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Pachelbel, Johann (1653-1706) German Canon arr. Donald Fraser {violin : Fentone} Cab 28/036 Canon in D arr. Aaron Williams {4 cellos : Ricordi} 42/026 Paderewski, Ignacy Jan (1860-1941) Polish Intermezzo pollaco Op. 14 no. 5 {p. solo} Cab 21/264-1 Menuet Op. 14 no 1 {p. solo : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 21/264-2 a,c Menuet Op. 14 no 1 {p. solo : Bote & Bock} Cab 21/264-2 b,d Menuet Op. 14 no. 1 arr. Henry Geehl {p. duo : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 22/032.6 a-b Nocturne Op. 16 no. 4 {p. solo} Cab 21/264-3 Paraphrase on Paderewski's famous menuet / Fritz Kreisler {violin : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 28/031-2 Polonaise Op. 9 Cah. 2 no. 6 {p. solo : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 21/264-4 Selected pieces from the concert programmes of I J Paderewski {p. solo : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 21/264 Padilla Sánchez, José (1889-1960) Spanish Valencia {from Palladium Pleasures}; words by Lucien Boyer & Jacques Charles; Eng. version Eric Valentine {solo v. : Feldman} Cab 17/441-1 Paganini, Niccolò (1782-1840) Italian La campanella / Franz Liszt arr. Paganini {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/219-1 a-b also at 21/218-1 [1] Page, Arthur James (1846-1916) English Six vocal duets for sop. & contr.; words by Herrick et al. {Forsyth Bros.} Cab 15/039 Paladilhe, Emile (1844-1926) French Mandolinata (Souvenir de Rome): song; paroles de A. P[aladilhe] {McDowell} 10/045-5 [23] : Palaschko, Johannes (1877-1932) German Ave Maria Op. 52 no. 6: [for violin or cello, & piano] / Franz Schubert arr. Johannes Palaschko {Schott} Cab 28/044-5 Ave Verum KV 618: [for violin or cello, & piano] / W A Mozart arr. Johannes Palaschko {Schott} Cab 28/033-6 Palestrina, Giovanni Perluigi da (1525-1594) Italian Drei Liebeslieder (Madrigale): für vier gemsichte Stimmen a capella {Peters} 05/013.5-2 Missa aeterna Christi munera: adapted for use in the English Church; ed. G. C. Martin {SATB choir : Novello} Cab 02/089 a-b Missa Papae Marcelli [min. sc.]; ed. Arnold Schering {SATB soli : Eulenburg} 04/017 Stabat Mater: motet for double chor. (unaccomp.); ed. Wm. Barclay Squire {Novello} 05/013.5 Palmer, Cedric King (1913-1999) English My task: song / Emma Ashford arr. (w. additional verse) C. King Palmer; words by Maude Louise Ray {Paxton} Cab 17/018-1 a : Palmer, Clement Charlton (1871-1944) English Twelve studies on old English hymn tunes Bk 1 {organ : Paxton} 40/185(1) a-b Twelve studies on old English hymn tunes Bk 2 {organ : Paxton} 40/185(2) Twelve studies on old English hymn tunes Bk 3 {organ : Paxton} 40/185(3) Palmgren, Selim (1878-1951) Finnish The dragon-fly: étude {p. solo} Cab 21/266-1 En route: concert study {p. solo : Chester} Cab 21/266-4 Finnish lullaby {p. solo} Cab 21/266-2 Night in May Op. 27 no. 4 {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/266-3 a-b The sea: prelude {p. solo : Chester} Cab 21/266-5 Papastávrou, Krinió (20th c.) Anglo-Greek Greek carnival: for clar. & piano Cab 37/072 Papini, Guido (1847-1912) Anglo-Italian Fleur d'automne Op. 205 no. 1: romance in D {violin : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 28/065-1(1) When twilight comes: rêverie caprice, with violin acc. ad lib. by Guido Papini / Anton Strelezki; words by Baroness Porteous {solo v. : Paxton} 16/050-3 [12] Paquot, Philippe (1877-1954) French Pièce en sol mineur pour clarinette / Gabriel Pierné transc. Ph. Paquot {clar. : Alphonse Leduc} 37/074 Paradies, Pietro Domenico (1707-1791) Italian Toccata {p. solo} Cab 21/268 a Toccata in A; sel. & ed. G. Augustus Holmes & Frederick J. Karn {p. solo : Beal, Stuttard} Cab 21/268 b Paradis, Maria Theresia von (1759-1824) Austrian Sicilienne arr. (for violin or cello & piano) Samuel Dushkin {violin : Schott} Cab 28/036.4 Park, Muriel Mungo- (20th c.) Scottish see Mungo-Park, M. Parke, Dorothy (1904-1990) N. Irish The house and the road: song; words by Josephine Peabody {Roberton} Cab 17/441.5 a-b Parker, James Michael (Jim) (1934- English All jazzed up: oboe solos with p. accomp. {Brass Wind} 36/132-2 Jazzed up too: oboe solos with p. accomp. {Brass Wind} 36/132-3 Parker, Louis Napoleon (1852-1944) English Orpheus: opera in 3 acts / Christoph von Gluck arr. Louis N. Parker {Weekes} 06/019 b Orpheus [opera] Act 2 / Christoph von Gluck arr. Louis N. Parker {Weekes} 06/019(2) a Parker, Roger (1951- English Sonata in G minor for cello and continuo Op. 1 no. 6 / Giovanni Chinzer keybd real. Roger Parker; ed. Susan Sheppard {cello : Faber} 33/019.3 Parker, Ross (1914-1974) English There'll always be an England; words & music Ross Parker & Hugh Charles {solo v. : Dash} Cab 17/441.8 Parkyns-Crawford, Beatrice (19th-20th c.) English Le portrait (The portrait): Old French poem {solo v. : Augener} 10/045-6 [15] : Parr, Andrew (20th c.) American The Dracula Spectacula (libr.): spooky musical; lyrics by John Gardiner {Samuel French} 03/105 Parr-Davies, Harry (1914-1955) Welsh Parrott, Ian (1916-2012) Anglo-Welsh In Phaeacia: song for high v.; words by James Elroy Flecker {Alfred Lengnick} Cab 17/441.85 Parry, Hubert (Sir Charles Hubert Hastings) (1848-1918) English Blest pair of Sirens (at a Solemn music): for chor. & orch. [] (8-part arrangement); ode by Milton {Novello} 01/063-1 a-f also at 01/038 [1] a-c The child and the twilight: song for sop. v.; words by L. E. Mitchell {Novello} Cab 17/442-5 a-b Chorale prelude on 'Dundee' {organ : Novello} 40/187-1 Dear Lord and Father of Mankind: hymn for SATB; words by J. G. Whttier {Novello} Cab 02/090-3 a-c Elizabeth {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/269 English lyrics. First set {Novello} Cab 09/135(1) a-b also at 10/088 [1] English lyrics. Tenth(?) set {Novello} Cab 09/135(10) English lyrics. Sixth set {Novello} Cab 09/135(6) also at 10/087 [3] English lyrics. Seventh set: [6 songs] {Novello} 09/135(7) English lyrics. Eighth set: [6 songs] {Novello} 09/135(8) a-b English lyrics. Ninth set {Novello} 09/135(9) a-b English lyrics. Third set {solo v. : Novello} 10/087 [2] I was glad when they said unto me {SSATTB choir : Novello} Cab 02/090-1 a-e Love is a bable: song for bar. v.; Anon. {Novello} Cab 17/442-1 a-b The music to the Agamemnon of Aeschylus; Eng. version H. J. Edwards {ten. & bass : Novello} 01/063-5 My heart is like a singing bird: song for sop. v.; words by Christina Rossetti {Novello} Cab 17/442-6 a-c My true love hath my heart: song for mez.; words by Sir Philip Sidney {Novello} Cab 17/442-3 a-b Never weather-beaten sail {from Songs of Farewell}: motet (SSATB) 05/014 Ode on St Cecilia's day: cantata; words by Alexander Pope {Novello} 01/063-2 a-b Ode on St Cecilia's day; words by Alexander Pope {Novello} 44/037-1 Ode on the Nativity: for sop. solo, chor. & orch. []; words by William Dunbar {Novello} 01/063-6 Ode to music; poem by Arthur Benson {Novello} 01/063-3 a-c The pied piper of Hamelin; poem by Robert Browning {ten. & bass} 01/063-4 Six songs 09/135 Te Deum laudamus {semi-choir : Novello} Cab 02/090-2 There; words by Mary E. Coleridge {solo v. : Novello} Cab 17/442-4 Thine eyes still shined for me; words by Emerson {solo v. : Novello, Ewer} Cab 17/442-2 Pascal, Florian [=Joseph Benjamin Williams] (1847-1923) English The fighting Téméraire {from Admirals All}: song; words by Henry Newbolt {Joseph Williams} Cab 17/443-1 : The Vicar of Wide-a-Wakefield; or the Miss-Terry-ous Uncle: 'respectful burlesque perversion'; written by H. P. Stephens and W. Yardley {Joseph Williams} 16/070 [2] Patrick, David M (1947- English The ride of the Valkyries / Richard Wagner arr. David Patrick {organ : Basil Ramsey} 40/260-3 Pattison, Thomas Mee (1845-1936) English The new Jerusalem: sacred cantata {Bayley & Ferguson} 44/039-1 Organ voluntaries: 23 original slow movements suitable for the introduction of divine service {Bayley & Ferguson} 40/187.3 Organ voluntaries, 2nd series: 23 original slow movements suitable for the introduction of divine service {Bayley & Ferguson} 40/187.3(2) Organ voluntaries, 3rd series: 20 original movements suitable for the conclusion of divine service {Bayley & Ferguson} 40/187.3(3) Pauer, Ernst (1826-1905) Austrian Aria, bourrée and two gavottes from the Orchestral suite in D / J S Bach transc. E Pauer, rev. Adam Carse {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/017.5 Berceuse / Adolf Jensen transc. E. Pauer {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/202-3 Favorite songs: [30 songs] / Ludwig van Beethoven transp. E. Pauer {Augener} 09/015-2 4e barcarolle Op. 44 / Joseph Haydn transc. E. Pauer; ed. Adam Carse {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/170-1 b : March-Album: collection of the most celebrated Italian, French and German marches [45 marches]; sel. & arr. E. Pauer {p. solo : Augener} 20/143-3 O murm'ring breezes / Adolf Jensen transc. E. Pauer {p. solo} Cab 21/202-2 Popular pieces: [17 pieces] / Robert Schumann; sel. & arr. E. Pauer {p. solo : Augener} 21/334-5 Rosamond: entr'actes & ballet music / Franz Schubert transc. E. Pauer {p. solo : Augener} 21/328-4.5 Rosamond - entr'actes & ballet music: [4 p. duets] / Franz Schubert arr. E. Pauer {Augener} 22/045-5 Symphonies Bk 1, Nos. 1-5 / Ludwig van Beethoven arr. E. Pauer {p. duet : Augener} 22/005(1) a Symphonies vol 2 Nos 6-9 / Ludwig van Beethoven arr. E. Pauer {p. solo : Augener} 21/027-7.2 Symphonies Bk 2, Nos. 6-9 / Ludwig van Beethoven arr. E. Pauer {p. duet : Augener} 22/005(2) Symphony No. 2 in D Op. 36 / Ludwig van Beethoven arr. E. Pauer {p. solo} 21/027-7(2) Symphony No. 4 in B flat Op. 60 / Ludwig van Beethoven arr. E. Pauer {p. solo : Augener} 21/027-7(4) Symphony No. 6 in F Op. 68 / Ludwig van Beethoven arr. E. Pauer {p. solo : Augener} 21/027-7(6) Symphony No. 8 in F Op. 93 / Ludwig van Beethoven arr. E. Pauer {p. solo : Augener} 21/027-7(8) Thirty songs: rev. ed. / W A Mozart arr. E. Pauer {Augener} 09/125 a-b Pauer, Max (1866-1945) Austrian Concerto No. 1 in C minor [sic] Op. 15 / Ludwig van Beethoven p. red. Max Pauer {p. duo : Music Minus One} 22/005-1 c Concerto No. 3 in C minor Op. 37 / Ludwig van Beethoven p. red. Max Pauer {p. duo : Peters} 22/005-3 d Klavier-Konzert C dur Op. 15 / Ludwig van Beethoven p. red. Max Pauer {p. duo : Peters} 22/005-1 b Klavier-Konzert E flat major Op. 73 (No. 5) / Ludwig van Beethoven p. red. Max Pauer {p. duo : Peters} 22/005-5 b-c Konzert I C dur Op. 15 / Ludwig van Beethoven p. red. Max Pauer {p. duo : Peters} 22/005-1 b Konzert B-Dur Op. 19 / Ludwig van Beethoven arr. Max Pauer {p. duo : Peters} 22/005-2 d-e Symphony in B minor / Franz Schubert arr. Max Pauer {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/328-9 b Paul, Gene de (1919-1988) American see Gene De Paul Paul, Irene Regine, Lady Dean (1880-1932) Anglo-Polish see Poldowski Paull, Edward Taylor (1858-1924) American Novelties and marches {p. solo : Paull-Pioneer} 21/269.4 Paxton, Stephen (1734-1787) English The bush aboon Traquair, a Scots air: [for cello and piano] / Anon. (18th c.) arr. Stephen Paxton?; ed. Freda Dinn {Schott} Cab 33/051.5 [2] Sonata Op. 3 no. 2 in D minor: for violoncello and piano; ed. Freda Dinn {Schott} Cab 33/051.5 Peabody, J H (19th c.) Scotch lassie Jean: ballad [with SATB chorus]; [words & music J. H. Peabody] {Hart} 