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We  Wh  Wi  Wo  Wr  Wu  Wy  

W., F. C. (19th c.)

Ten organ arrangements Bk 1 / George Frideric Handel arr. (1,8) W.H.B. (2-3,5-7,9-10) F.C.W. {Novello} 40/110-2(1) a-b

Ten organ arrangements Bk 2 / George Frideric Handel arr. (1-7,10) F.C.W. {Novello} 40/110-2(2)

Wedding music: [5 pieces by Mendelssohn(2), Wagner, Guilmant and Hofmann] [arr. F. C. W.] {organ : Novello} 40/030-17

Wadsworth, Joseph H (19th-20th c.) American

The gondoliers; or, The King of Barataria / Arthur Sullivan arr. J. H. Wadsworth; [written] by W.S. Gilbert {Chappell} 07/040-2 b-c

The yeomen of the Guard; or, The merryman and his maid: new and original opera / Arthur Sullivan arr. J. H. Wadsworth; [written] by W.S. Gilbert {Chappell} 07/041-5 a

Wagner, Oscar (19th-20th c.)

[Six pieces for violin and piano] Cab 28/055-1

Wagner, Wilhelm  Richard (1813-1883) German

Ballade (der Senta) {from Der Fliegende Holländer}: [for oboe or clarinet in B & piano]; bearb. Otto Bahlmann {Schmidt} Cab 36/091 [2]

Bridal march from 'Lohengrin' {p. solo} Cab 21/372-3 [2]

Einzug der Gäste auf Wartburg {from Tannhäuser} transc. F. Liszt {p. solo : Breitkopf & Härtel} Cab 21/372-7

Elisabeth's greeting {from Tannhäuser} {sop. : Novello} Cab 17/559-1 a

Elizabeth's prayer {from Tannhäuser}; new Eng. version A. C. Bunten {sop. : Bayley & Ferguson} Cab 17/559-1 b-c

Elsas Traum {from Lohengrin}: [for mez. & ch. orch.] {Breitkopf & Härtel} 43/090

Der fliegende Holländer p. arr. Gustav Brecher {Peters} 06/072-1 b

The Flying Dutchman: romantic opera 06/072-1 a

Fünf Gedichte für Frauenstimme (Wesendonck-Lieder); words by Mathilde Wesendonck {Peters} 09/203 : low. v.

Gerechter Gott! {from Rienzi}: Adriano's aria; Eng. trans. J. Pittman {sop. : Adolph Fürstner} Cab 17/559-2

Götterdämmerung (libr.); Ger. libretto Richard Wagner; Eng. trans. &c William Mann {Friends of Covent Garden} 03/178-5

Götterdämmerung (The Twilight of the Gods) Klavierauszug von Otto Singer; Eng. trans. Ernest Newman {Breitkopf & Härtel} 06/072-6

Great masters Bk 6: Wagner; ed. Arthur Purcell {p. solo : Larway} Cab 20/149(6)

Introduction to 3rd Act of Lohengrin: grand march arr. William Creser {organ : Novello} 40/260-2

Kaisermarsch arr. Carl Tausig {p. solo : Peters} Cab 21/372-2

Lohengrin (libr.): opera; paroles françaises de Charles Nuitter [with parallel Eng. text - libretto by Richard Wagner] {Librairie Stock &c} 03/178-1

Lohengrin {Novello, Ewer} 06/072-2 a-b

Lohengrin. Prelude to 3rd Act and Bridal music transc. Edwin H. Lemare {organ : Schott} 40/260-4(16)

March from 'Tannhäuser' and Bridal march from 'Lohengrin' {p. solo} Cab 21/372-3

The mastersingers of Nuremberg; complete voc. sc. arr. Karl Klindworth {Schirmer} 06/072-3 b

Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg - prelude [min. sc.] {full orch.} 04/030

Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg vollst. Klavierauszug von R. Kleinmichel {Schott} 06/072-3 a

Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg: sel. words & music; Eng. versions Percy Pinkerton {sop. : Newnes} 16/099

O Star of Eve! (O du, mein holder Abendstern) {from Tannh?user} {p. solo : Leonard, Gould & Bolttler} 21/372-10

O Star of Eve; ed. & arr. W. H. Squire {cello : Joseph Williams} 33/069-3 [2]

Parsifal: festival drama simplified voc. sc. by R. Kleinmichel {Schott} 06/072-5

Parsifal. Good Friday music transc. Edwin H. Lemare {organ : Schott} 40/260-4(14)

Parsifal. Prelude to 3rd Act transc. Edwin H. Lemare {organ : Schott} 40/260-4(13)

Preludes to Lohengrin and Tristan and Isolde, and Introduction to Lohengrin Act 3 {p. solo : Breitkopf & Härtel} 21/372-1

Das Rheingold (libr.); Ger. libretto Richard Wagner; Eng. trans. &c William Mann {Friends of Covent Garden} 03/178-3

Das Rheingold Klavierauszug von Otto Singer; Eng. trans. Ernest Newman {Breitkopf & Härtel} 06/072-8 a

Das Rheingold Klavierauszug mit Text von Felix Mottl {Peters} 06/072-8 b

Das Rheingold. Walhall scene transc. Edwin H. Lemare {organ : Schott} 40/260-4(32)

The ride of the Valkyries arr. David Patrick {organ : Basil Ramsey} 40/260-3

Der Ritt der Walküren transc. Edwin H. Lemare {organ : Schott} 40/260-4(28)

Scenes from Tannhäuser and The Tournament of Song at the Wartburg: opera; concert ed. {Novello} 06/072-4

Selection from The Mastersingers {p. solo} 21/372-4

Siegfried (libr.); Ger. libretto Richard Wagner; Eng. trans. &c William Mann {Friends of Covent Garden} 03/178-2

Siegfried Klavierauszug von Otto Singer; Eng. trans. Ernest Newman {Breitkopf & Härtel} 06/072-9

Siegfried Idyl [sic] [min. sc.] {full orch. : Boosey & Hawkes} 04/030-2

Tannhäuser: Marsch transc. Victor Felix {violin : Peters} 28/075 [8]

Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg [complete] arr. August Horn {p. solo : Meser} 21/372-8

Tristan and Isolde: opera in 3 acts by Richard Kleinmichel; Eng. version Henry Grafton Chapman {Schirmer} 06/072-10

Vorspiel (Tristan und Isolde) arr. H. von Bülow {p. duet : Augener} Cab 22/055.5

Wagner-Album (Unsere Meister, 13) {p. solo : Breitkopf & Härtel} 21/372-9

Wagner-Liszt album: selection of favourite pieces from Wagner's operas; ed. E. Pauer {p. solo : Augener} 21/372-5

Die Walküre (libr.); Ger. libretto Richard Wagner; Eng. trans. &c William Mann {Friends of Covent Garden} 03/178-4

Die Walküre (The Valkyrie) vollst. Klavierauszug von Karl Klindworth; Eng. trans. Frederick Jameson {Schott} 06/072-7

Walter's prize song {from Die Meistersinger} transc. W. J. Westbrook {organ : Schott} 40/260-5

Walther's prize song (Morn, like a rose) {from The Meistersingers}; Eng. by Percy Pinkerton {solo v. : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 16/020(4) [3]

The wedding music from Lohengrin arr. J. Wodehouse {organ : Augener} 40/260-1

Wotan's Abschied und Feuerzauber {from Die Walküre} transc. Georges Bell {p. solo : Schott} Cab 21/372-6

Wakefield, Augusta Mary (1853-1910) English

No sir!: Spanish ballad; words & music A. M. Wakefield {Paterson} 16/050-5 [17] : No. 2 in C

Waldteufel, Emile (1837-1915) French

Acclamations: Valses no. 1-3 + Coda {p. solo : Newnes} 16/040 [4/7]

Dolorés : Valses no. 1-3 + Coda {p. solo : Newnes} 16/040 [3/6]

Mello: valse {p. solo} 16/050-2 [10]

Les patineurs (The skater's waltz) {p. solo : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 21/373-2 a-b

