Click on composer/arranger links for related items; and on the blue shelfmark for further details of instrumentation, publication format, languages used, missing parts etc
Maesaleg: ten. solo / DavidEvans; Dafydd ap Gwilym; Eng. words Wil Ifan {OUP} Cab 17/184
Il maestro di cappella (The music master / Le maître de chapelle): burlesque intermezzo for bass-baritone / DomenicoCimarosa; Eng. version Maria Pinazzi, Fr. Michel Ancey; [rev. Maffeo Zanon?] {Symphonia} 14/028
Magdalen at Michael's Gate: song / LizaLehmann; words by Henry Kingsley {Chappell} Cab 17/336-5 a-c : No. 1 in F# min
The magic fiddle, Grade 3 (moderate): [12 pieces]; ed. & arr. Arthur Seybold {violin : Alfred Lengnick} Cab 28/063-4(3)
The Magic Flute (Die Zauberflöte): opera in 2 acts / W AMozart; Eng. version Edward J. Dent; voc. sc. Erwin Stein {Boosey & Hawkes} 06/032-4 a-b
The Magic Flute: overture / W AMozart {chamb. orch. : Boosey & Hawkes} 43/005
The magic trombone: [26 pieces]; arr. & ed. Nicholas Hare {tromb. : Chester} 35/030-3 : bass clef
Magnificat: for soloists (SATB), double choir, organ & orch. [] / ClaudioMonteverdi; ed. Denis Stevens & John Steele {Novello} 02/084
Magnificat: for solo v., mixed chor. & orch. [] / AntonioVivaldi; ed. Gian Francesco Malpieri; p. red. Raffaele Cumar {Ricordi} 02/131-2
Magnificat RV610a-611: for solo v., 2 mixed chor. & 2 orch. [] / AntonioVivaldi; ed. Gian Francesco Malpieri; p. red. Raffaele Cumar {Ricordi} 02/131-2.1
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis of the Great Service / WilliamByrd; ed. E.H. Fellowes {SATB choir : OUP} 02/030-3 a-b
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in A flat Op. 65: for mixed chor. & org. / EdmundRubbra {Alfred Lengnick} Cab 02/105
Magnificat (in D): for SMATB soli, SSATB & orch. [] / J SBach; Eng. adapt. J. Troutbeck {Novello} 02/005-2 a-d
Magnificat in D dur: [for SMATB soli, SSATB & orch. -] / J SBach; p. sc. arr. S. Jadassohn {Breitkopf} 02/005-2.1
Magyar melody: musical romance / arr. GeorgePosford; adapt. Eric Maschwitz & George Posford {Chappell} 07/027-2
The maid I adore (Cailin mo ruin-sa) / DonaldRoss; words & music Donald Ross; p. arr. George Short {solo v. : Alex. MacLaren & Sons} Cab 17/481.4
The Maid of the Mill: [20 songs] / FranzSchubert; Eng. trans. Theodore Baker 09/169-2.1 : high v.
The Maid of the Mountains: musical play / HaroldFraser-Simson; lyrics by Harry Graham {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 07/010-2
The maiden in grey: duet / ReginaldBarnicott; words by G. Hubi-Newcombe {male & fem. v. : Boosey} Cab 18/002.5 : No. 1 in G
Maiden of Morven (Ossianic love lament) {from Songs of the North}: old Highland melody / arr. MalcolmLawson; words by Harold Boulton {Cramer} Cab 17/331-1 a-balso at 10/055 [5]
Maiden's curses (Mädchenfluch) / JohannesBrahms; words by Siegfried Kapper {solo v. : Simrock} Cab 17/099-1
Maighdeanan na h'airidh (An island sheiling song) / arr. MarjoryKennedy-Fraser; arr. with Eng. and Gaelic words (from Ann Macneil, with melody) by K. MacLeod & M. Kennedy-Fraser {Boosey} Cab 17/316-15 a : No. 2 in A
Maighdeanan na h'airidh (An island sheiling song ) / arr. MarjoryKennedy-Fraser; arr. with Eng. and Gaelic words (from Ann Macneil, with melody) by K. MacLeod & M. Kennedy-Fraser {Boosey} Cab 17/316-15 b-c : No. 1 in G (or Gb)
Maiglockchen und die Blümelein (The maybells and the flowers): two-part song / FelixMendelssohn {2 sop.} Cab 18/016.8
