {p. solo : Durand} 21/015-0.4 [3]

Rogers, Milton (1925-1981) American

Close to you (SATB): p. acc. with optional string bass, guitar & percussion / Burt Bacharach arr. Milt Rogers; lyrics by Hal David {Music Sales} Cab 15/021.5 a-b

I'd like to teach the world to sing (SSA): p. acc. with optional string bass, guitar & percussion; by B. Backer, B Davis, R. Cook & R. Greenway (arr. Rogers) {Music Sales} Cab 15/052.5

Trains and boats and planes (SATB): p. acc. with optional string bass, guitar & percussion / Burt Bacharach arr. Milt Rogers; words by Hal David {Music Sales} Cab 15/021.5-2

We've only just begun (SAB): p. acc. with optional string bass, guitar & percussion / Roger Nichols arr. Milt Rogers; words by Paul Williams {Music Sales} 15/046

Roloff, Adolf L (19th-20th c.) German

Andante e scherzo {violin} Cab 28/065-3(9)

Roloff, Alex (19th-20th c.) Anglo-German

Russian dances: [6 pieces] {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/305.5

World-wide favourites, old and new; sel., arr. & ed. A. Roloff {p. solo : Augener} Cab 20/009-2

Romberg, Andreas Jakob (1767-1821) German

Schiller's Lay of the bell; Eng. trans. Rev. J. Troutbeck {Novello, Ewer} 01/065 a-b

Trois duos Op. 18 {2 violins : Litolff (Enoch)} 29/015

Romberg, Sigmund (1887-1951) Hungarian-American

The Desert Song: musical play; lyrics by Otto Harbach, Oscar Hammerstein II & Frank Mandel {Chappell} 07/030-1 a-b

The Desert Song (selection): The Desert Song (selection); sel. & arr. H. M. Higgs {p. solo : Chappell} Cab 21/306-1 a-b

Drinking song {from The Student Prince}; words by Dorothy Donnelly {Chappell} Cab 17/480-1

Farewell to dreams; words by Gus Kahn {solo v. : Francis, Day & Hunter} Cab 17/480-2

The New Moon: romantic musical play {Chappell-Harms} 07/030-2

One alone {from The Desert Song}; words by Otto Harbach & Oscar Hammerstein II {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/480-6 : in Ab

The riff song {from The Desert Song}: quartet for TTBB; words by Otto Harbach & Oscar Hammerstein II {Chappell} Cab 18/131-1 a-c

Selection {p. solo} Cab 21/306-2

Serenade {from The Student Prince}; words by Dorothy Donnelly {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/480-3

Souvenir album: [5 songs] {Chappell} 09/157-1

Stout-hearted men {from The New moon}; words by Oscar Hammerstein II {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/480-4 a-b

Student prince: spectacular light opera {Chappell} 07/030-3 a-b

The Student Prince song album: [5 songs]; lyrics by Dorothy Donnelly {Chappell} 09/157-2

Tell me Daisy {from Blossom Time}; lyrics by Dorothy Donnelly; adapted from the music of Franz Schubert & Heinrich Berté {voc. duet : Leo. Feist} Cab 18/131-2

Wanting you {from The New Moon}; words by Oscar Hammerstein II {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/480-4.9

When I grow too old to dream; words by Oscar Hammerstein II {solo v. : Francis, Day & Hunter} Cab 17/480-5

Romer, Francis (Frank) (1810-1889) English

Two angels; poetry by Longfellow {solo v. : Hammond} 10/045-4 [20]

Ronald, Landon (Sir) (1873-1938) English

A cycle of life: five songs; words by Harold Simpson {Enoch & Sons} 09/159-3 : No. 2 med. v.

Down in the forest {from A Cycle of Life}; words by Harold Simpson {solo v. : Enoch & Sons} Cab 17/481-2 : No. 3 in D

Five canzonets; words by Helen Taylor {Enoch} 09/159-1 : No. 2 med. v.