16/050-1 [67] Peace, Frederick Wilfrid (1883-1962) English From Cross to Crown: short church cantata for soli & chor.; words & music Fred. W. Peace {Bayley & Ferguson} 01/063.5 The morn of Glory: sacred cantata {Bayley & Ferguson} 44/040 a-b Second sonata da camera {organ : Novello, Ewer} 40/188(2) Sonata da camera No. 2 {organ : Novello, Ewer} 40/188(2) Sonata da camera No. 3 {organ : Novello, Ewer} 40/188(3) Third sonata da camera {organ : Novello, Ewer} 40/188(3) Pearce, Charles William (1856-1928) English 9 easy pieces: [by selected composers] {organ : Hammond} 40/188.5 Nine easy pieces: [by selected composers] {organ : Hammond} 40/188.5 Organ studies Bk 1 Junior: [original and selected] {Hammond} 40/188.5-2(1) Voice training exercises for soprano: [30 exercises] / Emil Behnke; by Emil Behnke & Charles W. Pearce {Chappell} 19/011 a,c Voice training exercises for mezzo-soprano / Emil Behnke; by Emil Behnke & Charles W. Pearce {Chappell} 19/011 b Pears, Peter Neville Luard (1910-1986) English Three divine hymns {from Harmonia Sacra} / Henry Purcell arr. Benjamin Britten (fig. bas.) & Peter Pears (voc.) {solo v. : Boosey & Hawkes} 09/145-4 a-b Pearsall, Robert (1795-1856) English O who will o'er the downs so free? (Hickenstirn's song): chor. in 4 parts (SATB/ATTB) {Gould} Cab 18/115 a-b Pearson, William Dean (1905-2000) English My own pretty boy: Irish folk tune; set to words by Margaret Lyell {solo v. : Curwen} Cab 17/443.8 : Variations on "Lulle me beyond thee" (Playford 1650) {rec. : Schott} Cab 38/168 Peebles, David (d.1579?) Scottish Quam multi, Domine (Ps. 3): motet for SATB 05/008 [2] Peel, (Gerald) Graham (1877-1937) English Bright is the ring of words; words by Robert Louis Stevenson {solo v. : Boosey} Cab 17/444-3 [2] The country-lover: album of 5 songs; words by Eva Gore-Booth et al. {Chappell} 09/139 : Gipsies: song; words by Will. H. Ogilvie {Chappell} Cab 17/444-1 : In Summertime on Bredon: song; words by A. E. Houseman {Chappell} Cab 17/444-2 a-b : In Summertime on Bredon: song; words by A. E. Houseman {Chappell} Cab 17/444-2 c-d : Invitation to arise: song; words by St John Lucas {Boosey} Cab 17/444-5 : Noon-hush: song; words by Liam P. Clancy {Chappell} Cab 17/444-4 : Requiem; words by Robert Louis Stevenson {solo v. : Boosey} Cab 17/444-3 [1] Wind of the western sea: song; words by Tennyson {Chappell} Cab 17/444-6 : Peeters, Flor (1903-1986) Belgian Aria Op. 51 {organ : Heuwekemeijer} 40/189-1 Ten chorale preludes Op. 70 (seasonal) {organ : Peters} 40/189-2(3) Pehkonen, Elis (1942- English Russian requiem: for sop. & contr. soloists, chor. & orch. [] {OUP} 02/092 Pélissier, Harry Gabriel (1874-1913) English Awake!: serenade; words by Sir William Davenant {solo v. : Robert Cocks} Cab 17/444.5 Awake!: serenade (voc. duet); words by Sir William Davenant {sop. & contr. : Gould & Bolttler} Cab 18/117 : Memory's garden: [song]; words by Herbert Fordwych {Newnes} 16/040 [5/13] Penn, Arthur A (1875-1941) American Smilin' through: song; words & music Arthur A. Penn {Feldman} Cab 17/445 : Penny, Martin (20th c.) English Rondo from Sonata in E flat major Op. 1 no. 1 / John Field arr. Martin Penny {p. duo : OUP} 22/012 Pepusch, Johann Christoph (1667-1752) German The Beggar's Opera [by John Gay]; rev. with additional music by Frederic Austin {Boosey & Hawkes} 07/012-1 a-c The Beggar's Opera (by John Gay); ed. Edward J Dent {Oxford} 07/012-1.5 a-c Polly by John Gay [and J C Pepusch]: being the Second Part of 'The Beggar's Opera' mus. arr. & comp. Frederic Austin; words adapted by Clifford Bax {Boosey} 07/012-2 Pérez Freire, Osmán (1878-1930) Chilean Ay, ay, ay!: Spanish serenade; Eng. words Max Gartman {solo v. : Ricordi} Cab 17/445.8 Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1710-1736) Italian Air 'Tre giorni' arr. C. Schroeder {cello : Augener} 33/051.7 Arie da camera: [31 pieces for sop./contr.] 11/018 Concerto for oboe (or flute) and piano on themes of Pergolesi: p. red. / John Barbirolli {OUP} 36/001.5 a-b Se tu m'ami (Si tu m'aimes): aria {Ricordi} Cab 17/446 Stabat Mater: for sop. & contr. soli w. SA chorus of women's voices & p.acc. arr. John Hullah {Novello} 02/093 Perry, Frederick C (b. 1802) English The special bobby: [song and chorus]; written by F. C. Perry {Howard} 16/050-1 [10] Perry, Harold Leslie (1895-1956) English Classical album for flute and piano: 9 easy pieces arr. Harold Perry {Rudall Carte} 38/099-9 Divertimento I for flute and string orchestra / John Weinzweig p. red. Harold Perry {flute : Boosey & Hawkes} 38/168 Trumpet concerto: red. for trumpet & piano / Joseph Haydn p. red. Harold Perry; ed. Ernest Hall {Boosey & Hawkes} 35/055 a-b : The walk to the Paradise Garden / Frederick Delius arr. Harold Perry {p. solo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 21/116-2 Persley, George W [=George W Brown] (1837-1894) American Barney, take me home again: song and [SATB] chorus; words by Arthur W. French {London M.P.S.