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Geikie, James Stuart (c1812-1884) Scottish

My heather hills: [song and chorus (SAB or TBarB)]; words by John Ballantine 16/050-1 [30]

Johnston, Peter F Scottish

Seventeen national and traditional songs: for choirs of ten., bar. & bass. of lim. voc. range {Novello} 15/009.5

Puccini, Giacomo (1858-1924) Italian

Messa di gloria: for TBarB soli, mixed v. (SATB) & orch. [] {Belwin-Mills} 02/098 a-b

Shore, William (1791-1877) English

O! Willie brew'd a peck o' maut; words by Burns 16/050-1 [65]

Various Composers (Miscellanies)

Twelve songs: for male v. in 3 parts; arr. Norman Barnes Cab 15/013


Saturday 15th February 2025

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