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Mixed Voices

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Bernstein, Leonard (1918-1990) American

Warm-up: round for mixed chorus {Amberson} Cab 18/020

Bizet, Georges (1838-1875) French

Concert medley from Carmen: for chor. of mixed v. w. p acc; arr. William Stickles {Chappell/Schirmer} 06/007.5 a-b

Bliss, Arthur (Sir) (1891-1975) English

Cradle song for a newborn child: for small mixed chorus and harp (or piano); words by Eric Crozier {Novello} Cab 15/022

Borodin, Alexander (1833-1887) Russian

Prince Igor - Choral dance No. 17: for mixed v. chor. & orch. [] (concert version); Eng. trans. Rosa Newmarch {Winthrop Rogers} 01/019 a-f

Delius, Frederick (1862-1934) English

Im Meeresstreiben (Sea Drift): [for bar. & mixed chor.]; words by Walt Whitman 01/032

Dvorák, Antonín (1841-1904) Czech

Te Deum Op. 103: [for sop. & bass w. mixed chor.]; rev. Franz Terwal; voc. sc. Josef Suk {Simrock} Cab 02/038-3 a

Te Deum Op. 103: for solo v. (sop. & bass), mixed chor. & orch. []; rev. Franz Terwal; voc. sc. Josef Suk {Alfred Lengnick} Cab 02/038-3 b-d

Handel, George Frideric (1685-1759) German-British

The Passion of Christ: for soloists (SSAATTTBB), mixed chor. & orch. [] (or org.); ed. Denys Darlow {OUP} 08/027-7 a-b

Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732-1809) German-Austrian

The seven last words of Christ: sacred cantata [for SATB & mixed chor.] {Schirmer} 01/049

Hindemith, Paul (1895-1963) German

Apparebit repentina dies: for mixed chor. & brass. instr. (1947) {Schott} 02/058

In praise of music (Frau Musica): [mixed v., high & low, w. str. orch. -] Cab 01/050

Pehkonen, Elis (1942- English

Russian requiem: for sop. & contr. soloists, chor. & orch. [] {OUP} 02/092

Poulenc, Francis (1899-1963) French

Gloria: [for sop., mixed chor. & orch. -] {Salabert} 02/094

Rutter, John Milford (1945- English

Five childhood lyrics: for unaccomp. mixed vv. {OUP} 18/138

Gloria: for mixed voices with brass, percussion and organ [p. red.] {OUP} 02/105.5-2

Somervell, Arthur (Sir) (1863-1937) English

Christmas: short choral work for soli, mixed chor. & orch. []; 'short choral work for churches and choral societies' {Boosey} 02/112

Various Composers (Miscellanies)

Carols of the nations: .; compil. & arr. Ruth Heller {Blandford} 02/205-7

Carols of today: seventeen original settings for mixed v. {OUP} Cab 02/205-4

The Penguin book of Christmas carols; compil. & ed. Elizabeth Poston {Penguin} 02/208-3

The Penguin part-song book {Penguin} 15/010

A selection of part songs and madrigals for mixed voices, A-G {Novello} 15/019(1)

A selection of part songs and madrigals for mixed voices, H-R {Novello} 15/019(2)

A selection of part songs and madrigals for mixed voices, S-Y {Novello} 15/019(3)

Vaughan Williams, Ralph (1872-1958) English

A Cotswold romance: cantata [for sop. & ten. soli & mixed chor.]; adapt. from the opera Hugh the Drover by Harold Child 01/076-2 a-b

Vivaldi, Antonio (1678-1741) Italian

Gloria: for solo v., mixed chor. & orch. []; ed. Mason Martens {Walton} 02/131-1 a-b

Gloria: per soli, coro a 4 v. miste ed orch.; ed. Alfredo Casella; p. arr. Maffeo Zanon {Ricordi} 02/131-1.1

Gloria: for solo v., mixed chor. & orch. []; elab. Alfredo Casella; Eng. version Joseph Machlis; p. red. Maffeo Zanon {Ricordi} 02/131-1.2

Walton, William (Sir) (1902-1983) English

Belshazzar's feast: for mixed choir, bar. solo & orch. [] {OUP} 08/061 a-b

Belshazzar's feast: for mixed choir, bar. solo & orch. [] {OUP} 08/061 c


Saturday 15th February 2025


29 works in this category by 17 named composers

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