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Children's Voices

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Britten, Benjamin (1913-1976) English

Children's crusade (Kinderkreuzzug) Op. 82 - Chorus part: ballad for childen's v. & orch. []; words by Bertolt Brecht; Eng. trans. Hans Keller {Faber} 01/023-7

Children's crusade (Kinderkreuzzug) Op. 82 - Full score: ballad for childen's v. & orch.; words by Bertolt Brecht; Eng. trans. Hans Keller {Faber} 43/017

The Golden Vanity (Die Gold'ne Eitelkeit) Op. 78: vaudeville for boys & piano after the old English ballad; words by Colin Graham; Ger. trans. Hans Keller {Faber} 01/023-8

Missa brevis in D Op. 63: for boys' v. & organ {Boosey & Hawkes} 02/025-1

Noye's Fludde (the Chester Miracle Play) Op. 59: Bbar, contr, narrator, children's choir (SATB) & chor. (TrTrTrSSS) w. prof. + children's (or amateur) orch. & org.; Anon. {Hawkes & Son} Spec Coll

Cooper, William Smyth (19th-20th c.) English

Magic Key: Spanish fairy opera {Curwen} 07/006 a-b

A Royal Jester, or A Kingdom for a Laugh: operetta {Curwen} 07/006.1

Day, Jennifer (20th c.) English

Songs of praise for the young folks {Paxton} Cab 15/028

Diack, J. Michael (1869-1947) English

Papageno: operetta or cantata for schools & mus. soc.; adapt. from Mozart's The Magic Flute {Paterson} 07/008 a-b

Farjeon, Harry (1878-1948) English

A Sussex alphabet, vol. 1: song cycle for children & grown-ups; poetry by Eleanor Farjeon {Joseph Williams} 09/071(1)

Grieg, Edvard (1843-1907) Norwegian

Seven children's songs Op. 61; Eng. by Lady Macfarren {Augener} 09/081-3

Grieve, John Charles (1842-a1889) Scottish

Rob Roy: national kinderspiel; words & music John C. Grieve {Ernest Köhler} 07/013.3

Hughes, Herbert (1882-1937) N. Irish

Rhymes set to music, vol. 1: studies in imitation [10 nursery rhymes] {Boosey} 09/091-2(1)

Rhymes set to music, vol. 2: studies in imitation [7 nursery rhymes] {Boosey} 09/091-2(2)

Ley, Henry George (1887-1962) English

Savernake, or The Professor's Dilemma: fairy play; words by Evelyn Ley {Oxford} 07/019

Proctor, C. King (fl. 1900-1920) English

Princess Chrysanthemum: Japanese operetta in three acts {Bayley & Ferguson} 07/027.3

Ramsey, Benjamin Mansell (1849-1923) English

Peach blossom: children's operetta; written by Lilian F Ramsey {Curwen} 07/028

Somervell, Arthur (Sir) (1863-1937) English

The Enchanted Palace: [children's operetta] {Novello} 07/032.5 a-b

Sullens, Gertrude (19th-20th c.) English

The Enchanted Emerald, or The Missing May Queen: fairy play {Bayley & Ferguson} 07/038

Swinyard, Laurence (1901-1986) English

The Stranger: play for children; adapt. to music from Schumann's Album for the Young {Novello} 07/054 a-b

Tootell, George (1886-1969) English

Tangles (Lollipop Land): fantastic operetta; written & composed by George Tootell {Curwen} 07/055

Various Composers (Miscellanies)

Selected vocal music [for schools] {Novello} 15/011.51

Songs, rounds and duets for schools 15/011.52

Ward, Annie Clementine (19th-20th c.) English

Flowerland or, The lady gardeners: operetta for equal v. {Curwen} 07/057-2 a-b

Princess Ju Ju, or The golden Amulet: Japanese operetta; adapt. to music from Schumann's Album for the Young {Curwen} 07/057


Saturday 15th February 2025


25 works in this category by 17 named composers

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