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 He  Hi  Ho  Hu

Hale, Philip (1854-1934) American

Chant du ménestrel (Song of the troubadour) Op. 89 / Charles Morley {Joseph Williams} 21/248.8

Hall, Ernest (1890-1984) English

Trumpet concerto / Joseph Haydn: red. for trumpet & piano; p. red. Harold Perry {Boosey & Hawkes} 35/055 a-b : Bb

Hall, Henry (1898-1989) English

Noel Coward melodies (selection) / Noël Coward -- sel. & arr. Henry Hall {Chappell} 21/095-1

Popular music and dancing weekly, vol. 1 (1934-35) nos. 2, 17, 29, 34 / Various Composers: [six songs in each number] Periodical

Popular music and film song weekly, vol. 1 (1937-38) nos. 1, 2, 4-7, 10 / Various Composers: [six songs in each number] Periodical

Hall, Charles King (1845-1895) English

Minster echoes, Bk 14 / Various Composers: original voluntaries by eminent composers for the organ {Orsborn & Tuckwood} 40/036-3

Hall, Peter (1936-1996) Scottish

The Scottish folksinger / Various Composers: 118 mod. & trad. folksongs -- ed. Norman Buchan & Peter Hall 10/032

Hanray, Laurence (1874-1947) English

Selva opaca {from William Tell} / Gioachino Rossini: [sop. aria: Matilde (with recit. S'allontanano alfin!)] -- Eng. version Lawrence Hanray; ed. Edgardo Lèvi {International} 17/482-6

Hare, Nicholas (20th c.) English

The magic trombone / Various Composers: [26 pieces]; arr. & ed. Nicholas Hare {Chester} 35/030-3 : bass clef

Top line album for horn in F or Eb / Various Composers: [6 pieces]; arr. & ed. Nicholas Hare {Brass Wind} 35/030-4 a-b : Horn in F

Harris, George Frederick (1796-1867) English

The Messiah / George Frideric Handel: sacred oratorio {Boosey & Sons} 28/075 [1]

Harris, S. Taylor (19th-20th c.) English

Six sea shanties / arr. S Taylor Harris -- ed. A. W. Whitehead & S. Taylor Harris {Boosey} 09/090

Harrison, Julius (1885-1963) English

The Bartered Bride / Bedřich Smetana: comic opera -- concert ed., arr. Julius Harrison {Boosey & Hawkes} 06/051-1 a

Hartley, Keith English

Double bass solo 2 / Various Composers: new selection of pieces from the orchestral repertoire -- [sel. & ed.] Keith Hartley {OUP} 34/120(2)

Haston, Douglas (1931-2003) Scottish

The Scottish collection for descant recorder and piano / Various Composers: 50 pieces; arr. Elspeth Hardie, James Reith and Douglas Haston {Sunhoney} 38/140 a-b

Hatton, John Liptrot (1809-1886) English

Songs of England vol. 1 / Various Composers: [100 songs] -- sel. & arr. J. L. Hatton {Boosey} 10/060-1(1)

The songs of England, vol. 2 / Various Composers: [107] melodies -- ed. J. L. Hatton & Eaton Faning {Boosey} 10/031(2)

The songs of Robert Schumann / Robert Schumann: [75 songs] {Boosey} 09/173-3 a-b

Hausswald, Günter (1908-1974) German

Zwölf Fantasien für Querflöte ohne Bass / G P Telemann {Bärenreiter} 38/093-1

Hawley, Stanley (1867-1916) English

Favourite pieces / Robert Schumann: [16 items including 9 Woodland Scenes Op. 82] {Alfred Lengnick} 21/332-9

Prelude in C sharp minor Op. 3 no. 2 / Sergei Rachmaninov {Alfred Lengnick} 21/288-5 a

Rondo in G Op. 51 no. 2 / Ludwig van Beethoven {Cary} 21/027-4.2 b

Haywood, Ernest (1866-1947) English

Erin's own songs / Various Composers: 20 songs -- sel. & arr. Ernest Haywood {Keith, Prowse} 10/033-2