Le maître de chapelle (The music master / Il maestro di cappella): burlesque intermezzo for bass-baritone / DomenicoCimarosa; Eng. version Maria Pinazzi, Fr. Michel Ancey; [rev. Maffeo Zanon?] {Symphonia} 14/028
Margaret (Gretchen am Spinnrade) {from Goethes Faust} / FranzSchubert; Eng. version A. H. Fox Strangways and Steuart Wilson {low v. : OUP} Cab 17/496-3 b : low key (orig. - D min)
Margarita (de Parete): canzone per Piedigrotta 1891 / VittorioFassone; versi di P. Cinquegrana {Santojanni} 10/045-5 [24]
The Marriage of Figaro (Le Nozze di Figaro): comic opera in 4 acts / W AMozart; Eng. version Edward J. Dent; voc. sc. Erwin Stein {Boosey} 06/032-5 a-b,e-f
A masked ball (Un ballo in maschera): opera in 3 acts / GiuseppeVerdi; libretto by Antonio Somma; Eng. version Peter Paul Fuchs {Schirmer} 06/063-2.5 b
Mass in B minor: [for soli, chor. & orch. -] / J SBach {Novello} 02/005-3 a-d
Mass in B minor: for soli, chor. & orch. [] / J SBach; ed. Frank Damrosch {Schirmer} 02/005-3.1
Mass in C Op. 86: for SATB soli, SATB & orch. [] / Ludwig vanBeethoven; p. arr. rev. Berthold Tours {Novello} 02/014-2 a-c
Mass in D major (Missa solennis) [Op. 123]: [for SATB soli & chor.] / Ludwig vanBeethoven; with Eng. & Ger. trans. {Peters} 02/014-3.1
Mass in D (Missa solennis) Op. 123: for 4 solo v., chor. & orch. [] / Ludwig vanBeethoven; voc. sc. arr. S. Jadassohn {Breitkopf & Härtel} 02/014-3.2
Mass in time of war ('Paukenmesse' 1796): for SATB soli, SATB chor. & orch. [] / JosephHaydn {Novello} 02/054-4 a-b
Master melodies from the classics, 3: 9 pieces {violin} Cab 28/060-6(3)
Masterpieces of Russian piano music 1st Ser.; sel. & ed. A.M. Henderson {Bayley & Ferguson} 20/009(1)
Masterpieces of Russian piano music Bks 3-4; sel. & ed. A.M. Henderson {Bayley & Ferguson} 20/009(3-4)
The mastersingers of Nuremberg / RichardWagner; complete voc. sc. arr. Karl Klindworth {misc. v. : Schirmer} 06/072-3 b
Mate o' mine: song w. violin or violonceloo oblig. (ad lib.) / PercyElliott; words by Leslie Cooke {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/181 a : No. 3 in F
Mate o' mine: song w. violin or violonceloo oblig. (ad lib.) / PercyElliott; words by Leslie Cooke {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/181 b : No. 1 in D (orig.)
Mater salutaris: carol for SATB & org. / MartinDalby; Eng. trans. Brian Stone {Novello} Cab 02/037-2
Mausfallen-Sprüchlein (The mouser's magic verses) / HugoWolf; Mörike (Eng. John Bernhoff) {solo v. : Peters} Cab 17/588-2
May dew {from Six songs} Op. 23 no. 2: unison song / Sterndale Bennett; words [from a poem by J L Uhland translated] by H. H. Pierson {Edwin Ashdown} Cab 17/066-2(2)
The maybells and the flowers (Maiglockchen und die Blümelein): two-part song / FelixMendelssohn {2 sop.} Cab 18/016.8
Maying: duet (contr. & bar.) / Alice MarySmith; words by Rev. Charles Kingsley {Edwin Ashdown} 16/050-5 [22] : No. 3 in F
Maying ("O that we two were maying"): duet for sop. & ten. (or contr. & bar./bass) / Alice MarySmith; words by Rev. Charles Kingsley {Edwin Ashdown} Cab 18/151(2) a-b : No. 2 in F
Maying: duet / Alice MarySmith; words by Rev. Charles Kingsley {sop. & ten. : Walsh, Holmes} Cab 18/151-1 : No. 2 in G
'Maypril': song of Spring / HaydnWood; words by Harry Dawson {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/590-8
Melodies by old masters for young cellists (Alte Meisterweisen für junge Cellisten) [Heft1]: [12] easy classical pieces (1st position); arr. Eugen Rapp after Alfred Moffat {cello : Schott} 33/090-1
A Midsummer Night's Dream (libr.): opera in 3 acts / BenjaminBritten; adapted from Shakespeare by Benjamin Britten & Peter Pears {Boosey & Hawkes} 03/025-1