} 16/050-1 [70] Pestalozza, Alberto (1851-1934) Italian Ciribiribin; orig. C Tiochet; Eng. words J Trevor {solo v. : Ricordi} Cab 17/446.5 Peterkin, Norman (1886-1982) English A curse on a closed gate {from Three songs for voice & viola}; words by James H. Cousins {OUP} Cab 17/447-4(2) The fiddler; words by I. M. Maunder {solo v. : OUP} Cab 17/447-1 The journeyman weaver {from Three Songs for voice & viola}; words by Joseph Campbell {OUP} Cab 17/447-4(1) Little red hen: folk tale from the Irish; words by J. P. [ie P. J.] McCall {solo v. : OUP} Cab 17/447-3 : A piper {from Three songs for voice & viola}; words by Seumas O'Sullivan {OUP} Cab 17/447-4(3) So, we'll go no more a-roving; words by Byron {solo v. : OUP} Cab 17/447-2 Pether, Henry Edmond (1867-1932) English Jolly old Borneo: [concerted song]; written by H. M. Burnaby {Cavendish} Cab 17/447.2 Rainbow: song; written by Fred. W. Leigh 16/050-5 [4] Petrassi, Goffredo (1904-2003) Italian Toccata {p. solo} Cab 21/270 Petrie, Henry W (1857-1925) American Asleep in the deep: bass song; words by Arthur J. Lamb Cab 17/447.5 : Petrowsky, Jean (20th c.) Valse élégante {p. solo : Broome} Cab 21/270.3 Pfeiffer, Johann (1697-1761) German Oboe concerto in E flat: (for solo oboe, strings &c) arr. for oboe & piano; ed. & arr. David J. Rhodes {Piper} 36/076.7-1 Oboe concerto in E flat [study sc.]: for solo oboe, strings & harpsichord continuo; ed. David J. Rhodes {Piper} 36/076.7-2 Phelps, Bernard (20th c.) English The choristers: waltz {p. solo : Francis, Day & Hunter} Cab 21/271 also at 16/050-2 [30] Philipp(e), Isidor Edmond (1863-1958) French Concerto in F major K 459 / W A Mozart arr. Isidor Philipp {p. duo : Schirmer} 22/031-2 Toccata et fugue [in D minor] / J S Bach transc. I. Philipp {p. solo : Durand} Cab 21/016-6 Philips, Peter (c1560-1628) English Ascendit Deus (The Lord ascendeth): motet for 5 v.(TrTrATB); ed. R. R. Terry {OUP} 05/015-2 Surgens Jesus (He is risen): motet (SSATB); ed. R. R. Terry {Novello} 05/015 Phillips, Alfred William (1844-1936) English O divine Redeemer! (Repentir): scena / Charles Gounod arr. 'Leigh Kingsmill' [ie Alfred Phillips]; words by Alfred Phillips {solo v. : Cramer} Cab 17/226-2 a-b : O divine Redeemer! (Repentir): scena / Charles Gounod arr. 'Leigh Kingsmill' [ie Alfred Phillips]; words by Alfred Phillips {solo v. : Cramer} Cab 17/226-2 c : O divine Redeemer! (Repentir): scena / Charles Gounod arr. 'Leigh Kingsmill' [ie Alfred Phillips]; words by Alfred Phillips {solo v. : Phillips & Page} Cab 17/226-2 d : O divine Redeemer! (Repentir): scena / Charles Gounod arr. 'Leigh Kingsmill' [ie Alfred Phillips]; words by Alfred Phillips {solo v. : Phillips & Page} Cab 17/226-2 e : O divine Redeemer! (Repentir): scena / Charles Gounod arr. 'Leigh Kingsmill' [ie Alfred Phillips]; words by Alfred Phillips {solo v. : Cramer} Cab 17/226-2 f : Phillips, Donald (1913-1994) English The firefly arr. Winifred Atwell {p. solo : Lawrence Wright} Cab 21/271.8 Phillips, Gordon (1908-1991) English Six carol preludes {organ : OUP} 40/190 a-b Phillips, H Lyall (19th-20th c.) English A Devonshire wedding: song; words & music H. Lyall Phillips {Chappell} Cab 17/447.7-2 : Forgotten: song; words & music H. Lyall Phillips {Edwin Ashdown} Cab 17/447.7 : Phillips, Ivan C (19th-20th c.) English A classical and romantic album for the horn: for horn in F & piano [11 pieces] arr. Ivan C. Phillips {OUP} 35/031-4 Nine Norwegian folk-songs {from Op. 17 and 66): for oboe or flute & piano / Edvard Grieg arr. Ivan C. Phillips {OUP} 36/034 Phillips, Leslie (20th c.) Four improvisations {p. solo} Cab 21/272 Phillips, Montague Fawcett (1885-1969) English The apple tree fairy Op. 53 no. 4: song; words by Dorothy Dickinson {Chappell} Cab 17/448-10 : April is a lady Op. 41 no. 4: song; words by Dorothy Dickinson {Chappell} Cab 17/448-1 a-b : Blue-bells Op. 25 no. 6: song; words by Doris A. Kendall {Chappell} Cab 17/448-2 : A Border home: song; words by Will H. Ogilvie {Chappell} Cab 17/448-14 : Butterfly wings Op. 30 no. 1: song; words by Marie Seton {Chappell} Cab 17/448-3 : Dream songs: [4 songs]; words by Edward Teschemacher {Chappell} Cab 09/141-4 : Early in the morning Op. 46 no. 4: song; words by Almey St John Adcock {Chappell} Cab 17/448-12 a : Early in the morning Op. 46 no. 4: song; words by Almey St John Adcock {Chappell} Cab 17/448-12 b : The enchanted forest {from Dream Songs}: song; words by Edward Teschemacher {Chappell} 10/045-8.2 [4] : The fishermen of England {from The Rebel Maid}: song; words by Gerald Dodson {Chappell} Cab 17/448-4 a : The fishermen of England {from The Rebel Maid}: song; words by Gerald Dodson {Chappell} Cab 17/448-4 b : Flowering trees Op. 31; words by Nancie B. Marsland {solo v. : Chappell} 09/141-1 Love the jester Op. 46 no. 1: song; words by Almey St John Adcock {Chappell} Cab 17/448-11 : Montague F. Phillips album, vol. 1: [8 songs] {Chappell} 09/141(1) : Montague F. Phillips album, vol. 2: [8 songs] {Chappell} 09/141(2) : Nightfall at sea {from Sea Echoes}; words by Nancie B. Marsland {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/448-17 : The old homes are waiting; words by Arthur L. Salmon {solo v. : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/448-8 : Old World dance songs Op. 37: [4 songs]; words by Katie M.Luck {Chappell} 09/141-2 : Our flag unfurled: song; words by Marion Stranger {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/448-13 : The Rebel Maid: romantic light opera; lyrics by Gerald Dodson {Chappell} 07/025.5 Sea echoes: [3 songs]; words by N. B. Marsland {Chappell} 09/141-3 : Sing, joyous bird {from Songs of Joy} Op. 24 no. 4; words by Nora C. Usher {Chappell} Cab 17/448-5 a,e : Sing, joyous bird {from Songs of Joy} Op. 24 no. 4; words by Nora C. Usher {Chappell} Cab 17/448-5 b : Sing, joyous bird {from Songs of Joy} Op. 24 no. 4; words by Nora C. Usher {Chappell} Cab 17/448-5 c-d : Sing, joyous bird {from Songs of Joy} Op. 24 no. 4; words by Nora C. Usher {Chappell} Cab 17/448-5 e : Sing, sing, blackbird Op. 30 no. 1: song; words by Edward Lockton {Chappell} Cab 17/448-6 : Songs of joy Op. 24: [song cycle]; words by Nancie B. Marshland and Nora C. Usher {Chappell} 10/045-8.4 [1] Spring is a lovely lady Op. 56 no. 4: song; words by Winifred May {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/448-16 : Starry woods: song; words by Edward Teschemacher {Chappell} Cab 17/448-7 : Waiting