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Harris love lament (Ailean Doon) / arr. MarjoryKennedy-Fraser; arr. with Eng. and Gaelic words by K. MacLeod & M. Kennedy-Fraser {solo v. : Boosey} Cab 17/316-1
Harry Mortimer souvenir album {cornet : Boosey & Hawkes} 35/002
Hart's Scotch song album: 39 songs {Hart} 10/062-8
The harvest of sorrow Op. 4 no. 5: mez./ bar. / SergeiRachmaninov; words by Count Alexis Tolstoi, Eng. version M. C. H. Collet {Chester} Cab 17/464-2
He that hath a pleasant face: 4-part song / JohnHatton; words by W.H. Bellamy 05/006
Hear me, ye winds and waves! {from Scipio}: inc. recit. From the rage of the tempest {from Julius Caesar} / George FridericHandel; words of recit. Theo. Marzials; arr. A[melia] L[ehmann] {solo v. : Boosey} Cab 17/250-8 a-b : No. 1 in G min
Hear my prayer: motet for sop. solo & chor. w. org. or p.acc. / FelixMendelssohn; words by William Bartholomew {Novello} Cab 05/011 a,c-e
Hear my prayer: motet for sop. solo & chor. w. org. or p.acc. / FelixMendelssohn; words by William Bartholomew {Novello} Cab 05/011 b [2]
Hear my prayer: hymn for sop. solo & chor. w. org. or p.acc. / FelixMendelssohn; words by William Bartholomew {Boosey} 05/011.1
Hear our prayer: sacred song / WilburChenoweth; words by Alice S. Grainger {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/117.8 : No. 2 in E
Heart {from Damn Yankees} / RichardAdler; words by Richard Adler & Jerry Ross {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/005-2
The heart I ask from thee, love (Willst Du mein Herz mir schenken): song / J SBach {Augener} Cab 17/024-3
Heart of mine / Leo TCroke; words by C. E. Vivian-Kennelly {solo v. : Swift} Cab 17/142.8 : [No. 1] in G
Hebridean mother's song (Gur milis Mòrag) / arr. MarjoryKennedy-Fraser; arr. with Eng. and Gaelic words (from Ann Macneil, with melody) by K. MacLeod & M. Kennedy-Fraser {Boosey} Cab 17/316-14
Hello, Dolly! {from Hello, Dolly!} / JerryHerman; music & lyrics Jerry Herman {solo v. : Edwin Morris} Cab 17/283.5-1
Hello young lovers {from The King and I} / RichardRodgers; words by Oscar Hammerstein II {solo v. : Chappell} Cab 17/478-1
Heman dubh (In Hebrid seas): ancient waulking song / arr. MarjoryKennedy-Fraser; arr. with Gaelic & Eng. words by K. MacLeod & M. Kennedy-Fraser {Boosey} Cab 17/316-4 : No. 2 in Eb
Herds may safely graze (Schafe können sicher weiden) / J SBach; arr. Ernest Haywood {p. solo : Keith, Prowse} Cab 21/017-7.1
Here come the Guards: song / ErnestLongstaffe; words & music Ernest Longstaffe {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/354-2 a : No. 1 in G
Here come the Guards: song / ErnestLongstaffe; words & music Ernest Longstaffe {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} Cab 17/354-2 b : No. 2 in A
Here is the little door: carol-anthem for SATB unaccomp. / HerbertHowells; words by Frances Chesterton {Stainer & Bell} Cab 18/076-1
Here's a health Bonnie Scotland to thee: [an old song by G. A. Lee] / JohnBlockley; written by W. H. Freeman {solo v. : John Blockley} 10/045-4 [4]
Herz, mein Herz, warum so traurig? (Say, my heart, whence comes thine anguish?): celebrated German air / Carl Maria vonWeber {solo v. : Lonsdale} Cab 17/567-2
L'heure exquise / Poldowski; poésie de Paul Verlaine {high v. : Chester} Cab 17/452-1 : high v.
