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De.. Di.. Do.. Dr.. Du.. Dw..


D moll Konzert / J S Bach; arr. Adolf Ruthardt {p. duo : Peters} 22/002-1

D'une prison / Reynaldo Hahn; poésie de Paul Verlaine {solo v. : Heugel} Cab 17/243-1

Da Mirrie Dancers: book of Shetland fiddle tunes; ed. Tom Anderson {Shetland Folk Society} 26/003-1

Da nobis pacem (Grant us thy Peace): motet for four v. / Felix Mendelssohn Cab 05/010 a-b

Daddy: song / Arthur Henry Behrend; words by Mary Mark Lemon 16/050-3 [28]

Daffodil time {from The Belle of Brittany}: song / Howard Talbot; words by Percy Greenbank {Keith, Prowse} 10/045-8.1 [13] : No. 1 in C

Daffodil time {from The Belle of Brittany}: song / Howard Talbot {Keith, Prowse} 10/045-8.2 [13]

Daffodils Op. 68 no. 1 / Cyril Scott; words by Ella Erskine {solo v. : Elkin} Cab 17/501-5 : No. 2 in Bb

Daffodils a'blowing: song / Edward German; words by Caryl Battersby {Boosey} 16/050-4 [27] : No. 2 in G

Daffodils a-blowing: song / Edward German; words by Caryl Battersby {Boosey} Cab 17/214-8 : No. 3 in Eb

'Daily Express' Community Song Book; coll. and ed. John Goss {Express Newspapers } 10/007.5

Dainty rogue {Three lyrics no. 2} / Frank Bridge {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/058-2(2)

The dairymaids: lancers / arr. Leonard Williams; arr. on melodies by Paul A. Rubens & Frank E. Tours {p. solo : Chappell} Cab 21/313-1

Daisy Bell: [scored for piano & ukulele] / Harry Dacre; words & music Harry Dacre {solo v. : Francis, Day & Hunter} Cab 17/144.5

Daisy's music of the bells; arr. Ezra Read {p. solo : Paxton} Cab 20/146

The Damask Rose: musical play / G H Clutsam; music based on themes of Chopin {Keith, Prowse} 07/005.8

The damask rose {from The Damask Rose}: song / G H Clutsam; adapted from themes of Chopin with lyrics by G. H. Clutsam {Keith, Prowse} Cab 17/125-1

Dame Blanche: potpourri en forme de fantaisie pour piano et violon / François-Adrien Boieldieu; arr. H. Ollivier {Peters} 28/075 [9]

La Dame de Pique (Queen of Spades) - overture / Franz von Suppé {Cranz} Cab 21/365-2

La damnation de Faust Op. 24: dramatic legend / Hector Berlioz; Eng. version Paul England {Novello} 06/006.5

La damnation de Faust Op. 24: dramatic legend / Hector Berlioz; Eng. by Paul England {Novello} 08/011-2 a-b

Damon (Die Bekehrte): song / Max Stange; Ger. words by Goethe; Eng. by Paul England {Stanley Lucas, Weber &c} 10/045-5 [2] : No. 2 in D

Damon (Die Bekehrte): song / Max Stange; Ger. words by Goethe; Eng. by Paul England {Laudy} Cab 17/529.5 : No. 3 in F

Dance-caprice / Christopher Bunting {cello : OUP} Cab 33/017.4

Dance movements from Mozart / W A Mozart; sel. & arr. J. M. Diack {p. solo : Paterson} 21/254-2.5

The dance of the blessed spirits (Reigen seliger Geister) {from Orfeo Act 2}: for flute & piano / Christoph von Gluck; arr. & ed. Edgar Hunt {flute : Schott} 38/032

The Dance of the Blessed Spirits: for flute and piano / Christoph von Gluck; arr. Peter Malcolm {Pan Educational} 38/052 [1]

The Dance of the Heartless Ladies (Il Ballo delle Ingrate): opera in genere rappresantivo / Claudio Monteverdi 06/030-1

Dance of the hours (La Gioconda) / Amilcare Ponchielli; arr. Henry Geehl {p. solo : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 21/281 a

Dance of the hours (La Gioconda) / Amilcare Ponchielli; arr. Orlando A. Mansfield {p. solo : Paxton} Cab 21/281 b

The dance of the hours {from La Gioconda}: suite de ballet / Amilcare Ponchielli; arr. Michael Leslie {p. solo : Ricordi} Cab 21/281 c

Dance of the hours (La Gioconda): galop / Amilcare Ponchielli; arr. Henry Geehl {p. duet : Edwin Ashdown} Cab 22/032.8

Dance preludes for clarinet and piano / Witold Lutoslawski {Chester} 37/052

Dance-duet (Tanz-Duett) {from Hansel & Gretel} / Engelbert Humperdinck {sop. & ten. : Schott} Cab 18/077-2 a-b

Dances for piano / Franz Liszt {Schott} 21/220-8(4)

Dances from Don Quixote / Roberto Gerhard {p. solo : Keith, Prowse} Cab 21/149.8

Dances of the dolls: seven pieces for piano solo / Dmitri Shostakovich {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 21/346-1

Dancing leaves / Nacio Herb Brown {p. solo : Wood} Cab 21/058.7

The dancing lesson (La leçon à danser) {from The Passing Show} / Herbert Oliver; words by Edward Teschemacher {solo v. : Larway} Cab 17/438-1 a : No. 3 in Bb

The dancing lesson (La leçon à danser) {from The Passing Show} / Herbert Oliver; words by Edward Teschemacher {solo v. : Larway} Cab 17/438-1 b : No. 1 in G

Danny boy: song written to an old Irish air / Trad.; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {Boosey} Cab 17/553.2 a-b : No. 1 in C

Dans les ombres (In the shadows / Schattenspiele): dance / Herman Finck {p. solo : Hawkes} Cab 21/138.8