for you: song; words by Royden Barrie {Chappell} Cab 17/448-9 : Wake up! (Spring flowers); words by Harold Simpson {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/448-15 : Philp, James (19th c.) An Andalusian maid: song; words by Edward Oxenford {Paterson} 16/050-5 [39] : Phipson, David E (20th c.) English The lost seagull: song; words by Beryl Carter {solo v. : Schott} Cab 17/448.3 Piatigorsky, Gregor (1903-1976) Russian Menuet / Georges Valensin arr. Gregor Piatigorsky {cello : Chester} Cab 33/075 A Schubert album for violoncello and piano / Franz Schubert transc. Gregor Piatigorsky {Elkan-Vogel} 33/063-3 Piatti, Carlo Alfredo (1822-1901) Italian Violoncello method Bk 1: [18 exercises]; rev. & enlarg. W. E. Whitehouse & R. V. Tabb {Augener} 25/012(1) Violoncello method Bk 2: [7 exercises]; rev. & enlarg. W. E. Whitehouse & R. V. Tabb {Augener} 25/012(2) Violoncello method Bk 3: [17 exercises]; rev. & enlarg. W. E. Whitehouse & R. V. Tabb {Augener} 25/012(3) Picard, Jacques (20th c.) French Pour un concours: d'après ‘Pièce en concert' {violin} Cab 28/035 Piccolomini, M(arie) [=Henry Theodore Pontet] (1833-1902) Irish see also Henry Pontet Ora pro nobis (Pray for us): song; words by 'A. Horspool' [ie Henry Pontet?] {Newnes} 16/040 [4/1] Ora pro nobis (Pray for us): [song]; words by 'A. Horspool' [ie Henry Pontet?] {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/449-1 a : Ora pro nobis (Pray for us): song; words by 'A. Horspool' [ie Henry Pontet?] {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/449-1 b : Pray for us (Ora pro nobis): song; words by 'A. Horspool' [ie Henry Pontet?] {Newnes} 16/040 [4/1] Pray for us (Ora pro nobis): [song]; words by 'A. Horspool' [ie Henry Pontet?] {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/449-1 a : Pray for us (Ora pro nobis): song; words by 'A. Horspool' [ie Henry Pontet?] {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/449-1 b : Queen of angels (Regina angelorum): vesper song w. organ acc.; words by 'Nemo' [ie Henry Pontet?] {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 16/050-3 [8] : Whisper and I shall hear: song; words by G. Hubi Newcombe {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/449-2 : Pick-Mangiagalli, Riccardo (1882-1949) Czech-Italian Preludio e toccata Op. 27 {p. solo} Cab 21/274 Pickles, Sydney (19th-20th c.) English The swan {from Carnaval des Animaux) / Camille Saint-Saëns Saint-Saens-Pickles; ed. Sydney Pickles {p. solo} 21/316-2 b Pierné, Gabriel (1863-1937) French Pièce en sol mineur pour clarinette transc. Ph. Paquot {clar. : Alphonse Leduc} 37/074 Serenade {violin : Joseph Williams} Cab 28/037 Piggott, Patrick (1915-1990) English Eight preludes (Set 2) {p. solo} Cab 21/276-1 Music at night: three pieces for piano (after Aldous Huxley) Cab 21/276-2 Pike, Eleanor Franklin (20th c.) English The spinning wheel: graceful waltz {p. duet : Edwin Ashdown} 22/032.7 Valse-mazurka {p. duet : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 22/032.7-2 Pilkington, Francis (c1565-1638) English Amyntas with his Phyllis fair arr. Paul Harvey {sax. quart. SATB : Chester} 37/690-2 [7] Pilkington, Michael (20th c.) English She never told her love / Joseph Haydn arr. Michael Pilkington; [words from] Shakespeare['s Twelfth Night] {solo v. : Stainer & Bell} Cab 17/264-1 c Pilling, Dorothy (1910-1998) English Pageantry pieces: 4 simple piano duets in dance form {p. duet : Forsyth Bros.} Cab 22/032.72 Seven simple pieces: [for clar. & piano] {Forsyth Bros.} 37/075 Pinsuti, Ciro (1829-1888) Anglo-Italian Bedouin love song; composed by Ciro Pinsuti {Edwin Ashdown} Cab 17/450-1 a-c : The bugler; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {bar. : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 17/450-2 : Carrier John: song; words by Mary Mark-Lemon {Morley} 16/050-4 [1] : The king's minstrel; words by Hugh Conway {solo v. : Enoch & Sons} Cab 17/450-3 a : The king's minstrel; words by Hugh Conway {solo v. : Enoch & Sons} Cab 17/450-3 b : The last watch: song; words by Fred Weatherly {Boosey} 10/045-9 [15] : Pinto, Octavio (1890-1950) Brazilian Scenas infantis (Memories of childhood): five pieces for the piano Cab 21/278 Pitfield, Thomas Baron (1903-1999) English Ballad of a minstrel: two-part; words by Thomas B. Pitfield {Banks} Cab 18/118 Graceful dance: for clarinet in B flat and piano {OUP} 37/076 Reel: for cello & piano {Augener} Cab 33/052 The rhyming shopman: whimsical cantata for choir, orch. & bar. solo; words & music Thomas B. Pitfield {Joseph Williams} 01/063.7 Toccatina (The Birds) {p. solo} Cab 21/280 Variegations {flute & oboe : Chester} 39/062 Pizzetti, Ildebrando (1880-1968) Italian Tre canti (1924) {cello : Ricordi} 33/052.3 Planquette, Jean Robert (1848-1903) French Rip Van Winkle: opera comique {Chappell} 07/025.7 Pleyel, Ignace (1757-1831) Austrian Little duets Op. 48 {2 violins} Cab 29/012-1 [6 Duos B.574-579] Op. VIII arr. Fr. Hermann {2 cellos : Augener} 33/052.5 [Six duos B.574-579] Op. VIII: for flute & violin arr. Fr. Hermann {Augener} 38/075.8 Six petits duos Op. 8 {2 violins : Augener} Cab 29/012-2 Six sonatinas Op. 48: for flute & violin arr. Fr. Hermann {Augener} 24/022 Plog, Anthony (1947- American Two scenes: for trumpet, soprano and organ; text by Daveda Lamont {Brass Press} 30/108 Ployhar, James D (1926-2007) American Adventures in orchestra: for 2nd F horn / Samuel Applebaum arr. Samuel Applebaum & James D. Ployhar {Belwin-Mills} 35/030-9 Plumstead, Mary (1905-1980) English My true love hath my heart; words by Sir Philip Sidney {solo v. : Elkin} Cab 17/451 Pointer, John (1868-1934) English Faust: opera selection for concert performance / Charles