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Me.. Mi.. Mo.. Mu.. My..


Ma belle Marguerite {from Bless the Bride} / Vivian Ellis; words by A. P. Herbert {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/182-1

Ma curly-headed babby: plantation song / G H Clutsam; words by G. H. Clutsam {Hatzfeld} 16/050-3 [13] : No. 2 in D

Ma curly-headed babby: plantation song / G H Clutsam; written & composed by G. H. Clutsam {Edwin Ashdown} Cab 17/125-2 a,d : No. 2 in D

Ma curly-headed babby: plantation song / G H Clutsam; written & composed by G. H. Clutsam {Edwin Ashdown} Cab 17/125-2 b-c : No. 3 in E

Ma curly-headed babby: arr. for mixed v. (SATB) / G H Clutsam; words & music G. H. Clutsam {Enoch & Sons} Cab 17/125-2.1

Ma mère l'oye: cinq pièces enfantines / Maurice Ravel {p. solo} Cab 21/294-2.5

Ma tâche (My task): song / Emma Ashford; words by Maude Louise Ray {Frederick Harris} Cab 17/018-2 a : extra low v. (C)

Ma tâche (My task): song / Emma Ashford; words by Maude Louise Ray {Frederick Harris} Cab 17/018-2 b : low v. (D)

Ma tâche (My task): song / Emma Ashford; words by Maude Louise Ray {Frederick Harris} Cab 17/018-2 c-d : med. v. (Eb)

Macbeth: opera completa per canto e pianoforte / Giuseppe Verdi {Ricordi} 06/063-3.8

Macgregor's gathering / George Alexander Lee; [words by Sir Walter Scott] {solo v.} 16/050-1 [26]

Mack the knife {from The Threepenny Opera} / Kurt Weill; Eng. words Marc Blitzstein (from orig. by Bertolt Brecht) {solo v. : Arcadia} Cab 17/568-1

Macnamara's band: song / Shamus O'Connor; words by John J. Stamford {Larway} Cab 17/433.5

Macushla / Dermot MacMurrough; words by Josephine Rowe {ten. : Boosey} 13/020-7 [2] : in Bb

Macushla: song / Dermot MacMurrough; words by Josephine V. Rowe {Boosey} Cab 17/374 a-b : No. 1 in F

Macushla: song / Dermot MacMurrough; words by Josephine V. Rowe {Boosey} Cab 17/374 c : No. 2 in Ab

Mad Bess (From silent shades ...) / Henry Purcell; ed. M. Tippett & W. Bergmann {high v. : Schott} Cab 17/460-3 : high v.

Mad dogs and Englishmen {from Words and Music}: song / Noël Coward; words & music Noel Coward {Chappell} Cab 17/139-3 a-b

Madam Noy: song for sop. & six instr. arr. for v. & pianof. / Arthur Bliss; words by E. H. W. M[eyerstein] {Chester} Cab 17/082

Madama Butterfly: opera / Giacomo Puccini 06/038-3

Mme Patey's classical song book: twelve songs {mez.} 12/015-2.5

Madamina (Gentle lady) {from Don Giovanni}: [bass aria: Leporello] / W A Mozart; Eng. text Brenda Cleather {Ricordi} Cab 17/418-6

Mädchenfluch (Maiden's curses) / Johannes Brahms; words by Siegfried Kapper {solo v. : Simrock} Cab 17/099-1

Madonna and Child: carol / Eric Thiman; words by Gerald Bullett {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/551-2 a-c : [No. 2] in F

Madrigal Op. 9 no. 1: pour flûte et piano / Louis Aubert {Durand} 38/005.2(1)

Madrigal / Philippe Gaubert {flute : Enoch} Cab 38/029.5

Maentrog (Ballade No. 4) / Josef Holbrooke {p. solo} Cab 21/184-1

Maesaleg: ten. solo / David Evans; Dafydd ap Gwilym; Eng. words Wil Ifan {OUP} Cab 17/184

Il maestro di cappella (The music master / Le maître de chapelle): burlesque intermezzo for bass-baritone / Domenico Cimarosa; Eng. version Maria Pinazzi, Fr. Michel Ancey; [rev. Maffeo Zanon?] {Symphonia} 14/028

Magdalen at Michael's Gate: song / Liza Lehmann; words by Henry Kingsley {Chappell} Cab 17/336-5 a-c : No. 1 in F# min

The magic fiddle, Grade 3 (moderate): [12 pieces]; ed. & arr. Arthur Seybold {violin : Alfred Lengnick} Cab 28/063-4(3)

The Magic Flute (Die Zauberflöte): opera in 2 acts / W A Mozart; Eng. version Edward J. Dent; voc. sc. Erwin Stein {Boosey & Hawkes} 06/032-4 a-b

The Magic Flute: overture / W A Mozart {chamb. orch. : Boosey & Hawkes} 43/005

Magic Key: Spanish fairy opera / W Smyth Cooper {childr. v. : Curwen} 07/006 a-b

The magic trombone: [26 pieces]; arr. & ed. Nicholas Hare {tromb. : Chester} 35/030-3 : bass clef

Magnificat: for soloists (SATB), double choir, organ & orch. [] / Claudio Monteverdi; ed. Denis Stevens & John Steele {Novello} 02/084

Magnificat: for solo v., mixed chor. & orch. [] / Antonio Vivaldi; ed. Gian Francesco Malpieri; p. red. Raffaele Cumar {Ricordi} 02/131-2

Magnificat RV610a-611: for solo v., 2 mixed chor. & 2 orch. [] / Antonio Vivaldi; ed. Gian Francesco Malpieri; p. red. Raffaele Cumar {Ricordi} 02/131-2.1

Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis of the Great Service / William Byrd; ed. E.H. Fellowes {SATB choir : OUP} 02/030-3 a-b

Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in A flat Op. 65: for mixed chor. & org. / Edmund Rubbra {Alfred Lengnick} Cab 02/105

Magnificat (in D): for SMATB soli, SSATB & orch. [] / J S Bach; Eng. adapt. J. Troutbeck {Novello} 02/005-2 a-d

Magnificat in D dur: [for SMATB soli, SSATB & orch. -] / J S Bach; p. sc. arr. S. Jadassohn {Breitkopf} 02/005-2.1

Magyar melody: musical romance / arr. George Posford; adapt. Eric Maschwitz & George Posford {Chappell} 07/027-2

The maid I adore (Cailin mo ruin-sa) / Donald Ross; words & music Donald Ross; p. arr. George Short {solo v. : Alex. MacLaren & Sons} Cab 17/481.4

The Maid of the Mill: [20 songs] / Franz Schubert; Eng. trans. Theodore Baker 09/169-2.1 : high v.

The Maid of the Mountains: musical play / Harold Fraser-Simson; lyrics by Harry Graham {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 07/010-2

The maiden and the lark / Antonín Dvorák; Eng. words Frederick Corder {solo v. : Laudy} Cab 17/174-2(3)

The maiden in grey: duet / Reginald Barnicott; words by G. Hubi-Newcombe {male & fem. v. : Boosey} Cab 18/002.5 : No. 1 in G

Maiden of Morven (Ossianic love lament) {from Songs of the North}: old Highland melody / arr. Malcolm Lawson; words by Harold Boulton {Cramer} Cab 17/331-1 a-b also at 10/055 [5]

Maiden's curses (Mädchenfluch) / Johannes Brahms; words by Siegfried Kapper {solo v. : Simrock} Cab 17/099-1

The maiden's prayer (La prière d'une vierge) / Thekla Badarzewska {p. solo : Broome} 16/050-2 [28]

The maiden's prayer (La prière d'une vierge) / Thekla Badarzewska {p. solo : Francis} 21/021.1

The maidens of Cadiz (Les filles de Cadix): boléro / Léo Delibes; poésie d'Alfred de Musset {solo v. : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 17/158 a : No. 3 in F#

The maids of Cadiz (Les filles de Cadix): song / Léo Delibes; Fr. Text by Alfred de Musset, Eng. By Helen F. Bantock; arr. Granville Bantock {solo v. : Paxton} Cab 17/158 b : in G

Maighdeanan na h'airidh (An island sheiling song) / arr. Marjory Kennedy-Fraser; arr. with Eng. and Gaelic words (from Ann Macneil, with melody) by K. MacLeod & M. Kennedy-Fraser {Boosey} Cab 17/316-15 a : No. 2 in A

Maighdeanan na h'airidh (An island sheiling song ) / arr. Marjory Kennedy-Fraser; arr. with Eng. and Gaelic words (from Ann Macneil, with melody) by K. MacLeod & M. Kennedy-Fraser {Boosey} Cab 17/316-15 b-c : No. 1 in G (or Gb)

Maiglockchen und die Blümelein (The maybells and the flowers): two-part song / Felix Mendelssohn {2 sop.} Cab 18/016.8

Mailied (Maiskaia pesn') {from Neun Lieder von Goethe} Op. 6 no. 2 / Nikolai Medtner {Jurgenson} Cab 17/391.5-1

Mailied (Chant de mai) / Giacomo Meyerbeer; Dichtung von H. Blaze {solo v. : Breitkopf & Härtel} 10/045-4 [19]

Maire my girl: Irish love-song / George Aitken; words by John Keegan Casey {Chappell} 10/045-7 [13] : No. 1 in C

Maiskaia pesn' (Mailied) {from Neun Lieder von Goethe} Op. 6 no. 2 / Nikolai Medtner {Jurgenson} Cab 17/391.5-1

La maison grise (The grey house) {from Fortunio} / André Messager {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/396-1 : No. 2 in F

Le maître de chapelle (The music master / Il maestro di cappella): burlesque intermezzo for bass-baritone / Domenico Cimarosa; Eng. version Maria Pinazzi, Fr. Michel Ancey; [rev. Maffeo Zanon?] {Symphonia} 14/028

Les maîtres du clavecin: [32 pieces] 41/005

Los majos enamorados (Goyescas Op. 11), 1a parte / Enrique Granados {p. solo : Unión Musical } 21/154(1)

Los majos enamorados (Goyescas Op. 11), 2a parte / Enrique Granados {p. solo : Unión Musical } 21/154(2)

Malagueña / Isaac Albéniz; arr. J. Stutschewsky {cello : Schott} Cab 33/003

A man's a man for a' that / Anon.; words by Burns {solo v.} 16/050-1 [33]

Mandalay: song / Charles Willeby; words by Rudyard Kipling {John Church} Cab 17/575-5 : No. 2 in E

Mandolinata (Souvenir de Rome): song / Emile Paladilhe; paroles de A. P[aladilhe] {McDowell} 10/045-5 [23] : No. 3 [in] E

Mango walk (traditional Jamaican song): for voices (2-part), with rhythm group & tuned percussion (or piano) / arr. John Hosier {OUP} Cab 18/075.2

Manon Lescaut de G. Puccini: grande fantaisie en 3 parties / Emile Tavan {p. solo : Ricordi} Cab 21/285-1