Hiawatha Op. 30: for sop. ten. & bar. soli, chor. & orch. [] / SamuelColeridge-Taylor; words by H.W. Longfellow {Novello} 01/026-2 a-b
Hiawatha's departure Op. 30 no. 3: cantata for sop. ten. & bar. soli, chor. & orch. [] / SamuelColeridge-Taylor; words by Longfellow {Novello} 01/026-2(3) a
Hiawatha's departure Op. 30 no. 3: cantata for sop. ten. & bar. soli, chor. & orch. [] / SamuelColeridge-Taylor; words by Longfellow {Walsh, Holmes} 01/026-2(3) b-c
Hiawatha's wedding feast Op. 30 no. 1: cantata for ten. solo, chor. & orch. [] / SamuelColeridge-Taylor; words by H.W. Longfellow {Walsh, Holmes} 01/026-2(1) a-b
Hiawatha's wedding feast Op. 30 no. 1: cantata for ten. solo, chor. & orch. [] / SamuelColeridge-Taylor; words by Longfellow {Novello} 01/026-2(1) c-d
Hiawatha's wedding feast Op. 30 no. 1: cantata for ten. solo, chor. & orch. [] / SamuelColeridge-Taylor; words by H.W. Longfellow {Novello} 44/011-1
Hindoo song : Despair: w. violin or 'cello accomp. ad lib. / HermannBemberg; [orig. French] by Armand Ocampo {Stanley Lucas, Weber} 10/045-5 [3] : No. 1 in A
Der Hirt auf dem Felsen (The shepherd on the rock) Op. 129: song w. pianoforte & clarinet (or violoncello) accomp. / FranzSchubert; Eng. version J. S. Shedlock {Augener} Cab 17/496-11 a-b
Der Hirt auf dem Felsen (The shepherd on the rock) Op. 129: song w. pianoforte & clarinet (or violoncello) accomp. / FranzSchubert; Eng. version J. S. Shedlock {Augener} 33/063-2
His haven: sacred song / BernardHamblen; words & music Bernard Hamblen {Chappell-Harms} Cab 17/247-3 : No. 2 in F
His words and music: collection of 32 Coward classics / NoëlCoward; words by Noël Coward {Chappell} 09/049(1)
His words and music, vol. 2: Noel Coward gala [35 songs] / NoëlCoward; words by Noël Coward {Chappell} 09/049(2)
Historical anthology of music, vol. 2: Baroque, Rococo, and Pre-Classical music; [compil.] Archibald T. Davison & Willi Apel {solo v. : Harvard UP} 16/060(2)
H.M.S. Pinafore, or The Lass that Loved a Sailor (libr.): [comic opera] / ArthurSullivan; [words] by W.S. Gilbert {Chappell} 03/155-2 a-b
H.M.S. Pinafore; or, The lass that loved a sailor / ArthurSullivan; written by W.S. Gilbert {misc. v. : Cramer} 07/040-4 a-c
H.M.S. Pinafore; or The lass that loved a sailor: entirely original nautical comic opera (school ed.) / ArthurSullivan; written by W.S. Gilbert; arr. W. G. McNaught {Cramer} 07/040-4.1
H.M.S. Pinafore; or, The lass that loved a sailor: entirely original nautical comic opera / ArthurSullivan; written by W.S. Gilbert {Metzler} 07/040-4.2
H.M.S. Pinafore; or The lass that loved a sailor: nautical comic opera / ArthurSullivan; p. arr. Berthold Tours {p. solo : Metzler} 16/070
Ho, Jolly Jenkin (the Friar's song) {from Ivanhoe} / ArthurSullivan; words by Julian Sturgis {Chappell} Cab 17/544-2 : No. 1 in D
Die Hochzeit des Figaro (Le Nozze di Figaro): komische Oper / W AMozart; p. arr. Paul Klengel {Breitkopf & Härtel} 06/032-5 g
Der Hochzeitsbraten ("Ach liebes Herz, ach Theobald") Op. 104: Terzett (STB) / FranzSchubert; Gedicht von Fr. von Schober {Breitkopf} Cab 18/143
Home to our mountains {from Il Trovatore}: 'Gipsy' duet "Si, la stanchezza m'opprime" / GiuseppeVerdi; words by Charles Jefferys; arr. Charles Glover {sop. & ten. : Frederick Harris} Cab 18/171-2 : No. 6 in F
Hope the hornblower: song / JohnIreland; words by Henry Newbolt {Boosey} Cab 17/294-9 : No. 1 in G
L'horloge de Flore: pour hautbois et orch. / JeanFrançaix {Transatlantiques} 36/026.5