Dans mon jardin je vois Op. 26 no. 10 / Sergei Rachmaninov; Eng. words Rosa Newmarch {sop. : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/464-4

Danse espagnole No. 1 {from La vida breve} / Manuel de Falla; arr. Gustave Samazeuilh {p. duo : Max Eschig} 22/012(1)

Danse espagnole (Spanischer Tanz) / Enrique Granados; arr. Fritz Kreisler {violin : Schott} Cab 28/031-7

Danse hollandaise Op. 18 / Emile Dunkler {cello : Augener} 33/026-1

Danse macabre : poème symphonique Op. 40 [min. sc.] / Camille Saint-Saëns {full orch. : Durand} 04/019.5

Danse macabre Op. 40: poème symphonique / Camille Saint-Saëns; transc. H. Cramer {p. solo : Durand} 21/316-1

Danse matinale: pour flûte et piano / Bernard Reichel {Foetisch (M. et P.)} 38/099-13 [2]

Danse nègre / Cyril Scott; arr. Esther Fisher {p. duet : Elkin} 22/048-1 a-b

Danse polonaise No. 15 in B flat / Xaver Scharwenka {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/322-3

Danse rituelle du feu {from L'amour sorcier} / Manuel de Falla {p. solo : Chester} Cab 21/132-1 a-c

Danse rustique Op. 20 no. 5 / W H Squire {cello : Augener} 33/069-1 a-b

Danses polonaises Op. 3 [no.] 1 / Xaver Scharwenka {p. solo : Augener} 16/050-2 [25]

Dansons la gigue / Poldowski; poésie de Paul Verlaine {solo v. : Chester} Cab 17/452-2

La danza: celebrated Neapolitan tarantelle / Gioachino Rossini; Eng. version Philip King {solo v. : Ricordi} Cab 17/482-1 a : No. 1 in G min

La danza: celebrated Neapolitan tarantelle / Gioachino Rossini; Eng. version Philip King {solo v. : Ricordi} Cab 17/482-1 b : No. 2 in A min

Danza triste (Danzas españolas, 10) / Enrique Granados {p. solo : Salabert} Cab 21/154-4(10)

Danzas españolas 4 - Villanesca / Enrique Granados {p. solo : Unión Musical } Cab 21/154-3( 4)

Danzas españolas, 10: Danza triste / Enrique Granados {p. solo : Salabert} Cab 21/154-3(10)

Danzas españolas no. 5: Andaluza / Enrique Granados {p. solo : Unión Musical } Cab 21/154-3(5) c

Danzas españolas 5 - Andaluza / Enrique Granados; transc. M. Calvo {cello : Unión Musical } Cab 33/036(5) a-b

Darby and Joan: song / J L Molloy; words by F. E. Weatherly {Boosey} 10/045-4 [6] : No. 2 in G

Dark eyes (Black eyes): traditional Russian folk-song / Trad.; arr. Ladislas Kun {violin : Marks} Cab 28/050-1

The darkened valley / John Ireland {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/194-4 a-b

Darling (Asthore): song / Henri Trotère; words by Clifton Bingham 16/050-5 [40]

The daughter of Jairus: sacred cantata / John Stainer 08/053-2 a-c

David and Jonathan: oratorio / Charles Darnton; words by P. W. Darnton 08/015 a-b

David Garrick: opera / Reginald Somerville 06/052

Davidsbündler dances Op. 6 / Robert Schumann; ed. Agnes Zimmerman & rev. Herbert Fryer {p. solo : Novello} 21/332-3

Davidsbündler Tänze Op. 6 [and other works] [min. sc.] / Robert Schumann {p. solo : LPScores} 04/021-2

The dawn wIll bring a brighter day: song / Teresa Del Riego; words by Mary Mariott {Chappell} Cab 17/156-8 : No. 2 in F

A day at the fair: four songs / Easthope Martin; lyrics by Helen Taylor {med. v. : Enoch & Sons} 09/121-5 a-b : No. 2 med. v.

The day is done: duet / Hermann Löhr; words by Longfellow {low v. : Chappell} Cab 18/087 : No. 1 low v.

Daybreak {from Three Songs of William Blake} Op. 20 no. 3 / Roger Quilter {Winthrop Rogers} Cab 17/462-10 : high v.: A

Deadly slander (La Calunnia) {from The Barber of Seville}: Don Basilio's aria / Gioachino Rossini; Eng. text Brenda Cleather {bar. : Ricordi} Cab 17/482-2

Dear heart: song / Tito Mattei; words by G Clifton Bingham {Chappell} 16/050-3 [4] : No. 2 in D

The dear little shamrock / Andrew Cherry; arr. John S. Baker {solo v. : McGlennon} Cab 17/118

Dear little town: song / Wilfrid Sanderson; words by Fred G. Bowles {Boosey} Cab 17/488-3 : No. 2 in G

Dear Lord and Father of Mankind: hymn for SATB / Hubert Parry; words by J. G. Whttier {Novello} Cab 02/090-3 a-c

Dearest, I bring you daffodils: song / Dorothy Forster; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {Chappell} Cab 17/200-1 : No. 2 in Eb

Dearest, I love the morning: song / Haydn Wood; words by Royden Barrie {Chappell} Cab 17/590-2 : No. 1 in C

Dearest of all: song / Vernon Lathom Sharp; words & music Vernon Lathom Sharp {low v. : Lawrence Wright} Cab 17/507-1 : No. 1: C (low v.)

Dearest of all: song / Vernon Lathom Sharp; words & music Vernon Lathom Sharp {Lawrence Wright} Cab 17/507-1 b-c : No. 2: Eb (orig.)