Manual of scales & arpeggios & broken chords: rev. & enlarged {p. solo : ABRSM} 20/021

Many happy returns of the day: birth-day song / John Blockley; written by Eliza Cook {Cramer, Beale} 10/045-4 [11]

Many happy returns / John Blockley; words by Eliza Cook {solo v. : Marks & Spencer} Cab 17/272 [2]

March Op. 12 no. 1 / Sergei Prokofiev {p. solo} Cab 21/284-3

March Op. 3 no. 5 / Carl Maria von Weber {p. duet : ABRSM} Cab 22/058-5

March album Bk 7: six funeral marches {p. solo : Curwen} 20/133-1(7)

March album no. 3: collection of marches for org., Amer. org. & harmonium {Curwen} 45/030-8(3)

March from Scipio / George Frideric Handel; arr. Albert Dufaure {p. solo : Reynolds} 16/050-2 [24]

March from 'Tannhäuser' and Bridal march from 'Lohengrin' / Richard Wagner {p. solo} Cab 21/372-3

March in G / Henry Thomas Smart {organ : Novello} 40/023-2 a-b

March militaire [no. 1] Op. 51: as piano solo / Franz Schubert; arr. Carl Tausig {Bosworth} Cab 21/328-12 b

March of Israelites {from Oratorio 'Eli'} / Michael Costa {p. solo} Cab 21/092 a-b

March of the dwarfs / Edvard Grieg; arr. Joan Last {p. duo : Galliard/Galaxy} Cab 22/019-5

March-Album: collection of the most celebrated Italian, French and German marches [45 marches]; sel. & arr. E. Pauer {p. solo : Augener} 20/143-3

Marche {Well known pieces from the Note Books, no. 7}: for beginners on the cello / C P E Bach; ed. Alfred H Bartles {Universal} 33/005-3 [7]

Marche de Rakoczy / Franz Liszt {p. solo} Cab 21/220-3

Marche funèbre / Frédéric Chopin {p. solo : Methven, Simpson} Cab 21/080-9.2

Marcia capricciosa: for flute & piano / Kenneth Leighton {OUP} 38/099-5(1) [1]

Marcia turca {della Sonata in la maggiore K 331} / W A Mozart; arr. Ernesto Marciano {p. duet : Ricordi} Cab 22/032-6

The Mardi Gras: song / Eric Maschwitz; words by Maschwitz & Leo Towers {Leo. Feist} Cab 17/388.5-1

Margaret (Gretchen am Spinnrade) {from Goethes Faust} / Franz Schubert; Eng. version A. H. Fox Strangways and Steuart Wilson {low v. : OUP} Cab 17/496-3 b : low key (orig. - D min)

Margarita (de Parete): canzone per Piedigrotta 1891 / Vittorio Fassone; versi di P. Cinquegrana {Santojanni} 10/045-5 [24]

Margrete's cradle song / Gustav Holst; Henrik Ibsen; Eng. words William Archer {Bosworth} Cab 17/287-2 a-b

Margrete's cradle song / Gustav Holst; by Henrik Ibsen; Eng. words William Archer {Laudy} Cab 17/287-2(2)

Margreth am Thore {from Sechs Lieder} Op. 35 no. 5 / Adolf Jensen; von Otto Roquette {solo v. : Hoffarth} Cab 17/299

Marionette overture (Puppenspiel Ouverture) Op. 105 / Cornelius Gurlitt {p. quartet (2p. 8 h) : Augener} Cab 22/020

Marionette's fox-trot / Eduardo Gareri; paroles de Battaille-Henri {solo v. : Marchetti} Cab 17/207.9

Marishka! Marishka! (O Marie!) / Ferencz Korbay; text and melody Szerdahelyi {solo v. : Schott} Cab 17/322-1

Maritana: opera / Vincent Wallace 06/075-1 a

Maritana: opera / Vincent Wallace 06/075-1 b

The market: song / Molly Carew; words by Jean Stevenson {Chappell} 10/045-6 [1] : No. 1 in F

Marosa (Brother James's air): unison, w. descant / James Leith MacBeth Bain; arr. Gordon Jacob {OUP} Cab 02/008

The Marriage of Figaro (Le Nozze di Figaro): comic opera in 4 acts / W A Mozart; Eng. version Edward J. Dent; voc. sc. Erwin Stein {Boosey} 06/032-5 a-b,e-f

The Marriage of Figaro, K 492: comic opera / W A Mozart {Kalmus} 06/032-5 c

Marriage of Figaro (Le Nozze di Figaro): comic opera / W A Mozart {Novello} 06/032-5 d

La Marseillaise / Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle; transc. W F Arnold {p. solo : Orpheus} Cab 21/309.5

Marta (Martha): opera / Friedrich von Flotow; arr. Sullivan {Boosey} 06/016 a-b

Martha: potpourri en forme de fantaisie pour piano et violon / Friedrich von Flotow; arr. H. Ollivier {Peters} 28/075 [6]

Martial moments: march medley / Aubrey Winter {p. solo} Cab 21/381

Mary: waltz / Harry Read {p. solo : Paterson} 16/050-2 [4]

Mary Morison / Anon.; words by Burns {solo v.} 16/050-1 [49]

Mary's Boy Child: spiritual / Jester Hairston; [written by Jester Hairston] {Bourne} Cab 17/245 a-b

A masked ball (Un ballo in maschera): opera in 3 acts / Giuseppe Verdi; libretto by Antonio Somma; Eng. version Peter Paul Fuchs {Schirmer} 06/063-2.5 b

Ein Maskenball: Oper in drei Akten / Giuseppe Verdi; p. arr. Kurt Soldan {Peters} 06/063-2.5

Masquerade: waltz song / John Jacob Loeb; lyric by Paul Francis Webster {Leo. Feist} Cab 17/350

Mass for three voices / William Byrd; ed. E.H. Fellowes {ATB choir : Stainer & Bell} Cab 02/030-2

Mass for four voices / William Byrd; ed. E.H. Fellowes {SATB choir : Stainer & Bell} 02/030-1 a-b

Mass for four voices / William Byrd; ed. Henry Washington {SATB choir : Chester} 02/030-1 c

Mass for five voices (SATTB) / William Byrd; ed. E.H. Fellowes {SATTB choir : Stainer & Bell} 02/030-6 a-b

Mass in Bb Op. 77 / J N Hummel {SATB choir : OUP} 02/066

Mass in B minor: [for soli, chor. & orch. -] / J S Bach {Novello} 02/005-3 a-d

Mass in B minor: for soli, chor. & orch. [] / J S Bach; ed. Frank Damrosch {Schirmer} 02/005-3.1

Mass in C Op. 86: for SATB soli, SATB & orch. [] / Ludwig van Beethoven; p. arr. rev. Berthold Tours {Novello} 02/014-2 a-c

Mass in D major (Missa solennis) [Op. 123]: [for SATB soli & chor.] / Ludwig van Beethoven; with Eng. & Ger. trans. {Peters} 02/014-3.1

Mass in D (Missa solennis) Op. 123: for 4 solo v., chor. & orch. [] / Ludwig van Beethoven; voc. sc. arr. S. Jadassohn {Breitkopf & Härtel} 02/014-3.2

Mass in D No. 3 (Lord Nelson mass) / Joseph Haydn {SATB choir : Belwin-Mills} 02/054-3 e

Mass in G (no. 2): for STB soli, SATB, strings & orch. [] / Franz Schubert; arr. Berthold Tours {Novello} 02/106-2

Mass in G [new ed.]: for STB soli, SATB, strings & org., w. opt. wind & timpani / Franz Schubert; arr. Berthold Tours {Novello} 02/106-2.1 a-b

Mass in G / Carl Maria von Weber; arr. W. H. Weiss {SATB soli : Novello} 02/085[2]

Mass in G / Carl Maria von Weber; arr. W. H. Weiss {SATB soli : Novello} 02/133 also at 02/085 [2]

Mass in G minor: for soli (SATB) & double chor. / Ralph Vaughan-Williams {Curwen & Sons} 02/128-3 a-b

Mass in time of war ('Paukenmesse' 1796): for SATB soli, SATB chor. & orch. [] / Joseph Haydn {Novello} 02/054-4 a-b

Master melodies from the classics, 3: 9 pieces {violin} Cab 28/060-6(3)

Masterpieces of Russian piano music 1st Ser.; sel. & ed. A.M. Henderson {Bayley & Ferguson} 20/009(1)

Masterpieces of Russian piano music Bks 3-4; sel. & ed. A.M. Henderson {Bayley & Ferguson} 20/009(3-4)

The mastersingers of Nuremberg / Richard Wagner; complete voc. sc. arr. Karl Klindworth {misc. v. : Schirmer} 06/072-3 b

Mate o' mine: song w. violin or violonceloo oblig. (ad lib.) / Percy Elliott; words by Leslie Cooke {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/181 a : No. 3 in F

Mate o' mine: song w. violin or violonceloo oblig. (ad lib.) / Percy Elliott; words by Leslie Cooke {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/181 b : No. 1 in D (orig.)

Mater salutaris: carol for SATB & org. / Martin Dalby; Eng. trans. Brian Stone {Novello} Cab 02/037-2

Matthäus-Passion (St Matthew Passion) BWV 244, chorus 1-2 / J S Bach {sop. : Bärenreiter} 08/005-7.2

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John: song / May Brahe; lyric adapt. Walter de la Mare {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/096-3 a-b

Mattinata: sop./ ten. / Ruggero Leoncavallo; parole e musica R. Leoncavallo {Gramophone Italy} Cab 17/340-2 : No. 2 in E

Mausfallen-Sprüchlein (The mouser's magic verses) / Hugo Wolf; Mörike (Eng. John Bernhoff) {solo v. : Peters} Cab 17/588-2

May dew {from Six songs} Op. 23 no. 2: unison song / Sterndale Bennett; words [from a poem by J L Uhland translated] by H. H. Pierson {Edwin Ashdown} Cab 17/066-2(2)

A May morning: song / Luigi Denza; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {Chappell} Cab 17/161.2 a,c : No. 4 in G

A May morning: song / Luigi Denza; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {Chappell} Cab 17/161.2 b : No. 1 in D

The May Queen: pastoral cantata / Sterndale Bennett; written by Henry F. Chorley {Novello, Ewer} 01/016-1 a-b

The maybells and the flowers (Maiglockchen und die Blümelein): two-part song / Felix Mendelssohn {2 sop.} Cab 18/016.8

Maying: duet (contr. & bar.) / Alice Mary Smith; words by Rev. Charles Kingsley {Edwin Ashdown} 16/050-5 [22] : No. 3 in F

Maying ("O that we two were maying"): duet for sop. & ten. (or contr. & bar./bass) / Alice Mary Smith; words by Rev. Charles Kingsley {Edwin Ashdown} Cab 18/151(2) a-b : No. 2 in F

Maying: duet / Alice Mary Smith; words by Rev. Charles Kingsley {sop. & ten. : Walsh, Holmes} Cab 18/151-1 : No. 2 in G

