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O'Byrne, Ca(t)hal (1867-1957) Irish

A lullaby {from Six songs of Ireland} / Hamilton Harty {Boosey} 17/259 : No. 1 in G min

Ocampo, Armand (b.1857) French

Despair: Hindoo song : with violin or 'cello accomp. ad lib. / Hermann Bemberg -- [orig. French] by Armand Ocampo {Stanley Lucas, Weber} 10/045-5 [3] : No. 1 in A

Hindoo song : Despair: w. violin or 'cello accomp. ad lib. / Hermann Bemberg -- [orig. French] by Armand Ocampo {Stanley Lucas, Weber} 10/045-5 [3] : No. 1 in A

Louise: song / Gustave Charpentier -- Eng. by Agnes Larkcom from Fre. of A. Ocampo {sop. : Heugel} 10/045-8.2 [7] : in E

Nymphes et sylvains (Nymphs and fawns): vocal waltz / Hermann Bemberg -- Eng. by Agnes Larkcom from Fre. of A. Ocampo {sop. : Louis Gregh} 10/045-8.2 [6] : in E

Nymphes et sylvains (Nymphs and fawns): voc. waltz / Hermann Bemberg -- Eng. by Agnes Larkcom from Fre. of A. Ocampo {sop. : Rouart, Lerolle} 17/056-2 a-b : No. 1 in F

Nymphs and fawns (Nymphes et sylvains): vocal waltz / Hermann Bemberg -- Eng. by Agnes Larkcom from Fre. of A. Ocampo {sop. : Louis Gregh} 10/045-8.2 [6] : in E

Nymphs and fawns (Nymphes et sylvains): voc. waltz / Hermann Bemberg -- words by Agnes Larkcom, from the French of A. Ocampo {sop. : Rouart, Lerolle} 17/056-2 a-b : No. 1 in F

O'Connor, William Frederick Travers (Sir) (1870-1943) Anglo-Irish

The old house / Frederick O'Connor {Cramer} 17/433 a-b : No. 2 in Ab

Ogilvie, Hugh (19th-20th c.) Scottish

Hail, Caledonia!: song / Arthur Stroud {Francis, Day & Hunter} 17/540 a-b

Ogilvie, William Henry (1869-1963) Scottish-American

A Border home: song / Montague Phillips {Chappell} 17/448-14 : No. 1 in C min

Gipsies: song / Graham Peel {Chappell} 17/444-1 : No. 2 in Eb

O'Keefe, Donald (20th c.)

At the end of the day / Donald O'Keefe {solo v. : Chappell} 17/437.5 a-b : No. 1 in Eb

O'Keeffe, John (1747-1833) Irish

I am a friar of orders gray / Stephen Reeve; new arr. Grenville Smart {solo v. : Broome} 17/468

Oliphant, Carolina (Lady Nairne) (1766-1845) Scottish

The auld hoose: old Scottish air / Trad. {solo v.} 16/050-1 [61]

Caller herrin' / Nathaniel Gow {solo v.} 16/050-1 [53]

Caller herring: fav. Scotch air [by Nathaniel Gow] arr. for the piano forte or harp / Nathaniel Gow -- [words by Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne]; arr. Philip Knapton {Goulding, D'Almaine} Spec Coll

The Laird o' Cockpen / Anon. {solo v.} 16/050-1 [44]

The Laird o' Cockpen Op. 23: ballad for chor. & orch. [] / David Stephan {Novello} 01/071

The rowan tree / Anon. {solo v.} 16/050-1 [25]

Will ye no' come back again?: old Scottish air / Trad. {solo v.} 16/050-1 [59]

Oliphant, Thomas (1799-1873) Scottish

Ave Maria [Op. 52 no. 6] / Franz Schubert {solo v. : Cramer} 17/496-2 c

O'Neill, Moira  [= Agnes Shakespeare Higginson] (1864-1955) Irish-Canadian

Cuttin' rushes: song / Charles Willeby {Boosey} 16/050-3 [6] : No. 2 in E min

The fairy lough {from An Irish Idyll} Op. 77 no. 2: song / C Villiers Stanford {Boosey & Hawkes} 17/529-3 a : No. 2 in F

The fairy lough {from An Irish Idyll} Op. 77 no. 2: song / C Villiers Stanford {Boosey & Hawkes} 17/529-3 b : No. 1 in D

An Irish idyll in six miniatures Op. 77 / C Villiers Stanford {low v. : Boosey} 09/185-2 a : No. 1 low v.

An Irish idyll in six miniatures Op. 77 / C Villiers Stanford {high v. : Boosey} 09/185-2 b : No. 2 high v.

The ould lad {from Songs of the Glens of Antrim} / Hamilton Harty {Boosey} 17/259-2

O'Neill, Norman (1875-1934) English

A golden treasury of song, Vol 1: [49 songs inc. 6 duets] -- ed. Norman O'Neill; words mostly by Paul England {Boosey} 10/018(1) a-b

O'Reilly, Patrick Joseph (1877-1924) Irish

Break o' day: song / Wilfrid Sanderson {Boosey} 17/488-2 a,c : No. 1 in Bb also at 10/045-8.1 [12]

Break o' day: song / Wilfrid Sanderson {Boosey} 17/488-2 b : No. 2 in C

'Captain Mac': song / Wilfrid Sanderson {Boosey} 17/488-16 : No. 1 in C

Drake goes West: song / Wilfrid Sanderson {Boosey} 17/488-15 : No. 2 in D ? also at 10/045-7 [5]

For you alone: song w. violin accomp. ad lib. / Henry E Geehl {Gould & Bolttler} 17/212 a : No. 1 in Db

For you alone: song w. violin accomp. ad lib. / Henry E Geehl {Gould & Bolttler} 17/212 b-c : No. 4 in G