Les Patineurs (The skater's waltz) arr. Clive Richardson {p. duo : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 22/055.8

Valse album No. 1: [6 valses] {p. solo : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 21/373(1)

Valse album No. 7: [6 valses] {p. solo : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 21/373(7)

Valse album No. 8: [6 valses] {p. solo : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 21/373(8)

Waltz album {p. solo : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 21/373-3

Walford Davies, Henry (1869-1941) English

see Davies, Henry Walford

Walker, Richard (c1950- American

Four fancies: sax. quart. (AATB) {Belwin} 37/678

Walker, T S (20th c.) English

Twelve easy duets: for two descant recorders or violins / W A Mozart arr. T. S. Walker {Schott} 38/158-2

Wall, Harry Edward (1871-1941) English

Ayre and Gavot / Thomas Arne arr. Harry Wall {organ : Cramer} 40/048-1

A concerto movement / Thomas S Dupuis arr. Harry Wall {organ : Cramer} 40/085

Wallace, William (1860-1940) Scottish

Freebooter songs; words & music William Wallace {Cramer} Cab 09/204

The outlaw: ballad {bar.} Cab 01/084

Son of mine (Freebooter Songs no. 3): cradle song; words & music William Wallace {solo v. : Cramer} Cab 17/559.7(3) : No. 1 in D min

Wallace, William Vincent (1812-1865) Irish

Maritana: opera 06/075-1 a

Maritana: opera 06/075-1 b

Sweet and low: cradle song [for mez./contr.]; words by Alfred Tennyson {Joseph Williams} Cab 17/559.8 : [No. 1] in A (contr.)

'Tis the harp in the air {from Maritana}: romance; words by E. Fitzball {solo v. : Hutchings} 10/045-9 [5]

Waller, Thomas Wright ('Fats') (1904-1943) American

Vocal selections from Bubbling Brown Sugar: (revue featuring music by Duke Ellington, Fats Waller, etc) / Duke Ellington {EMI} 09/067

Walsh, Frank (20th c.) English

Beautiful dreamer: [song] / Stephen Foster arr. Frank C. Walsh; words & music Stephen Foster {Walsh} Cab 17/201-2

Clair de lune {from Suite bergamasque} / Claude Debussy arr. Frank Walsh {p. solo : Walsh} Cab 21/110-2(3) c

Jeanie, with the light brown hair: [song] / Stephen Foster arr. Frank Walsh; words & music Stephen C. Foster {Fentone} Cab 17/201 c

Whispering hope / Alice Hawthorne arr. Frank Walsh; words & music Alice Hawthorne {solo v. : Fentone} Cab 17/263 b

Walters, Leslie (1902-1998) English

Invitation to Arcady; words by Christopher Marlowe {low v.} Cab 17/560 : low in Eb

Lord, in Thy name I rest me: hymn for unaccomp. double chor.; words by Bonifacius Stoelzlein {Fagus-Music} Cab 02/131.5

Walther, Johann Gottfried (1684-1748) German

Ausgewählte Orgelwerke Bd 2; ed. Heinz Lohmann {Breitkopf} 40/263(2)

Concerto per la chiesa / G P Telemann arr. J. G. Walther; ed. Philip A. Prince {organ : Novello} 40/243

Walther, Madeleine Clark (20th c.) American

Dweller in dreams; text by Rabindranath Tagore {low v. : Boston} Cab 17/561 : low in Eb

Walthew, Richard Henry (1872-1951) English

Sonata / Giacobbe Cervetto arr. Richard Walthew {cello : William E. Hill & Sons} 33/019-2

Walton, John (1906-1991) English

'A deep song' for double bass & piano; ed. Rodney Slatford {Yorke} Cab 34/090-1

Walton, William (Sir) (1902-1983) English

Belshazzar's feast: for mixed choir, bar. solo & orch. [] {OUP} 08/061 a-b

Belshazzar's feast: for mixed choir, bar. solo & orch. [] {OUP} 08/061 c

Crown imperial: Coronation march (1937) {p. solo : OUP} 21/374

Crown imperial: Coronation march (1937) arr. Herbert Murrill {organ : OUP} 40/264-1

Façade (Suite for orchestra) arr. Constant Lambert {p. duet : OUP} Cab 22/056-1

Façade (Second suite for orchestra) {p. duo : OUP} Cab 22/056-2

Passacaglia 'Death of Falstaff' arr. Henry Ley {organ : OUP} 40/264-2

Three songs; poems by Edith Sitwell {OUP} Cab 09/205

Valse from Façade arr. Herbert Murrill {p. duo : OUP} Cab 22/056-2

The winds; poem by A. C. Swinburne {solo v. : Curwen} Cab 17/562 a-b

Wang Jianzhong (1933-2016) Chinese

Liu Yang River (1974) {p. solo} 21/374.5

Wanhal, Johann Baptist (1739-1813) Czech

see Johann Baptist Vanhal

Ward, Annie Clementine (19th-20th c.) English

Flowerland or, The lady gardeners: operetta for equal v. {Curwen} 07/057-2 a-b

Princess Ju Ju, or The golden Amulet: Japanese operetta adapt. to music from Schumann's Album for the Young {childr. v. : Curwen} 07/057

Ward, David (20th-21st c.) Scottish

Variations on a waltz (2005) {p. solo : Vanderbeek & Imrie} 21/374.8

Warlock, Peter [=Philip Heseltine] (1894-1930) English

As ever I saw; Anon. {low v. : Winthrop Rogers} 10/088 [6] : low: Db

As ever I saw; Anon. {high v. : Winthrop Rogers} Cab 17/563-7 : high: Eb

Away to Twiver; Anon. {solo v. : OUP} Cab 17/563-8

A book of [12] songs {OUP} 09/206 also at 10/088 [7]

Capriol suite: see Notes arr. Maurice Jacobson {p. solo : Curwen} 21/374.9

Capriol suite: arr. for recorder quintet arr. Stanley Taylor {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 38/178

Captain Stratton's fancy: song; words by John Masefield {Augener} Cab 17/563-1 : No. 1 (in D)

The first mercy; words by Bruce Blunt {solo v. : Winthrop Rogers} Cab 17/563-11

Hey, troly loly lo: song; Anon. (16th cent.) {Augener} 10/087 [11]

In an arbour green: song; poem by Robert Wever {Paterson} Cab 17/563-2 a-b

The jolly shepherd: song {Winthrop Rogers} 10/089 [7]

Mourn no moe: [song]; words by John Fletcher (1616) {Winthrop Rogers} 10/089 [8] : low v. [A min]

My gostly fader: [song]; attrib. Charles d'Orleans {Winthrop Rogers} 10/089 [9]

Pavane and Tordion {from Capriol Suite} {p. duet : Curwen} Cab 22/056.6 a-b

Peter Warlock's fancy: song; Anon. (16th cent.) {Chappell} 10/089 [5] : No. 1 in Eb

Peter Warlock's fancy: song; Anon. (16th cent.) {Chappell} Cab 17/563-3 : No. 2 in F

Piggesnie: song; words Anon. 16th cent. {Augener} 10/087 [12] : No. 1 in E

Sigh no more, ladies; words by Shakespeare {solo v. : OUP} Cab 17/563-9

Sleep {solo v.} Cab 17/563-4

Sweet content; [poem by] Thomas Dekker {high v. : Winthrop Rogers} Cab 17/563-5 : high: G

There is a lady sweet and kind; poem by Thomas Ford {high v. : Winthrop Rogers} Cab 17/563-6 : high: Db

Whenas the rye: song; words by George Peele (1595) {Winthrop Rogers} 10/089 [6] : No. 1 in Eb

Yarmouth Fair: Norfolk folk-song {low v. : OUP} Cab 17/563-10 : low key

Warrack, Guy (1900-1986) Scottish

O Peace, thou fairest child of Heaven {poem from Alfred} / Thomas Arne arr. Guy Warrack; words by James Thomson and David Mallet {solo v. : Curwen} Cab 17/016-8 a-b

Warren, Peter

Let me this day: based on an old Wesh folk song; words by Con Bryan {solo v. : Robbins} Cab 17/565 a-b