The mirror song {from Tales of Hoffmann}: aria: As jewels divine / JacquesOffenbach; Fre. by Jules Barbier; Eng. by Edward Agate {Cramer} Cab 17/435-3 : [No. 3 in] F
The Miserere scene {from Il Trovatore}: [duet for sop. & ten] / GiuseppeVerdi; Eng. words by Charles Jefferys {Ricordi} Cab 15/021 [4]
The Miserere scene {from Il Trovatore}: voc. duet / GiuseppeVerdi; words by Charles Jefferys {sop. & ten. : Frederick Harris} Cab 18/171-1 a-b : No. 2 in Ab
The Miserere scene {from Il Trovatore} / GiuseppeVerdi; arr. Ernest Reeves {violin : Walsh, Holmes} Cab 28/051.5
Miss Hook of Holland [complete]: Dutch musical incident / Paul ARubens; arr. Albert W. Ketèlbey {p. solo : Chappell} Cab 21/313-3
Miss Hook of Holland: valse / arr. LeonardWilliams; arr. on melodies by Paul A. Rubens {p. solo : Chappell} Cab 21/313-2
Missa aeterna Christi munera: adapted for use in the English Church / GiovanniPalestrina; ed. G. C. Martin {SATB choir : Novello} Cab 02/089 a-b
Mo dhachaidh (My ain house) / AlfredMoffat; Gaelic from Malcolm MacFarlane, Scots by Alexander Stewart {solo v. : Bayley & Ferguson} Cab 17/405.5-2
Mobile for Shakespeare [Sonnets 53 and 54]: for voice and six players [sop./mez., piano, celesta, vibraphone & 3 percussionists] / RomanHaubenstock-Ramati {Universal} Cab 17/261
Modern flute music, Bk 1: 3 pieces for flute & piano by British composers {OUP} 38/099-5(1)
Modern flute music, Bk 2: 4 pieces for flute & piano by British composers {OUP} 38/099-5(2) a-b
Modern masters vol. 1: [16 pieces] {p. solo : Augener} 20/130(1)
Modern masters for the organ, vol. 1: [28 pieces] {Edwin Ashdown} 40/031-1 a-b
Modern organ music, Bk 2: five pieces by contemporary composers (Leighton, Roberts, Langlais, Heiller, Mushel); ed. David Willcocks {OUP} 40/032-5(2)
Modern recital pieces for the organ, vol. 1: [12 pieces] {Edwin Ashdown} 40/031-4(1)
Modern recital pieces for the organ, vol. 3: [12 pieces] {Edwin Ashdown} 40/031-4(3)
Modern recital pieces for the organ, vol. 5: [12 pieces] {Edwin Ashdown} 40/031-4(5)
Modern recital pieces for the organ, vol. 6: [12 pieces] {Edwin Ashdown} 40/031-4(6)
Modern violin school Op. 51 Bk 2: 1st, 2nd & 3rd positions: 485 studies / WilliamHenley {Joseph Williams} 25/006.9(2)
Moladh na landaidh (The praise of Islay) ( {from Songs of the North}: old Highland melody / arr. MalcolmLawson; Eng. trans. Thomas Pattison; arr. Malcolm Lawson {Cramer} Cab 17/331-5
The Moldau {from My Fatherland} / BedřichSmetana; transc. Felix Guenther {p. solo : Francis, Day & Hunter} Cab 21/354-1 a-b
Moonlight sonata (in C-sharp minor Op. 27 no. 2 / Ludwig vanBeethoven; Urtext ed. (wth copious introductory matter) Jonathan Del Mar {p. solo : Bärenreiter} 21/027-5.14 c [2]
Morceaux choisis: album moderne [9 pieces] {cello : Bosworth} 33/080-4 a-b
More daisies: new songs of childhood for 4 solo voices (SCTBar/B) / LizaLehmann; words by Robert Louis Stevenson, W. B. Rands etc {Boosey} 10/045-8.4 [3]
More melodious memories: potpourri recalled (ie selected & arranged) by Herman Finck; recalled (ie sel. & arr.) by Herman Finck {p. solo : Hawkes & Son} 20/157(2)
More romantic pieces for piano Bk 3; ed. Lionel Salter {ABRSM} 20/011(3)
More romantic pieces for piano Bk 4; ed. Lionel Salter {ABRSM} 20/011(4)
More romantic pieces for piano Bk 5; ed. Lionel Salter {ABRSM} 20/011(5)
Morgen (Tomorrow) {Vier Lieder Op. 27 no. 4} / RichardStrauss; text: John Henry Mackay; Eng. words John Bernhoff {Universal} Cab 17/538-3(4) : high v.