Pianoforte duets (Standard series Bk 11) / Various Composers: [16 duets] -- ed. & arr. Ernest Haywood {Keith, Prowse} 22/060-10

Twenty-five studies Op. 100 / J F Burgmüller -- modernised by Ernest Haywood {Keith, Prowse} 23/013

Vocal gems of Scotland / Various Composers: [31 songs] -- sel. & arr. Ernest Haywood {Keith, Prowse} 10/062-5

Heim, E. German

Andante et scherzo capriccioso Op. 16 / Ferdinand David -- rev. Ernst Heim {Augener} 28/012.5

Thirty-six studies Op. 20, Bk 3, nos. 27-36 / H E Kayser {Augener} 25/009-2(3)

Heinze, Sara (1837-1901) Swedish

Bach-Album / J S Bach: [21] beliebte Stücke für p. solo {Peters} 21/015-10

Hellyer, Roger (20th c.)

Octet-partita in Eb / J N Hummel: for 2 oboes. 2 clarinets. 2 horns, 2 bassoons & contrabassoon ad lib. {Musica Rara} 42/018.5

Henderson, Archibald Martin (1879-1957) Scottish

Compositions for the organ Bk 1 / Josef Rheinberger: [18 pieces] -- sel. & ed. A M Henderson {Bayley & Ferguson} 40/208-1(1)

Eighteen short preludes / J S Bach {Bayley & Ferguson} 21/015-4.4

Gems for the organ, No. 4 / Various Composers: [36 pieces] {Bayley & Ferguson} 40/032-3(4)

Gems for the organ, No. 5 / Various Composers: [34 pieces] {Bayley & Ferguson} 40/032-3(5)

Gems for the organ, No. 6 / Various Composers: [33 pieces] {Bayley & Ferguson} 40/032-3(6)

Graded piano duets from the classical masters Bk 2 / Various Composers: [14 pieces] -- sel. & ed. A. M. Henderson {Bayley & Ferguson} 22/060-7(2)

An introduction to Bach for the organ / J S Bach: [29 pieces] -- sel. & arr. A. M. Henderson {Bayley & Ferguson} 40/051-4

Masterpieces of Russian piano music 1st Ser. / Various Composers -- sel. & ed. A.M. Henderson {Bayley & Ferguson} 20/009(1)

Masterpieces of Russian piano music Bks 3-4 / Various Composers -- sel. & ed. A.M. Henderson {Bayley & Ferguson} 20/009(3-4)

Melodies of Scotland / Various Composers: [221 songs] -- sel. & ed. A.M. Henderson {White-Smith} 20/009.5

Old English masters for the harpsichord / Various Composers: [16 pieces by Byrd, Farnaby, Purcell, Greene and Arne] -- ed. & transc. A. M. Henderson {Bayley & Ferguson} 20/080 [5]

Russian piano music for students Bk 2 / Various Composers -- sel. & ed. A. M. Henderson {Bayley & Ferguson} 20/025(2)

Standard graded classics Bk 4 / Various Composers: 15 pieces at Intemediate grade -- sel., ed. & fing. A.M. Henderson {Bayley & Ferguson} 20/017-2(4)

Twelve short preludes / J S Bach {Bayley & Ferguson} 21/015-4.4 [1]

Twenty-three Organ chorale preludes / J S Bach -- sel., fing. & ed. A. M. Henderson {Bayley & Ferguson} 40/051-1.5

Hengeveld, Gerard (1910-2001) Dutch

Three gymnopédies / Erik Satie {Broekmans & van Poppel} 21/318-1 b

Herfurth, C. Paul American

A tune a day for flute Bk 1 / Various Composers: [33 lessons, w. suppl. material] -- by C Paul Herfurth & Hugh M Stuart {Chappell} 38/099-2(1)