Death and life (Mors et vita): sacred trilogy [oratorio for STB soli, chor., double chor. & orch. [] -] / Charles Gounod 08/024-1

Death of Falstaff (passacaglia) / William Walton; arr. Henry Ley {organ : OUP} 40/264-2

The death of Minnehaha Op. 30 no. 2: cantata for sop. & bar. soli, chor. & orch. [] / Samuel Coleridge-Taylor; words by H.W. Longfellow {Walsh, Holmes} 01/026-2(2) a-b

Deep in the quiet forest / Peter J Henley; words by Howard Alexander {solo v. : Cramer} Cab 17/280 : [No. 2 in] Ab

'A deep song' for double bass & piano / John Walton; ed. Rodney Slatford {Yorke} Cab 34/090-1

Deeside polka / Sheila Maxwell {cello} Cab 33/085 [1]

Deh! Con te, con te li prendi {from Norma} / Vincenzo Bellini {2 sop.} Cab 18/003

Deh vieni, non tardar (O hasten, tarry not) {from The Marriage of Figaro}: sop. aria: Susanna, w. recit. Giunse alfin il momento (Now the moment approaches) / W A Mozart; Eng. version Nicola [ie N. Carlton Hill?] {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/418-4

The Deil's awa' wi' the exciseman / Michael Diack; words by Robert Burns {solo v. : Paterson} Cab 17/162-6 : [No. 2 in] F

Deirdre a' fagail na h-Albann (Deirdre's farewell to Scotland) / arr. Marjory Kennedy-Fraser; arr. with Gaelic & Eng. words by K. MacLeod & M. Kennedy-Fraser {solo v. : Paterson} Cab 17/316-2 : No. 2 in G

Deirdre's farewell to Scotland (Deirdre a' fagail na h-Albann) / arr. Marjory Kennedy-Fraser; arr. with Gaelic & Eng. words by K. MacLeod & M. Kennedy-Fraser {solo v. : Paterson} Cab 17/316-2 : No. 2 in G

Les délices de la solitude Op. 20 no. 6: sonate pour viole ou violoncelle / Michel Corrette; arr. P. Ruyssen {Delrieu} 33/020.3(6)

The Deluded Bridegroom: opera / W A Mozart 06/032-2

Des Abends Op. 12 no. 1 / Robert Schumann; ed. Eric Grant {p. solo : ABRSM} Cab 21/330-8(1)

Des Knaben Wunderhorn and the Rückert Lieder: [29 songs] / Gustav Mahler; Eng. trans. Stanley Appelbaum, John Bernhoff, Addie Funk {Dover} 09/117-3

Descant recorder and piano: Oxford books of recorder music, Bk 2; arr. William Appleby & Frederick Fowler {OUP} 38/210-5(2)

Descant recorder examination pieces for 1995-1998: Grade 2 {Trinity College} 38/205-2(2)

Descant recorder examination pieces for 1987-1990: Grade 1 {Trinity College} 38/205-3(1)

The desert: descriptive song / Louis Emanuel; words by J. F. Smith {Leonard} Cab 17/183 a-b : [No. 2] in D min

The Desert Song: musical play / Sigmund Romberg; lyrics by Otto Harbach, Oscar Hammerstein II & Frank Mandel {Chappell} 07/030-1 a-b

The Desert Song (selection): The Desert Song (selection) / Sigmund Romberg; sel. & arr. H. M. Higgs {p. solo : Chappell} Cab 21/306-1 a-b

Desire in Spring / Ivor Gurney; words by Francis Ledwidge {high v. : OUP} Cab 17/239-4 : (high) in G

Despair: Hindoo song : with violin or 'cello accomp. ad lib. / Hermann Bemberg; [orig. French] by Armand Ocampo {Stanley Lucas, Weber} 10/045-5 [3] : No. 1 in A

Destiny: valse lente / Sydney Baynes {p. solo : Swan} Cab 21/025 a-b

Dettingen 'Te Deum': [for SSATB soli, SATB chor. & orch. []] / George Frideric Handel; arr. Vincent Novello {Novello, Ewer} 02/052-4 a

Dettingen Te Deum (1743): for S[S]ATB soli, SATB [chor.] & orch. [] / George Frideric Handel; ed. (& arr.) Walter Emery {Novello} 02/052-4 b

Deus misereatur nostri (Ps. 67): motet for SATB / Robert Johnson 05/008 [1]

Ein deutches Requiem Op. 45: für Soli, Chor u. Orch. [] (Orgel ad lib.) / Johannes Brahms {sop. & bar. : Peters} 02/022.2

Das deutsche geistliche Lied … nach den Quellen, Bd 3 (of 6) / Heinrich Reimann {solo v. : Simrock} Cab 09/153(3)

Deutsche Volkslieder (German folk songs) Bde 1-6 / Johannes Brahms {Simrock} 09/025-4 : high v.

Deutsche Volkslieder (German folk songs) Bd 1 / Johannes Brahms {Simrock} 09/025-4.1(1) : low v.

Deutsche Volkslieder (German folk songs) Bd 2 / Johannes Brahms {Simrock} 09/025-4.1(2) : low v.

Deutsche Volkslieder (Auswahl): [20 songs] / Johannes Brahms; sel. Wolfgang Rosenthal {Peters} 09/025-4A : low v.