'Maypril': song of Spring / Haydn Wood; words by Harry Dawson {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/590-8

Mazurka Op. 67 no. 2 / Frédéric Chopin; ed. Charles Vincent {p. solo : Winthrop Rogers} Cab 20/023 [1]

Mazurka: for sax. quart. (SATB) / Claude Debussy; arr. Michael G. Cunningham {sax. quart. SATB : Etoile Quality Music} 37/620

Mazurka / Darius Milhaud {p. solo : Max Eschig} Cab 20/190 [4]

Mazurka Op. 3 no. 3 in C major / Anatoly Lyadov {p. solo} Cab 21/216-1

Mazurkas / Frédéric Chopin {p. solo : Fr. Kistner} 21/080-8.1

Mazurkas / Frédéric Chopin; ed. Klindworth-Scharwenka {p. solo : Augener} 21/080-8.2

Mazurkas / Frédéric Chopin; ed. Thomas Fielden & Harold Craxton {p. solo : ABRSM} 21/080-8.3

Mazurkas / Frédéric Chopin; ed. Rafael Joseffy {p. solo : Schirmer} 21/080-8.4

Mazurkas / Frédéric Chopin; ed. Ignacy J. Paderewski {p. solo : Polish Music Publications} 21/080-8.5

Mazurkas / Frédéric Chopin; ed. Hans Semper {p. solo : Wood} 21/080-8.6

The meaning of a rose: song / Maurice Besley; words by Anne Pamela West {Boosey} Cab 17/075-3 : No. 2 in Eb

Meditation (Ave Maria) / Charles Gounod; ed. & arr. W. H. Squire {cello : Joseph Williams} 33/069-3 [1]

Meditation / Dobos Kálmán {p. solo} Cab 21/206-1

Meditation {from Thaïs} / Jules Massenet; transc. Alfred J. Silver {organ : Heugel} 40/163

Meditation Op. 67: for the reed or pipe organ / Louis Raffy 45/114

Meditation Op. 72 no. 5 / P I Tchaikovsky; transc. David Geringas {cello : Rahter} 33/071.5(3) [2]

Meditation from 'Thais' / Jules Massenet; transc. Alan H. Arnold {viola : Viola World} 32/009

Méditation sur le 1er Prélude de J.S. Bach (Ave Maria) / Charles Gounod {p. solo : Schott} Cab 21/152.2-2

Mediterranean / Arnold Bax {p. solo} Cab 21/024-2

Medjé: chanson arabe (sop./ ten.) / Charles Gounod; poésie de Jules Barbier {Choudens} Cab 17/225-6 a-b : No. 3 in ?

Medley of songs for baritone solo, men's voices & piano / Stephen Foster; arr. Leslie Woodgate {Dix} Cab 15/038 a-c

Mein gläubiges Herze (My heart ever faithful): air for sop. in F / J S Bach; arr. Robert Franz {Augener} Cab 17/024-7 a,c

Mein gläubiges Herze frohlocke (My heart ever faithful) / J S Bach {mez. : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 17/024-7 e : in D

Mein Herz und meine Leyer (My heart and lute): song / Halfdan Kjerulf {Pitt & Hatzfeld} 10/045-9 [10] : No. 2 in E

Meine Liebe ist grün (Like a blossoming lilac) Op. 63 no. 5 / Johannes Brahms {bass : Peters} Cab 17/099-6 : in D (contr./bass)

Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg - prelude [min. sc.] / Richard Wagner {full orch.} 04/030

Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg / Richard Wagner; vollst. Klavierauszug von R. Kleinmichel {misc. v. : Schott} 06/072-3 a

Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg / Richard Wagner; [vollst.] Klavierauszug von Karl Klindworth {misc. v. : Schirmer} 06/072-3 b

Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg: sel. words & music / Richard Wagner; Eng. versions Percy Pinkerton {sop. : Newnes} 16/099

A melancholy song: for med. v. & piano / Antony Hopkins {Chester} Cab 17/288.5

La mélancolie Op. 1 / François Prume {violin : Peters} Cab 28/019 [2]

Mello: valse / Emile Waldteufel {p. solo} 16/050-2 [10]

Melodic violin studies Op. 12: 21 first position studies in bowing, rhythm, phrasing and melodic expression / J Hullah Brown {Joseph Williams} 25/003

Mélodie / Anton Rubinstein {cello : Beal, Stuttard} 33/099(1) [7]

Mélodie: pour flûte et piano / Pierre Segond {Foetisch (M. et P.)} 38/099-13 [6]

Melodie Op. 42 no. 3 / P I Tchaikovsky; transc. David Geringas {cello : Simrock} 33/071.5(1) [2]

Mélodie arabe: for violoncello or violin / Alexander Glazunov {Chester} Cab 33/033-2

Mélodie d'amour / Hans Engelmann {p. solo} Cab 21/129-1

Mélodie d'amour: for piano w. violin ad lib. / Hans Engelmann Cab 28/018-1

Melodie in A flat / Reinhold Glière {p. solo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 21/030-4 [1]

Mélodie orientale / Nikolai Tcherepnin {oboe : Hawkes} Cab 36/093

Mélodies: nouv. ed. compl?te / Henri Duparc {high v. : Salabert} 09/062.7 : high v. (orig. key)

Melodies (selection) / Lionel Monckton; sel. & arr. Stanford Robinson {p. trio: vn & vc : Chappell} Cab 24/015

Melodies by old masters for young cellists (Alte Meisterweisen für junge Cellisten) [Heft1]: [12] easy classical pieces (1st position); arr. Eugen Rapp after Alfred Moffat {cello : Schott} 33/090-1

Mélodies et chansons: piano et chant [25 compositions] / Erik Satie; paroles de J.P. Contamine de Latour, Léon-Paul Fargue, Vincent Hyspa et al. {Salabert} 09/165

Melodies for piano: [8 pieces] / Samuel Coleridge-Taylor; sel. & ed. Alex Roloff {Augener} 21/088-2

Melodies of Scotland: [221 songs]; sel. & ed. A.M. Henderson {p. solo : White-Smith} 20/009.5

Melodious and progressive studies Op. 31, Heft 1 (1-22) / Sebastian Lee; ed. Hugo Becker; Lee-Becker {cello : Schott} 25/010.8-3

Melodious and progressive studies Op. 31, Heft 2 (23-40) / Sebastian Lee; ed. Hugo Becker {cello : Schott} 25/010.8-3(2)

Melodious memories: potpourri / Herman Finck {p. trio: vn & vc : Hawkes} 24/008

Melodious Scotland, vol. 1: songs and ballads of the North; mostly arr. Alfred Moffat {Home Library} 10/044-1

Melodische und progressive Etüden Op. 31, Heft 1 (1-22) / Sebastian Lee; ed. Hugo Becker; Lee-Becker {cello : Schott} 25/010.8-3

Melodische und progressive Etüden Op. 31, Heft 2 (23-40) / Sebastian Lee; ed. Hugo Becker {cello : Schott} 25/010.8-3(2)

Melodische und progressive Ãœbungen Op. 131: 24 exercises [Grade 7] / Sebastian Lee; ed. Hugo Becker {2 cellos : Schott} 25/010.8-2 b

Melody / Morgan Nicholas {oboe : Chester} 36/075.5

Melody: arranged as a song / Anton Rubinstein; words by Florence Hoare {Curwen} Cab 17/483.5

Melody Op. 44 no. 2 / Alfred Earnshaw {cello : Joseph Williams} Cab 33/026(2)

Melody in F / Anton Rubinstein; ed. & arr. Clifford Ross {p. solo : Ross, Grey} Cab 21/306.8-2 [2] : foreign fing.

Melody in F: for piano with violin obbl. ad lib. / Anton Rubinstein {Arthur} Cab 21/314-2

Melody in F Op. 3: p. solo w. violin & cello ad lib. / Anton Rubinstein {Banks} Cab 28/041-2

Melody in F [Op. 3] / Anton Rubinstein; transc. J. Kessler {violin : Paxton} Cab 28/041-3

A memorial melody in C / Walford Davies {organ : Novello} 40/079-2

Memories / Douglas Shannon {p. solo : Ross, Grey} Cab 21/345.4 : foreign fing.

Memories of childhood (Scenas infantis): five pieces for the piano / Octavio Pinto Cab 21/278

A memory (Le baiser): song / Arthur Goring Thomas; Fre. by Barbier, Eng. trans. M. C. Gillington {Joseph Williams} Cab 17/552-1 a : No. 1 in Db

A memory (Le baiser): song / Arthur Goring Thomas; Fre. by Barbier, Eng. trans. M. C. Gillington {Joseph Williams} Cab 17/552-1 b-c : No. 2,4 in D

A memory / Arthur Goring Thomas; ed. & arr. W. H. Squire {cello : Joseph Williams} 33/069-3 [4]

Memory {from Cats} / Andrew Lloyd Webber; text by Trevor Nunn after T. S. Eliot {solo v. : Faber} Cab 17/566-2

Memory's garden: [song] / H G Pélissier; words by Herbert Fordwych {Newnes} 16/040 [5/13]

Menuet {from 2nd Arlésienne Suite} / Georges Bizet; arr. Henry Geehl {p. solo : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 21/149.5 [2]

Menuet {from Petite suite} / Claude Debussy; original ed. {p. duet : United Music} Cab 22/008.8-2(3)

Menuet Op. 14 no 1 / Ignacy Jan Paderewski {p. solo : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 21/264-2 a,c

Menuet Op. 14 no 1 / Ignacy Jan Paderewski {p. solo : Bote & Bock} Cab 21/264-2 b,d

Menuet Op. 14 no. 1 / Ignacy Jan Paderewski; arr. Henry Geehl {p. duo : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 22/032.6 a-b

Menuet extrait de la Sonatine pour Piano / Maurice Ravel {p. solo : Durand} Cab 21/294-8

Menuet / Georges Valensin; arr. Gregor Piatigorsky {cello : Chester} Cab 33/075

Menuet antique / Maurice Ravel {p. solo : Enoch & Sons} Cab 21/294-8.2

Menuet célèbre / W A Mozart {p. solo} Cab 21/254-3

Menuet in G / Ludwig van Beethoven; arr. Lucien Cailliet {sax. quart. AATB : Belwin} 37/690-3 [5]

Menuett aus dem D dur-Divertimento (KV 334) / W A Mozart {violin : Schott} Cab 28/033-5

Menuett Op. 54 Nr 1 / Arnoldo Sartorio {p. solo} Cab 21/317-1

Menuett in G major [WoO 10 no. 2] / Ludwig van Beethoven; arr. Willy Burmester {violin : Frederick Harris} Cab 28/003-6

Menuetto Op. 32 no. 2 / Sergei Prokofiev {p. solo} Cab 21/284-4

Menuetto in A minor (Four humoreskes Op. 6 no. 2) / Edvard Grieg {p. solo : William Reeves} Cab 21/156-8.2(2)