Morgen-hymne (Morning hymn) Op. 46 no. 4 / GeorgeHenschel; words by Robert Reinick; Eng. by the composer {solo v. : Alfred Lengnick} Cab 17/283-4 : No. 2 [in Db]
Morgenblätter (Morning leaves): p. solo (violin & cello ad lib.) / JohannStrauss II; arr. Geo. H. Farnell {Banks} Cab 21/331-2
Morgenblätter [Op. 279]: cello part (only) from orchestral version / JohannStrauss II; arr. Aubrey Winter {cello : Boosey & Hawkes} 33/079 [4]
Morgon (Sverige): sång / EinarEklöf; ord af K. G. Ossiannilsson {high v. : Lundholm} Cab 17/177 : high v.: Eb
Morning hymn (Morgen-hymne) Op. 46 no. 4 / GeorgeHenschel; words by Robert Reinick; Eng. by the composer {solo v. : Alfred Lengnick} Cab 17/283-4 : No. 2 [in Db]
Morning, noon and night (An idyll): song cycle / arr. DorothyAtkinson; words by J. Dean Atkinson {low v.} Cab 17/019 : low v.
Movie instrumental solos: for horn in F {Warner Bros.} 35/030-8
Mozart (School of Easy Classics): [12 pieces] not simplified / W AMozart; sel. & ed. Oscar Beringer {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/254-9.5
A (2nd) Mozart suite {from the Kegel-Duette} / W AMozart; arr. Christopher Gordon {2 rec. : Janus Music} 38/158(2)
The muleteer of Tarragona (Le muletier de Tarragone) / PaulHenrion; by Paul Henrion; Eng. trans. M. J. Barnett {bar. : Oliver Ditson} Cab 17/282 : bar./bass
Le muletier de Tarragone (The muleteer of Tarragona) / PaulHenrion; by Paul Henrion; Eng. trans. M. J. Barnett {bar. : Oliver Ditson} Cab 17/282 : bar./bass
Music for Christmas (The classical keyboard collection); ed. Richard Petchey {Oxford Music Associates} 20/040 [11]
The music with the form and order of the service to be performed at the Coronation of Her Most Excellent Majesty Queen Elizabeth II {misc. v. : Novello} 02/215
Music for the examinations of Trinity College, Pianoforte Grade 5 Book E {Trinity College} Cab 20/017-5(5E)
Music for the home (News-Chronicle): fav. songs, famous waltzes, renowned piano pieces, arias from grand opera, etc; ed. Sir Landon Ronald {News-Chronicle} 16/012.5 a-b
Music for the Millenium: The Twenties: [20 songs] {Wise} 10/050-9
The music lovers' album vol. 1-4 (parts 1-32) - Introductory matter: introductory matter by Sir Landon Ronald (parts 1-4) & Clarence Lucas (parts 5-8) {p. solo : Amalgamated Press} 16/030(1-4)
The music lovers' album Pts 7, 13-15, 21-22, 24 [only]: [9 melodies in each weekly part]; ed. Sir Landon Ronald {solo v. : Amalgamated Press} 16/030(X)
The music lovers' portfolio nos. 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 17, 20 [1921-22]: [songs & p. solos]; ed. Landon Ronald {Newnes} 16/010 a
The music lovers' portfolio nos. 9-16 [1921-22]: [songs & p. solos]; ed. Landon Ronald {solo v. : Newnes} 16/010 b
The music makers Op. 69: ode set for contr. solo, SATB & orch. [] / Edward Elgar; words by Arthur O'Shaughnessy {Novello} 01/037-4 a-b
The music master (Il maestro di cappella / Le maître de chapelle): burlesque intermezzo for bass-baritone / DomenicoCimarosa; Eng. version Maria Pinazzi, Fr. Michel Ancey; [rev. Maffeo Zanon?] {Symphonia} 14/028
Music masterpieces, Pts 1-5, 6, 7, 10, 12 [only]: gems from the World's famous operas & musical plays [5 melodies in each part]; ed. Percy Pitt {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 16/020
Music of all nations, Part 19: 8 musical pieces and 2 informative articles; ed. Sir Henry J. Wood {p. solo : Amalgamated Press} 20/126(19)