Deutscher Liederschatz, Bd 1: [250 songs]; ed. Ludwig Erk {Peters} 10/008.5(1)

Deux arabesques / Claude Debussy {p. solo : United Music} Cab 21/110-3 a-b

Deux arabesques: 1ère / Claude Debussy {p. solo : United Music} Cab 21/110-3(1)

Deux arabesques: 2ème / Claude Debussy {p. solo : United Music} Cab 21/110-3(2)

Deux danses espagnoles Op. 164 / Isaac Albéniz {p. solo} Cab 21/005-3

Deux impromptus Op. 10 / Alexander Scriabin {p. solo : Belaieff} Cab 21/340(1) [10]

Deux impromptus à la Mazur Op. 7 no. 1 / Alexander Scriabin {p. solo : Jurgenson} Cab 21/340(1) [7.1]

Deux impromptus à la Mazur Op. 7 no. 2 / Alexander Scriabin {p. solo : Jurgenson} Cab 21/340(1) [7.2]

Deux impromptus Op. 12 / Alexander Scriabin {p. solo : Belaieff} Cab 21/340(2) [12]

Deux impromptus Op. 14 / Alexander Scriabin {p. solo : Belaieff} Cab 21/340(2) [14]

Deux mazurkas Op. 40 / Alexander Scriabin {p. solo : Belaieff} Cab 21/340(3) [40]

Deux morceaux Op. 75 no. 2: L'Agilità / Moritz Moszkowski {p. solo : Hatzfeld} Cab 21/250-6(2)

Deux nocturnes Op. 5 / Alexander Scriabin {p. solo : Jurgenson} Cab 21/340(1) [5]

Deux morceaux Op. 57 / Alexander Scriabin {p. solo : Belaieff} Cab 21/340(4) [57]

Deux morceaux Op. 59 / Alexander Scriabin {p. solo : Belaieff} Cab 21/340(4) [59]

Deux poèmes Op. 32 / Alexander Scriabin {p. solo : Belaieff} Cab 21/340(3) [32]

Deux poëmes Op. 44 / Alexander Scriabin {p. solo : Belaieff} Cab 21/340(4) [44]

Deux poèmes Op. 63 / Alexander Scriabin {p. solo : Ed. Russe} Cab 21/340(4) [63]

Deux poèmes Op. 32 / Alexander Scriabin {p. solo : Belaieff} 21/340-11

Deux poèmes Op. 63 / Alexander Scriabin {p. solo : Ed. Russe} Cab 21/340-4

Deux préludes Op. 27 / Alexander Scriabin {p. solo : Belaieff} Cab 21/340(3) [27]

Deux valses Op. 69 no. 1 / Frédéric Chopin; ed. Klindworth-Scharwenka {p. solo : Augener} 21/082-8.2(9)

Deuxième arabesque {from Deux arabesques} / Claude Debussy {p. solo : United Music} Cab 21/110-3(2)

Deuxième livre de préludes / Claude Debussy {p. solo : United Music} 21/110-5.2(2) a-b

Deuxième livre de suites (nos. 9-16) / George Frideric Handel; rev. J. Guy-Ropartz {p. solo : Durand} 21/166 [2]

Deuxieme mazurk Op. 54 / Benjamin Godard {p. solo : Hamelle} 16/050-2 [32]

Deuxième scherzo Op. 31 / Frédéric Chopin; ed. Klindworth-Scharwenka {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/082-5.3 a-b

2e Suite Op. 17 / Sergei Rachmaninov {p. duo : Boosey & Hawkes} 22/034-4

Deuxième valse Op. 56 / Benjamin Godard {p. solo} Cab 21/151.5-1

Devonshire cream and cider: song / Wilfrid Sanderson; words by Theodore Curzon {Boosey} Cab 17/488-13 b : No. 2 in D

A Devonshire wedding: song / H Lyall Phillips; words & music H. Lyall Phillips {Chappell} Cab 17/447.7-2 : No. 2 in D

Devotion (Widmung) Op. 25 no.1 / Robert Schumann; words by Rückert; Eng. by Paul England {solo v. : Augener} Cab 17/499-3

Devotion: Liebeslied / Robert Schumann; arr. Liszt {p. solo} Cab 21/219-4 a-b

The devout lover: song (w. violin ad lib.) / Maude White; words by Walter Herries Pollock {Ricordi} Cab 17/571-2 a-b : No. 2 in Eb

The devout lover: song (w. violin ad lib.) / Maude White; words by Walter Herries Pollock {Ricordi} Cab 17/571-2 c : No. 3 in D

The devout lover: song (w. violin ad lib.) / Maude White; words by Walter Herries Pollock {Ricordi} Cab 17/571-2 d : No. 4 in C

Di Provenza il mar {from La Traviata}: romanza / Giuseppe Verdi {solo v. : Mills} 10/045-5 [17]

[Diabelli Variations] Op. 120: 33 Veränderungen über einen Walzer von A. Diabelli / arr. Ludwig van Beethoven; ed. Georg Kuhlmann; Diabelli/Beethoven {p. solo : Peters} 21/027-8.4 a-b

Dialoger for obo og klarinet Op. 10 / Niels Finn Høffding {Skandinavisk Musikforlag} 36/042

Dialogue: conversation for oboe and piano / Geoffrey Bush {Thames} 36/009.2

Dialogus (O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort) [min. sc.]: Cantata No. 60 ('Eternity thou thunderword') / J S Bach; ed. Arnold Schering {ATB soli : Eulenburg} 04/001-3

Diamond sonata: for cello and piano ( / Francis L York Spec Coll

Diaphenia {from Six Elizabethan pastorals no. 3}: for chor. (SATB) unaccomp. / C Villiers Stanford {Novello} Cab 18/158(3)

Dichterliebe Op. 48: song cycle [16 songs] / Robert Schumann; Ger. texts Heinrich Heine; Eng. Robert Whistler {low v. : Boosey & Hawkes} 09/173-1 : low. v.