Wastall, Peter (1932-2003) English

Learn as you play - oboe: [with 12 concert pieces]; [compil. & arr.?] by Peter Wastall {oboe : Boosey & Hawkes} 36/131-5

Watson, (William) Michael (1840-1899) English

All in a garden fair: song; words & music Michael Watson {Enoch} 16/050-4 [32] : No. 2 in F

Anchored!: [song]; words by S. K. Cowan {Newnes} 16/040 [5/1] : [in G]

Anchored!: song; words by S. K. Cowan {Williams} 10/045-4 [26] : No. 2 in G

The celebrated gigue in G {p. duet : Paterson} 22/057-2

Norwegian dance in C minor {p. duet : Jefferys} Cab 22/057-1

Stars of Earth!: song adapted (with violin or cello obbl.) to cavatina by Joachim Raff; words by Michael Watson {Enoch & Sons} 10/045-4 [10] : No. 2 in F

Webber, Amherst (1867-1946) Anglo-French

La Première: mélodie; paroles de François Coppée, Eng. trans. E. Teschemacher {solo v. : Ricordi} 10/045-6 [11] : No. 1 in F

Webber, Andrew Lloyd (1948- English

The Andrew Lloyd Webber anthology: [songs from the musicals] {Really Useful Group} 09/207

Cats: the songs from the musical; text by T.S. Eliot {Faber} 09/207-1

Cats (selection): for descant and treble recorders & piano arr. Brian Bonsor {Faber} 38/190

Don't cry for me Argentina {from Evita}; lyrics by Tim Rice {solo v. : Evita} Cab 17/566 a-b

Jesus Christ Superstar: rock opera (musical excerpts, complete libretto); lyrics by Tim Rice {Leeds Music} 07/057.5

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat: [abridged vocal selection - 14 songs]; lyrics by Tim Rice {Novello} 09/207-2

Memory {from Cats}; text by Trevor Nunn after T. S. Eliot {solo v. : Faber} Cab 17/566-2

The music of the night {from The Phantom of the Opera}; lyrics by Charles Hart {solo v. : Really Useful Group} Cab 17/566-3

The Phantom of the Opera: [vocal selection - 9 songs]; lyrics by Charles Hart {Hal Leonard} 09/207-3

Pie Jesu {from Requiem} {sop. & tr. : Novello} Cab 18/172

With one look {from Sunset Boulevard}; lyrics by Don Black & Christopher Hampton {solo v. : Really Useful Group} Cab 17/566-4

Webber, Julian Lloyd (1951- English

The romantic cello: album moderne [9 pieces] cello parts ed. Julian Lloyd Webber {cello : Chappell} 33/080-5

The romantic cello: 9 compositions & arrangements for cello] arr. Barrie Turner & Julian Lloyd Webber {cello : Chappell} 33/087

Webber, William Southcombe Lloyd (1914-1982) English

Frensham Pond: aquarelle for clar. & piano {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 37/096

The lyre of Orpheus: four songs for fem. v. (SSC); words by May Sarson {Elkin} 15/053

The Saviour: meditation upon the death of Christ, for ten. & bass soli, SATB & org.; words by Bryn Rees {Novello} 02/132

Three Spring miniatures {p. solo : Elkin} Cab 21/375

Weber, Carl Maria Friedrich Ernst von (1786-1826) German

Aufforderung zum Tanz (Invitation to the Dance) Op. 65 arr. Alexander Rihm; Weber-Weingartner {p. duo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 22/058-2 a-b

Aufforderung zum Tanz Op. 65 arr. Gabriel Marie {p. quartet (2p. 8 h) : Peters} Cab 22/058-6

Aufforderung zum Tanze Op. 65: rondo {p. solo} 20/014 [7]

Ausgewählte Kompositionen arr. August Horn {p. duet : Peters} 22/058

Concertino Op. 26 for clarinet and orchestra: red. for Bb clar. & piano {Breitkopf} 37/098-2 a

Concertino [Op. 26] for clarinet and orchestra: for Bb clar. & piano red. Eric Simon {clar. : Boosey & Hawkes} 37/098-2 b

Concerto No. 1 for clarinet and orchestra: for Bb clar. & piano red. Eric Simon {Boosey & Hawkes} 37/098-3

Concerto No. 2 for clarinet and orchestra: for Bb clar. & piano red. Eric Simon {Boosey & Hawkes} 37/098-4

Euryanthe arr. Duarte J. Dos Santos {p. duet : Chappell} 22/058-4

Der Freischütz: ouverture [min. sc.] {full orch. : Boosey & Hawkes} 04/034

Grand duo concertant Op. 48: for Bb clar. & piano; ed. Ernest Roth {Boosey & Hawkes} 37/098-1

Grand polonaise No. 2; ed. Jules Benedict {p. solo : Joseph Williams} Cab 21/376-1

Invitation à la valse; ed. Geo. H. Farnell {p. solo : Banks} Cab 21/376-5

Invitation à la valse [Op. 65] arr. G F West {p. duet : Bosworth} 22/058-1

Invitation to the dance: for mixed v. arr. Julius Harrison {Boosey & Hawkes} 15/073 a-c

Invitation to the dance: vocal adapt. for film Three Smart Girls Grow Up; lyric & mus. adapt. Charles Henderson {solo v. : Francis, Day & Hunter} Cab 17/567-1 a-b

Invitation to the dance: for coloratura v. with flute ad lib. arr. Estelle Liebling; words by Leonard Liebling {Schirmer} Cab 17/567-1.1

Invitation to the Dance (Aufforderung zum Tanz) Op. 65 arr. Alexander Rihm; Weber-Weingartner {p. duo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 22/058-2 a-b

Invitation to the dance Op. 65 arr. H. Rupp {p. duet : Schott} Cab 22/058-3

The Jubilee cantata (Harvest cantata) Op. 58: [for SATB soli & chor.] 01/085

March Op. 3 no. 5 {p. duet : ABRSM} Cab 22/058-5

Mass in G arr. W. H. Weiss {SATB soli : Novello} 02/085[2]

Mass in G arr. W. H. Weiss {SATB soli : Novello} 02/133 also at 02/085 [2]

Il moto continuo (Grand sonata in C) {p. solo : Brewer} Cab 21/376-2 a

Oberon: opera in 3 acts; written by J. R. Planché; ed. Natalia Macfarren {Novello, Ewer} 06/076

[Original compositions for piano 4 hands]; ed. Leopold Josef Beer {Universal} 22/060-6 [1-3]

Perpetuum mobile {from First Sonata Op. 24}; ed. O. Thümer {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/376-2 b

Perpetuum mobile {af Sonaten Op. 24} {p. solo : Wilhelm Hansen} Cab 21/376-4(4) c

Perpetuum mobile: rondo {from Sonata no. 1 Op. 24}; rev. John A. Preston {p. solo : Wood} Cab 21/376-4(4) d

Preciosa [arr. Henry Litolff] {p. solo : Litolff (Enoch)} Cab 21/376-6

Rondo brillante in E flat Op. 62 {p. solo : Forsyth Bros.} Cab 21/376-3 a

Rondo brillante in E flat Op. 62; ed. Hans Semper {p. solo : Wood} Cab 21/376-3 b

Rondo brillant in E flat Op. 62; ed. O. Thümer {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/376-3 c

Say, my heart, whence comes thine anguish? (Herz, mein Herz, warum so traurig?): celebrated German air {solo v. : Lonsdale} Cab 17/567-2

Softly sighs the voice of evening (Wie nahte mir der Schlummer): Agnes' recit. & air {sop. : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 17/567-3

Sonata 1 Op. 24 (C major); ed. F. Liszt {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/376-4

Sonate 2 Op. 39 (Ab major) {p. solo : Henry Litolff} Cab 21/376-7

Sonaten; ed. Köhler / Schmidt {p. solo : Peters} 21/376(1)

Sonates pour piano et violon {Henry Litolff} 28/075 [3]

Webern, Anton Friedrich Wilhelm von (1883-1945) Austrian

Passacaglia für Orchester Op. 1 [min. sc.] {Universal} 04/036-1

Sonatensatz (Rondo) für Klavier; ed. Hans Moldenhauer? {Carl Fischer} Cab 21/378-2

Variationen für Klavier Op. 27 Cab 21/378

Variationen für Orchester Op. 30 [min. sc.] {Universal} 04/036-2

Vier Lieder Op. 12 {Universal} Cab 09/207.7

Weckerlin, Jean-Baptiste (1821-1910) French

Bergerettes: [20] romances et chansons du XVIIIe siècle; coll. et transc. J B Weckerlin {Heugel} 10/003 a-c

Du temps des bergères: six chansons dans la forme populaire; Eng. words E.M. Traquair {Augener} 09/208

Weelkes, Thomas (c1575-1623) English

Alleluia. I heard a voice: anthem for 5 v. (Rev. 5:12,13); ed. S. Townsend Warner {OUP} Cab 02/134

In pride of May: song / Frank La Forge; [after Thomas Weelkes?] {high v. : Schirmer} Cab 17/325 : [No. 1] high in C (orig.)