La mer [min. sc.] / Claude Debussy {full orch. : Durand} 04/011-2

Mère / H Balfour Gardiner {p. solo : Forsyth Bros.} 21/148-3

Merkel-Album: 24 melodious pieces for organ / Gustav Merkel; sel. & arr. W. J. Westbrook {Schott} 40/169

Merrie England (libr.): comic opera / Edward German; librettist: Basil Hood {Chappell} 03/045

Merrie England: new and original comic opera / Edward German; written by Basil Hood; arr. Wilfred Bendall {Chappell} 07/013-1 a-c

Merrie England: (concert ed.) / Edward German; written by Basil Hood; [arr. Wilfred Bendall] {misc. v. : Chappell} 07/013-1.1 a-b

Merrie England: comic opera / Edward German; arr. Wilfred Bendall {p. solo} Cab 21/150-1

Merry-Andrew / John Ireland {p. solo : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 21/194-8(2)

Merry Mike: two step / Luke Cavendish Everett {p. solo : Newnes} 16/040 [4/16]

The merry month of May: [song] / John Ireland; words by Thomas Dekker {Winthrop Rogers} 10/089 [12] : med. v. [C# min]

The Merry Widow (libr.): operetta / Franz Lehár; new lyrics by Phil Park, arr. Ronald Hanmer {Glocken} 03/075 a-d

The Merry Widow: [operetta] / Franz Lehár; new lyrics by Phil Park; arr. Ronald Hanmer {Glocken} 07/018-2.1 a,c

The Merry Widow: [Sadler's Wells production] / Franz Lehár; Eng. version Christopher Hassall {misc. v. : Glocken} 07/018-2.2 a-b

The Merry Widow: valse / Franz Lehár; arr. Leonard Williams {p. solo : Chappell} Cab 21/213.5-2

The Merry Wives of Windsor: opera / Otto Nicolai; libretto by Salomon Hermann Mosenthal based on Shakespeare's play 06/035

The merry-go-round Op. 25 / Felix Swinstead {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/365.8-2

Messa concertata: mass for double chorus, eight solo voices and orchetra [p. red.] / Francesco Cavalli; real. Raymond Leppard {Faber} 02/030.7

Messa di gloria: for TBarB soli, mixed v. (SATB) & orch. [] / Giacomo Puccini {Belwin-Mills} 02/098 a-b

The message: [song] / Jacques Blumenthal; poetry by Miss A. Procter {Ascherberg} 16/050-4 [31] : No. 2 in D

Messe: für gemischten Chor a cappella / Paul Hindemith {Schott} 02/058-2

Messe B-dur (Harmonie-Messe) / Joseph Haydn; arr. Georg Göhler {SATB soli : Peters} 02/054-2.1

Messe C dur Op. 86: [for SATB soli, SATB & orch. -] / Ludwig van Beethoven {Peters} 02/014-2.1 a-b

Messe C-Dur (Krönungsmesse) KV 317 / W A Mozart; arr. Otto Taubmann {SATB soli : Breitkopf & Härtel} 02/085-2 a

Messe D-moll (Nelson-Messe) / Joseph Haydn; arr. Wilhelm Weismann {SATB soli : Peters} 02/054-3.1

Messe de minuit (Julenatmesse) / Marc-Antoine Charpentier {SATB choir} 02/032

Messe (E moll): [for 8-v. chor. & wind ens.] / Anton Bruckner; Klavierauszug Kurt Soldan {Peters} 02/026-3

Messe (solennelle) en Ré majeur Op.123: [for SATB soli & chor.] / Ludwig van Beethoven; [arr. Henry Litolff] {Henry Litolff} 02/014-1 [1]

Messe Es-dur [D 950]: [for SATTB soli, mixed chor. & orch. -] / Franz Schubert; arr. Julius Spengel {Breitkopf & Härtel} 02/106-1

Messe Es-dur D 950 [new ed.]: [for SATTB soli, mixed chor. & orch. -] / Franz Schubert; arr. Julius Spengel {Breitkopf & Härtel} 02/106-1.1

Messe (Nr 3) F moll: [for SATB soli & chor.] / Anton Bruckner; Klavierausg. Kurt Soldan {Peters} 02/026-1 a-c

Messe solennelle en Ré majeur Op.123: [for SATB soli & chor.] / Ludwig van Beethoven; [arr. Henry Litolff] {Henry Litolff} 02/014-1 [1]

Messe solennelle (St Cecilia): [for STB soli, SSTTBarB chor. & orch. []] / Charles Gounod; ed. & arr. Joseph Barnby {Novello} 02/050-1 a

Messe solennelle de Sainte Cécile: for STB soli, SATB & orch. [] or organ / Charles Gounod; rev. Michael Pilkington {Novello} 02/050-1 b

Messe solennelle (St Cecilia) / Charles Gounod; arr. Joseph Barnby {SATB soli : Novello} 02/085 [3]

Messe solennelle: [for] 4 solo v. & chor. / Gioachino Rossini {Ricordi} 02/102-2 a-b

Messe solennelle: for 4 solo v. & chor. (w. piano & harm. ad lib.) / Gioachino Rossini {Ricordi} 02/102-2 c

The Messiah: sacred oratorio [for SATB soli & chor.] (pocket ed.) / George Frideric Handel; ed. & p. red. Vincent Novello {Novello} 08/027-6 [p] a-b

The Messiah: sacred oratorio [for SATB soli & chor.] / George Frideric Handel; ed. W. T. Best {Novello} 08/027-6.2

The Messiah [choruses only]: sacred oratorio [for soli, chor. & orch. -] / George Frideric Handel {Novello} 08/027-6.3

The Messiah: sacred oratorio [for SATB soli & chor.] / George Frideric Handel; ed. & p. red. Ebenezer Prout {Novello} 08/027-6.4 a-b

The Messiah: sacred oratorio for SATB soli & chor. / George Frideric Handel; ed. Watkins Shaw {Novello} 08/027-6.6 a-b

The Messiah: oratorio for SATB soli & chor. / George Frideric Handel; ed. T Tertius Noble, rev. Max Spicker {Schirmer} 08/027-6.7

The Messiah: sacred oratorio / George Frideric Handel; ed. George F. Harris {Boosey & Sons} 28/075 [1]

The Messiah: sacred oratorio / George Frideric Handel; ed. E. Prout; sol-fa transc. W. G. McNaught {Novello} 44/027-2 a-c

The Messiah: sacred oratorio / George Frideric Handel; ed. John Curwen {Curwen} 44/027-2 d

The Messiah's Coming: sacred cantata / J O Murdoch; words by J. Stuart Bogg {SATB choir : Bayley & Ferguson} Cab 01/060.7

Méthode complète de cor, (pte. 1): en deux parties / Lucien Thévet {Alphonse Leduc} 35/089-1(1)

Metodo per organo, parte 1 / Fernando Germani {organ : De Santis} 40/020-4(1)

Metodo pratico di canto italiano / Nicola Vaccai; Ger. transl. John Bernhoff {med. v. : Peters} 19/076-2 : med. v.

Mezzo-soprano songs, "vol. 1" (Imperial Edn): [69 songs] {Boosey} 11/041 a-b

Mezzo-soprano songs, [vol. 1] (New Imperial Edn): [30 songs]; compil., ed. & arr. Sydney Northcote {Boosey} 11/041(1)

Mezzo-soprano songs, vol. 2 (Imperial Edn): [37 songs] {Boosey} 11/041(2)

Michelle (SATB) / John Lennon; words & music John Lennon & Paul McCartney {Northern Songs} Cab 15/039.5-2 a-b

Microjazz for violin / Christopher Norton {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 28/034.5

Microjazz for trumpet: [14 pieces] / Christopher Norton {Boosey & Hawkes} 35/020 : Bb

Microjazz for flute: [15 pieces] / Christopher Norton {Boosey & Hawkes} 38/075

Microjazz collection 2: 36 graded piano pieces in popular styles / Christopher Norton {Boosey & Hawkes} 20/182

Middleton's selection of strathspeys, reels &c for the violin; arr. Peter Milne {Bayley & Ferguson} 26/008

The middy march / Kenneth Alford {p. solo} Cab 21/008

The midnight review: song / Mikhail Glinka; Eng. words Rosa Newmarch {Ricordi} Cab 17/221.3

The midshipmite: song / Stephen Adams; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {Boosey} Cab 17/004-13 a : No. 1 in Bb

The midshipmite: song / Stephen Adams; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {Boosey} Cab 17/004-13 b : No. 2 in C

A Midsummer Night's Dream (libr.): opera in 3 acts / Benjamin Britten; adapted from Shakespeare by Benjamin Britten & Peter Pears {Boosey & Hawkes} 03/025-1

A Midsummer Night's Dream (Ein Sommernachtstraum) Op. 64: opera / Benjamin Britten 06/010-4

Mifanwy: song / Dorothy Forster; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {Chappell} Cab 17/200-2 : No. 3 in G

The mighty deep: bass song / W H Jude; words & music W. H. Jude {Phillips & Page} Cab 17/306-2 : [No. 1 in] Eb

Mighty like a rose: song / Ethelbert Nevin; text by Frank L. Stanton {low v. : John Church} Cab 17/425.5 : low v.

Mignon: mélodie / Charles Gounod; poésie de Louis Gallet {sop. : Choudens} Cab 17/225-7 : No. 2

Mignon: opera / Ambroise Thomas {Heugel} 06/060 a-b

Mignon's song {from Mignon} / Ambroise Thomas; Eng. version Arthur Matthison; ed. A. Visetti {mez. : Heugel} 10/045-9 [2]

The Mikado, or The Town of Titipu (libr.): [comic opera] / Arthur Sullivan; [words] by W.S. Gilbert {Chappell} 03/155-4 a-b

The Mikado, or The Town of Titipu [new ed.] (libr.): [comic opera] / Arthur Sullivan; [words] by W.S. Gilbert {Chappell} 03/155-4 c

The Mikado; or, The town of Titipu / Arthur Sullivan; librettist: W.S. Gilbert; p. arr. George Lowell Tracy {Chappell} 07/040-6 a,b-d

The Mikado: five easy pieces for piano / Arthur Sullivan; arr. Thomas F. Dunhill {Chappell} 21/364-4

The Mikado [piano selection] / Arthur Sullivan; arr. W. Winterbottom {Chappell} Cab 21/364-4.2

The Mikado; or, The town of Titipu: piano solo / Arthur Sullivan {Chappell} 21/364-6

Mikrokosmos vol. 1 (1-36) / Béla Bartók {p. solo : Boosey & Hawkes} 21/022-1(1)

Mikrokosmos vol. 2 (37-66) / Béla Bartók {p. solo : Boosey & Hawkes} 21/022-1(2)

Mikrokosmos vol. 3 (67-96) / Béla Bartók {p. solo : Boosey & Hawkes} 21/022-1(3) a-b

Mikrokosmos vol. 4 (97-121) / Béla Bartók {p. solo : Boosey & Hawkes} 21/022-1(4) a-b

Mikrokosmos vol. 5 (122-139) / Béla Bartók {p. solo : Boosey & Hawkes} 21/022-1(5) a-b