Hermann, Friedrich (1828-1907) German

Duos (1-9) / Ludwig van Beethoven -- ed. Fr. Grützmacher / Fr. Hermann {Peters} 28/003-1 b [2]

Sammlung klassischer Stücke . . . für Violine, Bd 1 / Various Composers {Peters} 28/080(1)

Sammlung klassischer Stücke . . . für Violine, Bd 2 / Various Composers {Peters} 28/080(2)

Sonaten Op. 105, 121 / Robert Schumann: f?r Klavier u. Violine {Peters} 28/044.2

Sonatinen Album / Various Composers: [13 pieces] {Peters} 28/063-1

Trios Op. 85 & 97 / Carl Gottlieb Reissiger -- rev. Fr. Hermann {Peters} 24/027

Herrmann, Carl (1810-1890) German

Quartette Bd 1 (Op. 29, Op. 125 & Op. posth.) / Franz Schubert -- neu rev. Carl Herrmann {Peters} 42/029-1(1) a-b

Quartette Bd 2 (Op. 161, Op. 168, Op. posth. in G moll, D dur,C moll) / Franz Schubert -- neu rev. Carl Herrmann {Peters} 42/029-1(2)

Trio [No. 4] in B flat major Op. 11 / Ludwig van Beethoven: for clarinet or violin, violoncello & piano -- ed. Carl Herrmann & Paul Grümmer {Peters} 24/003-3(4) a

Trio No. 5 in D major Op. 70 no. 1 ('Geister') / Ludwig van Beethoven -- ed. Carl Herrmann & Paul Grümmer {Peters} 24/003-3(5)

Trio No. 7 in Bb major Op. 97 ('Archduke') / Ludwig van Beethoven -- ed. Carl Herrmann & Paul Grümmer {Peters} 24/003-3(7)

Trio No. 11 in G major Op. 121a (Zehn Variazionen) / Ludwig van Beethoven -- ed. Carl Herrmann & Paul Grümmer {Peters} 24/003-3(11) a-b

Herrmann, Kurt (20th c.) German

Egmont overture Op. 84 / Ludwig van Beethoven; arr. F. X. Chwatal {Peters} 22/005-9(1)

Der unbekannte Beethoven Bd 1 (Sechs variierte Themen Op.105) / Ludwig van Beethoven: Volkslied-Variationen für Klavier {Hug} 21/027-8.6(1)

Der unbekannte Beethoven Bd 3 (Zehn variierte Themen Op.107 Heft 2 nos. 6-10) / Ludwig van Beethoven: Volkslied-Variationen für Klavier {Hug} 21/027-8.6(3.2)

Higgs, Henry Marcellus (1855-1929) English

Bitter sweet / Noël Coward: piano selection -- sel. & arr. H. M. Higgs {Chappell} 17/139-7

Bitter sweet (selection) / Noël Coward: Bitter sweet (selection) -- sel. & arr. H. M. Higgs {Chappell} 21/095

The Desert Song (selection) / Sigmund Romberg: The Desert Song (selection) -- sel. & arr. H. M. Higgs {Chappell} 21/306-1 a-b

New Sullivan fantasia / Arthur Sullivan -- sel. & arr. H.M. Higgs {Chappell} 28/046-1

Higgs, James (1829?-1902) English

Fugue in G minor / J S Bach -- ed. J. F. Bridge & James Higgs {Novello} 40/001-2(20.4)

Organ works Bk 1: Eight short preludes & fugues / J S Bach -- ed. J. F. Bridge & James Higgs {Novello} 40/051-2(1) a-d

Organ works Bk 2: Preludes, fugues & trio / J S Bach -- ed. J. F. Bridge & James Higgs {Novello} 40/051-2(2) a-d

Organ works Bk 3: Fantasias, preludes & fugues / J S Bach -- ed. J. F. Bridge & James Higgs {Novello} 40/051-2(3) a-b