Weill, Kurt (1900-1950) German

Die Dreigroschenoper {Universal} 06/077-1

Mack the knife {from The Threepenny Opera}; Eng. words Marc Blitzstein (from orig. by Bertolt Brecht) {solo v. : Arcadia} Cab 17/568-1

September song {from Knickerbocker Holiday}; words by Maxwell Anderson {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/568-2

Weinberger, Jaromír (1896-1967) Czech-American

Polka {from Schwanda the Bagpiper} {p. solo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 21/378.5

Polka {from Schwanda the Bagpiper} {p. duet : Boosey & Hawkes} 22/058.2

Weingartner, Felix von (1863-1942) Austrian

Aufforderung zum Tanz (Invitation to the Dance) Op. 65 / Carl Maria von Weber arr. Alexander Rihm; Weber-Weingartner {p. duo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 22/058-2 a-b

Du bist ein Kind (Thou art a child) {from Zwölf Lieder Op. 28 no.12}: sop./ ten.; Ger. by Ernst Ziel; Eng. version William Wallace {Breitkopf & Härtel} 10/045-8.2 [8]

Du bist ein Kind (Thou art a child) {from Zwölf Lieder Op. 28 no. 12}; Ger. by Ernst Ziel; Eng. version William Wallace {Breitkopf & Härtel} Cab 17/569

Invitation to the Dance (Aufforderung zum Tanz) Op. 65 / Carl Maria von Weber arr. Alexander Rihm; Weber-Weingartner {p. duo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 22/058-2 a-b

Weinzweig, John Jacob (1913-2006) Canadian

Divertimento I for flute and string orchestra p. red. Harold Perry {flute : Boosey & Hawkes} 38/168

Weismann, Wilhelm (1900-1980) German

Arrival of the Queen of Sheba {from Solomon} / George Frideric Handel arr. W. Weismann {p. duet : Hinrichsen} Cab 22/021-1 a also at 22/026-3 [2]

Concerto in A minor Op. 16 / Edvard Grieg arr. Wm. Weismann [abridged] {p. solo : Peters/Hinrichsen} Cab 21/156-5 a-b

Messe D-moll (Nelson-Messe) / Joseph Haydn arr. Wilhelm Weismann {SATB soli : Peters} 02/054-3.1

Weiss, Willoughby Hunter (1820-1867) English

Mass in G / Carl Maria von Weber arr. W. H. Weiss {SATB soli : Novello} 02/085[2]

Mass in G / Carl Maria von Weber arr. W. H. Weiss {SATB soli : Novello} 02/133 also at 02/085 [2]

The village blacksmith: song; words by Longfellow {E. George} Cab 17/569.5 a : No. 3 in C

The village blacksmith: song; words by Longfellow {Weekes} Cab 17/569.5 b : No. 1 in Bb

Weiss-Mann, Edith (1885-1951) German

Sonata No. 5 in D minor: for cello or bassoon & piano / Johann Ernst Galliard figured bass set by Edith Weiss-Mann; transc. & ed. Josef Marx {Hinrichsen} 33/030.5(5)

Weissenborn, Christian Julius (1837-1888) German

Bassoon studies Op. 8, vol. 1 - for beginners {Peters} 36/170-1(1)

Weissmann, John S. (János ) (1910-1980) Hungarian

Concerto No. 1 in G major KV 313: for flute & orchestra [p. red.] / W A Mozart arr. John S. Weissmann {Rudall Carte} 38/064-1 b

Weitz, Guy (1883-1970) Belgian

Mortify us by thy Grace {Chorale from Cantata No. 22} / J S Bach arr. Guy Weitz {organ : Chester} 40/051-9

Wellings, Milton (1850-1929) English

Golden love: song; words by Mary Mark-Lemon {Enoch & Sons} 10/045-4 [8] : No. 1 in G

Wély, Lefébure (1817-1869) French

Andante in F {organ} 40/180 [2]

Wenrich, Percy (1887-1952) American

Minnetonka; words by Gus Kahn {solo v. : Feldman} Cab 17/570

Werner, Jack (20th c.)

Gavotte: [arr. for piano duet] / Ludwig van Beethoven transc. & ed. Jack Werner {p. duet : Curwen} Cab 22/005-10

Wesley, Samuel (1766-1837) English

Duet for organ; ed. Walter Emery {Novello} 40/267 a-b

Prelude, Air & Gavotte {from Twelve short pieces}; ed. John E. West {organ : Novello} 40/267-2

Sonatina in A Op. 5 arr. Gordon Saunders {p. solo} Cab 21/379-1

Wesley, Samuel Sebastian (1810-1876) English

Choral song {from Three pieces for a chamber organ, Bk 1} {Novello} 40/268

The wilderness: anthem for solo v. & chor. w. org. accomp. {Novello} Cab 02/136

West, G F (19th c.) English

Favourite waltzes No. 4 / W A Mozart arr. G F West {p. solo : Robert Cocks} Cab 21/254-9

Invitation à la valse [Op. 65] / Carl Maria von Weber arr. G F West {p. duet : Bosworth} 22/058-1

West, John E (1863-1929) Scottish

Fantasy on two well-known Christmas carols {organ : Novello} 40/269

Nazareth ('Though poor be the chamber'): anthem for bar. solo & chor. / Charles Gounod arr. John E. West; words by Henry F. Chorley {Novello} Cab 02/050-2 a-b

Oh yes, just so {from Phoebus and Pan} / J S Bach arr. John E. West; Eng. words J. Michael Diack {mez. : Novello} Cab 17/025-2

Solemn melody / Walford Davies arr. John E. West {organ : Novello} 40/079-1 a-b

Wi' a hundred pipers (Scottish air): unaccomp. part-song for mixed v. Cab 05/011 b [1]

Westbrook, William Joseph (1831-1894) English

Five marches / Franz Schubert arr. W. J. Westbrook {organ : Augener} 40/225

Fugue for organ duet {from Sonata Op. 3} / Gustav Merkel Merkel-Westbrook {OUP} 40/169-1

Merkel-Album: 24 melodious pieces for organ / Gustav Merkel; sel. & arr. W. J. Westbrook {Schott} 40/169

Seven marches / Ludwig van Beethoven arr. W. J. Westbrook {organ : Augener} 40/051.3

Walter's prize song {from Die Meistersinger} / Richard Wagner transc. W. J. Westbrook {organ : Schott} 40/260-5

Westcott, Frederic (20th c.) English

Sing high, sing low: two-part song book for sop. & bar. (45 songs); sel. & arr. Frederic Westcott {Schofield & Sims} 15/075

Westendorf, Thomas P (1848-1923) American

I'll take you home again, Kathleen {solo v. : Mozart Allan} Cab 17/594 [2]

Weston, Robert Patrick [=Robert Harris] (1878-1936) English

You're well dressed if you're wearing a smile; words & music R. P. Weston & Bert Lee {solo v. : Francis, Day & Hunter} Cab 17/570.3