O lovely night! {from Summertime}; words by Ed. Teschemacher {solo v. : Enoch & Sons} Cab 17/481-1 a-b : No. 4 in Eb

O lovely night! {from Summertime}: song; words by Ed. Teschemacher {alt. & bar. : Enoch & Sons} Cab 18/132 a-b : in Bb

Summertime: song-cycle; words by Ed. Teschemacher {bass : Enoch & Sons} 09/159-2 a : No. 1 (contr./bass)

Summertime: song-cycle; words by Ed. Teschemacher {mez. : Enoch & Sons} 09/159-2 b : No. 2

Röntgen, Julius (1855-1932) Dutch

Oud-nederlandsche (Alt-niederländische) amoreuse liedekens Op. 29 Cab 09/161

Rootham, Cyril Bradley (1875-1938) English

A child's prayer; words by Siegfried Sassoon {solo v. : Curwen} Cab 17/481.1

Ropartz, Joseph Marie Guy- (1864-1955) French

see Guy-Ropartz, Joseph Marie

Roper, Edgar Stanley (1878-1953) English

In peace your sheep may graze / J S Bach transc. Alec Rowley (no. 4 arr. Stanley Roper) {organ : Edwin Ashdown} 40/220-3 [4]

An old time tune (Souvenirs, 3) / Easthope Martin arr. Stanley Roper {organ : Enoch} 40/160-2(3)

Seven sacred solos / Maurice Greene; ed. & arr. E. Stanley Roper {Bosworth} 09/080 : low v.

Rorie, David (1867-1946) Scottish

The lum hat wantin' the croon; written & composed by David Rorie {solo v. : Pentland} Cab 17/481.2

The pawkie duke; written and composed by David Rorie {solo v. : Paterson} Cab 17/481.2-2 [2]

Two Scots songs; written and composed by David Rorie {Paterson} Cab 17/481.2-2

The wifie; written and composed by David Rorie {solo v. : Paterson} Cab 17/481.2-2 [1]

Rosas, Juventino (1868-1894) Mexican

Sobre las olas [waltz] {cello} Cab 33/085 [2]

Rose, Michael (20th c.) American

Trumpeter's ten: 10 easy pieces (for Bb trumpet) w. p. acc. {ABRSM} 30/118

Rose, Vincent (1880-1944) Italian-American

Blueberry Hill; lyrics by Al Lewis & Larry Stock {solo v. : Victoria} Cab 17/481.3

The umbrella man music by Vincent Rose & Larry Stock; words by James Cavanaugh {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/481.3-1

Whispering: song; lyrics by John Schoenberger & Richard Coburn {Darewski} Cab 17/481.3-2 : No. 1 in C

Roseingrave, Thomas (1690-1766) Anglo-Irish

Sonata No. 1 in A minor: for flute & basso continuo [p. red.]; ed. & real. Richard Platt {Faber} Cab 38/084

Rosenbloom, Sydney (1889-1967) English

Scherzo in B flat minor Op. 12 {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/306.7

Ross, Charles English

Gigue in C / J S Bach arr. Charles Ross {p. duo : OUP} Cab 22/003-14

Ross, Clifford (20th c.) English

Lullaby / Franz Schubert; ed. & arr. Clifford Ross {p. solo : Ross, Grey} Cab 21/306.8-2 [1] : foreign fing.

Melody in F / Anton Rubinstein; ed. & arr. Clifford Ross {p. solo : Ross, Grey} Cab 21/306.8-2 [2] : foreign fing.

Une petite fleur / Friedrich Voss Voss-Ross; ed. & arr. Clifford Ross {p. solo : Ross, Grey} Cab 21/306.8-1 [2] : foreign fing.

Valse lente / Carl Gottlieb Reissiger; ed. & arr. Clifford Ross {p. solo : Ross, Grey} Cab 21/306.8-1 [1] : foreign fing.

Ross, Donald (20th c.) Scottish

Cailin mo ruin-sa (The maid I adore) p. arr. George Short; words & music Donald Ross {solo v. : Alex. MacLaren & Sons} Cab 17/481.4

Ross, Jerry (1926-1955) American

Heart {from Damn Yankees} / Richard Adler; words by Richard Adler & Jerry Ross {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/005-2

I'm not at all in love {from The Pajama Game} / Richard Adler; words by Richard Adler & Jerry Ross {solo v. : Frank} Cab 17/005-1

The Pajama Game: musical comedy / Richard Adler; music & lyrics by Richard Adler & Jerry Ross {Frank} 07/001 a-b