The horn: for voice, horn & piano / GordonCarr; poem by James Diack {Emerson} Cab 35/046
Horn concerto Eb major KV 417 [min. sc.] / W AMozart {horn : Eulenburg} 04/016-13
Horn concerto in E flat KV 495 / W AMozart; arr. W. Salomon {horn : Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 35/062-1 b,d : Horn in F
Horn concerto no. 4 in E flat KV 495 / W AMozart; ed. Harold Craxton (p.acc.) & Dennis Brain (horn solo) {horn : British & Continental} Cab 35/062-1 c : Horn in Eb
Horn concerto in E flat KV 447 / W AMozart; arr. W. Salomon {horn : Boosey & Hawkes} 35/062-3 a-b : Horn in F
Horn concerto no. 2 in D major, Hob. VIId:4 / JosephHaydn; ed. (with p. red.) Heinz Herbert Steves {horn : Boosey & Hawkes} 35/055-2 : Horns in D & F
Horn music for beginners: with p. accomp. [24 pieces] {horn : Boosey & Hawkes} 35/031-7 : Horn in F
Horn solos, vol. 1: [9 pieces, with p. accomp.] / IforJames; written & arr. Ifor James & Stefan de Haan {horn : Chester} 35/056(1) : Horn in F
Horn solos Bk 1: [19 pieces]; ed. & arr. Arthur Campbell {horn : Faber} 35/025-1
How calm is my spirit (Ridente la calma): canzonetta / W AMozart; arr. w. Eng. words by Sydney Northcote {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/419-2
How calmly the evening: two-part song / Edward Elgar; words by T. T. Lynch {2 sop. : Novello} Cab 18/054
How can ye gang, lassie? {from Songs of the North}: old Scottish ballad / arr. MalcolmLawson {Cramer} Cab 17/331-10
How can you buy Killarney? / HamiltonKennedy; words & music Hamilton Kennedy {solo v. : Peter Maurice} Cab 17/314.5
How green our fertile pastures look {from Solomon}: [sop. aria inc. recit. Gold now is common] / George FridericHandel; words attrib. Newburgh Hamilton {Novello} Cab 17/251-9
How it lies, How it lies, How it lies! / SonnyBurke; lyric by Paul Francis Webster {solo v. : Edwin Morris} Cab 17/107
How lovely are Thy dwellings {from the Requiem} / JohannesBrahms; ed. John E. West {SATB choir : Novello} Cab 02/022-2
How lovely are Thy dwellings: sacred song / SamuelLiddle; words from Psalm 84 {Boosey} Cab 17/344-3 a : No. 4 in Eb
How lovely are Thy dwellings: sacred song / SamuelLiddle; words from Psalm 84 {Boosey} Cab 17/344-3 b : No. 2 in Db
How lovely are Thy dwellings: sacred song / SamuelLiddle; words from Psalm 84 {Boosey & Hawkes} Cab 17/344-3 c-e : No. 1 in C
Hush-a-ba, birdie: Scotch lullaby / Alice ChambersBunten; additional verse by Alice Chambers Bunten {Paterson} Cab 17/106 : No. 1 in F
Husheen {from An Album of Twelve Hush Songs}: modern Irish hush-song / Alicia AdélaideNeedham; words by Francis A. Fahy {Boosey} Cab 17/425-3 : No. 1 in Bb
The hymn of Jesus Op. 37 / GustavHolst; from the Apocryphal Acts of St John {double choir & semi-choir} 01/051-3
The hymn of Jesus Op. 37: for 2 chor., semi-chor. & full orch. / GustavHolst; text from Apocryphal Acts of St John {Stainer & Bell} 02/060-1
Hymn of praise (Lobgesang) Op. 52: sacred cantata [for SST soli & SATB chor.] / FelixMendelssohn; words by J. Alfred Novello {Bayley & Ferguson} 01/058-2.1
Hymn to St Cecilia Op. 27: unaccomp. chor. / BenjaminBritten; words by W.H. Auden {Boosey & Hawkes} 01/023-3 a-b
Hymn to the Sun (Chant au Soleil) {from Le Coq D'or}: [for sop./high sop.] / NikolaiRimsky-Korsakov; Eng. version Geo. Harris Jr & Deems Taylor {Hawkes & Son} Cab 17/473-2 : high in A
A Hymn to the Virgin Op. 13 no. 2: for voice & harp (or piano). / EdmundRubbra; Anon. {Alfred Lengnick} Cab 17/483(2) [1]