Dick Whittington: [12 episodes] / Cyril C Dalmaine {p. solo : Forsyth Bros.} Cab 21/102.3

Dido and Aeneas [min. sc.]: opera / Henry Purcell {Belwin-Mills} 04/018-2

Dido and Aeneas: opera / Henry Purcell; ed. & arr. Edward J Dent {OUP} 06/042-1 c-f

Dido and Aeneas: opera / Henry Purcell; ed. Margaret Laurie & Thurston Dart; Purcell-Dart {Novello} 06/042-2 a-b,e

Dido and Aeneas: opera / Henry Purcell; ed. William H. Cummings {Novello} 06/042-3 c-d

Dies Bildnis ist bezaubernd schön (O loveliness beyond compare) {from The Magic Flute}: [Tamino's] tenor aria / W A Mozart; Eng. version Edward J. Dent {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/418-7.5

Diesen Kuss der ganzen Welt Op. 442: Walzer / Karl Michael Ziehrer {p. solo : Cranz} Cab 21/387-5

Difficult passages (from the symphonic repertoire for oboe and cor anglais), vol. 1 nos. 1-360 (of 990); sel. & ed. Evelyn Rothwell {Boosey & Hawkes} 36/130(1)

Difficult passages (from the symphonic repertoire for oboe and cor anglais), vol. 2 nos. 361-813 (of 990); sel. & ed. Evelyn Rothwell {Boosey & Hawkes} 36/130(2)

Difficult passages (from the symphonic repertoire for oboe and cor anglais), vol. 3 nos. 814-990 (of 990); sel. & ed. Evelyn Rothwell {Boosey & Hawkes} 36/130(3)

Dimmi che m'ami (Say that you love me): [duet for sop. & ten]; Eng. version Theo Marzials {Ricordi} Cab 15/021[6]

A dinder courtship / Eric Coates; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {solo v. : Boosey} Cab 17/127-9 : No. 2 in C

Dinner at eight / Jimmy McHugh; lyric by Dorothy Fields {solo v. : Campbell, Connelly} Cab 17/370-1

Early Romantic (The classical keyboard collection); ed. Richard Petchey {Oxford Music Associates} 20/040 [4]

Dithering ditties: ridiculous rhymes set for singing / Dalhousie Young {Joseph Williams} Cab 09/219

Dithyramb / Basil Harwood {organ : Novello} 40/113-2(1)

Diva bravura, vol. 2: [19] coloratura & operatic arias for soprano; ed. etc Estelle Liebling {Schirmer} 11/034

The diver: song / Edward Loder; words by G. Douglas Thompson {Paxton} Cab 17/349.5

Divertimento, Arietta con variazioni, Movements / Joseph Haydn; sel. & ed. Alec Rowley {p. solo : Hinrichsen} Cab 21/170-8

Divertimento: for four wind instruments (oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon) or 4 clarinets / Alan Hovhaness {Peters} 42/018.6

Divertimento for piano duet Op. 2 / John Joubert {p. duo : Novello} 22/023

Divertimento Op. 45 / Ian Lake {str. trio : Chappell} 42/021

Divertimento 1-2 B flat major K 229/1-2: for two clar. & bassoon / W A Mozart; ed. Frederick J. Thurston {Boosey & Hawkes} 36/064-1(1-2)

Divertimento Nr 1 Op. 13: per archi e flauto / Harald Saeverud {Norsk} 42/028.2

Divertimento I for flute and string orchestra / John Weinzweig; p. red. Harold Perry {flute : Boosey & Hawkes} 38/168

Divertimento for bassoon, cello and piano: [or ten. sax. or viola for cello] / Jack Westrup {Augener} 42/035

Divertissement for English horn and piano Op. 39 / Eugène Bozza {Southern} Cab 36/006

A divine hymn / John Church; by Mr John Church; ed. Edward J. Dent {solo v. : OUP} Cab 17/120

Dix mazurkas Op. 3 Liv. 1, nos.1-5 / Alexander Scriabin {p. solo : Jurgenson} Cab 21/340(1) [3.1]

Dix mazurkas Op. 3 Liv. 2, nos .6-10 / Alexander Scriabin {p. solo : Jurgenson} Cab 21/340(1) [3.2]

Dizzy fingers: novelty p. solo / Zez Confrey {Lawrence Wright} Cab 21/089-1

Do not go gentle into that goodnight: for soprano, horn & piano / Anthony Randall; setting of the Dylan Thomas poem 35/071

Do not go, my love: [song] / Richard Hageman; words by Sir Rabindranath Tagore {Winthrop Rogers} Cab 17/241-4 a : low D min

Do not go, my love: [song] / Richard Hageman; words by Sir Rabindranath Tagore {Winthrop Rogers} Cab 17/241-4 b : high F# min

Do not go, my love: [song] / Richard Hageman; words by Sir Rabindranath Tagore {Schirmer} Cab 17/241-4 c : high F# min

Do-re-mi {from The Sound of Music} / Richard Rodgers; words by Oscar Hammerstein II {solo v. : Williamson} Cab 17/478-8.1

Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum {from Children's Corner suite} / Claude Debussy {p. solo : Durand & Fils} Cab 21/110-1(1)

A dog to walk with me / Haydn Wood; words by Lady (Muriel) Anderson {solo v. : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/590-7

The Doge and the Adriatic (Le Doge et l'Adriatique): celebrated bolero / Jacques Offenbach; Eng. version Speranza {solo v. : Sheard} Cab 17/435-2

Doing our bit at home / Felix Corbett; words by Alf Mattison {solo v. : Bainbridge} Cab 17/138

The doll dance / Nacio Herb Brown {p. solo : Keith, Prowse} Cab 21/059

Dolly no. 1; Berceuse Op. 56 no. 1 / Gabriel Fauré {p. solo : Hamelle} Cab 21/134-6(1)

Dolly no. 3; Le jardin de Dolly Op. 56 no. 3 / Gabriel Fauré {p. duet : Hamelle} Cab 22/012.2(3)

Dolorés : Valses no. 1-3 + Coda / Emile Waldteufel {p. solo : Newnes} 16/040 [3/6]

Don Giovanni: opera / W A Mozart 06/032-3 a

Don Giovanni: opera in two acts / W A Mozart; words by Lorenzo da Ponte, Eng. version Edward J. Dent, voc. sc. Ernest Roth {Boosey} 06/032-3 b