Organ works Bk 6: Toccata, preludes & fugues / J S Bach -- ed. J. F. Bridge & James Higgs {Novello} 40/051-2(6) a-c

Organ works Bk 7: Preludes and fugues / J S Bach -- ed. J. F. Bridge & James Higgs {Novello} 40/051-2(7)

Organ works Bks 7-8: Preludes and fugues, pts 1 and 2 (in one vol.) / J S Bach -- ed. J. F. Bridge & James Higgs {Novello} 40/051-2( 7-8)

Organ works Bk 8: Preludes and fugues pt 2 / J S Bach -- ed. J. F. Bridge & James Higgs {Novello} 40/051-2(8) a-b

Organ works Bk 9: Preludes and fugues [3] / J S Bach -- ed. J. F. Bridge & James Higgs {Novello} 40/051-2(9) a-c

Organ works Bk 10: Toccata, preludes & fugues / J S Bach -- ed. J. F. Bridge & James Higgs {Novello} 40/051-2(10)

Organ works Bks 11-12: Four concertos [with] Preludes, fantasias, fugues, trios &c / J S Bach -- ed. J. F. Bridge & James Higgs {Novello} 40/051-2(11-12)

Organ works Bk 12: Preludes, fantasias, fugues, trios &c / J S Bach -- ed. J. F. Bridge & James Higgs {Novello} 40/051-2(12)

Hiles, John

Sacred songs, ancient and modern / Various Composers: [100 songs] {Boosey} 02/207-2

Hillemann, Willi (1903-1981) German

Twelve pieces / George Frideric Handel: for descant recorder & piano {Noetzel } 38/140-3

Hinze-Reinhold, Bruno (1877-1964) German

Eine Sammlung wenig bekannter Klavierstücke (leicht bis mittelschwer) / Franz Liszt: [12 pieces] -- [sel. & ed.] Bruno Hinze-Reinhold {Peters} 21/218-2

Höckner, Walter (20th c.) German

Das Streichquartett Bd 2 / Various Composers: 6 leichte, originale Streichquartette alter Meister -- sel. & arr. Walter H {Simrock} 42/000(2)

Hoehn, Alfred (1887-1945) German

Sonate As-Dur Op. 26 / Ludwig van Beethoven {Schott} 21/027-5.12 d

Hoffmann, Adolf (1898-1983) German

Konzertsuite / G P Telemann: für f-Alt Blockflöte, 2 Violinen, Viola (Violine 3), Violoncello u Basso Continuo (Klavier); Telemann-Hoffmann {Nagel} 42/031

Hofmann, Klaus (1939- German

Surrexit Christus hodie / Heinrich Biber: Ciaconna für Violine und Generalbass (organ with cello / bassoon / double bass ad lib.) {Hänssler} 02/019

Holbrook, David (1923-2011) English

The Cambridge hymnal / Various Composers -- ed. David Holbrook & Elizabeth Poston {Cambridge UP} 02/203-5

Holl, Monika (20th c.) Austrian

Variationen für Klavier Bd 2 / Ludwig van Beethoven: Urtext edition -- ed. Monika Holl & Bruno Seidlhofer {Universal} 21/027-8(2) a-b

Holman, Peter (1946- English

The complete sonatas for flute and basso continuo / George Frideric Handel -- ed. David Lasocki & Peter Holman {Faber} 38/037

Holmes, G. Augustus (d. 1943) English

Air and variations in B flat / Joseph Haydn -- sel., annot. & fing. by G. Augustus Holmes & Frederick J. Karn {Beal, Stuttard} 21/170-7

Four leaves {from Album for the Young Op. 68} / Robert Schumann: Set 2 Nos. 6, 8, 16 & 18 -- ed. Holmes & Karn {Weekes} 21/332-2.2

Rondo in G Op. 51 no. 2 / Ludwig van Beethoven -- [ed.] G. Augustus Holmes & Frederick J. Karn {Edwin Ashdown} 21/027-4.2 c

