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Bast, Henry (20th c.) English Scale & arpeggio manual for violoncello {Augener} Cab 25/001 Bazelaire, Paul (1886-1958) French La technique du violoncelle Recueil 1: Gammes et arpèges {Alphonse Leduc} 25/002(1) Bottesini, Giovanni (1821-1889) Italian 24 exercises for the double bass: 'd'après Kreutzer' ; ed. & arr. H. Samuel Sterling {Stainer & Bell} 25/003 Brown, John Hullah (1875-c1960) English 21 first position melodic violin studies Op. 12: in bowing, rhythm, phrasing and melodic expression {Joseph Williams} 25/003 Carse, Adam (1878-1958) English Viola school Bk 3: progessive studies - half, 1st & 2nd pos. {Augener} 25/004-1(3) Viola school Bk 4: progessive studies - 1st to 3rd pos. {Augener} 25/004-1(4) Viola school Bk 5: progessive studies - 1st to 5th pos. {Augener} 25/004-1(5) Cossmann, Bernhard (1822-1910) German Violoncell-Studien: neue Ausgabe {Schott} 25/004.5 Dont, Jacques (Jacob) (1815-1888) Austrian Preparatory exercises Op. 37; ed. Hans Wessely {Augener} 25/005 Dotzauer, Justus Johann Friedrich (1783-1860) German Cello method vol. 1 (1-108) {International} 25/005.3(1) Etüden für Violoncello solo Heft 2 (36-60): Auswahl aus Opus 47, 54, 70, 120, 158, 160; ed. & rev. Alwin Schroeder {Peters} 25/005.3-2(2) 113 Etüden für Violoncello solo Heft 1 (No. 1-34); sel. & ed. Johannes Klingenberg {Litolff} 25/005.3-3(1) 24 daily exercises for the violoncello; rev. Oskar Brückner {Augener} 25/005.3-4 Violoncell-Schule Bd 1 (No. 1-108); rev. & exp. Johannes Klingenberg {Litolff} 25/005.3-5(1) Violoncell-Schule Bd 2 (No. 109-196); rev. & exp. Johannes Klingenberg {Litolff} 25/005.3-5(2) 12 leichte Übungsstücke für Violoncello Op.107; ed. Friedrich Grützmacher {Peters} 25/005.3-6 Feuillard, Louis R (1872-1941) French Tägliche Übungen für Violoncello {Schott} 25/005.7 Flesch, Carl (1873-1944) Hungarian Urstudien {Ries& Erler} 25/006 Hartley, William First steps in violin playing Bk 1 {Bayley & Ferguson} Cab 25/020-1(1) First steps in violin playing Bk 2 {Bayley & Ferguson} Cab 25/020-1(2) First steps in violin playing Bk 3 {Bayley & Ferguson} Cab 25/020-1(3) Hegyesi, Louis (1853-1894) Austrian New scale & chord studies {Augener} 25/006.8 Henley, William (1874-1957) English Modern violin school Op. 51 Bk 2: 1st, 2nd & 3rd positions: 485 studies {Joseph Williams} 25/006.9(2) Hermann, Friedrich (1828-1907) German Konzertstudien für Viola Op. 18 {Breitkopf & Härtel} 25/007-1 The study of the viola, Pt I: [20 introductory exercises] {Augener} 25/007-2(1) Kabalevsky, Dmitri (1904-1987) Russian Fünf Etüden in Dur und Moll; ed. A. Stogorski {Peters} Cab 25/008 Kayser, Heinrich Ernst (1815-1888) German Sechs-und-dreissig Etüden Op. 20; red. Hans Sitt {Peters} 25/009-1 Thirty-six studies Op. 20, Bk 3, nos. 27-36; ed. E. Heim {Augener} 25/009-2(3) Kinsey, Herbert (20th c.) English Elementary progressive studies, 3rd set: 24 studies - 3rd, 2nd & 5th pos. {ABRSM} Cab 25/009.5(3) Kreutzer, Rodolphe (1766-1831) French Forty-two studies; rev. & fing. H. Artok {Augener} 25/010 Kreuz, Emil Anton Joseph Friedrich (1867-1932) German Select studies for the viola Bk 2: [30 studies in the 1st pos.] {Augener} 25/010.5(2) Kummer, Friedrich August (1797-1879) German Studien für Violoncell Op.106: [with 2nd cello accomp. ad lib.] {Peters} 25/010.65 Violoncello method; rev. & fing. Leo Schulz {Schirmer} 25/010.65-2 Lee, Sebastian (1805-1887) German Melodious and progressive studies Op. 31, Heft 1 (1-22); ed. Hugo Becker; Lee-Becker {Schott} 