Don Giovanni / W A Mozart; ed. W.S. Rockstro {p. solo : Boosey} 21/254-1

Don Juan: Opera buffa / W A Mozart; p. arr. Gustav Kogel {Peters} 06/032-3 c

Don Juan / W A Mozart; [arr. Henry Litolff] {p. solo : Litolff (Enoch)} 21/254-1.5

Don Juan overture (Collection Litolff 620) / W A Mozart; arr. F. X. Chwatal {p. quartet (2p. 8 h) : Peters} Cab 22/031-11

Don Quixote Op. 35: violoncello solo / Richard Strauss {Peters} 33/070.3

Don't cry for me Argentina {from Evita} / Andrew Lloyd Webber; lyrics by Tim Rice {solo v. : Evita} Cab 17/566 a-b

Don't let the sun go down (in your heart): song / Jack Strachey; lyric by Colin Cleaver {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/533.7-1

Dona nobis pacem: cantata for sop. & bar. soli, chor. & orch. [][} / Ralph Vaughan-Williams {OUP} 01/076-3 a-e

Done for / Roger Fiske; words by Walter de la Mare {solo v. : OUP} Cab 17/192.5-2

La donna è mobile (Woman's a fickle jade) {from Rigoletto}: Duke of Mantua's canzone / Giuseppe Verdi; Eng. version Claude Aveling {ten. : Ricordi} Cab 17/556-7 a : No. 2 in B

La donna è mobile (Woman's a fickle jade) {from Rigoletto}: Duke of Mantua's canzone / Giuseppe Verdi; Eng. version Claude Aveling {ten. : Ricordi} Cab 17/556-7 b : No. 1 in Ab

La donna è mobile (Woman is changeable) {from Rigoletto}: [Duke of Mantua's canzone] / Giuseppe Verdi; Eng. version Lawrence Hanray {ten. : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/556-7 c : No. 1 in A

Don't be cross (Sei nicht bös') {from Der Obersteiger} / Karl Zeller; Eng. words Peter Carroll; Ger. words Erich Meder; p. arr. F. Naylor {solo v. : Bosworth} Cab 17/600-1 a-b : Eb

'Dorabella' Intermezzo {from Variations on an original theme Op. 36} / Edward Elgar {p. duet : Novello} 22/011.7

Dorothy: pastoral comic opera / Alfred Cellier; written by B. C. Stephenson {Chappell} 07/005.7 a-b

The Dorothy Perkins rose: song / Molly Carew; words by Almey St John Adcock {Chappell} Cab 17/113-2 : No. 2 in F

Dos marchas miltares / Enrique Granados {p. duet : Unión Musical } Cab 22/018.5

2 obras para violoncello y piano (Obras desconocidas, 2) / Manuel de Falla {Unión Musical } 33/028.5(2)

Dos 'Te Deum' (Motetes gregorianos) / Anon. {choir} Cab 02/004

Double bass excerpts from the orchestral repertoire; sel. & ed. Eugene Cruft {Novello} 34/110-2

Double bass solo 2: new selection of pieces from the orchestral repertoire; [sel. & ed.] Keith Hartley {OUP} 34/120(2)

Double concerto in E flat K.365 / W A Mozart; adapt. & arr. Louis Victor Saar {p. duo : Schirmer} 22/031-19

The double loss (Leichter Verlust) Op. 5 no. 1: song / Erik Meyer-Helmund; [nach eigenen Texten] {Pitt & Hatzfeld} Cab 17/401 [2] : low v.

Douze études, Livre 2 (7-12) / Claude Debussy {p. solo : Durand} Cab 21/110-12(2) a

Douze études Op. 8 / Alexander Scriabin {p. solo : Belaieff} Cab 21/340(1) [8]

Douze études Op. 8 no. 2 / Alexander Scriabin {p. solo : Belaieff} Cab 21/340-5(2)

Douze études de salon / Adolph von Henselt {p. solo : Augener} 21/177.8-2(1)

Douze études de salon Op. 5, Cah. 2 / Adolph von Henselt {p. solo : Augener} 21/177.8-2(2)

Douze Konzert-Etüden Op. 2 / Adolph von Henselt; ed. Emil Sauer {p. solo : Peters} 21/177.8-3

Douze noëls anciens: nouvelle édition / arr. Charles Tournemire {organ : Schott Frères } 40/247

Douze pièces nouvelles pour orgue / Théodore Dubois {Alphonse Leduc} 40/084

Douze pièces pour orgue / Edmond Lemaigre {Alphonse Leduc} 40/144

Dove sono (Gone forever) {from The Marriage of Figaro}: sop. aria: Countess Rosina, w. recit. E Susanna non vien! (Oh! Susanna is late!) / W A Mozart; Eng. version Percy Pinkerton {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/418-5 a-b

Down by the river side I stray / John Rogers Thomas; [words by George Pope Morris] {solo v.} 16/050-1 [17]

Down in the forest {from A Cycle of Life} / Landon Ronald; words by Harold Simpson {solo v. : Enoch & Sons} Cab 17/481-2 : No. 3 in D

Down in the gardens at Kew: song / Gilbert Stacey; words by Gloria Storm {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/528-1 : No. 1 in F

Down in the gardens at Kew: voc. duet / Gilbert Stacey; words by Gloria Storm {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 18/157 : in G

Down in the glen / Tommie Connor; words & music Harry Gordon & Tommie Connor {solo v. : Lawrence Wright} Cab 17/136-1

Down the vale / Frank L Moir; words by Gunby Hadath {ten. : Boosey} 13/020-7 [4] : in G

Down the vale: song / Frank L Moir; words by Gunby Hadath {Boosey} 16/050-4 [25] : No. 3 in Eb

Down the vale: song / Frank L Moir; words by Gunby Hadath {Boosey} Cab 17/406-4 : No. 1 in C

Down Vauxhall way / Herbert Oliver; words by Edward Teschemacher {solo v. : Larway} Cab 17/438-3