Rosse, Frederick (1867-1940) English

Suite Gabrielle {p. solo : Hawkes} 21/307

Rossi, Francesco (1625-a.1699) Italian

Ah! rendimi (Give back my love) {from Mitrane}; ed. Edgardo Lêvi {solo v. : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/481.5

Rossini, Gioachino Antonio (1792-1868) Italian

The Barber of Seville: selection arr. Herman Finck {p. solo : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 16/020( 6) [5]

Le Barbier de Séville [arr. Henry Litolff] {p. solo : Litolff (Enoch)} 21/308-3

Der Barbier von Sevilla: Oper p. arr. Gustav Kogel {Peters} 06/047-3

Cori a voci pari o dispari; rev. Ada Melica {Fondazione Rossini } 09/162

The Count Ory: comic opera 06/047-1 a-d

La danza: celebrated Neapolitan tarantelle; Eng. version Philip King {solo v. : Ricordi} Cab 17/482-1 a : No. 1 in G min

La danza: celebrated Neapolitan tarantelle; Eng. version Philip King {solo v. : Ricordi} Cab 17/482-1 b : No. 2 in A min

Deadly slander (La Calunnia) {from The Barber of Seville}: Don Basilio's aria; Eng. text Brenda Cleather {bar. : Ricordi} Cab 17/482-2

Duetto buffo di due gatti: [duet for 2 sop.] {Ricordi} Cab 18/133

L'Italiana in Algeri (The Italian girl in Algiers): comic opera 06/047-2 a-b

Largo al factotum (Figaro's song) {from The Barber of Seville}; Eng. version Percy Pinkerton {ten. : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/482-3 a-b : orig. (Bb)

The little shepherdess (La pastorella): Tyrolean air; Eng. version Julian Kimbell {sop. : Ricordi} Cab 17/482-4 a-b : in C

Messe solennelle: [for] 4 solo v. & chor. {Ricordi} 02/102-2 a-b

Messe solennelle: for 4 solo v. & chor. (w. piano & harm. ad lib.) {Ricordi} 02/102-2 c

Mira la bianca luna {from Soirées Musicales}: [serenade for violin, cello & piano, w. organ ad lib.] arr. C. Sivori (violin) et P. Seligmann ('cello) {Joubert} Cab 24/025-2

Ouvertures pour piano et violon {Henry Litolff} 28/075 [7]

Overture {Il Barbiere di Seviglia} {p. solo : Duff, Stewart} Cab 21/308-2

The promise (La Promessa): canzonetta; Eng. version Julian Kimbell {sop. : Ricordi} Cab 17/482-5 : in Ab

Une réjouissance {p. solo : Faber} Cab 21/308-4

See where the moonbeams wander (Mira la bianca luna): [duet for sop. & ten] ; Eng. version Theo Marzials {Ricordi} Cab 15/021 [5]

Selva opaca {from William Tell}: [sop. aria: Matilde (with recit. S'allontanano alfin!)]; Eng. version Lawrence Hanray; ed. Edgardo Lèvi {International} Cab 17/482-6

Selva opaca, deserta brughiera {from William Tell}: [sop. aria: Matilde (with recit. S'allontanano alfin!)] {Ricordi} Cab 17/482-7

Stabat Mater (Tribulation): [for SSTB soli, SATB & orch. -]; Eng. adapt. William Ball {Novello, Ewer} 02/102 a-d

Stabat Mater: [for SSTB soli, SATB & orch. -] {Ricordi} 02/102.1 a-b

Suite from 'La Boutique Fantastique': ballet in one act arr. Ottorino Respighi {p. solo : Chester} Cab 21/308 a-b

Wilhelm Tell arr. Franz J. Liftl {p. duet : Bosworth} 22/060-2(4) [3]

Rota, Nino (1911-1979) Italian

The legend of the Glass Mountain {p. solo : Keith, Prowse} Cab 21/308.5

The legend of the Glass Mountain {violin : Keith, Prowse} Cab 28/040-1

Take the sun: duet for sop. & ten.; words by Emery Bonett {Keith, Prowse} Cab 18/135

Roth, Ernst (1896-1971) Anglo-Czech

Concerto No. 2 in D major KV 314: for flute & orchestra [p. red.] / W A Mozart arr. Ernest Roth {Rudall Carte} 38/064-2 b