Westrup, Jack (J A) (1904-1975) English

Divertimento for bassoon, cello and piano: [or ten. sax. or viola for cello] {Augener} 42/035

Orpheus with his lute; poem by Shakespeare {solo v. : Augener} Cab 17/570.4(3)

Whelpley, Benjamin (1864-1946) American

Oh! for a breath o' the moorlands; words by Harriet Miller Davidson {med. v. : Winthrop Rogers} Cab 17/570.5 : med. in C

Whishaw, Frederick James (1854-1934) English

The red sarafan: song / Alexander Egorovich Varlamov; adapt. w. Eng. words Fred. Whishaw {Alfred Lengnick} Cab 17/570.8 : No. 1 in G

White, Constance V [=Alfred William Rawlings] (1860-1924) English

Sleep & forget: [song]; words by Clifton Bingham 16/050-5 [20]

White, Maude Valérie (1855-1937) English

Ein alter Traum (An old dream); Eng. words Theodora Wilson {solo v. : Laudy} Cab 17/571(2) : No. 1 in G

An den Geliebten (To the beloved); Eng. trans. Maude Valérie White {solo v. : Laudy} Cab 17/571(3) : No. 2 in G min

Auf Wiederseh'n (We'll meet again) {solo v. : Laudy} Cab 17/571(1) : No. 2 in Bb

The devout lover: song (w. violin ad lib.); words by Walter Herries Pollock {Ricordi} Cab 17/571-2 a-b : No. 2 in Eb

The devout lover: song (w. violin ad lib.); words by Walter Herries Pollock {Ricordi} Cab 17/571-2 c : No. 3 in D

The devout lover: song (w. violin ad lib.); words by Walter Herries Pollock {Ricordi} Cab 17/571-2 d : No. 4 in C

Du bist die Ruh (Thou art my Rest): duet; words by Rickert {sop. & contr.} Cab 18/039-1

Five songs {Laudy} Cab 17/571

Glück auf (God speed); Eng. words Theodora Wilson {solo v. : Laudy} Cab 17/571(5) : No. 1 in G

My Nannie: song; words by Robert Burns {Stanley Lucas, Weber} 10/045-5 [1] : No. 1 in G

Six songs {Edwin Ashdown} 09/209 a : high v.

Six songs {Chappell} 09/209 b : high v.

So we'll go no more a roving: song; words by Lord Byron {low v. : Chappell} Cab 17/571-3 : No. 1 in C (low v.) also at 10/076 [7]

Wanderlied (A Wanderer's song); Eng. words Theodora Wilson {Laudy} Cab 17/571(4) : No. 2 in G

When June is past: [song]; words by Thomas Carew {Stanley Lucas, Weber} 16/050-3 [20]

Whitehouse, William Edward (1859-1935) English

Second violoncello album: 5 solos orig. written for violoncello w. p. accomp.; ed. & arr. W. E. Whitehouse {cello : Joseph Williams} 33/080-2(2)

Violoncello album: 6 peces w. p. accomp.; ed. & arr. W. E. Whitehouse {cello : Joseph Williams} 33/080-2(1)

Whiteley, Norman (20th c.) English

Dusky aristocrat: impression {p. solo : Cramer} Cab 21/378.6

Whiting, Richard A (1891-1938) American

Ain't we got fun?; words by Gus Kahn & Raymond B. Egan {solo v. : Feldman} Cab 17/572-1

Till we meet again; words by Raymond B. Egan {solo v. : Feldman} Cab 17/572-2

Whitlock, Percy William (1903-1946) English

Five short pieces {organ : OUP} 40/271

Whittaker, William Gillies (1876-1944) English

Cease, sad eyelids {from Church Cantata No. 98}: sop. aria / J S Bach arr. & ed. W. G. Whittaker {OUP} Cab 17/024-1

Four short pieces {p. solo : Banks} Cab 21/378.7

Lord, wide as the Heaven above {from Church Cantata No. 17}: sop. aria / J S Bach arr. & ed. W. G. Whittaker {OUP} Cab 17/024-6

Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme (Sleepers, wake) / J S Bach arr. W. Gillies Whittaker {p. duo : OUP} 22/003-17

Whittingham, Alfred (c1834-1895) English

Twilight: evening meditation / Charles Oberthür transc. Alfred Whittingham {organ} 40/180 [1]

Wickins, Florence (19th-20th c.) English

Church anthems, ancient & modern: for all seasons {choir : Wickins} 02/202-2 a-b

The Oxford easy anthem book, with supplement: [50 anthems, with 9 settings of Canticles, etc] {choir : OUP} 02/202-3

Widdicombe, Trevor (fl. 20th c.) English

Forty folk tunes {viola : Curwen} 32/020-3

Widor, Charles-Marie (1844-1937) French

Cantabile: trio {p. trio: vn & vc : Heugel} Cab 24/037-1

Nocturne: trio {p. trio: vn & vc : Heugel} Cab 24/037-2

Sérénade: trio {p. trio: vn & vc : Heugel} Cab 24/037-3

Wiedemann, Ludwig (1828-1919) German

45 Etüden für Oboe {Breitkopf & Härtel} 36/131-2 [4]

Wieniawski, Józef (1837-1912) Polish

Valse de concert (valse caprice) Op. 3 {p. solo : Joseph Williams} Cab 21/378.8

Wightman, John (19th-20th c.) English

Tewkesbury Road: song; words by John Masefield {low v. : Alfred Lengnick} Cab 17/573-2 : low v.

Twilight it is: song; words by John Masefield {high v. : Alfred Lengnick} Cab 17/573 : high v.

Wilbur, Jay (1898-1968) English

Dusk / Armstrong Gibbs arr. Jay Wilbur {p. solo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 21/151.2-2 a-b

Wilbye, John (1574-1638) English

Adieu sweet Amaryllis arr. Paul Harvey {sax. quart. SATB : Chester} 37/690-2 [10]

Wilcock, Roland (1888-1916) English

see W F Arnold

Wilhelmj, August (1845-1908) German

L'Abeille / Franz Schubert arr. August Wilhelmj {violin : Schott} Cab 28/044-3

Air (on the 4th string) / J S Bach arr. August Wilhelmj {violin : Schott} Cab 28/002-4

Air / J S Bach arr. August Wilhelmj {cello : Schott} 33/005

Wilkinson, Philip G. (20th c.) English

Country carillon and March humoresque {p. duet : Curwen} Cab 22/058.5

Willaert, Adrian (1485-1562) Flemish

Nazaraeus vocabitur: motette {SATB choir} 05/022

Willcocks, David Valentine (Sir) (1919-2015) English

Carols for choirs, 1: fifty Christmas carols; ed. & arr. Reginald Jacques and David Willcocks {OUP} 02/204(1) a-b

Carols for choirs, 2: fifty carols for Christmas & Advent; ed. & arr. David Willcocks and John Rutter {OUP} 02/204(2) a-b

Carols for choirs, 3: fifty carols; ed. & arr. David Willcocks and John Rutter {OUP} 02/204(3)

Carols for choirs, 4: fifty carols for sopranos and altos; ed. & arr. David Willcocks and John Rutter {OUP} 02/204(4) a-c

Willeby, Charles (1865-1955) English

Autumn days: song; words by Helen Taylor {Boosey} Cab 17/575-1 : No. 2 in Eb

The birds go North again; words by Ella Higginson {solo v. : John Church} Cab 17/575-3 : No. 1 in C

Coming home; words by D. Eardley-Wilmot {solo v. : John Church} Cab 17/575-4 a : No. 1 in Eb

Coming home; words by D. Eardley-Wilmot {solo v. : John Church} Cab 17/575-4 b : No. 3 in F

Cuttin' rushes: song; poem by Moira O'Neill {Boosey} 16/050-3 [6] : No. 2 in E min

Mandalay: song; words by Rudyard Kipling {John Church} Cab 17/575-5 : No. 2 in E

Summer rain; poem by William Ernest Henley {solo v. : John Church} Cab 17/575-2 : No. 3 in Eb

When Spring comes laughing: song; words by Austin Dobson {Boosey} 10/045-9 [14] : No. 2 in Ab

Williams, (William Stanley) Gwynn (1896-1978) Welsh

Two Shakespeare lyrics {solo v. : Gwynn} Cab 09/210

Williams, Aaron (20th c.)