Music of all nations, Part 3: 9 musical pieces and 4 informative articles; ed. Sir Henry J. Wood {p. solo : Amalgamated Press} 20/126(3)
The music of Michel Legrand: [15 melodies] / MichelLegrand; arr. Frank Booth {p. solo : Wise} 21/213.2(1)
The music of Michel Legrand (2nd ed.): [19 melodies] / MichelLegrand; arr. Frank Booth {p. solo : Wise} 21/213.2(2)
The music of the night {from The Phantom of the Opera} / Andrew LloydWebber; lyrics by Charles Hart {solo v. : Really Useful Group} Cab 17/566-3
Music, song and dance vol. 2: selection of classic and modern compositions {Bosworth} 16/013-3(2)
Music, song and dance vol. 3: selection of classic and modern compositions {Bosworth} 16/013-3(3)
The music to the Agamemnon of Aeschylus / HubertParry; Eng. version H. J. Edwards {ten. & bass : Novello} 01/063-5
My heart has gone rolling away: song / AngelaGerrard; words by Pegeen Mair {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/215
My heart is a silent violin: song / Oscar JuliusFox; poem by Eric von der Goltz {Paterson} Cab 17/202.3 : No. 2 in Bb
My heart is inditing of a good matter (HWV 261): Coronation anthem for King George II, 1727 / George FridericHandel; ed. Donald Burrows {SATB choir : Novello} Cab 02/052-6
My heart is light and gay: waltz song / TresiemeO'Dougherty; words & music Tresieme O'Dougherty {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/434
My heart is like a singing bird (A birthday) / FredericCowen; words by Christina Rossetti {solo v. : Joseph Williams} 10/045-6 [20] : [No. 2] in C
My heart Is like a singing bird / Mrs LynedochMoncrieff; words by Christina Rossetti {solo v. : Boosey} Cab 17/409 : No. 2 in G
My heart is like a singing bird: song for sop. v. / HubertParry; words by Christina Rossetti {Novello} Cab 17/442-6 a-c
My heart is weary (Schwer liegt auf dem Herzen): recit. & air {from Nadeschda} / Arthur GoringThomas; Eng. words Julian Sturgis; Ger. version Friedrich Fremery {Boosey} Cab 17/552-4 a-c
My heart Is yours: song / RexBurrows; words by Kathleen Egan {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/108.5-4 : No. 2 in C
My heart rejoiceth (Et exultavit spiritus meus) {from Magnificat in D} / J SBach; ed. (with Eng. words) J. Michael Diack {mez. : Paterson} Cab 17/024-8 a-c
My heart remembers: song / MauriceBesley; words by Aubrey Dowdon {Chappell} Cab 17/075-8 : No. 1 in Eb
My heart's light as air / RichardAddinsell; words by Joyce Grenfell {solo v. : Keith, Prowse} Cab 17/004.5-1 : No. 2 in G
My life Is yours: song / LouiseCraven; words by Howard Barnes {Lawrence Wright} Cab 17/142-2 : No. 2 in F (orig.)
My life's delight {from Seven Elizabethan Lyrics) Op. 12 no. 2 / RogerQuilter; words by Thomas Campion {solo v. : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/462-3(2) : in Ealso at => 17/462-3(7)
Myself when young {from In a Persian Garden} / LizaLehmann; words from FitzGerald's Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám {solo v. : Cramer} Cab 17/336-6 a-b : No. 1 in Eb
The mystic trumpeter: for bar. solo, chor. & orch. [] [} / Hamilton Harty; poem by Walt Whitman {Novello} 01/048 a-b
The mystic trumpeter: for medium voice, trumpet, and piano (or organ) / RobertStarer; text from poem by Walt Whitman {Alexander Broude} 30/129
Saturday 15th February 2025
629 (including 65 alternative) titles beginning letter 'M'