Don Giovanni: opera in two acts / W A Mozart; words by Lorenzo da Ponte, Eng. version Edward J. Dent, voc. sc. Ernest Roth {Boosey} 06/032-3 b

Rothwell, Evelyn (1911-2008) English

Adagio / J S Bach arr. Evelyn Rothwell {oboe : Chester} 36/001-4

Air and Rondo / George Frideric Handel arr. Evelyn Rothwell {oboe : Chester} 36/037-8

A book of scales for the oboe {OUP} 36/082 a-b

Concerto in C major for oboe and strings: arr. for oboe & piano / Ernst Eichner; ed. & arr. Evelyn Rothwell {OUP} 36/023

Largo e Allegretto / Benedetto Marcello arr. Evelyn Rothwell {oboe : Chester} 36/052.5 a-b

Nocturne / John Field oboe transc. Evelyn Rothwell; p.acc. arr. Gibilaro {oboe : Chester} 36/025.7

Sonata in G / G B Boni (da Cortona) ; ed. & arr. Evelyn Rothwell {oboe : Chester} 36/003.8

Les tendres plaintes: [arr. for oboe and piano] / Jean-Philippe Rameau; ed. & arr. Evelyn Rothwell {Chester} Cab 36/080.8

Roubier, Henri (d.1888) French

Trebelli Op. 31: célèbre polka mazurka {p. solo} Cab 21/309-1

Rouget de Lisle, Claude Joseph (1760-1836) French

La Marseillaise transc. W F Arnold {p. solo : Orpheus} Cab 21/309.5

Roussel, Albert (1869-1937) French

Andante et scherzo Op. 51: pour flûte et piano {Durand} Cab 38/084.7-2

Aria [for B-clarinet & piano] {Alphonse Leduc} Cab 37/082.3

Krishna Op. 27 no. 3: pour flûte et piano {Durand} Cab 38/084.7(3)

Sérénade Op. 30: pour flûte, violon, alto, violoncelle et harpe {Durand} 42/028

Tityre Op. 27 no. 2: pour fl?te et piano {Durand} Cab 38/084.7(2)

Vocalise-étude {Alphonse Leduc} 19/055

Rowlands, William Penfro (1860-1937) Welsh

Blaenwern (Love divine, all loves excelling): arr. for SATB arr. Oliver Janes; words by Charles Wesley {Weinberger} Cab 02/104

Rowley, Alec (1892-1958) English

Ballet dancer {p. solo : Joseph Williams} 21/310-6

A book of voluntaries for the organ {Edwin Ashdown} 40/220

Choral dance suite: for SATB (unaccomp.) {Novello} Cab 01/066 a-b

English dance suite {p. solo : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 21/310-5

Five transcriptions of famous pieces for organ / J S Bach transc. Alec Rowley (no. 4 arr. Stanley Roper) {Edwin Ashdown} 40/220-3

Flower song; words & music Alec Rowley {solo v. : Joseph Williams} Cab 17/482.5-2 : No. 1 in D maj

Four impressions for piano duet {p. duo : Curwen} Cab 22/041-2

Heavenly gifts: Christmas carol; words by Doris Rowley {Novello} Cab 17/482.5-3

Highland march {p. solo : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 21/310

Outward bound: suite for piano {Winthrop Rogers} Cab 21/310-2

Pavan and Dance: for oboe (or flute) & piano {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 38/085-1

Plainsong preludes no. 1: Resurgam {organ : Novello} 40/220-2(1)

Poppies {p. solo : Winthrop Rogers} Cab 20/023 [2]

The rambling sailor {p. solo : Winthrop Rogers} Cab 21/310-4

The seven virgins: Passiontide carol for eq. v. SSC & bar. (or mez.) solo; arr. Alec Rowley {Curwen} Cab 17/482.5

Short trio on French tunes Op. 46b {p. trio: vn & vc : Peters} Cab 24/027

Songs of the North, 1st set: 7 songs arr. for piano; sel. Sir Harold Boulton and Malcolm Lawson {Cramer} Cab 21/310-3(1)

Suite pour piano {Durand} 21/310-7

Three short pieces {p. duo : OUP} Cab 22/041

The toll-gate house: song; words by John Drinkwater {low v. : Winthrop Rogers} 10/089 [15] : low v. in A min

