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Weatherly, Frederic Edward (1848-1929) English The admiral's broom: song / Frederick Bevan {Enoch & Sons} 17/076-2 a : The admiral's broom: song / Frederick Bevan {Enoch & Sons} 17/076-2 b : The admiral's yarn: song / Paul A Rubens {Chappell} 17/483-2 : Alfio's song {from Cavalleria Rusticana}: [for low bar.] / Pietro Mascagni -- Eng. words Fred E. Weatherly {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 17/387-1 also at 21/227-2 [2] Angus Macdonald: song / Joseph L Roeckel {Chappell} 17/479-2 a : Angus Macdonald: song / Joseph L Roeckel {Chappell} 17/479-2 b : Ave Maria {adapt. from Cavalleria Rusticana} / Pietro Mascagni -- Ital. by P. Mazzoni; Eng. by Fred E. Weatherly {solo v. : Edwin Ashdown} 17/387-2 a-b Babylon: sacred song / Stephen Adams {Boosey} 16/050-3 [23] : The barber of Turin: song / Kennedy Russell {Chappell} 17/484-6 : The bugler / Ciro Pinsuti {bar. : Edwin Ashdown} 17/450-2 : The butterfly gay: song / Stephen Adams {Boosey} 17/004-1 : By the fountain: song / Stephen Adams {Boosey} 17/004-9 : By the light of the moon / Raymond Loughborough {solo v. : Chappell} 17/356-1 : Cavalleria Rusticana (Rustic Chivalry): melodrama / Pietro Mascagni -- Eng. trans. Frederic Weatherly {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 06/025 a The children's home: song / Frederic Cowen {Morley} 16/050-4 [37] : The children's home: song / Frederic Cowen {Morley} 17/140-6 a : The children's home: song / Frederic Cowen {Morley} 17/140-6 b : The children's home: song / Frederic Cowen {Leonard} 17/140-6 c : Danny boy: song written to an old Irish air / Trad. {Boosey} 17/553.2 a-b : Darby and Joan: song / J L Molloy {Boosey} 10/045-4 [6] : Dearest, I bring you daffodils: song / Dorothy Forster {Chappell} 17/200-1 : A dinder courtship / Eric Coates {solo v. : Boosey} 17/127-9 : The drum-major: song / Ernest Newton {Chappell} 17/426 : Easter flowers: song / Wilfrid Sanderson {Boosey} 17/488-9 a,c : Easter flowers: song / Wilfrid Sanderson {Boosey} 17/488-9 b : The extra special constables: song / Ernest Newton {Newman} 10/045-7 [16] The fairy pipers: song / Alfred Brewer {Boosey} 17/100-1 : Fiddle and I: song w. violin accomp. ad lib. / Mrs Arthur Goodeve {Enoch & Sons} 17/222.5 a-b : The flag of liberty: song / Claude Arundale {Enoch & Sons} 17/016.5 The flight of ages: song / Frederick Bevan {Boosey} 17/076-1 : Friend o' mine: song / Wilfrid Sanderson {Boosey & Hawkes} 17/488-4 a : Friend o' mine: song / Wilfrid Sanderson {Boosey & Hawkes} 17/488-4 b : Friend o' mine: song / Wilfrid Sanderson {Boosey} 17/488-4 c : Friend o' mine: song / Wilfrid Sanderson {Boosey} 17/488-4 d : Friend o' mine: song / Wilfrid Sanderson {Boosey} 17/488-4 e-f : The glory of the sea: song / Wilfrid Sanderson {Boosey} 17/488-18 : The gray mare (Three young men of Ware) {from Proverbs in Song}: song / Joseph L Roeckel {Enoch & Sons} 17/479-1 : The green hills o' Somerset: song / Eric Coates {Chappell} 17/127-3 : Guy d' Hardelot album, vol. 1: [8 songs] / Guy d' Hardelot -- words by Edward Teschemacher, Fred Weatherly et al. {Chappell} 09/089(1) Haydn Wood album: [8 songs] / Haydn Wood -- words by Fred. E. Weatherly, Harold Simpson et al. {Chappell} 09/213 The Holy City: [song] / Stephen Adams {Boosey} 17/004-2 a,c-e : The Holy City: song / Stephen Adams {Boosey & Hawkes} 17/004-2 b : The Holy City: song / Stephen Adams {Boosey & Hawkes} 17/004-2 f-g : Idle words: song / Stephen Adams {Boosey} 17/004-8 : If I might come to you / W H Squire {ten. : Boosey} 13/020-7 [1] : If I might come to you: song / W H Squire {Boosey} 17/527-1 : Jack Briton: song / W H Squire {Boosey} 17/527-3 : The last watch: song / Ciro Pinsuti {Boosey} 10/045-9 [15] : The linnet: song / Robert C Clarke {Chappell} 17/122-3 : The little damozel: song / Ivor Novello {Boosey} 17/432-5 a : The