Mikrokosmos vol. 6 (140-153) / Béla Bartók {p. solo : Boosey & Hawkes} 21/022-1(6) a-b

Military march: p. solo w. violin & cello ad lib. / Franz Schubert {Banks} Cab 21/328-12 a

Military march / Franz Schubert; arr. Carl Tausig {p. solo : Orpheus} Cab 21/328-4.1 [2]

Military march: p. duet arr. for concert performance / Franz Schubert; arr. Carl Tausig {Alfred Lengnick} 22/045-4

The milkmaid's song: song / C Villiers Stanford; words by Alfred Tennyson {Augener} Cab 17/529-11 : No. 2 in F min

Millenium motets (unaccompanied) / Shaun Dillon {SATB choir} Spec Coll

The miller and the maid: song / Theo Marzials; words by Theo. Marzials {Boosey} 10/045-4 [7] : No. 3 in F

Miller's Green: miniature suite for voice & p. (or orch.) [p. red.] / Alfred Brewer; words by Wager, Shelley et al. {Joseph Williams} 09/029

The Mines of Sulphur (Ballade im Moor): opera / Richard Rodney Bennett; librettist: Beverley Cross 06/005

Miniature humoresque / Thomas Dunhill {p. solo : Curwen} Cab 21/121-3

Miniature suite of five pieces: arr. by John Milne for group playing by wind and string ensembles / J S Bach {Chester} 42/002-2

Miniatures Set 1, Nos. 1-3 / Frank Bridge {p. trio: vn & vc : Augener} Cab 24/005

Miniatures Op. 17: four easy pieces / Christian Schäfer {p. solo : Sullivan} Cab 21/321

Minnetonka / Percy Wenrich; words by Gus Kahn {solo v. : Feldman} Cab 17/570

Minor works / Frédéric Chopin; ed. Paderewski {p. solo} 21/080-9

Minster echoes Bk 11: orig. voluntaries for the organ; ed. Arthur Graham {Orsborn & Tuckwood} 40/030-15(11)

Minster echoes, Bk 14: original voluntaries by eminent composers for the organ; ed. King Hall {Orsborn & Tuckwood} 40/036-3

Minstrel folio {solo v. : Saalfield} 10/044-2

Minstrels {from 1st Book of Preludes} / Claude Debussy {p. solo : Durand & Fils} Cab 21/110-5.1(1:12)

Minstrels {from Preludes, Bk 1} / Claude Debussy {p. solo : United Music} Cab 21/110-5.2(1:12)

The minstrelsy of the Scottish Highlands: [67 songs]; arr. Alfred Moffat {Bayley & Ferguson} 10/019 a-b

The minstrelsy of the Scottish Highlands: [abridged - 15 songs]; arr. Alfred Moffat {Bayley & Ferguson} 10/019.1

Minuet from L'Arlésienne: for flute and piano / Georges Bizet; arr. Peter Malcolm {Pan Educational} 38/052 [3]

Minuet: for violin (or cello) & pianoforte - also trio / Luigi Boccherini; arr. Ernest Reeves {Walsh, Holmes} 33/015-3

Minuet / Frank Bridge {p. solo} Cab 21/058-3

Minuet and Trio in E flat / W A Mozart; arr. E. Markham Lee {p. duet : Alfred Lengnick} Cab 22/031-6

Minuet {from Berenice}: for Bb clar. & piano / George Frideric Handel; arr. Sidney Lawton {OUP} 37/121(2) [4]

Minuet from Samson / George Frideric Handel; arr. H. Austin Dewdney {p. duet : Curwen} Cab 22/021-6

Minuet in A / Luigi Boccherini {p. solo : Wood} Cab 21/045.3

Minuet in G / Ludwig van Beethoven; arr. Ernest Reeves {p. solo : Walsh, Holmes} 21/027-10

Minuet in G / Ludwig van Beethoven; arr. Ernest Reeves {cello : Walsh, Holmes} 33/011-2

Il mio primo Albeniz (My first Albeniz): [6 pieces] for young pianists / Isaac Albéniz; ed. Piero Rattalino {Ricordi} Cab 21/005

Mira la bianca luna (See where the moonbeams wander): [duet for sop. & ten] / Gioachino Rossini; Eng. version Theo Marzials {Ricordi} Cab 15/021[5]

Mira la bianca luna {from Soirées Musicales}: [serenade for violin, cello & piano, w. organ ad lib.] / Gioachino Rossini; arr. C. Sivori (violin) et P. Seligmann ('cello) {Joubert} Cab 24/025-2

Miroirs No. 2, Oiseaux tristes / Maurice Ravel {p. solo} Cab 21/294-3(2)

Miroirs No. 4, Alborada del gracioso / Maurice Ravel {p. solo} Cab 21/294-3(4)

Miroirs No. 5, La vallée des cloches / Maurice Ravel {p. solo} Cab 21/294-3(5)

The mirror song {from Tales of Hoffmann}: aria: As jewels divine / Jacques Offenbach; Fre. by Jules Barbier; Eng. by Edward Agate {Cramer} Cab 17/435-3 : [No. 3 in] F

Misa a tres voces iguales: [unaccomp.] / Antonio Lotti {Boileau} 02/074

Miscellaneous chorale preludes pt 1 (Organ works Bk 18) / J S Bach; ed. Harold Brooke {Novello} 40/051-2(18)

Miscellaneous pieces: [22 pieces] / W A Mozart; ed. York Bowen & Aubyn Raymar {p. solo : ABRSM} 21/254-4 a-b

Les Misérables: [12] songs from the musical [incl. 2 duets] / Claude-Michel Schönberg; lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer {Faber} 09/167

Miserere mei, Deus: for nine v. (SSATB) / Gregorio Allegri; ed. George Guest {Chester} Cab 02/003

The Miserere scene {from Il Trovatore}: [duet for sop. & ten] / Giuseppe Verdi; Eng. words by Charles Jefferys {Ricordi} Cab 15/021 [4]

The Miserere scene {from Il Trovatore}: voc. duet / Giuseppe Verdi; words by Charles Jefferys {sop. & ten. : Frederick Harris} Cab 18/171-1 a-b : No. 2 in Ab

The Miserere scene {from Il Trovatore} / Giuseppe Verdi; arr. Ernest Reeves {violin : Walsh, Holmes} Cab 28/051.5

Miss Hook of Holland [complete]: Dutch musical incident / Paul A Rubens; arr. Albert W. Ketèlbey {p. solo : Chappell} Cab 21/313-3

Miss Hook of Holland: valse / arr. Leonard Williams; arr. on melodies by Paul A. Rubens {p. solo : Chappell} Cab 21/313-2

Missa aeterna Christi munera: adapted for use in the English Church / Giovanni Palestrina; ed. G. C. Martin {SATB choir : Novello} Cab 02/089 a-b

Missa brevis: mixed chor. & org. / Zoltan Kodály {SATB choir : Boosey & Hawkes} 02/072-1 a-b

Missa brevis (in A) / J S Bach; ed. Ebenezer Prout {SATB soli : Novello, Ewer} 02/005-4

Missa brevis in D Op. 63: for boys' v. & organ / Benjamin Britten {Boosey & Hawkes} 02/025-1

Missa C-Dur (Krönungsmesse) KV 317 / W A Mozart; ed. Klaus Burmeister; p. red. Theo Mölich {SATB soli : Peters} 02/085-2 c

Missa da pacem: for 4 v. / Josquin Des Prez {Kalmus} Cab 02/036

Missa Fi-Fi (MS: 1969): for 16-20 unaccomp. mixed voices & brass instruments / Martin Dalby Spec Coll

Missa in angustiis ('Nelson' Mass): 1798: for SATB soli, SATB & orch. [] / Joseph Haydn; arr. Berthold Tours {Novello} 02/054-3 c-d

Missa in honorem Sacratissimi Cordis Jesu: {for 2-v. choir & organ] / A Martorell {Casimiri} 02/078-1 a-b

Missa in honorem Sancti Josephi Calasantii Op. 63: {for 2-v. choir & organ] / Oreste Ravanello {Boileau} Cab 02/100

Missa in honorem S. Ambrosii Op. 29c: ad duas voces aequales / Friedrich Witt {2-v. choir : Pustet} Cab 02/140

Missa Papae Marcelli [min. sc.] / Giovanni Palestrina; ed. Arnold Schering {SATB soli : Eulenburg} 04/017

Missa pro defunctis Op. 119: ad tres voces aequales / Aloysius Bottazzo {3-v. choir : Marcello Capra} 02/020

Missa Sabrinensis [Severn Mass]: for SCTBar soli, chor. & orch. [] / Herbert Howells {Novello} 02/062-2

Missa solennis (in D) Op.123: [for SATB soli & chor.] / Ludwig van Beethoven {Novello} 02/014-3 a-c

Missa solennis (Mass in D major) [Op. 123]: [for SATB soli & chor.] / Ludwig van Beethoven; with Eng. & Ger. trans. {Peters} 02/014-3.1

The mission of a rose: song / Frederic Cowen; words by Clifton Bingham {Reynolds} 16/050-3 [24] : No. 2 in D

Missouri waltz / Frederic Knight Logan {p. solo : Chappell} Cab 21/224.5 a-b

Mistica / P A Tirindelli; versi di Ada Negri (Eng. Alice F. Schmoll) {solo v. : Ricordi} Cab 17/552.8

Misty / Erroll Garner; lyric by Johnny Burke {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/208-1

Mo dhachaidh (My ain house) / Alfred Moffat; Gaelic from Malcolm MacFarlane, Scots by Alexander Stewart {solo v. : Bayley & Ferguson} Cab 17/405.5-2

Mobile for Shakespeare [Sonnets 53 and 54]: for voice and six players [sop./mez., piano, celesta, vibraphone & 3 percussionists] / Roman Haubenstock-Ramati {Universal} Cab 17/261

Modern flute music, Bk 1: 3 pieces for flute & piano by British composers {OUP} 38/099-5(1)

Modern flute music, Bk 2: 4 pieces for flute & piano by British composers {OUP} 38/099-5(2) a-b

Modern masters vol. 1: [16 pieces] {p. solo : Augener} 20/130(1)

Modern masters for the organ, vol. 1: [28 pieces] {Edwin Ashdown} 40/031-1 a-b

Modern organ music, Bk 2: five pieces by contemporary composers (Leighton, Roberts, Langlais, Heiller, Mushel); ed. David Willcocks {OUP} 40/032-5(2)

Modern recital pieces for the organ, vol. 1: [12 pieces] {Edwin Ashdown} 40/031-4(1)

Modern recital pieces for the organ, vol. 3: [12 pieces] {Edwin Ashdown} 40/031-4(3)

Modern recital pieces for the organ, vol. 5: [12 pieces] {Edwin Ashdown} 40/031-4(5)

Modern recital pieces for the organ, vol. 6: [12 pieces] {Edwin Ashdown} 40/031-4(6)