Roy, Alphonse (1906-2000) Swiss

Pastorale dans le style ancien: pour flûte et piano {Foetisch (M. et P.)} 38/099-13 [5]

Roy, Dudley [=William ('Billy') Whitlock] (1874-1951) English

Jolly Tars polka (Dudley Roy) / William Smallwood {p. solo : Cramer} Cab 21/352-1

Rubbra, Edmund (1901-1986) English

A Hymn to the Virgin Op. 13 no. 2: for voice & harp (or piano).; Anon. {Alfred Lengnick} Cab 17/483(2) [1]

Introduction and fugue Op. 19c {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/312

Jesukin Op. 4 No. 2: for voice & harp (or piano).; words by St Ita (480-570 AD) {Alfred Lengnick} Cab 17/483(2) [2]

Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in A flat Op. 65: for mixed chor. & org. {Alfred Lengnick} Cab 02/105

Out in the dark Op. 13 no. 1: song; [words by] Edward Thomas {Alfred Lengnick} Cab 17/483.3(1)

Two songs: for voice & harp (or piano). {Alfred Lengnick} Cab 17/483(2) a-b

Rubens, Paul A (1876-1917) English

The admiral's yarn: song; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {Chappell} Cab 17/483-2 : No. 1 in C

The dairymaids: lancers / Leonard Williams arr. on melodies by Paul A. Rubens & Frank E. Tours {p. solo : Chappell} Cab 21/313-1

I love the moon: song; words & music Paul Rubens {Chappell} Cab 17/483-1 : No. 2 in Db

I love the moon: vocal duet (for sop. & bar.); words & music Paul A. Rubens {Chappell} Cab 18/136

Miss Hook of Holland: valse / Leonard Williams arr. on melodies by Paul A. Rubens {p. solo : Chappell} Cab 21/313-2

Miss Hook of Holland [complete]: Dutch musical incident arr. Albert W. Ketèlbey {p. solo : Chappell} Cab 21/313-3

My toreador {from The toreador}: song; words & music Paul A. Rubens {Chappell} 16/050-5 [33]

Rubinstein, Anton (1829-1894) Russian

Album vol. 1: [6 pieces] {p. solo : Augener} 21/314(1)

Allegro risoluto Op. 11 no. 3; rev.&c A N?lck {cello : Augener} 33/058(3)

Barcarolle Op. 30 no. 1 {p. solo : Hamelle} Cab 21/314-1

Duet album [Op. 48 and 67]: eighteeen two-part songs (Op. 48 and 67) {Boosey} Cab 15/053

Es blinkt der Thau Op. 72 nr 1: sop./ ten. {Bartholf Senff} 10/045-9 [8]

Etude Op. 23 no. 2; ed. G. H. Clutsam {p. solo : Hatzfeld} Cab 21/314-4

Fifty-nine songs {Boosey} 09/163 a-b

Mélodie {cello : Beal, Stuttard} 33/099(1) [7]

Melody: arranged as a song; words by Florence Hoare {Curwen} Cab 17/483.5

Melody in F; ed. & arr. Clifford Ross {p. solo : Ross, Grey} Cab 21/306.8-2 [2] : foreign fing.

Melody in F: for piano with violin obbl. ad lib. {Arthur} Cab 21/314-2

Melody in F Op. 3: p. solo w. violin & cello ad lib. {Banks} Cab 28/041-2

Melody in F [Op. 3] transc. J. Kessler {violin : Paxton} Cab 28/041-3

Romance {cello : Beal, Stuttard} 33/099(1) [8]

Romance in E flat Op. 44 no. 1 {p. solo} Cab 21/314-3

Sonate Op. 18 {violin} Cab 28/041 a-b

Sonate Op. 18 {cello : Breitkopf & Härtel} Cab 33/058-2

Wanderer's evening song (Wanderers Nachtslied): [duet] {Augener} Cab 18/137-1

Zweistimmige Lieder Op. 48 u. 67: eighteeen two-part songs {Bartholf Senff} 15/047-2

Rubinstein, Beryl (1898-1952) American

Bess you is my woman {from Porgy and Bess} / George Gershwin concert transc. Beryl Rubinstein {p. solo : Gershwin} Cab 21/151-2