Gounod; sel. & arr. John Pointer {Novello} Cab 09/079-3 Faust: concert selection / Charles Gounod Gounod-Pointer; ed. & arr. John Pointer {Novello} 44/025-1 Poldini, Ede (1869-1957) Hungarian Poupée valsante {from Marionnettes} {p. solo : Ricordi} Cab 21/280.5 Poldowski [=Irene Regine, Lady Dean Paul] (1879-1932) Anglo-Polish Dansons la gigue; poésie de Paul Verlaine {solo v. : Chester} Cab 17/452-2 L'heure exquise; poésie de Paul Verlaine {high v. : Chester} Cab 17/452-1 : Ponchielli, Amilcare (1834-1886) Italian Dance of the hours (La Gioconda) arr. Henry Geehl {p. solo : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 21/281 a Dance of the hours (La Gioconda) arr. Orlando A. Mansfield {p. solo : Paxton} Cab 21/281 b The dance of the hours {from La Gioconda}: suite de ballet arr. Michael Leslie {p. solo : Ricordi} Cab 21/281 c Dance of the hours (La Gioconda): galop arr. Henry Geehl {p. duet : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 22/032.8 Pontet, Henry Théodore (1833-1902) Irish see also M(arie) Piccolomini The last milestone: song; words by H. L. D'Arcy Jaxone 16/050-4 [20] : The last milestone: song; words by H. L. D'Arcy Jaxone {Beresford} Cab 17/453 : Popp, Wilhelm (1828-1903) German Volks- und Opernmelodien {flute : Peters} Cab 38/079 Popper, David (1843-1913) Czech Ausgewählte Solostücke: from Opp. 11, 23, 33, 39, 54 & 55 {cello : Peters} 33/053 Fifteen études Op. 76: for cello with 2nd cello accomp. {2 cellos : Kalmus} Cab 33/053-4 Four studies [from Op. 73]: nos. 6, 10, 22, 28 (of 40) {cello : Rahter} Cab 33/053-3 Spanische Tänze Op. 54 no. 5: Vito {cello : Rahter} 33/053(5) Spinnlied (Concert-Etude) Op. 55 no. 1 {cello : Rahter} 33/053(6) Tarantelle Op. 33 {cello : Rahter} 33/053(3) Wie einst in schöner'n Tagen Op. 64 no. 1 {cello : Rahter} Cab 33/053-2 Popplewell, Richard (1935-2016) English Elegy {organ : Banks} 40/193 Porpora, Nicola Antonio (1686-1768) Italian So ben che la speranza: aria from cantata arr. Adolphe Ganz {Lonsdale} Cab 17/454 Sonata in F major; ed. Alfredo Piatti {cello : Schott} 33/054 Porter, Cole (1891-1964) American All of you {from Silk Stockings}; words & music Cole Porter {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/455-5 Begin the beguine: song; words & music Cole Porter {Chappell} Cab 17/455-7 : The best of Cole Porter: [24 songs] {Chappell} 09/143 C'est magnifique {from Can-Can}; words & music Cole Porter {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/455-3 I hate men {from Kiss Me, Kate}; words & music Cole Porter {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/455-4 In the still of the night: song; words & music Cole Porter {Chappell} Cab 17/455-1 : Kiss Me Kate (libr.); lyrics by Cole Porter 03/110 Kiss me Kate: [operetta] {Chappell} 07/026 Night and day {from Gay Divorce}; words & music Cole Porter {solo v. : Chappell-Harms} Cab 17/455-2 Well, did you evah? {from High Society}; words & music Cole Porter {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/455-6.1 Who wants to be a millionaire? {from High Society}; words & music Cole Porter {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/455-6.2 Posford, George (1906-1976) English Good-Night Vienna: romantic musical play; lyrics by Holt Marvell [and H.V. Purcell] {Keith, Prowse} 07/027-1 a-b Good-night Vienna {from Good-Night Vienna}; lyric by Holt Marvell {solo v. : Keith, Prowse} Cab 17/455.3 Magyar melody: musical romance; adapt. Eric Maschwitz & George Posford {Chappell} 07/027-2 Poston, Elizabeth (1905-1987) English Colin's success / Willem De Fesch air by William Defesch arr. Elizabeth Poston; words by Mr. Boyce {solo v. : Curwen} Cab 17/152 Sweet Suffolk owl; words by Thomas Vautor {solo v. : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/455.5 a-b : Tell me, lovely shepherd {from Solomon}: air / William Boyce arr. Elizabeth Poston {high v. : OUP} Cab 17/094-1 b-d : Tell me, lovely shepherd {from Solomon}: air / William Boyce arr. Elizabeth Poston {SA choir : OUP} Cab 18/025.3 : Poulenc, Francis (1899-1963) French Air vif (Brisk song / Lebhafte Weise); texte d'après Jean Moréas {sop. : Salabert} Cab 17/455.7(4) Airs chantés {sop.} 11/019-1 Album of six pieces {p. solo} Cab 21/282-1 Gloria: [for sop., mixed chor. & orch. -] {Salabert} 02/094 Mouvements perpétuels {p. solo : Chester} Cab 21/282-2 a-b Novelette in C major; ed. Thomas F. Dunhill {p. solo : Chester} Cab 21/282-5 Pastourelle {from L'Eventail de Jeanne} {p. solo : Heugel} Cab 21/282-3 a-b Quatre airs vifs {sop.} 11/019-2 Sérénade transc. Maurice Gendron {cello : Heugel} 33/054.2 Sonata for clarinet in B flat and piano {Chester} 37/078 a-b Sonata for flute and piano {Chester} 38/076 Sonata for oboe and piano {Chester} 36/080 Three novelettes {p. solo} Cab 21/282-4 Trio pour piano, hautbois et basson {Wilhelm Hansen} 36/080-2 Valse {p. solo : Max Eschig} Cab 20/190 [5] Power, Henry Baynton (1890-1952) English Poznanski, Isaac Barrett (1840-1896) American Chanson mauresque / Eva Lonsdale transc. I. B. Poznanski {violin} Cab 28/065-3(8) Praetorius, Michael (1571-1621) German Bransle gentil (1612) arr. Paul Harvey {sax. quart. SATB : Chester} 37/690-2 [1] Courante and Springdance arr. Paul Harvey {sax. quart. SATB : Chester} 37/690-2 [6] Pratt, Silas Gamaliel (1846-1916) American Life's dream is o'er {from Alice where art thou}: duet for ten. & contr. / Joseph Ascher; words & mus. arr. S. G. P[ratt]. {Bayley & Ferguson} Cab 18/007 a-b Prentice, Charles Whitecross (1898-1970) Scottish Within these sacred walls: song; words by Edith Temple {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/456-1 Prés, Josquin des (c1450-1521) Franco-Flemish Price, Beryl (19th-20th