Modern violin school Op. 51 Bk 2: 1st, 2nd & 3rd positions: 485 studies / William Henley {Joseph Williams} 25/006.9(2)

Moladh na landaidh (The praise of Islay) ( {from Songs of the North}: old Highland melody / arr. Malcolm Lawson; Eng. trans. Thomas Pattison; arr. Malcolm Lawson {Cramer} Cab 17/331-5

The Moldau {from My Fatherland} / Bedřich Smetana; transc. Felix Guenther {p. solo : Francis, Day & Hunter} Cab 21/354-1 a-b

Molly Brannigan: old Irish melody / arr. C Villiers Stanford {solo v. : Boosey} Cab 17/529-6 : No. 3 in Ab

Molly Macarthy and Mary Malone: little Irish song / Eric Spear; words & music Eric Spear {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/526-1

Molly on the shore: Irish reel / Percy Grainger {p. solo : Schott} Cab 21/153.5-4

Molly on the shore: Irish reel / Percy Grainger; arr. Fritz Kreisler {violin : Schott} Cab 28/031-6

Moment musical Op. 94 Nr 3 / Franz Schubert; arr. Alfred Moffat {violin : Schott} Cab 28/044-2

Moments musicals [sic] Op. 94 no. 3 and Military march / Franz Schubert {p. solo : Orpheus} 21/328-4.1

Moments musicaux Op. 94 / Franz Schubert; ed. O. Thümer {p. solo : Augener} 21/328-4.3 a-b

Mon coeur est pour toi (Love, here is my heart): song / Lao Silésu; words by Adrian Ross {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/516-1 : No. 1 in Eb

Mon coeur s'ouvre à ta voix {from Samson et Dalila}: [for mez. & orch. -] / Camille Saint-Saëns; words by F. Lemaire {Durand} 43/007-2

Money, O! {from Songs of the Countryside} / Michael Head; words by W.H. Davies {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/266-7 : low v.

Monsieur Beaucaire: romantic opera / André Messager; lyrics by Adrian Ross {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 06/028-1

Les Montagnardes (Gebirgs-Kinder) Op. 444: Walzer / Karl Michael Ziehrer {p. solo : Cranz} Cab 21/387-1

Montague F. Phillips album, vol. 1: [8 songs] / Montague Phillips {Chappell} 09/141(1) : low v.

Montague F. Phillips album, vol. 2: [8 songs] / Montague Phillips {Chappell} 09/141(2) : low v.

Month's mind / John Ireland {p. solo} Cab 21/195-2 a-b

Mood phases Book 1 Op. 52 / York Bowen {p. solo : OUP} Cab 21/051-2.5

Moon-daisies: song / Eric Coates; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {Chappell} Cab 17/127-13 : No. 2 in Eb

The moon has raised her lamp above {from The Lily of Killarney}: duet (ten. & bar.) / Julius Benedict {Orpheus} Cab 18/017 : No. 2 in G

Moonlight: part-song for SATB / Eaton Faning; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {Novello} Cab 18/055-1

Moonlight and roses: adapted from Lemare's celebrated Andantino in Db / Edwin H Lemare; arr. Ben Black, Neil Morét {solo v. : Francis, Day & Hunter} Cab 17/338-1 a-b

A moonlight night: song / York Bowen; words by Southey {Swan} Cab 17/093.2 a-b

Moonlight sonata (in C-sharp minor Op. 27 no. 2 / Ludwig van Beethoven; Urtext ed. (wth copious introductory matter) Jonathan Del Mar {p. solo : Bärenreiter} 21/027-5.14 c [2]

The moonlight sonata: p. solo w. violin & cello ad lib. / Ludwig van Beethoven; arr. Geo. H. Farnell {Banks} Cab 28/003-8

Moorland and torland: six sketches for pianoforte / E Markham Lee; Lebert / Stark {Alfred Lengnick} Cab 21/213.18-2

Morag á Dùnbheagain: Dunvegan love lilt / Neil Matheson; Gaelic words Katherine Douglas; arr. Andrew Bryson {solo v. : Alex. MacLaren & Sons} Cab 17/389.8

Moravské lidové písne / Leoš Janácek {p. solo} Cab 21/200-3

Morceau de concours: for flute & piano / Gabriel Fauré; arr. & ed. Anabel Hulme Brieff {Bourne} 38/024-5

Morceau de salon Op. 228 / Johann Kalliwoda; ed. Robin Canter {oboe : Nova} 36/044

Morceaux célèbres transcrits pour piano / Arcangelo Corelli; transc. François Behr {Litolff (Enoch)} 21/091.5

Morceaux célèbres: [35 pieces] {violin : Bosworth} Cab 28/063-2

Morceaux choisis: album moderne [9 pieces] {cello : Bosworth} 33/080-4 a-b

More daisies: new songs of childhood for 4 solo voices (SCTBar/B) / Liza Lehmann; words by Robert Louis Stevenson, W. B. Rands etc {Boosey} 10/045-8.4 [3]

More melodious memories: potpourri recalled (ie selected & arranged) by Herman Finck; recalled (ie sel. & arr.) by Herman Finck {p. solo : Hawkes & Son} 20/157(2)

More romantic pieces for piano Bk 3; ed. Lionel Salter {ABRSM} 20/011(3)

More romantic pieces for piano Bk 4; ed. Lionel Salter {ABRSM} 20/011(4)

More romantic pieces for piano Bk 5; ed. Lionel Salter {ABRSM} 20/011(5)

Morgen (Tomorrow) {Vier Lieder Op. 27 no. 4} / Richard Strauss; text: John Henry Mackay; Eng. words John Bernhoff {Universal} Cab 17/538-3(4) : high v.

Ein Morgen, ein Mittag, ein Abend in Wien: cello/bass part (only) from orchestral version / Franz von Suppé; arr. Aubrey Winter {cello : Boosey & Hawkes} 33/079 [1]

Morgen-hymne (Morning hymn) Op. 46 no. 4 / George Henschel; words by Robert Reinick; Eng. by the composer {solo v. : Alfred Lengnick} Cab 17/283-4 : No. 2 [in Db]

Morgenblätter (Morning leaves): p. solo (violin & cello ad lib.) / Johann Strauss II; arr. Geo. H. Farnell {Banks} Cab 21/331-2

Morgenblätter [Op. 279]: cello part (only) from orchestral version / Johann Strauss II; arr. Aubrey Winter {cello : Boosey & Hawkes} 33/079 [4]

Morgon (Sverige): sång / Einar Eklöf; ord af K. G. Ossiannilsson {high v. : Lundholm} Cab 17/177 : high v.: Eb

Möricke-Lieder Bd 1 (1-12) / Hugo Wolf {Peters} 09/212(1) a : low v.

Möricke-Lieder Bd 1 (1-12) / Hugo Wolf {Peters} 09/212(1) b : high v.

Möricke-Lieder Bd 2 (13-24) / Hugo Wolf {Peters} 09/212(2) a-b : low v.

Möricke-Lieder Bd 2 (13-24) / Hugo Wolf {Peters} 09/212(2) c : high v.

The morn of Glory: sacred cantata / Frederick Wilfrid Peace {Bayley & Ferguson} 44/040 a-b

Morning: song / Oley Speaks; words by Frank L. Stanton {Chappell} Cab 17/525-3 a : No. 3 in D min

Morning: song / Oley Speaks; words by Frank L. Stanton {Chappell} Cab 17/525-3 b : No. 2 in C min

Morning bright: song / Arthur Goring Thomas; words from the French by John Oxenford {Boosey} 10/045-9 [1] : No. 1 in Bb

Morning hymn (Morgen-hymne) Op. 46 no. 4 / George Henschel; words by Robert Reinick; Eng. by the composer {solo v. : Alfred Lengnick} Cab 17/283-4 : No. 2 [in Db]

Morning, noon and night (An idyll): song cycle / arr. Dorothy Atkinson; words by J. Dean Atkinson {low v.} Cab 17/019 : low v.

Morning, noon and night in Vienna: overture / Franz von Suppé; p. conductor arr. Aubrey Winter {Boosey & Hawkes} 07/053-4

The morning of the year: song cycle for 4 solo v. (SATB) / C W Cadman {Schirmer} Cab 15/029

Morning song / Wilson Manhire {violin : Mozart Allan} Cab 28/035-1

Mors et vita (Death and life): sacred trilogy [oratorio for STB soli, chor., double chor. & orch. -] / Charles Gounod {Kalmus} 08/024-1

Mortify us by thy Grace (Ertödt' uns durch dein G?te!) / J S Bach {p. solo} Cab 21/017-3 a-b

Mortify us by thy Grace / J S Bach; arr. Christopher Le Fleming {p. duo : Chester} Cab 22/003-10 [1] a-b

Mortify us by thy Grace (Ertödt' uns durch dein' G?te!) {from Cantata No. 22} / J S Bach; arr. Becket Williams {p. duo : OUP} Cab 22/003-3 a-b

Mortify us by thy Grace {Chorale from Cantata No. 22} / J S Bach; arr. Guy Weitz {organ : Chester} 40/051-9

Mosaici: 8 pièces brèves pour piano / Jacqueline Fontyn Cab 21/140-2

Motetes gregorianos: Dos 'Te Deum' / Anon. {choir} Cab 02/004

Mother (An old picture in a new frame) / Charles Osborne; written and composed by Charles Osborne {solo v. : Francis, Day & Hunter} Cab 17/440

Mother o' mine / Frank E Tours; words by Rudyard Kipling {ten. : Chappell} 13/020-8 [1]

Il moto continuo (Grand sonata in C) / Carl Maria von Weber {p. solo : Brewer} Cab 21/376-2 a

Moto perpetuo / Frank Bridge {violin : Augener} Cab 28/006

Moto perpetuo / Edward German {violin : Laudy} Cab 28/022

Moto perpetuo / Otmar Nussio {violin : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 28/034.7

Mountain lovers / W H Squire; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {ten. : Boosey} 13/020-7 [3] : in Eb

Mountain lovers: song / W H Squire; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {Boosey} Cab 17/527-5 a : No. 4 in F

Mountain lovers: song / W H Squire; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {Boosey} Cab 17/527-5 b : No. 3 in Eb

Mountain lovers: duet (mez. & bar.) / W H Squire; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {Boosey} Cab 18/155(1) : No. 1 in Eb

Mountain nights (Hegyi éjszakák): songs without words for women's voices (SSA,SSAA - a cappella) / Zoltan Kodály {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 15/039.3-2

The mountains of Mourne: song / Percy French; by Percy French & Houston Collisson {Keith, Prowse} Cab 17/206 a : No. 2 in Bb

The mountains of Mourne: song / Percy French; by Percy French & Houston Collisson {Keith, Prowse} Cab 17/206 b : No. 1 in G

Mourn no moe: [song] / Peter Warlock; words by John Fletcher (1616) {Winthrop Rogers} 10/089 [8] : low v. [A min]

Mourning procession / Niels Christian Nielsen {p. solo} Cab 21/261

Mourning-toccata / Otmar Mácha {organ : Panton} 40/033(2) [3]