Rubinstein, Nikolai Grigoryevich (1835-1881) Russian

Tarantelle Op. 14 {p. duet : Augener} Cab 22/042

Ruggieri, Giovanni Maria (c1665-c1725) Italian

Taci, non mi parlar (Cantata IX from Twelve cantatas op.5, 1706): [sop./contr. w. 2 vn & bass] Spec Coll

Rummel, Walter Morse (1887-1953) Anglo-German

From Final chorus of Cantata No. 22 / J S Bach adapt. Walter Rummel {p. solo} Cab 21/016

Six sonates originales / Antonio Vivaldi realis. de la basse chiffrée W. Morse Rummel; rec. et annot. Marg. Chaigneau {cello : Salabert} 33/077-2

Was Gott tut das ist wohlgetan (What God hath done is rightly done) / J S Bach adapt. Walter Rummel {p. solo : Chester} Cab 21/016-8(5)

Rupp, Heinrich (19th-20th c.) German

Invitation to the dance Op. 65 / Carl Maria von Weber arr. H. Rupp {p. duet : Schott} Cab 22/058-3

Russell, Kennedy (1884-1954) English

The barber of Turin: song; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {Chappell} Cab 17/484-6 : No. 1 in A

Poor man's garden: song; words by Royden Barrie {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/484-1 a : No. 1 in C

Poor man's garden: song; words by Royden Barrie {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/484-1 b-c : No. 3 in Eb

Saint Christopher; words by Arthur Stanley {solo v. : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 17/484-5 : No. 2 in Eb

Vale (Farewell): song; words by Burgh d'Arcy {Edwin Ashdown} Cab 17/484-2 a-b : No. 3 in Ab

When the children say their prayers: song; words by Arthur Stanley {Chappell} Cab 17/484-3 a-b : No. 1 in C

Young Tom o' Devon: song; words by Harold Simpson {Chappell} Cab 17/484-4 a : No. 2 in Bb

Young Tom o' Devon: song; words by Harold Simpson {Chappell} Cab 17/484-4 b : No. 1 in Ab

Russell, Ronald Landon (1873-1938) English

see Landon Ronald

Russell-Smith, Geoffry (1927-1998) English

Alice; and The Mad Hatter: two pieces for three clarinets {Boosey & Hawkes} 37/084

Ruthardt, Adolf (1849-1934) German

Concerto [No.] 1 Op. 25: for piano & orch. [] / Felix Mendelssohn p. red. Adolf Ruthardt {p. duo : Peters} 22/026-5

Concerto Op. 73 (No. 5 in E flat major) / Ludwig van Beethoven arr. Adolf Ruthardt {p. duo : Peters} 22/005-5 a

Konzert D moll BWV 1052 / J S Bach arr. Adolf Ruthardt {p. duo : Peters} 22/002-1

Konzert G moll Op. 25: for piano & orch. [] / Felix Mendelssohn p. red. Adolf Ruthardt {p. duo : Peters} 22/026-5

Konzerte für Orgel und Orchester, Bd 1, Nr 1-6: [arr. as p. duet] / George Frideric Handel arr. Adolf Ruthardt {Peters} 22/026-3 [3]

Rutter, John Milford (1945- English

Carols for choirs, 2: fifty carols for Christmas & Advent; ed. & arr. David Willcocks and John Rutter {OUP} 02/204(2) a-b

Carols for choirs, 3: fifty carols; ed. & arr. David Willcocks and John Rutter {OUP} 02/204(3)

Carols for choirs, 4: fifty carols for sopranos and altos; ed. & arr. David Willcocks and John Rutter {OUP} 02/204(4) a-c

What sweeter music: [Christmas carol]; words by Robert Herrick {SATB choir : OUP} Cab 02/105

Ruyssen, Pierre (1892-1965) French

Sonate VI (Les délices de la solitude Op. 20 no. 6): sonate pour viole ou violoncelle / Michel Corrette arr. P. Ruyssen {Delrieu} 33/020.3(6)

Ryan, Paul (1948-1992) English

I will drink the wine; words & music Paul Ryan {solo v. : Ryan} Cab 17/485-1


Monday 16th September 2024

462 works by 116 named composer / arrangers beginning letter R

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