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Double Choir

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Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750) German

Be not afraid (Ps. 41/42): motet for double choir 05/001-1

Now shall the Grace (Bach's Double Chorus) {Bach Society} Cab 01/004-1.5 a-b

Sing ye to the Lord (Singet dem Herrn): motet for double choir; Eng. words adapted from Psalms 149 and 150 by William Bartholomew; ed. John E West {Novello} 05/001-3 a

Sing ye to the Lord (Singet dem Herrn): [motet for double choir]; ed. Charles Kennedy Scott ; transl. & adapt. from the German by Beatrice E. Bulman {OUP} 05/001-3 b

The Spirit also helpeth us (Der Geist hilft unsrer Schwachheit auf): motet for double choir; ed. John E. West; Eng. words adapted from Romans VIII 26, 27 by Williams Bartholomew {Novello} 05/001-4

Bruckner, Anton (1824-1896) Austrian

Messe (E moll): [for 8-v. chor. & wind ens.]; Klavierauszug Kurt Soldan {Peters} 02/026-3

Cavalli, (Pier) Francesco (1602-1676) Italian

Messa concertata: mass for double chorus, eight solo voices and orchetra [p. red.]; real. Raymond Leppard {Faber} 02/030.7

Monteverdi, Claudio (1567-1643) Italian

Magnificat: for soloists (SATB), double choir, organ & orch. []; ed. Denis Stevens & John Steele {Novello} 02/084

Palestrina, Giovanni Perluigi da (1525-1594) Italian

Stabat Mater: motet for double chor. (unaccomp.); ed. Wm. Barclay Squire {Novello} 05/013.5

Parry, Hubert (Sir Charles Hubert Hastings) (1848-1918) English

Blest pair of Sirens (at a Solemn music): for chor. & orch. [] (8-part arrangement); ode by Milton {Novello} 01/063-1 a-f also at 01/038 [1] a-c

Vaughan Williams, Ralph (1872-1958) English

Mass in G minor: for soli (SATB) & double chor. {Curwen & Sons} 02/128-3 a-b

Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901) Italian

Quattro pezzi sacri; red. G. Luporini {Ricordi} 02/130-3

Te Deum: [for sop. & dbl. chor.]; ed. Kurt Soldan {Peters} 01/078

Vivaldi, Antonio (1678-1741) Italian

Magnificat RV610a-611: for solo v., 2 mixed chor. & 2 orch. []; ed. Gian Francesco Malpieri; p. red. Raffaele Cumar {Ricordi} 02/131-2.1

Walters, Leslie (1902-1998) English

Lord, in Thy name I rest me: hymn for unaccomp. double chor.; words by Bonifacius Stoelzlein {Fagus-Music} Cab 02/131.5


Saturday 15th February 2025


15 works in this category by 10 named composers

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