The hills of Donegal: song / Wilfrid Sanderson {Boosey & Hawkes} 17/488-5 a-b : No.2 in Bb

Kitty: song / Airlie Dix {Newnes} 16/040 [4/11]

Love hath a song (Liebe sie singt) / Airlie Dix {solo v. : Newnes} 16/040 [2/16]

My prayer: song / W H Squire {Boosey} 17/527-7 a : No. 3 in Eb

My prayer: song / W H Squire {Boosey} 17/527-7 b : No. 2 in D

One morning very early: song / Wilfrid Sanderson -- words (Trad.) adapt. P. J. O'Reilly {Boosey} 17/488-19 : No. 1 in Eb

The ould side car: [song] / Airlie Dix {Gould} 17/165.8-2 : No. 2 in Eb

The road across the sea: song / Lauri Bowen {Reeder & Walsh} 17/093-1 : No. 1 in Bb

Thanks be to God: song (w. organ or harmon. accomp. ad lib.) / Stanley Dickson {Enoch & Sons} 17/164 : No. 1 in Bb

Orleans, Charles d' (1391-1465) French

En regardant ces belles fleurs / André Caplet -- rondel de Charles d'Orléans {solo v. : Durand} 17/110.5 [2]

Osborne, Charles (1927-2017) Australian

Mother (An old picture in a new frame) / Charles Osborne {solo v. : Francis, Day & Hunter} 17/440

O'Shaughnessy, Arthur (1844-1881) Anglo-Irish

The music makers Op. 69: ode set for contr. solo, SATB & orch. [] / Edward Elgar {Novello} 01/037-4 a-b

Ossiannilsson, Karl Gustav (1875-1970) Swedish

Morgon (Sverige): sång / Einar Eklöf {high v. : Lundholm} 17/177 : high v.: Eb

Osterwald, Karl Wilhelm (1820-1887) German

In the hedge a rose is blooming (Lieber Schatz, sei wieder gut) Op. 26 no. 2 / Robert Franz -- [from "In dem Dornbusch" by] Wilhelm Osterwald; Eng. text Dawson Freer {solo v. : Joseph Williams} 17/205-4

On a thorn-bush blooms a rosebud (Lieber Schatz, sei wieder gut mir) Op. 26 no. 2 / Robert Franz -- [W. Osterwald] {solo v. : Root & Cady} 17/205-3

O'Sullivan, Seumas (1879-1958) Irish

The piper: song / Arthur Benjamin {Elkin} 17/060-3

A piper / Michael Head {solo v. : Boosey} 17/266-11

A piper {from Three songs for voice & viola} / Norman Peterkin {OUP} 17/447-4(3)

Ottoboni, Antonio (1646-1720) Italian

Christmas cantata (Cantata pastorale): for sop. solo, str. quart. & harpsich. / Alessandro Scarlatti -- words by Cardinal Antonio Ottoboni; ed. (with Eng. trans.) Edward J. Dent {OUP} 01/066.5

Oudin, Eugène (1858-1894) American

Berceuse: song / Cécile Chaminade -- poésie de Ed. Guinand; Eng. Eugene Oudin {Enoch & Sons} 17/116-2 : No. 2 in Eb

Fair Spring is returning (Printemps qui commence) {from Samson and Delilah}: sop. or mez. / Camille Saint-Saëns -- words by F. Lemaire; Eng. Eugene Oudin {Durand} 17/486-1 a-c : in E (mez.)

Love's garden (Si j'étais jardinier): song / Cécile Chaminade {Enoch & Sons} 10/045-9 [6] : No. 2 in Ab

Near my beloved (Auprès de ma mie): song / Cécile Chaminade -- Eng. version Eugene Oudin {Enoch & Sons} 10/045-9 [12] : No. 2 in A

Ritournelle: song / Cécile Chaminade -- poésie de François Coppée; Eng. Eugene Oudin {Enoch & Sons} 17/116 a-b : No. 2 in Eb

Softly awakes my heart {from Samson and Delilah} / Camille Saint-Saëns -- words by F. Lemaire; Eng. Eugene Oudin {contr. : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 16/020(1) [1]

Softly awakes my heart {from Samson and Delilah} / Camille Saint-Saëns -- [words by] F Lemaire; Eng. Eugene Oudin {Durand & Fils} 17/486-2 a-c : Db (mez.) also at 16/050-3 [9]

Softly awakes my heart {from Samson and Delilah} / Camille Saint-Saëns -- words by F. Lemaire; Eng. Eugene Oudin {contr. : Durand} 17/486-2 d : Bb (contr.)

Oxenford, Edward (1848-1929) English

An Andalusian maid: song / James Philp {Paterson} 16/050-5 [39] : No. 2 in D

The Flower Queen: cantata for treble voices (SMA) / Odoardo Barri {Hutchings & Romer} 01/014

The gipsy and the bird: song / Julius Benedict {Edwin Ashdown} 17/059.3-2

The tar's lass: song / W H Jude {Cramer} 17/306-4 : No. 2 in D

Waltz song {from Romeo and Juliet} / Charles Gounod -- Eng. version Edward Oxenford {Greening} 17/226-7

Oxenford, John (1812-1877) English

Morning bright: song / Arthur Goring Thomas -- words from the French by John Oxenford {Boosey} 10/045-9 [1] : No. 1 in Bb

Songs (complete edition) / Ludwig van Beethoven -- Eng. words John Oxenford {Boosey} 09/015-1 a-b

Oxford, (17th) Earl of (1550-1604) English

Come hither, shepherd swain: canzonet / Alberto Randegger {Novello, Ewer} 17/465.2



Sunday 15th September 2024

70 works by 23 writers/librettists

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