Canon in D / Johann Pachelbel arr. Aaron Williams {4 cellos : Ricordi} 42/026

Williams, Charles (1893-1978) English

The Dream of Olwen {p. solo : Lawrence Wright} Cab 21/379.2 a-b

Olwen: song; words by Winifred May {Lawrence Wright} Cab 17/577

Williams, Christopher à Becket (1890-1956) English

Ertödt' uns durch dein' Güte! (Mortify us by thy Grace) {from Cantata No. 22} / J S Bach arr. Becket Williams {p. duo : OUP} Cab 22/003-3 a-b

My love is like a red, red rose: 2-part song for sop. & contr.; poem by Robert Burns {Curwen} Cab 18/177

Williams, Clifton (1923-1976) American

Sarabanda / George Frideric Handel arr. Clifton Williams {sax. quart. AATB : Southern} 37/633

Williams, Gene [=Lawrence Wright] (1888-1964) English

Avola: one-step {p. solo} Cab 21/379.5-1

Williams, Gus (1848-1915) American

See that my grave's kept green: [song and chorus (SATB)]; [words by Williams?] 16/050-1 [19]

Williams, Henry James ('Harry') (1873-1924) English

It's a long way to Tipperary / Jack Judge ; written and composed by Jack Judge and Harry Williams {solo v. : Feldman} Cab 17/307

Williams, Hugh [=Wilhelm Grosz] (1894-1939) Anglo-Austrian

Red sails in the sunset; lyrics by Jimmy Kennedy {solo v. : EMI} Cab 17/579

Williams, John Gerrard (1888-1947) English

The crooning from Inisfail; poem by Leigh Henry {solo v. : Curwen} Cab 17/578

Williams, Joseph Benjamin (1847-1923) English

see also Florian Pascal

see also Charles Tourville

Larboard watch: duet {Bayley & Ferguson} 16/050-4 [5]

Williams, Leonard (19th-20th c.) English

The dairymaids: lancers arr. on melodies by Paul A. Rubens & Frank E. Tours {p. solo : Chappell} Cab 21/313-1

The Merry Widow: valse / Franz Lehár arr. Leonard Williams {p. solo : Chappell} Cab 21/213.5-2

Miss Hook of Holland: valse arr. on melodies by Paul A. Rubens {p. solo : Chappell} Cab 21/313-2

Williams, Ralph Vaughan (1872-1958) English

see Vaughan Williams, Ralph

Williams, Roger Bevan (1943- Welsh

Buxom Joan (1778): a new burletta [for SMTTB soli & small orch,] / Raynor Taylor arr. & ed. R. B. Williams (1985) from the copy at Brodie Castle; words by T. Willet Spec Coll

Ode to Charity Op. 10: [cantata for SATB soli & orch. with organ or harpsichord accomp.] / John Ross arr. & ed. R. B. Williams (1987) from the copy in the Wighton Collection, Dundee; words by John Rannie Spec Coll

Williamson, Malcolm (1931-2003) Australian

Harvest thanksgiving: for choir & organ {SATB choir : Weinberger} Cab 02/138-1

Procession of palms {SATB choir : Weinberger} Cab 02/138-2 a-b

Six Christmas songs for the young {Weinberger} Cab 09/211 a-b

The stone wall: cassation for audience & orch. {Weinberger} Cab 01/086

Twelve new hymn tunes {choir : Weinberger} Cab 02/138-3

The Winter star: cassation for audience and instruments {Weinberger} Cab 18/178

Willmers, Rudolf (1821-1878) Norwegian

Freudvoll und Leidvoll Op. 2 no. 1 transc. Willmers; 'Lied von Reichardt' = "Liebe" from Goethe's Egmont {p. solo : Schuberth} Cab 21/380(1)

Willner, Arthur (1881-1959) Czech

Classical album: for trumpet or cornet in B flat & piano {Boosey & Hawkes} 30/200-6

Classical album for oboe and piano: 10 pieces arr. Arthur Willner {Boosey & Hawkes} 36/129-1

Classical album for oboe and piano: 10 pieces arr. Arthur Willner {Boosey & Hawkes} 36/132-5 a-b : .

Classical album for clarinet and piano: 10 pieces arr. Arthur Willner {Boosey & Hawkes} 37/190-1 : .

Concerto No. 1 for oboe and string orch.: p. red. / George Frideric Handel arr. Arthur Willner {Boosey & Hawkes} 36/037-7

Concerto No. 2 in Bb major for oboe and strings / George Frideric Handel arr. Arthur Willner {oboe : Boosey & Hawkes} 36/037-9

Così fan tutte: comic opera in two acts / W A Mozart voc. sc. Arthur Willner; words by Lorenzo da Ponte, Eng. version David Higham, {Boosey} 06/032-1 c

Wills, Arthur (1926-2020) English

Toccata for two {2 organs : Oecumuse} 40/273 a-b

Willson, Robert Meredith (1902-1984) American

The Music Man (libr.): [musical]; music & lyrics by [Robert] Meredith Willson {Frank} 03/190 a-b

The Music Man: musical comedy; lyrics by Meredith Willson {Frank} 07/057.7

Wilson, Alexander Galbraith ('Sandy') (1924-2014) English

The Boy Friend (libr.): new musical comedy of the 1920s; book, lyrics and music by Sandy Wilson {International} 03/192

The Boy Friend: new musical comedy of the 1920s; book, lyrics and music by Sandy Wilson {International} 07/057.8

The Boy Friend (piano selection) arr. Chris Langdon; words & music Sandy Wilson {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/580

Wilson, Gerald Hugh Tyrwhitt- (1883-1950) English

see Lord Berners

Wilson, Henry Lane (1870-1915) English

see also Robert Batten

Carmeña: voc. waltz; words by Ellis Walton {Reeder & Walsh} Cab 17/581-1 : [No. 3] in E

Come, all ye lads and lasses {from Flora's Holiday}: quartet; Old English melody, words by H. Lane Wilson {SATB soli : Boosey} Cab 18/179-3(1)

Come let's be merry; Old English melody {solo v. : Boosey} Cab 17/581-4

The country dance {from Flora's Holiday}: quartet; Old English melody, words by H. Lane Wilson {Boosey} Cab 18/179-3(3)

False Phyllis {solo v.} Cab 17/581-2

My lovely Celia: song / George Munro arr. H. Lane Wilson; by George Munro {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/581-3 : No. 2 in G

Old English melodies: [21 songs] arr. H. Lane Wilson {Boosey & Hawkes} 10/022.5 a

Old English melodies: [21 songs] arr. H. Lane Wilson {Boosey & Hawkes} 10/022.5 c-e

Tenor and baritone: humorous (vocal) duet; words by H. Broughton Black {ten. & bar. : Reeder & Walsh} Cab 18/179-2 a : [No. 1] in G

Tenor and baritone: humorous (vocal) duet; words by H. Broughton Black {ten. & bar. : Reeder & Walsh} Cab 18/179-2 b : [No. 2] in A

The two beggars: humorous duet for ten. & bar. or bass; words by A. Valdemar {Reeder & Walsh} Cab 18/179-1 a-b : in C

When dull care; Old English melody {solo v. : Boosey} Cab 17/581-5 : No. 1 in F

Wilson, Robert Barclay (20th c.) English

Sunlit fountains {p. solo : Augener} 21/380.2

Wilson, Thomas (1927-2001) Scottish

Reverie {from Three Pieces 1964); ed. Lionel Salter {p. solo : Ricordi} Cab 21/380.3(1)

Tzigane {from Three Pieces 1964); ed. Lionel Salter {p. solo : Ricordi} Cab 21/380.3(2)

Valse viennoise {from Three Pieces 1964); ed. Lionel Salter {p. solo : Ricordi} Cab 21/380.3(3)