The Dracula Spectacula (libr.): spooky musical / Andrew Parr; lyrics by John Gardiner {Samuel French} 03/105

The dragon-fly: étude / Selim Palmgren {p. solo} Cab 21/266-1

Drake goes West: song / Wilfrid Sanderson; words by P. J. O'Reilly {Boosey} Cab 17/488-15 : No. 2 in D ? also at 10/045-7 [5]

Drat 'em! (The shepherd's song) / Arabella Tulloch; words by H. Alnwick {Chappell} Cab 17/553.8

Draw the sword Scotland / G Herbert Rodwell; words by J. R. Planché {solo v.} 16/050-1 [31]

A dream / J C Bartlett; words by Charles B. Cory {med. v. : Oliver Ditson} Cab 17/039.5 : med. v.: E

Dream / John Cage {p. solo : Peters} Cab 21/067

A dream (Ein Traum / Un rêve): sop./ ten. / Edvard Grieg; Gedicht von Bodenstedt {Peters} Cab 17/234-7

Dream Angus: set to an old Gaelic melody / arr. John Cutler; words by George Churchill {solo v. : Bayley & Ferguson} Cab 17/144.2

Dream o' day Jill {from Tom Jones}: song / Edward German; words by Chas. H. Taylor {Chappell} Cab 17/214-10 a : No. 1 in Eb

Dream o' day Jill {from Tom Jones}: song / Edward German; words by Chas. H. Taylor {Chappell} Cab 17/214-10 b : No. 2 in F

The Dream of Gerontius Op. 38: for MTB soli, chor. & orch. [] / Edward Elgar; words by Cardinal Newman {Novello} 08/019-2 a-b,d-e

The dream of home: song-waltz / Luigi Arditi; Eng. by Henry Farnie {Edwin Ashdown} 16/050-5 [23] : No. 2 in C

The dream of home (Il bacio) / Luigi Arditi; Eng. version Henry Farnie {solo v. : Walsh, Holmes} Cab 17/013-1 c : No. 3 in D

Dream of love (Liebestraum) / Franz Liszt; Ital. version Tito Schipa, Eng. version Lawrence Lipton {solo v. : Keith, Prowse} Cab 17/346-4

The Dream of Olwen / Charles Williams {p. solo : Lawrence Wright} Cab 21/379.2 a-b

A dream of Paradise: [song] / Hamilton Gray; words by Claude Lyttleton 16/050-5 [37]

A dream of Paradise: song [w. violin & cello obbl.] / Hamilton Gray; words by Claude Lyttleton {Larway} Cab 17/230-1 : No. 1 in Eb

Dream song / Victor Hely-Hutchinson; words by Walter de la Mare {OUP} Cab 17/267-2 a-b : Bb (E to F)

Dream songs: [4 songs] / Montague Phillips; words by Edward Teschemacher {Chappell} Cab 09/141-4 : low v.

Dream valley {from Three Songs of William Blake} Op. 20 no. 1 / Roger Quilter {Winthrop Rogers} Cab 17/462-10(1) a : high v.: Gb

Dream valley {from Three Songs of William Blake} Op. 20 no. 1 / Roger Quilter {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/462-10(1) b : med. v.: F

Dreams of love (Liebesträume): three nocturnes / Franz Liszt; Berners edition {p. solo : Joseph Williams} Cab 21/220-1 c

The dreary steppe (Triste est le steppe) Op. 5 no. 1: song / Aleksandr Grechaninov; words by Plestcheiev; Eng. Rosa Newmarch {Chester} Cab 17/232-2

Drei Intermezzi Op. 117 [no.] 1 [in E flat]: [Simrock edition] / Johannes Brahms {p. solo : Alfred Lengnick} Cab 21/053-3.1 b

Drei Klavierstücke Op. 11 / Arnold Schoenberg {Universal} Cab 21/327-1

Drei leichte Stücke / Paul Hindemith; arr. J. W. Slatter {cello : Schott} 33/039.5

Drei Liebeslieder (Madrigale): für vier gemsichte Stimmen a capella / Giovanni Palestrina {Peters} 05/013.5-2

Drei Lieder: [poetry by R. Reinick, E. Raulf and J. Hammer] / Robert Fischhof; Eng. versions Eleanor Mary Bott {Alexander Rosé} Cab 09/072

Drei Praeludien und Fugen Op. 37 / Felix Mendelssohn; rev. F. A. Roitzsch {organ : Peters} 40/167-5 [1] a

Drei Romanzen Op. 28 / Robert Schumann; ed. O. Thümer {p. solo : Augener} 21/333-1

Drei Romanzen Op. 94: [for oboe or violin & piano] / Robert Schumann {Peters} 36/087-2

Drei Sonatinen Op. 67 / Jean Sibelius {p. solo : Breitkopf & Härtel} Cab 21/348-10

Drei-und-dreissig Veränderungen über einen Walzer von A. Diabelli Op. 120 / Ludwig van Beethoven; ed. Georg Kuhlmann {p. solo : Peters} 21/027-8.4 a-b

Die Dreigroschenoper / Kurt Weill {misc. v. : Universal} 06/077-1

Drink to me only with thine eyes / Roger Quilter; words by Ben Jonson {low v. : Winthrop Rogers} Cab 17/462-2 a-b : low v. also at 10/087 [7]

Drinking song {from The Student Prince} / Sigmund Romberg; words by Dorothy Donnelly {Chappell} Cab 17/480-1

Drittes Konzert G dur K 216: mit Kadenzen / W A Mozart; ed. Carl Flesch {violin : Peters} 28/033-3 a

Drittes Konzert G dur K 216: mit Kadenzen / W A Mozart; ed. Henri Marteau; p. red. Aug. Göllner {violin : Peters} 28/033-3 b