25/010.8-3 Melodische und progressive Etüden Op. 31, Heft 2 (23-40); ed. Hugo Becker {Schott} 25/010.8-3(2) Melodische und progressive Übungen Op. 131: 24 exercises [Grade 7]; ed. Hugo Becker {Schott} 25/010.8-2 b Twenty studies Op. 92, 76 & 105 {Augener} 25/010.8 Twenty-four melodious and progressive studies Op. 131: [Grade 7]; ed. Hugo Becker; Lee-Becker {Schott} 25/010.8-2 Mazas, Jacques Féréol (1782-1849) French Etüden Op. 36 Heft 1, 1-30; ed. Walther Davisson {Peters} 25/011(1) Nölck, August Friedrich Robert (1862-1928) German 24 Concert-Etüden Heft 2, 13-24 {Cranz} 25/011.5(2) Piatti, Carlo Alfredo (1822-1901) Italian Violoncello method Bk 1: [18 exercises]; rev. & enlarg. W. E. Whitehouse & R. V. Tabb {Augener} 25/012(1) Violoncello method Bk 2: [7 exercises]; rev. & enlarg. W. E. Whitehouse & R. V. Tabb {Augener} 25/012(2) Violoncello method Bk 3: [17 exercises]; rev. & enlarg. W. E. Whitehouse & R. V. Tabb {Augener} 25/012(3) Schroeder, Carl (1848-1935) German Kleine Etuden ohne Daumenaufsatz Op. 67 {Augener} 25/013 Ševčík, Otakar (1852-1934) Czech Studies arranged for viola (alto) Op. 8: changes of position and preparatory scale studies; [ed.] Lionel Tertis {Bosworth} 25/014-3 Violin works Op. 8: changes of position {Bosworth} 25/014(8) Violoncello works Op. 1 part 1: Thumb placing exercises nos. 1-21; ed. Walter Schulz {Bosworth} 25/014-1(1) Violoncello works Op. 2 part 1: School of bowing technique, nos. 1-12; ed. L. R. Feuillard & A. E. Bosworth {Bosworth} 25/014-2(1) Violoncello works Op. 2 part 2: School of bowing technique, nos. 13-28; ed. L. R. Feuillard & A. E. Bosworth {Bosworth} 25/014-2(2) Violoncello works Op. 2 part 3: School of bowing technique, nos. 29-30; ed. L. R. Feuillard & A. E. Bosworth {Bosworth} 25/014-2(3) Violoncello works Op. 2 part 4: School of bowing technique, nos. 31-36; ed. L. R. Feuillard & A. E. Bosworth {Bosworth} 25/014-2(4) Violoncello works Op. 2 part 5: School of bowing technique, no. 37; ed. L. R. Feuillard & A. E. Bosworth {Bosworth} 25/014-2(5) Violoncello works Op. 2 part 6: School of bowing technique, no. 38; ed. L. R. Feuillard & A. E. Bosworth {Bosworth} 25/014-2(6) Various Composers (Miscellanies) Jazz fiddle: [20 pieces for violin & piano] {Chappell} Cab 28/090-1 New school of cello studies Bk 2 (Lower Elementary Grade): 34 studies; sel. & ed. Percy Such {Augener} 25/015(2) New school of violin studies Bk 2: 22 studies - 1st pos.; ed. Adam Carse {Augener} 25/020-7(2) a-b New school of violin studies Bk 3: 25 easy studes - 1st & 3rd pos.; ed. Adam Carse {Augener} 25/020-7(3) Orchesterstudien für Viola: [44 studies]; transc. Friedrich Hermann {Breitkopf & Härtel} 25/007-3 Scale and arpeggio album for the violoncello; compil. W. E. Whitehouse & R. V. Tabb {Schott} 25/024 a-b Scales & arpeggios for the viola {Paxton} 25/020-2 Scales & arpeggios for violinists Bk 1 (Grades 1-5) {ABRSM} 25/020-3(1) Scales & arpeggios for violinists Bk 2 (Grades 6-8); ed. Watson Forbes & Gertrude Collins {ABRSM} 25/020-3(2) a-b Sherwood string orchestra folio: advanced violin instrumentation; arr. Al Cechvala {Pro Art} 25/020-9 [Violin studies]: [25 pieces for violin & piano] {Paxton} 25/020-6 Volti, Carl [=Archibald Milligan] (1848-1919) Scottish Seventy-three progressive and melodious studies {Kerr} 25/023 Witt, Friedrich (1770-1836) German Scales and arpeggios [for the violoncello] {Schott} 25/024.2 Wohlfahrt, Franz (1833-1884) German Sixty studies Op. 45. Bk 1, Nos. 1-30 25/025-1(1)
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