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Dunhill, Thomas Frederick (1877-1946) English

My boat glides with the gliding stream Op. 44 no. 1: quartet (SCTB); words by George MacDonald {Joseph Williams} Cab 18/051

Lehmann, Elizabeth Nina Mary Frederika (Liza) (1862-1918) English

More daisies: new songs of childhood for 4 solo voices (SCTBar/B); words by Robert Louis Stevenson, W. B. Rands etc {Boosey} 10/045-8.4 [3]

Roberton, Hugh Stevenson (Sir) (1874-1952) Scottish

All in the April evening: part-song for SCTB; words by Katherine Tynan {Curwen} Cab 18/129-1

The wee cooper o' Fife: for mixed v. SCTB; Old Scots ballad {Curwen} Cab 18/129-2

Stevenson, Ronald (1928-2015) Scottish

Ballattis of love: madrigal cycle for vocal quartet [SCTB] and lute; poems by Alexander Scott (c1515-c1583) Spec Coll


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