Toccata in A / Pietro Domenico Paradies -- sel. & ed. G. Augustus Holmes & Frederick J. Karn {Beal, Stuttard} 21/268 b

Toccata in C Op. 92 / Carl Czerny -- sel., annot. & fing. by G. Augustus Holmes & Frederick J. Karn {Beal, Stuttard} 23/017-8

Troika Op. 37 no. 11 / P I Tchaikovsky -- sel. [& ed.] Holmes & Karn {Weekes} 21/368-3

Horton, John

The wayfarer's part song book / Various Composers -- sel. & arr. John Horton 15/010-2

Howe, Albert (20th c.) English

Alleluja {from Exsultate, jubilate} / W A Mozart: graded song for sop. or mez. -- sel. Albert Howe {Paxton} 05/013-2 a

Hughes, Edwin (1884-1965) American

Ballade Op. 24 / Edvard Grieg {Schirmer} 21/156-3 c

Toccatas / J S Bach {Schirmer} 21/016-3.1

Variations sérieuses Op. 54 / Felix Mendelssohn {Schirmer} 21/236-7

The well-tempered clavichord (for the piano) Bk 2 [25-48] / J S Bach {Schirmer} 21/015-7.1(2)

Hughes, Herbert (1882-1937) N. Irish

Irish country songs, vol. 1 / Herbert Hughes -- coll. & arr. Herbert Hughes {Boosey & Hawkes} 09/091-1(1)

Hull, Arthur Eaglefield (1876-1928) English

Complete organ works (Op. 37, 65) / Felix Mendelssohn -- rev. Dr A. Eaglefield Hull {Augener} 40/167-5 c

Organ works, vol. 1: The Great preludes & fugues / J S Bach -- ed. W. T. Best rev. A. Eaglefield Hull {Augener} 40/051-6(1)

Organ works, vol. 2: Preludes, fugues, fantasia & toccatas / J S Bach -- ed. W. T. Best rev. A. Eaglefield Hull {Augener} 40/051-6(2)

Organ works, vol. 3: Toccatas, fugues, passacaglia, fantasias etc. / J S Bach -- ed. W. T. Best rev. A. Eaglefield Hull {Augener} 40/051-6(3)

Russian organ album / Various Composers: [11 pieces] {Augener} 40/030-18

Sonatas (Op. 65) / Felix Mendelssohn {Augener} 40/167-5(2)

Huneker, James Gibbons (1857-1921) American

Ballades [Nos. 1-4 Op. 23, 38, 47, 52] / Frédéric Chopin -- ed. Rafael Joseffy {Schirmer} 21/080-2.0

Polonaises / Frédéric Chopin -- ed. Carl Mikuli; commentary by James Huneker {Schirmer} 21/082-2.35

Hunt, Edgar Hubert (1909-2006) English

The dance of the blessed spirits (Reigen seliger Geister) {from Orfeo Act 2} / Christoph von Gluck: for flute & piano; arr. & ed. Edgar Hunt {Schott} 38/032

Four sonatas Op. 1 nos. 2,4,7 & 11 / George Frideric Handel: for treble recorder & piano or harpsichord (with viola da gamba or violoncello ad lib.) {Schott} 38/140 a

Hunter, Hugh (19th-20th c.) Scottish

Folk, national and art songs / Various Composers -- sel. & ed. Hugh Hunter; p. arr. Riddell Hunter {Bayley & Ferguson} 10/014-1

Folk, national and art songs Bk 2 / Various Composers -- sel. & ed. Hugh Hunter; p. arr. Riddell Hunter {Bayley & Ferguson} 10/014-1(2)

Folk, national and art songs Bk 3 / Various Composers: [28 songs] -- sel. & ed. Hugh Hunter; p. arr. Riddell Hunter {Bayley & Ferguson} 10/014-1(3)



Saturday 15th February 2025

114 works by 46 editors/compilers

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