The mouser's magic verses (Mausfallen-Sprüchlein) / Hugo Wolf; M?rike (Eng. John Bernhoff) {solo v. : Peters} Cab 17/588-2

Les moutons / Giovanni Battista Martini; arr. Emile Norblin {p. trio: vn & vc : Legouix} 24/019(1) [2]

Mouvements perpétuels / Francis Poulenc {p. solo : Chester} Cab 21/282-2 a-b

Movie instrumental solos: for horn in F {Warner Bros.} 35/030-8

Mozart (School of Easy Classics): [12 pieces] not simplified / W A Mozart; sel. & ed. Oscar Beringer {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/254-9.5

A (2nd) Mozart suite {from the Kegel-Duette} / W A Mozart; arr. Christopher Gordon {2 rec. : Janus Music} 38/158(2)

The muleteer of Tarragona (Le muletier de Tarragone) / Paul Henrion; by Paul Henrion; Eng. trans. M. J. Barnett {bar. : Oliver Ditson} Cab 17/282 : bar./bass

Le muletier de Tarragone (The muleteer of Tarragona) / Paul Henrion; by Paul Henrion; Eng. trans. M. J. Barnett {bar. : Oliver Ditson} Cab 17/282 : bar./bass

Murmulendes Bächlein (The murmuring brooklet) {Drei Lieder no. 2} / Robert Fischhof; text ("Inniges Verständniss") by Emanuel Raulf; Eng. version by Eleanor Mary Bott {solo v. : Alexander Rosé} Cab 09/072 [2]

The murmuring brooklet (Murmulendes Bächlein) {Drei Lieder no. 2} / Robert Fischhof; text ('Inniges Verst?ndniss') by Emanuel Raulf; Eng. version by Eleanor Mary Bott {solo v. : Alexander Rosé} Cab 09/072 [2]

Der Musensohn (Wandering minstrel) Op. 92 no 1 / Franz Schubert; words by Goethe; Eng. version Richard Capell {solo v. : Augener} Cab 17/496-13(1) a-b

The muses' garden for delights (1610): [12 songs] / Robert Jones; transc. & ed. Peter Warlock {Enoch & Sons} 10/089 [3]

Musetta's waltz song {from La Boheme}: [sop. aria] / Giacomo Puccini {Ricordi} Cab 17/457-4 a : No. 2 in Eb

Musetta's waltz song {from La Bohème}: [sop. aria] / Giacomo Puccini {Ricordi} Cab 17/457-4 b : No. 3 in E

Musetta's waltz song {from La Bohème}: [sop. aria] / Giacomo Puccini {Ricordi} Cab 17/457-4 c : No. 1 in D

Musette de Taverny / François Couperin; arr. Georges Catherine {violin : Alphonse Leduc} Cab 28/065-2(4)

Musette in D / J S Bach; arr. Igor Hudadoff {sax. quart. AATB : Pro Art} 37/690-3 [4]

Music at night: three pieces for piano (after Aldous Huxley) / Patrick Piggott Cab 21/276-2

Music for Christmas (The classical keyboard collection); ed. Richard Petchey {Oxford Music Associates} 20/040 [11]

The music with the form and order of the service to be performed at the Coronation of Her Most Excellent Majesty Queen Elizabeth II {misc. v. : Novello} 02/215

Music for the examinations of Trinity College, Pianoforte Grade 5 Book E {Trinity College} Cab 20/017-5(5E)

Music for the home (News-Chronicle): fav. songs, famous waltzes, renowned piano pieces, arias from grand opera, etc; ed. Sir Landon Ronald {News-Chronicle} 16/012.5 a-b

Music for the Millenium: The Twenties: [20 songs] {Wise} 10/050-9

Music for three pianos (1976) / Peter Inness Spec Coll

Music I heard with you / Richard Hageman; poem by Conrad Aiken {low v. : Elkin} Cab 17/241-3 : low v.

The music in Dryden's King Arthur: opera / Henry Purcell; ed. J A Fuller Maitland for the Birmingham Festival 1897 {Boosey} 06/042-3 c-d

The music in King Arthur: dram. opera (1691) / Henry Purcell; ed. Margaret Laurie 06/042-3 b

The music lovers' album vol. 1-4 (parts 1-32) - Introductory matter: introductory matter by Sir Landon Ronald (parts 1-4) & Clarence Lucas (parts 5-8) {p. solo : Amalgamated Press} 16/030(1-4)

The music lovers' album Pts 7, 13-15, 21-22, 24 [only]: [9 melodies in each weekly part]; ed. Sir Landon Ronald {solo v. : Amalgamated Press} 16/030(X)

The music lovers' portfolio nos. 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 17, 20 [1921-22]: [songs & p. solos]; ed. Landon Ronald {Newnes} 16/010 a

The music lovers' portfolio nos. 9-16 [1921-22]: [songs & p. solos]; ed. Landon Ronald {solo v. : Newnes} 16/010 b

The music makers Op. 69: ode set for contr. solo, SATB & orch. [] / Edward Elgar; words by Arthur O'Shaughnessy {Novello} 01/037-4 a-b

The Music Man (libr.): [musical] / Robert Meredith Willson; music & lyrics by [Robert] Meredith Willson {Frank} 03/190 a-b

The Music Man: musical comedy / Robert Meredith Willson; lyrics by Meredith Willson {Frank} 07/057.7

The music master (Il maestro di cappella / Le maître de chapelle): burlesque intermezzo for bass-baritone / Domenico Cimarosa; Eng. version Maria Pinazzi, Fr. Michel Ancey; [rev. Maffeo Zanon?] {Symphonia} 14/028

Music masterpieces, Pts 1-5, 6, 7, 10, 12 [only]: gems from the World's famous operas & musical plays [5 melodies in each part]; ed. Percy Pitt {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 16/020

Music of all nations, Part 19: 8 musical pieces and 2 informative articles; ed. Sir Henry J. Wood {p. solo : Amalgamated Press} 20/126(19)

Music of all nations, Part 3: 9 musical pieces and 4 informative articles; ed. Sir Henry J. Wood {p. solo : Amalgamated Press} 20/126(3)

The music of Michel Legrand: [15 melodies] / Michel Legrand; arr. Frank Booth {p. solo : Wise} 21/213.2(1)

The music of Michel Legrand (2nd ed.): [19 melodies] / Michel Legrand; arr. Frank Booth {p. solo : Wise} 21/213.2(2)

The music of the night {from The Phantom of the Opera} / Andrew Lloyd Webber; lyrics by Charles Hart {solo v. : Really Useful Group} Cab 17/566-3

Music, song and dance vol. 2: selection of classic and modern compositions {Bosworth} 16/013-3(2)

Music, song and dance vol. 3: selection of classic and modern compositions {Bosworth} 16/013-3(3)

The music to the Agamemnon of Aeschylus / Hubert Parry; Eng. version H. J. Edwards {ten. & bass : Novello} 01/063-5

Musical box with two tunes / Sam H Braithwaite {p. solo : Curwen} 21/055.2

A musical comedy waltz concoction / arr. Henry Hall {p. solo : Chappell} Cab 21/163.8

The musical library. Vocal, vol. 1 (1834) nos. 1-44 pp. 1-172; vol. 2 nos. 47-?? pp. 1-164 {solo v. : Charles Knight} Periodical

Musical moments Op. 94 / Franz Schubert; ed. Frank Merrick {p. solo : ABRSM} 21/328-4.2 a-b

The musical offering (BWV 1079) [min. sc.] / J S Bach; from the Bach-Gesellschaft edition {p. solo : LPScores} 04/001-4 [1]

A musical snuff box: sax. ensemble (AATTBB) 'playable as a quartet, quintet or sextet' / Anatoly Lyadov; arr. Earle K. Harger {Belwin} 37/648

Mütterlein sprich! (Mother, O say!) {Drei Lieder no. 1} / Robert Fischhof; text by Robert Reinick; Eng. version by Eleanor Mary Bott {solo v. : Alexander Rosé} Cab 09/072 [1]

My ain dear Nell: song / Theo Bonheur; words by A. Hume {Newnes} 16/040 [5/20]

My ain folk: ballad of home / Laura Lemon; words by Wilfrid Mills {Boosey} Cab 17/339 a-b : No. 3 in F

My ain folk: ballad of home / Laura Lemon; words by Wilfrid Mills {Boosey} Cab 17/339 c : [No. 3 in] G

My ain folk: ballad of home / Laura Lemon; words by Wilfrid Mills {Boosey} Cab 17/339 d : No. 2 in F

My ain house (Mo dhachaidh) / Alfred Moffat; Gaelic from Malcolm MacFarlane, Scots by Alexander Stewart {solo v. : Bayley & Ferguson} Cab 17/405.5-2

My ain wee house: Scotch song / D R Munro; words by Mrs Wilson {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/421 a : [No. 2 in] A

My ain wee house: Scotch song / D R Munro; words by Mrs Wilson {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/421 b-c : [No. 1 in] F

My blue heaven / Walter Donaldson; words by George Whiting {solo v. : Francis, Day & Hunter} Cab 17/166-2

My boat glides with the gliding stream Op. 44 no. 1: quartet (SCTB) / Thomas Dunhill; words by George MacDonald {Joseph Williams} Cab 18/051

My boy Tammy / Anon.; words by Macneil {solo v.} 16/050-1 [43]

My cigarette / Ernest Crampton; words & music Ernest Crampton {solo v. : Newnes} 16/040 [7/19]

My dear, remember me (Until we part for aye): song / Sheena Harvey; words & music Sheena Harvey {Lawrence Wright} Cab 17/259.5

My dear soul: Wessex love song / Wilfrid Sanderson; words by May Byron {Boosey} Cab 17/488-14 a-b : No. 2,1 in Bb

My dearest heart: song / Arthur Sullivan {Boosey} Cab 17/544-4 a : No. 1 in F

My dearest heart: song / Arthur Sullivan {Boosey} Cab 17/544-4 b-c : No. 4 in Bb

My dearest wish: song / Gerald Carne; words by Anthony Mannering [sic] {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/113.7-2 : No. 2 in C

My defences are down {from Annie Get Your Gun} / Irving Berlin; words & music Irving Berlin {solo v. : Irving Berlin} Cab 17/069-11

My dream of love {from The Dollar Princess} / Leo Fall; words by Adrian Ross {solo v. : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 16/020(4) [5]

My dreams: song / Paolo Tosti; words by Frederic E. Weatherly {Chappell} Cab 17/553-2 a : No. 3 in Db

My dreams: song / Paolo Tosti; words by Frederic E. Weatherly {Chappell} Cab 17/553-2 b : No. 1 in Bb

My fair and rare one (A Highland love song) / arr. Wilfrid Senior; Eng. words Prof. Blackie {Kerr} Cab 17/505-1 a-b

My Fair Lady (libr.): musical / Frederick Loewe; lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner {Penguin} 03/078-2

My Fair Lady: musical / Frederick Loewe; lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner {Chappell} 07/021-1 a-b

My Fair Lady [piano selection] / Frederick Loewe {Chappell} Cab 21/224.3 a-b

My first Albeniz (Il mio primo Albeniz): [6 pieces] for young pianists / Isaac Albéniz; ed. Piero Rattalino {Ricordi} Cab 21/005

My gostly fader: [song] / Peter Warlock; attrib. Charles d'Orleans {Winthrop Rogers} 10/089 [9]

My grandfather's clock / Henry Clay Work {solo v. : Mozart Allan} Cab 17/594 [1]

My happy garden: song / Katharine Barry; words by Lilian Scott {Metzler} Cab 17/038.5-2 : No. 2 in F

My heart and I {from Old Chelsea}: song / Richard Tauber; words by Fred S. Tysh {low v. : Lawrence Wright} Cab 17/548-1 a-b,d : low in C

My heart and I {from Old Chelsea}: song / Richard Tauber; words by Fred S. Tysh {med. v. : Lawrence Wright} Cab 17/548-1 c,e : orig. in D (med.)

