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Byrd, William (1543-1623) English

Haec dies (This Is the day): motet for six v. (SSATTB) 05/003-2 a-b

Sing joyfully unto God: full anthem for 6 v. (SSATTB - unacc) {Novello} Cab 02/030-5

Monteverdi, Claudio (1567-1643) Italian

Beatus vir: for SSATTB chors, instruments & organ; ed. John Steele {Novello} 02/084-2

Parry, Hubert (Sir Charles Hubert Hastings) (1848-1918) English

I was glad when they said unto me {Novello} Cab 02/090-1 a-e


Monday 9th December 2024

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