c.) Welsh Emerald Isle: five Irish airs arr. for cello (1st pos.) & piano {OUP} Cab 33/054.3 Pridham, John (1818-1896) English The battle march of Delhi {p. solo : Bayley & Ferguson} 16/050-2 [29] The keel row {p. solo : Brewer} 16/050-1 [5] Proctor, C. King (fl. 1900-1920) English Princess Chrysanthemum: Japanese operetta in three acts {Bayley & Ferguson} 07/027.3 Prokofiev, Sergei (1891-1953) Russian Alexander Nevsky Op. 78: for choir (SATB) & orch. [] {Kalmus} 08/046 Concertino Op. 132; ed. Rostropowitsch (cello) & Kabalewski (p. acc.) {cello : Peters} 33/054.5 Concerto No. 3 pour piano Op. 26 p. red. by the composer; ed. F. H. Schneider {p. duo : Boosey & Hawkes} 22/032.9 Contes de la vieille grandmère Op. 31 {p. solo} Cab 21/284-1 Gavotte Op. 32 no. 3 {p. solo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 21/284-11(3) Gavotte Op. 12 no. 2 {p. solo} Cab 21/284-2 March Op. 12 no. 1 {p. solo} Cab 21/284-3 Menuetto Op. 32 no. 2 {p. solo} Cab 21/284-4 Peter and the wolf Op. 67: "musical tale for children" arr. Thomas F. Dunhill {p. solo : Winthrop Rogers} Cab 21/284-10 Prelude Op. 12 no. 7 {p. solo : Anglo-Soviet} Cab 21/284-5 a-b Sonata No. 2 Op. 94: for flute [or violin] & piano {Boosey & Hawkes} 38/078 Sonata No. 6 Op. 82 {p. solo} Cab 21/284-6 Sonata No. 7 Op. 83 {p. solo} Cab 21/284-7 Sonata No. 9 Op. 103 {p. solo : Anglo-Soviet} Cab 21/284-12 Teuflische Einflüsterung Op. 4 no. 4 {p. solo : Anton Benjamin} Cab 21/284-2(4) Toccata Op. 11 {p. solo} Cab 21/284-8 3e Concerto pour piano en Ut Op. 26 p. red. by the composer; ed. F. H. Schneider {p. duo : Boosey & Hawkes} 22/032.9 Visions Fugitives Op. 22 {p. solo} Cab 21/284-9 Prout, Ebenezer (1835-1909) English The Messiah: sacred oratorio [for SATB soli & chor.] / George Frideric Handel; ed. & p. red. Ebenezer Prout {Novello} 08/027-6.4 a-b Sleepers, wake! (Wachet auf … ): cantata for STB soli, chor. & orch. [] / J S Bach arr. Ebeneezer Prout {Novello} 01/004-5 a-f Prume, François (1816-1849) Belgian La mélancolie Op. 1 {violin : Peters} Cab 28/019 [2] Puccini, Giacomo (1858-1924) Italian Arias: 15 songs 13/069 Un bel dì, vedremo (One fine day) {from Madama Butterfly}: [sop. aria] {Ricordi} Cab 17/457-1 a-d also at 10/045-8.2 [9] La Bohème: opera in 4 acts arr. Carlo Carignani {Ricordi} 06/038-1.1 La Bohème : selection {p. solo : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 16/020(4) [1] The Bohemians: opera in 4 acts arr. Carlo Carignani {Ricordi} 06/038-1 a,c-d Che gelida manina (Your tiny hand is frozen) {from La Bohème}: [ten. aria: Rodolfo] {Ricordi} Cab 17/457-2 a-b : Love and music (Vissi d'arte, vissi d'amore) {from Tosca}: [sop. aria: Tosca] {Ricordi} Cab 17/457-3 a-b : The love duet (Vogliatemi bene) {from Madam Butterfly}: sop. & ten. (orig. key) {Ricordi} Cab 18/121-1 Madama Butterfly: opera 06/038-3 Manon Lescaut de G. Puccini: grande fantaisie en 3 parties / Emile Tavan {p. solo : Ricordi} Cab 21/285-1 Messa di gloria: for TBarB soli, mixed v. (SATB) & orch. [] {Belwin-Mills} 02/098 a-b Musetta's waltz song {from La Boheme}: [sop. aria] {Ricordi} Cab 17/457-4 a : Musetta's waltz song {from La Bohème}: [sop. aria] {Ricordi} Cab 17/457-4 b : Musetta's waltz song {from La Bohème}: [sop. aria] {Ricordi} Cab 17/457-4 c : Nessun dorma! (None shall sleep) {from Turandot}: [ten. aria: Calaf]; Eng. trans. R. H. Elkin {Ricordi} Cab 17/457-9 O mio babbino caro (Oh, my beloved father) {from Gianni Schicchi}: [sop. aria: Lauretta]; Ital. words Giovacchino Forzano {sop. : Ricordi} Cab 17/457-5 b Oh, my beloved daddy (O mio babbino caro) {from Gianni Schicchi}: [sop. aria: Lauretta]; Ital. words Giovacchino Forzano {Ricordi} Cab 17/457-5 a,d-e : Oh, my beloved father (O mio babbino caro) {from Gianni Schicchi}: [sop. aria: Lauretta]; Ital. words Giovacchino Forzano {Ricordi} Cab 17/457-5 c : One fine day (Un bel dì, vedremo) {from Madam Butterfly}: [sop. aria]; Eng. trans. R. H. Elkin {Ricordi} Cab 17/457-6 a,d-f : One fine day (Un bel dì, vedremo) {from Madam Butterfly}: [sop. aria]; Eng. trans. R. H. Elkin {Ricordi} Cab 17/457-6 b,g : One fine day (Un bel dì, vedremo) {from Madam Butterfly}: [sop. aria]; Eng. trans. R. H. Elkin {Ricordi} Cab 17/457-6 c : Selection from Puccini's Madam Butterfly / Charles Godfrey Jr. . {p. solo : Ricordi} Cab 21/285-2 Senza mamma {from Suor Angelica}: [sop. aria: Angelica] {Ricordi} Cab 17/457-8 Sì, mi chiamano Mimì (They call me Mimi) {from La Bohème}: [sop. aria] {sop. : Ricordi} Cab 17/457-7 a-b : Tosca: opera arr. Carlo Carignani {Ricordi} 06/038-4 a-b Turandot: lyric dama in 3 acts & 5 scenes; Eng. adapt. R. H. Elkin {Ricordi} 06/038-5 a-b Tutti i fior' (The flower duet) {from Madam Butterfly}: sop. & mez. Cab 18/122-2 Yes, they call me Mimi (Sì, mi chiamano Mimì) {from La Bohème}: [sop. aria]; Eng. words William Grist {sop. : Ricordi} Cab 17/457-7 c : Pughe-Evans, David (1866-1897) Welsh Lead, kindly light (Tyrd, oleu mwyn): sacred song; words by Cardinal Newman {Novello} Cab 17/458 a-b : Pugnani, Gaetano (1731-1798) Italian Praeludium und Allegro arr. Fritz Kreisler {violin} Cab 28/039 Pujol, Emilio (1886-1980) Spanish Pavanas / Gaspar Sanz transc. Emilio Pujol {guitar : Max Eschig} Cab 27/008 Pullen, Harriet ('Hartie') (b.1871) English Our country's call: song; words & music Hartie Pullen {Swan} Cab 17/458.5 Purcell, Edward Cockram (1853-1932) English Passing by: song; words by Herrick {Edwin Ashdown} Cab 17/459-1 a : Passing by: song; words by Herrick {Edwin Ashdown} Cab 17/459-1 b-c : Passing by: song; words by Herrick {Edwin Ashdown} Cab 17/459-1 d : Passing by: voc. duet (high v., low v.); words by Herrick {Edwin Ashdown} Cab 18/123 Purcell, Henry (c1659-1695) English