little damozel: song / Ivor Novello {Boosey & Hawkes} 17/432-5 b : The little tin soldier: [song] / J L Molloy -- [words] by F. E. Weatherly (after Hans Andersen) {Chappell} 16/050-5 [7] Lola's song {from Cavalleria Rusticana} / Pietro Mascagni -- Eng. words Fred. E. Weatherly {mez. : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 21/227-2 [3] Long ago in Alcala {from Mirette}: song / André Messager -- words by F.E. Weatherley & Adrian Ross {Chappell} 17/396-2 A May morning: song / Luigi Denza {Chappell} 17/161.2 a,c : A May morning: song / Luigi Denza {Chappell} 17/161.2 b : The midshipmite: song / Stephen Adams {Boosey} 17/004-13 a : The midshipmite: song / Stephen Adams {Boosey} 17/004-13 b : Mifanwy: song / Dorothy Forster {Chappell} 17/200-2 : Moon-daisies: song / Eric Coates {Chappell} 17/127-13 : Moonlight: part-song for SATB / Eaton Faning {Novello} 18/055-1 Mountain lovers / W H Squire {ten. : Boosey} 13/020-7 [3] : Mountain lovers: song / W H Squire {Boosey} 17/527-5 a : Mountain lovers: song / W H Squire {Boosey} 17/527-5 b : Mountain lovers: duet (mez. & bar.) / W H Squire {Boosey} 18/155(1) : My dreams: song / Paolo Tosti {Chappell} 17/553-2 a : My dreams: song / Paolo Tosti {Chappell} 17/553-2 b : Nancy Lee: song / Stephen Adams {Boosey} 17/004-3 : Nirvana: song / Stephen Adams {Boosey} 17/004-4 a-b : Nirvana: song / Stephen Adams {Boosey} 17/004-4 c-d : The old brigade: song / Odoardo Barri {Reynolds} 17/038 : Parted: song / Paolo Tosti -- Eng. by Fred. E. Weatherly {Ricordi} 17/553-3 a : Parted: song / Paolo Tosti {Ricordi} 17/553-3 b-c : Prologue {from Pagliacci) / Ruggero Leoncavallo -- words & music R. Leoncavallo; Eng. adapt. Frederic E. Weatherly {low v. : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 17/340-1 a,c : Prologue {from Pagliacci) / Ruggero Leoncavallo -- words & music R. Leoncavallo; Eng. adapt. Frederic E. Weatherly {high v. : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 17/340-1 b : Romanza e Scena {from Cavalleria Rusticana}: [Santuzza's aria] / Pietro Mascagni -- Eng. words Fred E. Weatherly {Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 17/387-3 a-b : Roses: song / Stephen Adams 16/050-5 [38] : Roses of Picardy: song / Haydn Wood {Chappell} 17/590-15 a-c : Santuzza's romanza e scena {from Cavalleria Rusticana} / Pietro Mascagni -- Eng. words Fred. E. Weatherly {sop. : Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew} 21/227-2 [4] A sergeant of the line: song / W H Squire {Boosey} 17/527-9 : The song of the waggoner / F S Breville-Smith {Chappell} 10/045-7 [17] Star of Bethlehem: song / Stephen Adams 16/050-4 [2] : The Star of Bethlehem: song / Stephen Adams {Boosey} 17/004-5 a : The Star of Bethlehem: song / Stephen Adams {Boosey} 17/004-5 b : Star of God: song / Eric Coates {Chappell} 17/127-4 a-b : The stars of Normandie: song / Stephen Adams {Boosey} 16/050-3 [7] : The stars of Normandie: song / Stephen Adams {Boosey} 17/004-12 : Stone-cracker John: song / Eric Coates {Boosey} 17/127-10 : Tell her I love her so: [song] / Philip De Faye {Newnes} 16/040 [3/1] Thora: song / Stephen Adams {Boosey} 17/004-6 : 'Tis the day (Mattinata) / Ruggero Leoncavallo -- words & music R. Leoncavallo; Eng. trans. Frederic E. Weatherly {solo v. : Ricordi} 17/340-2.2 : The valley by the sea: song / Stephen Adams {Boosey} 16/050-5 [36] : The veteran's song (Long live the King) / Stephen Adams {Boosey} 17/004-7 a : The veteran's song (Long live the King) / Stephen Adams {Boosey} 17/004-7 b : When shadows gather / Charles Marshall {ten. : Boosey} 13/020-7 [7] : When you come home: song / W H Squire {Boosey} 17/527-6 a : When you come home: song / W H Squire {Boosey} 17/527-6 b,d : When you come home: song / W H Squire {Boosey} 17/527-6 c :
Saturday 18th January 2025 98 works by 1 writers/librettists Designed for NESMS by and powered by PHP/MySQL |