My heart and lute (Mein Herz und meine Leyer): song / Halfdan Kjerulf {Pitt & Hatzfeld} 10/045-9 [10] : No. 2 in E

My heart ever faithful (Mein gläubiges Herze): air for sop. in F / J S Bach; arr. Robert Franz {Augener} Cab 17/024-7 a,c

My heart ever faithful {from the cantata God so loved the world}: song for mez. in D / J S Bach; arr. Robert Franz {Novello} Cab 17/024-7 b

My heart ever faithful: 'air for soprano' [ie mez. in D] / J S Bach {Augener} Cab 17/024-7 d

My heart ever faithful (Mein gläubiges Herze frohlocke) / J S Bach {mez. : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 17/024-7 e : in D

My heart for you / Patrisha Bourne; words & music Patrisha Ronald Bourne {solo v. : Boosey} Cab 17/092.5

My heart has gone rolling away: song / Angela Gerrard; words by Pegeen Mair {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/215

My heart is a silent violin: song / Oscar Julius Fox; poem by Eric von der Goltz {Paterson} Cab 17/202.3 : No. 2 in Bb

My heart is inditing of a good matter (HWV 261): Coronation anthem for King George II, 1727 / George Frideric Handel; ed. Donald Burrows {SATB choir : Novello} Cab 02/052-6

My heart is light and gay: waltz song / Tresieme O'Dougherty; words & music Tresieme O'Dougherty {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/434

My heart is like a singing bird (A birthday) / Frederic Cowen; words by Christina Rossetti {solo v. : Joseph Williams} 10/045-6 [20] : [No. 2] in C

My heart Is like a singing bird / Mrs Lynedoch Moncrieff; words by Christina Rossetti {solo v. : Boosey} Cab 17/409 : No. 2 in G

My heart is like a singing bird: song for sop. v. / Hubert Parry; words by Christina Rossetti {Novello} Cab 17/442-6 a-c

My heart is weary (Schwer liegt auf dem Herzen): recit. & air {from Nadeschda} / Arthur Goring Thomas; Eng. words Julian Sturgis; Ger. version Friedrich Fremery {Boosey} Cab 17/552-4 a-c

My heart Is yours: song / Rex Burrows; words by Kathleen Egan {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/108.5-4 : No. 2 in C

My heart rejoiceth (Et exultavit spiritus meus) {from Magnificat in D} / J S Bach; ed. (with Eng. words) J. Michael Diack {mez. : Paterson} Cab 17/024-8 a-c

My heart remembers: song / Maurice Besley; words by Aubrey Dowdon {Chappell} Cab 17/075-8 : No. 1 in Eb

My heart's light as air / Richard Addinsell; words by Joyce Grenfell {solo v. : Keith, Prowse} Cab 17/004.5-1 : No. 2 in G

My heather hills: [song and chorus (SAB or TBarB)] / James Stuart Geikie; words by John Ballantine 16/050-1 [30]

My hero {from The Chocolate Soldier} / Oscar Straus {solo v.} Cab 17/535 : No. 1 in C

My jo Janet / arr. Michael Diack; Anon. {solo v. : Paterson} Cab 17/162-14 : D

My land: song / William Stewart Roddie; written and composed by W. Stewart Roddie {Bayley & Ferguson} 16/050-3 [1]

My life Is yours: song / Louise Craven; words by Howard Barnes {Lawrence Wright} Cab 17/142-2 : No. 2 in F (orig.)

My life's delight {from Seven Elizabethan Lyrics) Op. 12 no. 2 / Roger Quilter; words by Thomas Campion {solo v. : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/462-3(2) : in E also at => 17/462-3(7)

My lodging is on the cold ground / John Barkworth {solo v. : MacDonagh, Capdeville} Cab 17/029-3

My love goes with you: song / Maurice Besley; words by Aubrey Dowdon {Boosey} Cab 17/075-9 a-b

My love is like a red, red rose: 2-part song for sop. & contr. / Christopher à Becket Williams; poem by Robert Burns {Curwen} Cab 18/177

My love will go a'winding / Stanton Jefferies; words by Richard Fisher {solo v. : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/298.5-4

My love's an arbutus: old Irish melody / C Villiers Stanford; words by A. P. Graves {low v. : Boosey} 10/076 [5] : No. 1 in F (low v.)

My lovely Celia: song / George Munro; by George Munro; arr. H. Lane Wilson {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/581-3 : No. 2 in G

My mama done tol' me (Blues in the night) / Harold Arlen; words by Johnny Mercer {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/014-2

My memories: song / Paolo Tosti; words by Clifton Bingham {Ricordi} 10/045-9 [4] : No. 2 in Bb (orig.)

My mother bids me bind my hair / Joseph Haydn; [words by Anne Hunter] {solo v. : Stainer & Bell} Cab 17/264-5 a

My mother bids me bind my hair / Joseph Haydn; [words by Anne Hunter] {solo v. : Galliard/Galaxy} Cab 17/264-5 b

My Nannie: song / Maude White; words by Robert Burns {Stanley Lucas, Weber} 10/045-5 [1] : No. 1 in G

My Nannie's awa' / Hamish MacCunn; by Burns {solo v. : Paterson} Cab 17/364-2

My old shako: song / Henri Trotère; words by Francis Barron {Boosey} Cab 17/553.4 : No. 2 in C also at 10/045-7 [6]

My own pretty boy: Irish folk tune / arr. William D Pearson; set to words by Margaret Lyell {solo v. : Curwen} Cab 17/443.8 : in F

My prayer: song / W H Squire; words by P. J. O'Reilly {Boosey} Cab 17/527-7 a : No. 3 in Eb

My prayer: song / W H Squire; words by P. J. O'Reilly {Boosey} Cab 17/527-7 b : No. 2 in D

My pretty Jane (The bloom is on the rye): song / Henry Bishop; words by Edward Fitzball {Paxton} 16/050-4 [13]

My Robin is to the Greenwood gone / Percy Grainger {p. solo : Schott} Cab 21/153.5-5

My ships: song / Augustus Barratt; words by Ella Wheeler Wilcox {Boosey} Cab 17/033 : No. 1 in C

My song goes round the world (Ein Lied geht um die Welt) / Hans May; Ger. by Ernst Neubach; Eng. version Jimmy Kennedy {Feldman} Cab 17/390-2

My song of love {from White Horse Inn} / Robert Stolz; [words by Walter Reisch]; Eng. words Harry Graham {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/533-4

My spirit was in heaviness: sacred cantata [for STB soli & chor.] / J S Bach; Eng. words John Troutbeck {Novello} 01/003-7 a-d

My star of love: song / arr. Albert Ketèlbey; words & music Albert W. Ketélby {Bosworth} Cab 17/319-2 : Ab (C to E)

My Strauss waltzes Bk 1: [8 waltzes] / Johann Strauss II {p. solo : Schott} 21/359(1)

My Strauss waltzes Bk 2: [8 waltzes] / Johann Strauss II {p. solo : Schott} 21/359(2)

My task: song / Emma Ashford; words by Maude Louise Ray; arr. (w. additional verse) C. King Palmer {Paxton} Cab 17/018-1 a : in F

My task: song / Emma Ashford; words by Maude Louise Ray {high v. : Frederick Harris} Cab 17/018-1 b : high v. (F)

My task [w. additional verse]: song / Emma Ashford; words by Maude Louise Ray {low v. : Frederick Harris} Cab 17/018-1 c : low v. (D)

My task [w. additional verse]: song / Emma Ashford; words by Maude Louise Ray {high v. : Frederick Harris} Cab 17/018-1 d : high v. (F)

My task (Ma tâche): song / Emma Ashford; words by Maude Louise Ray {low v. : Frederick Harris} Cab 17/018-2 a : extra low v. (C)

My task (Ma tâche): song / Emma Ashford; words by Maude Louise Ray {low v. : Frederick Harris} Cab 17/018-2 b : low v. (D)

My task (Ma tâche): song / Emma Ashford; words by Maude Louise Ray {med. v. : Frederick Harris} Cab 17/018-2 c-d : med. v. (Eb)

My thanks to you / Noel Gay; words by Norman Newell {solo v. : Noel Gay} Cab 17/211-4

My toreador {from The toreador}: song / Paul A Rubens; words & music Paul A. Rubens {Chappell} 16/050-5 [33]

My treasure: song / Joan Trevalsa; words by Matthias Barr {Boosey} Cab 17/553.3 : No. 1 in F

My true love hath my heart / Geoffrey Bush; words by Sir Philip Sidney {solo v. : Elkin} Cab 17/109

My true love hath my heart: song for mez. / Hubert Parry; words by Sir Philip Sidney {Novello} Cab 17/442-3 a-b

My true love hath my heart / Mary Plumstead; words by Sir Philip Sidney {solo v. : Elkin} Cab 17/451

My wife's a winsome wee thing / Michael Diack; words by Robert Burns {solo v. : Paterson} Cab 17/162-1

My world is gold (Because you love me) / Richard Tauber; lyric by Clifford Grey {solo v. : Keith, Prowse} Cab 17/548-2 : No. 2 in G

Myra Hess album: 23 pieces for piano solo {Winthrop Rogers} 20/012

Les myrtes sont flétris!: aubade (sop./ ten.) / Gabriel Fauré; poésie de Gustave Nadaud {Heugel} Cab 17/188-3 : No. 2

Myself when young {from In a Persian Garden} / Liza Lehmann; words from FitzGerald's Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám {solo v. : Cramer} Cab 17/336-6 a-b : No. 1 in Eb

The mystic trumpeter: for bar. solo, chor. & orch. [] [} / Hamilton Harty; poem by Walt Whitman {Novello} 01/048 a-b

The mystic trumpeter: for medium voice, trumpet, and piano (or organ) / Robert Starer; text from poem by Walt Whitman {Alexander Broude} 30/129


Saturday 15th February 2025

629 (including 65 alternative) titles beginning letter 'M'

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