Adagio and canzona arr. Ralph Berkowitz {p. duo : Elkan-Vogel} Cab 22/033-3 Arise, ye subterranean winds {from The Tempest}: song; ed. Albert Visetti {Augener} 10/089 [17] Dido and Aeneas [min. sc.]: opera {Belwin-Mills} 04/018-2 Dido and Aeneas: opera; ed. & arr. Edward J Dent {OUP} 06/042-1 c-f Dido and Aeneas: opera Purcell-Dart; ed. Margaret Laurie & Thurston Dart {Novello} 06/042-2 a-b,e Dido and Aeneas: opera; ed. William H. Cummings {Novello} 06/042-3 c-d An evening hymn {solo v. : Novello, Ewer} 10/045-8.2 [12b] An evening hymn, on a ground (Now that the sun ...); words by Dr William Fuller {solo v. : Novello} Cab 17/460-1 a-b,d : An evening hymn, on a ground (Now that the sun ...); words by Dr William Fuller {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/460-1 c : The Fairy Queen: opera; ed. J. S. Shedlock {Novello} 06/042-6 Fantasia: 'Three Parts Upon a Ground' (3 violins, cello or viola da gamba, harpsichord or piano); ed. Denis Stevens & Thurston Dart {Peters} 42/027 Fantasien für Streichinstrumente Heft 2: nos. 8-15: from 4- to 7-part strings; ed. Herbert Just {str. ens. : Nagel} 42/027-2(2) Fifteen songs; ed. & arr. Arthur Somervell {Novello} 09/145-1 Fifteen songs and airs (sop./ ten.) [Set 1] : published for the Purcell Society {Novello} 09/145(1) Forty songs, vol. 3: [10 songs]; ed. Sergius Kagen {International} 09/145(3) : Forty songs, vol. 2: [10 songs]; ed. Sergius Kagen {high v. : International} 11/020(2) : Four pieces from Abdelazar, or the Moor's Revenge arr: Desmond Radcliffe {organ : Novello} 40/195-2 Full fathom five: [sop.] solo & chor. (SSA) 05/016 If music be the food of love (first setting); ed. M. Tippett & W. Bergmann {high v. : Schott} Cab 17/460-2 a-b : King Arthur [abridged concert ed.]: opera; adapted from compl. ed. of W. H. Cummings 06/042-3 a Lost is my quiet: duet for sop. & bass arr. Michael Tippett {Schott} Cab 18/125-1 Mad Bess (From silent shades ...); ed. M. Tippett & W. Bergmann {high v. : Schott} Cab 17/460-3 : The music in Dryden's King Arthur: opera; ed. J A Fuller Maitland for the Birmingham Festival 1897 {Boosey} 06/042-3 c-d The music in King Arthur: dram. opera (1691); ed. Margaret Laurie 06/042-3 b Nymphs and shepherds, come away! {from The Libertine}; words by Thomas Shadwell {solo v. : Bayley & Ferguson} Cab 17/460-8 Ode for St Cecilia's day 1692: full score (w. p. red.); ed. Michael Tippett & Walter Bergmann {Schott} 01/064 Popular pieces {p. solo} 21/286-1 Purcell (Old English Masters Bk 1): Henry Purcell (1658-1695) arr. & ed. M. Ettinger {violin : Peters} Cab 28/039 Rondo {from 'Abdelazer'} arr. Gerald Moore {p. solo} Cab 21/286-2 St Agnes morn: song arr. Geoffrey Shaw; words by Selwyn Image {Cramer} Cab 17/460-4 Saul and the witch at Endor {from Harmonia Sacra} arr. Benjamin Britten {STB soli : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 18/125-3 Selected songs: [15 songs]; ed. Bothwell Thomson {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 09/145-4 Six songs; ed. & arr. Alfred Moffat {Bayley & Ferguson} Cab 09/145-3 Six songs arr. & ed. Alfred Moffat {Forsyth Bros.} 10/076 [1] Six suites for harpsichord or piano; ed. Gerald M. Cooper {Novello} 21/286-4 The Lord is my shepherd Cab 18/125-2 Sonata 1 in E flat and Sonata 2 in F ('Golden Sonata'): arr. for 2 violins & piano with cello ad lib.; ed. Waldemar Woehl {2 violins : Peters} 29/098(1) Sonata 2 in F (Golden Sonata): arr. for 2 violins & piano with cello ad lib.; ed. Waldemar Woehl {2 violins : Peters} 29/098(1) [2] Sonata for trumpet (in C or B flat) and piano arr. Karl Heinz Fuessl; ed. Roger Voisin {International} 35/013 Sound the trumpet {from 'Come, ye Sons of Art'}: for SA chorus of women's voices w. p.acc. {Lawson-Gould} Cab 18/125-4 Suite from 'Bonducca' arr: Eric H. Thiman; ed. John E West {organ : Novello} 40/195-3 Suite from Orpheus Britannicus: arr. for oboe and piano arr. Mary Chandler {Chester} 36/080.5 Te Deum laudamus in D: for voices & instruments; 'made for St Cecilia's Day 1694' - ed. J. F. Bridge {choir & semi-choir : Novello} 01/064-2 Ten duets Bk 1 nos. 1-6 {Stainer & Bell} 15/051(1) Ten duets Bk 2 nos. 7-10 {Stainer & Bell} 15/051(2) Ten Purcell duets {from Dioclesian} arr. Geoffrey Shaw {p. duet : Joseph Williams} 22/033-2 Three divine hymns {from Harmonia Sacra} arr. Benjamin Britten (fig. bas.) & Peter Pears (voc.) {solo v. : Boosey & Hawkes} 09/145-4 a-b Trio sonatas 1 and 2 for 2 violins: with p. accomp. & cello ad lib.; ed. Waldemar Woehl {Peters} 29/098(1) Trumpet tune and Rigadoon &c (6 pieces): Old-English Masters Bk 1 arr. & ed. M. Ettinger {violin : Peters} Cab 28/039 Trumpet voluntary arr. Henry Geehl {p. duet : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 22/033-1 Trumpet voluntary arr. Geoffrey Leeds {organ : Edwin Ashdown} 40/195-1 a-b Two bourrées; ed. & adapt. Alfred Moffat {p. solo} Cab 21/286-3 Two divine hymns and Alleluia {from Harmonia Sacra} arr. Benjamin Britten {solo v. : Boosey & Hawkes} 09/145-2 Two pieces arr. (for flute or oboe) Roland Revell {flute : Rudall Carte} Cab 38/080 a-b Upon a quiet conscience {voc. duet : Novello, Ewer} 10/045-8.2 [12a] Welcome to all the pleasures [min. sc.]: ode for St Cecilia's Day 1683 04/018 When I a lover pale do see: song arr. Alfred Moffat {Bayley & Ferguson} Cab 17/460-5 When I am laid in earth (Dido's lament in Dido and Aeneas); words by Nahum Tate; ed. Edmondstoune Duncan {Augener} Cab 17/460-7 : With sick and famished eyes {solo v. : Novello, Ewer} 10/045-8.2 [12c] With sick and famished eyes: for voice, w. piano (or harpischord) & violoncello; words by George Herbert {OUP} Cab 17/460-6
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