Willy's rare and Willy's fair {solo v. : Bayley & Ferguson} Cab 17/582

Windrush, Paul (20th c.) English

Old Ireland: 20 tunes {p. solo : Banks} 21/380.8

Winkler, Franz (1906-1962) Austrian

Forever and ever; from Winkler's 'Fliege mit mir in die Heimat'; Eng. lyrics by Malia Rosa {solo v. : Francis, Day & Hunter} Cab 17/584

Winner, Joseph Eastburn (1837-1918) American

see R. A. Eastburn

Winner, Septimus (1827-1902) American

see Alice Hawthorne

Winter, Aubrey (1870-1955) English

Amoretten Tänze (valse): cello part (only) from orchestral version / Joseph Gung'l arr. Aubrey Winter {cello : Boosey & Hawkes} 33/079 [3]

Annen polka [Op.117] / Johann Strauss II arr. Aubrey Winter {cello : Paxton} 33/070 [5]

The Golden Valse (medley of valses by Gung'l, Strauss, etc): cello part (only) from orchestral version sel. & arr. Aubrey Winter {cello : Boosey & Hawkes} 33/079 [2]

Martial moments: march medley {p. solo} Cab 21/381

Ein Morgen, ein Mittag, ein Abend in Wien: cello/bass part (only) from orchestral version / Franz von Suppé arr. Aubrey Winter {cello : Boosey & Hawkes} 33/079 [1]

Morgenblätter [Op. 279]: cello part (only) from orchestral version / Johann Strauss II arr. Aubrey Winter {cello : Boosey & Hawkes} 33/079 [4]

Morning, noon and night in Vienna: overture / Franz von Suppé p. conductor arr. Aubrey Winter {Boosey & Hawkes} 07/053-4

Waltz memories selection / P I Tchaikovsky arr. Aubrey Winter {p. trio: vn & vc : Chappell} 24/030

Winterbottom, William (19th c.) English

The Mikado [piano selection] / Arthur Sullivan arr. W. Winterbottom {Chappell} Cab 21/364-4.2

Selection from Iolanthe / Arthur Sullivan arr. W. Winterbottom {p. duet : Chappell} 22/053.5

Winterfeldt, Max (1879-1942) German

see Jean Gilbert

Wiseman, Herbert (1886-1966) Scottish

The Robertson rant: strathspey danced in square formation / Iain Robertson mus. arr. Herbert Wiseman {p. solo : Rae, Macintosh } Cab 20/230

The Scottish country dance book, Bk 6-12: [12 pieces in each book] mus. arr. H. Wiseman {p. solo : Paterson} 20/200(6-12)

Scottish country dance book of four set dances: collected by Mrs Mary Isdal McNab of Vancouver mus. arr. Herbert Wiseman {p. solo : Paterson} Cab 20/250

Witt, Friedrich (1770-1836) German

Missa in honorem S. Ambrosii Op. 29c: ad duas voces aequales {2-v. choir : Pustet} Cab 02/140

Scales and arpeggios [for the violoncello] {Schott} 25/024.2

Witty, James (19th-20th c.) English

Little Mary Fawcett: song; words by Frank Witty {Chappell} Cab 17/586

Wodehouse, J (19th c.) English

The wedding music from Lohengrin / Richard Wagner arr. J. Wodehouse {organ : Augener} 40/260-1

Woehl, Waldemar (1902-1976) German

Sonaten Nr 1-3 [BWV 1030-2]: für Flöte oder Violine und Basso Continuo [Cembalo/Klavier] / J S Bach p. arr. Waldemar Woehl; rev. u. hrsg. Kurt Soldan {Peters} Cab 38/006-1(1) b

Sonaten Nr 4-6 [BWV 1033-5]: für Flöte oder Violine und Basso Continuo [Cembalo/Klavier] / J S Bach p. arr. Waldemar Woehl; rev. u. hrsg. Kurt Soldan {Peters} Cab 38/006-1(2) b

Wohlfahrt, Franz (1833-1884) German

Sixty studies Op. 45. Bk 1, Nos. 1-30 {violin} 25/025-1(1)

Wolf, Hugo (1860-1903) Austrian

Anacreon's grave (Anakreons Grab); Goethe (Eng. Richard Capell) {solo v. : Augener} Cab 17/588-1 : [No. 2 in] G

Eichendorff-Lieder vol. 1: [10 songs]; Eng. trans. John Bernhoff {Peters} 09/212-2(1) : low. v.

Gesang Weyla's (Weyla's song); Mörike (Eng. Marie Boileau) {high v. : Peters} Cab 17/588-4 : high v.

Lieder nach verschiedenen Dichtern Bd 1: [12 songs]; Eng. trans. John Bernhoff {Peters} 09/212-5(1) a : orig. key

Lieder und Gesänge: Auswahl aus dem Alten Weisen, dem Spanischem und Italienischen Liederbuch; ed. Joseph Marx {Weinberger} 09/212-3

Mausfallen-Sprüchlein (The mouser's magic verses); Mörike (Eng. John Bernhoff) {solo v. : Peters} Cab 17/588-2

Möricke-Lieder Bd 1 (1-12) {Peters} 09/212(1) a : low v.

Möricke-Lieder Bd 1 (1-12) {Peters} 09/212(1) b : high v.

Möricke-Lieder Bd 2 (13-24) {Peters} 09/212(2) a-b : low v.

Möricke-Lieder Bd 2 (13-24) {Peters} 09/212(2) c : high v.

Sixty-five songs arr. Sergius Kagen {low v. : International} 09/212-4 : low v.

Song album; Eng. versions Dawson Freer {med. v. : Boosey & Hawkes} 09/212-6 : med. v.

Verborgenheit (Secrecy); Mörike (Eng. Marie Boileau) {low v. : Peters} Cab 17/588-3 a : low v.

Verborgenheit (Secrecy); Mörike (Eng. Marie Boileau) {high v. : Peters} Cab 17/588-3 b : high v.

Wolfe, Jacques (1896-1973) American

Short'nin' bread: [plantation song]; words ed. Clement Wood {low v. : Winthrop Rogers} Cab 17/589-1 : low v. (D)

Wolfermann, Albert (1844-1908) German

Vergiss mein nicht (Forget me not): aria / J S Bach arr. Albert Wolfermann {Klemm} Cab 17/025-4 : [No. 2] in G moll

Wolff, Max (1885-1954) German

Andante for flute and orchestra K.315 [] / W A Mozart arr. Max Wolff {Rudall Carte} 38/064-3

Vier letzte Lieder (Four last songs): for sop. & orch. [arr. high v. & piano] / Richard Strauss p. red. Max Wolff; words by Hermann Hesse (1-3), Joseph von Eichendorff (4); Eng. trans. Michael Hamburger {Boosey & Hawkes} 11/028.1-2 a-b

Wolsey, Newman (19th-20th c.) English

Into thy hands: sacred song; written & composed by Newman Wolsey {Paxton} 16/050-4 [36]

Wolstenholme, William (1865-1931) English

Seven short postludes {organ : Edwin Ashdown} 40/275

Wood, Charles (1866-1926) Irish

Ethiopia saluting the colours: song; words by Walt Whitman {Boosey} Cab 17/589.5-2 : No. 2 in A

The jug of punch: Irish folk-song; words by Alfred Perceval Graves {Boosey} Cab 17/589.5

O Thou, the Central Orb: anthem {for TrATB]; words by H. R. Bramley {A. & C. Black} Cab 02/142 a-d

Quintett in F major: for flute, oboe, clarinet, horn and bassoon {Boosey & Hawkes} 42/035

Wassail: 4-part song, SATB; words [from Kynge Johan] by John Bale {Deane} Cab 18/180

Wood, Haydn (1882-1959) English

Bird of love divine; words by Kathleen Birch {solo v. : Boosey} Cab 17/590-1 : No. 3 in G

Bird of love divine; words by Kathleen Birch {solo v. : Boosey} Cab 17/590-1 b : No. 1 in Eb

A bird sang in the rain: song; words by A. Harvey Lang-Ridge {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/590-18 : No. 2 in Ab

A brown bird singing: song; words by Royden Barrie {Chappell} Cab 17/590-5 a-b : No. 3 in G