Drooping wings: song / Roger Quilter; words by Edith Sterling-Levis {Chappell} Cab 17/462-11 : No. 2 in B min

Drop me a flower Op. 175 no. 2: song / C Villiers Stanford; poem by Tennyson {Cramer} Cab 17/529-2

II. [druhý] sonáta (1961) / Lubor Bárta {p. solo : Artia Prague} Cab 21/021.5

An druimionn dubh (Rannoch herding song): Agyllshire air / arr. Marjory Kennedy-Fraser; Gaelic ed. K. MacLeod set to Lowland Scots by Tannahill arr. M. Kennedy-Fraser {Boosey} Cab 17/316-6

The drum-major: song / Ernest Newton; words by Fred. E. Weatherly {Chappell} Cab 17/426 : No. 1 in F also at 10/045-7 [8]

The drummer boy: march / R John Gourlay {p. solo : Mozart Allan} Cab 21/152.3

The drunken sailor / Shena Fraser {p. duet : Fraser-Enoch} Cab 22/015-2 a-b

Dry those unavailing tears {from Belshazaar} / George Frideric Handel {solo v. : Novello} Cab 17/252-5

Du bist die Ruh (Love's peace) / Franz Schubert; words by Rückert; Eng. version Richard Capell {solo v. : Galliard/Galaxy} Cab 17/496-5 : [No. 1 in] C

Du bist die Ruh (Thou art my Rest): duet / Maude White; words by Rickert {sop. & contr.} Cab 18/039-1

Du bist ein Kind (Thou art a child) {from Zwölf Lieder Op. 28 no.12}: sop./ ten. / Felix von Weingartner; Ger. by Ernst Ziel; Eng. version William Wallace {Breitkopf & Härtel} 10/045-8.2 [8]

Du bist ein Kind (Thou art a child) {from Zwölf Lieder Op. 28 no. 12} / Felix von Weingartner; Ger. by Ernst Ziel; Eng. version William Wallace {Breitkopf & Härtel} Cab 17/569

Du temps des bergères: six chansons dans la forme populaire / Jean-Baptiste Weckerlin; Eng. words E.M. Traquair {Augener} 09/208

Duanag na h-airigh (A Highland pastoral) / Robert MacLeod; words by Harold Boulton {solo v. : Cramer} Cab 17/372-1 : [No. 2 in] E min

The Dubarry (libr.): musical comedy romance (acting edition) / Karl Millöcker; lyrics by Rowland Leigh & Eric Maschwitz; music arr. Theo Makeben & Bernard Grun {Samuel French} 03/085

The Dubarry: musical comedy romance / Karl Millöcker; rev. Eric Maschwitz; adapt. Bernard Grun {Chappell} 07/022-2

The Duchess of Dantzic (Sans-Gêne): romantic light opera / Ivan Caryll; written by Henry Hamilton {Chappell} 07/005.5-1

Duet Op. 272a / Carl Reinecke {p. duo : Augener} 22/036

Duet album [Op. 48 and 67]: eighteeen two-part songs (Op. 48 and 67) / Anton Rubinstein {Boosey} Cab 15/053

Duet for organ / Samuel Wesley; ed. Walter Emery {Novello} 40/267 a-b

Duet in D for piano forte / Antonio Diabelli {London M.P.S.} 22/009.5

Duets for ladies' voices: [7 songs] 15/008

Duets for ladies voices: 24 songs; ed. Alberto Randegger {Boosey} Cab 18/190-1

Duett for trombone & double bass / Edward Elgar; ed. Rodney Slatford {Yorke} 42/016-1

Duette für Alt, Bariton u. Klavier Op. 28: [4 songs] / Johannes Brahms {Peters} 15/024-4

Duette für Sopran, Alt u. Klavier Op. 20, 61, 66, 75: [14 songs] / Johannes Brahms {Peters} 15/024-3(1)

Duettini: for soprano-instruments (recorder, piccolo, flute, oboe, clarinet, violin or trumpet) and piano / Petr Eben; Gabrieli-Miller {Panton} 42/015

Duettino concertante after Mozart: for two pianos / Ferruccio Busoni {British & Continental} 22/008 a-b

Duetto buffo di due gatti: [duet for 2 sop.] / Gioachino Rossini {Ricordi} Cab 18/133

Dumky trio Op. 90: for piano, violin & cello / Antonín Dvorák {Simrock} 24/006.4-3

Dunblane praises no. 1: [16 hymns] Cab 02/212(1)

Duo {from Philémon et Baucis}: duo (mez. & bar.) / Charles Gounod; poème de J. Barbier & M. Carré {Choudens} Cab 18/067-1

Duo for flute and piano / Aaron Copland {Boosey & Hawkes} 38/013

Duo for soprano saxophone and piano / Eric Sweeney {Camden} 37/677

Duodeci arie italiane dei secoli XVII e XVIII {Ricordi} 10/008 a-b

Duos (1-9) / Ludwig van Beethoven; ed. Fr. Grützmacher / Fr. Hermann {cello : Peters} Cab 28/003-1 b [2]

Duos No. 1 in G K 423 No. 2 in B flat K 424 / W A Mozart {violin & viola : Peters} Cab 29/007

Dusk {The hour glass no. 1) / Frank Bridge {p. solo : Augener} Cab 21/058-6(1)

Dusk / Armstrong Gibbs; arr. Jay Wilbur {p. solo : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 21/151.2-2 a-b

Dusky aristocrat: impression / Norman Whiteley {p. solo : Cramer} Cab 21/378.6

Duvegan Suite Op. 41 no. 2: Boating tune / Wilfred Worden {p. solo : Bosworth} Cab 21/382.2(2)

Dweller in dreams / Madeleine C Walther; text by Rabindranath Tagore {low v. : Boston} Cab 17/561 : low in Eb


Saturday 15th February 2025

330 (including 43 alternative) titles beginning letter 'D'

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