A brown bird singing: song; words by Royden Barrie {Chappell} Cab 17/590-5 c : No. 4 in Ab

Dearest, I love the morning: song; words by Royden Barrie {Chappell} Cab 17/590-2 : No. 1 in C

A dog to walk with me; words by Lady (Muriel) Anderson {solo v. : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/590-7

God is guiding me: sacred song; words by Percy Edgar {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/590-14

God make me kind; words by Desmond Carter {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/590-3 a-b : No. 2 in F

Haydn Wood album: [8 songs]; words by Fred. E. Weatherly, Harold Simpson et al. {Chappell} 09/213

I count It all: song; words by Harold Simpson {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/590-9 a-b : No. 1 in C

I shall be there: song; words by Elsie R. Bowler {Ascherberg} Cab 17/590-4 a : No. 1 in D

I shall be there: song; words by Elsie R. Bowler {Ascherberg} Cab 17/590-4 b : No. 2 in F

It is only a tiny garden: song; words by Lillian Glanville {Chappell} Cab 17/590-6 a : No. 3 in Eb

It is only a tiny garden: song; words by Lillian Glanville {Chappell} Cab 17/590-6 b : No. 2 in D

Love's garden of roses: song; words by Ruth Rutherford {Chappell} Cab 17/590-17 : No. 4 in Bb

'Maypril': song of Spring; words by Harry Dawson {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/590-8

Princess Elizabeth of England: song; words by Dr W. E. St Lawrence Finny {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/590-13 : No. 1 in G

Roses of Picardy: song; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {Chappell} Cab 17/590-15 a-c : No. 2 in C

Selection on Haydn Wood's popular songs etc. arr. H. M. Higgs {p. trio: vn & vc : Chappell} Cab 24/040

Song of a thankful heart: song; words by Richard Corrin {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/590-16 : No. 1 in F

The village that nobody knows: song; words by Harold Simpson {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/590-10 : No. 1 in Eb

When the home-bells ring again: song; words by Edward Lockton {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/590-12 : No. 2 in Bb

Whene'er you call: song; words by Harry Dawson {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/590-11 : No. 1 in C

Wood, Henry Joseph (Sir) (1869-1944) English

Six songs Op. 15; words by Heinrich Heine (1-3,6) and Miss Landon (4.The dying child) {Weekes} 09/215

Wood, Hugh Bradshaw (1932-2021) English

Three piano pieces Op. 5 {Universal} 21/382

Wood, Thomas (1892-1950) English

The Oxford song book vol. 2: [140 items incl. fiddle tunes & fragments]; coll. & arr. Thomas Wood {OUP} 10/023(2)

Waltzing Matilda {p. duo : OUP} Cab 22/059

Woodforde-Finden, Amy (1860-1919) English

Four Indian love lyrics; from 'The Garden of Kama' by Laurence Hope {solo v. : Boosey} 09/217 a-c : No. 1 contr./bar.

Four Indian love lyrics: sop./ ten.; from 'The Garden of Kama' by Laurence Hope {Boosey} 09/217 d-f : No. 2 sop./ten.

Kashmiri song ('Pale hands I loved') {from Four Indian Love Lyrics}; words by Laurence Hope {Boosey} Cab 17/592-1 a

Kashmiri song ('Pale hands I loved') {from Four Indian Love Lyrics}; words by Laurence Hope {Boosey} Cab 17/592-1 b : No. 1 in Bb

O flower of all the world: song; words by Gilbert Parker {Boosey} Cab 17/592-2 : No. 3 in F

The pathway of the moon: song; words by Ernest E. Wild {Boosey} Cab 17/592-3

Woodgate, Leslie (1902-1961) English

A hymn to the Virgin Op. 1 no.1: cantata; Anon. {bar.} Cab 01/086 [1]

Jubilate!: Russian air; words by Duncan Young {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/592.5-2 : No. 2 in G

Medley of songs for baritone solo, men's voices & piano / Stephen Foster arr. Leslie Woodgate {Dix} Cab 15/038 a-c

Safe home!: song; words by Elizabeth Fleming {Boosey} Cab 17/592.5

Students' songs Bk 1: [9 songs] for male v. & piano arr. Leslie Woodgate {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 10/029.5(1) a-c

Students' songs Bk 2: [7 songs] for male v. & piano arr. Leslie Woodgate {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 10/029.5(2)

Students' songs Bk 3: [7 songs] for male v. & piano arr. Leslie Woodgate {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 10/029.5(3)

The white island (Place of the Blest) Op. 1 no. 2: [cantata]; words by Herrick Cab 01/086 [2]

Woodman, Raymond Huntington (1861-1943) American

A birthday: song; words by Christina Rossetti {low v. : Winthrop Rogers} Cab 17/593-1 a-b : low (Ab)

A birthday: song; words by Christina Rossetti {low v. : Schirmer} Cab 17/593-1 c : low (Ab)

A birthday: song; words by Christina Rossetti {high v. : Chappell} Cab 17/593-1 d : high (Db)

I am thy harp: [song]; words by Emily Murray {Schirmer} Cab 17/593-2 : low (Db)

Thy heart is like a gentle stream: song; [words by] Martha Martin {low v. : Schirmer} Cab 17/593-3 : low (Eb)

Worden, Wilfred (1915-1979) English

Boating tune (Duvegan Suite Op. 41 no. 2) {p. solo : Bosworth} Cab 21/382.2(2)

Wordsworth, William Brocklesby (1908-1988) English

The image: vocal setting for high voice; poem by Richard Hughes {Alfred Lengnick} Cab 17/593.5

Work, Henry Clay (1832-1884) American

My grandfather's clock {solo v. : Mozart Allan} Cab 17/594 [1]

Worthington Bliss, Mrs J (1827-1898) English

see M. Lindsay

Wright, James (Jimmy) (20th c.) Scottish

The 'Bon Accord' collection of bothy ballads: [16 songs]; [written & composed] by James Wright {Kerr} 09/218

Wright, Lawrence (1888-1964) English

see also Victor Ambroise, Horatio Nicholls

see also Betsy O'Hogan, Gene Williams

Are we downhearted? No!; words & music Worton David and Lawrence Wright {solo v. : Lawrence Wright} Cab 17/594.5

Wright, Robert (1914-2005) American

And this is my beloved {from Kismet}: based on themes by Alexander Borodin; music & lyrics by Robert Wright & George Forrest {solo v. : Frank} Cab 17/594.6 a-b

The Great Waltz (libr.): [musical based on themes from Johann Strauss I & II]; music & lyrics by Robert Wright & George Forrest 03/195-2

Kismet (libr.): musical Arabian night [from themes by Alexander Borodin]; music & lyrics by Robert Wright & George Forrest {Frank} 03/195-1 a-b

Kismet: musical Arabian night [from themes by Alexander Borodin]; adapted from the music of Alexander Borodin; lyrics by Robert Wright & George Forrest {Frank} 07/058-1

Song of Norway: operetta; based on life & music of Edvard Grieg; lyrics by Robert Wright & George Forrest {Chappell} 07/058

Wrochem, Ulrich von (1944- German

Sonata in A minor 'Arpeggione' D 821: arr for viola & piano / Franz Schubert arr. Ulrich von Wrochem {Bärenreiter} 32/012

Wrubel, Allie (1905-1973) American

Johnny Fedora and Alice Blue Bonnet; lyrics by Allie Wrubel, Ray Gilbert {solo v. : Leeds Music} Cab 17/595

Wuellner, Franz (1832-1902) German

see Franz Wüllner

Wüllner, Franz (1832-1902) German

Sacred part-songs: for SATB / J S Bach arr. F. Wüllner {Breitkopf & Härtel} 02/005-1

Wynn, Hubert (20th c.) English

Nut-cracker suite (Ouverture ? Waltz of the flowers): [8 items] / P I Tchaikovsky arr. Hubert Wynn & C. Stanbridge {p. solo : Paxton} Cab 21/368-5 d


Saturday 15th February 2025

471 works by 104 named composer / arrangers beginning letter W

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