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Various Composers (Miscellanies)

Baritone songs, vol. 1 (Imperial Edn): [47 songs] {Boosey} 14/008-1(1) a-d

Baritone songs (New Imperial Edn): [30 songs]; compil., ed. & arr. Sydney Northcote {Boosey & Hawkes} 14/008-2 a-b

Bass songs (Imperial Edn): [60 pieces] {Boosey} 14/010-1

Bass songs, vol. 1 (Imperial Edn): [41 pieces] {Boosey} 14/010-1(1) a-b

Bass songs, vol. 2 (Imperial Edn): [36 pieces] {Boosey} 14/010-1(2) a-c

Bass songs (New Imperial Edn): [30 songs]; compil., ed. & arr. Sydney Northcote {Boosey & Hawkes} 14/010-2 a-c

Bass songs: [31 songs] {Bayley & Ferguson} 14/010-3

The best of Pathways of Song; comp., arr., transl. & ed. Frank LaForge and Will Earhart {low v. : Warner Bros.} 10/053 : low v.

Caruso album [of] favourite songs & arias [new ed.]: [8 pieces]; with English and original words {Ricordi} 10/037.5-1 b : med. v.

Concert edition of famous songs (sung by John McCormack); ed. John McCormack; arr. Gerald Moore {ten. : Keith, Prowse} 13/021

Contralto songs, vol. 1 (Imperial Edn): [67 songs] {Boosey} 12/015-2(1) a-d

Contralto songs, vol. 2 (Imperial Edn): [42 songs]; Eng. words mainly by Paul England {Boosey} 12/015-2(2) a

Contralto songs (New Imperial Edn): [30 songs]; compil., ed. & arr. S. Northcote {Boosey & Hawkes} 12/015-3 a-b

Diva bravura, vol. 2: [19] coloratura & operatic arias for soprano; ed. etc Estelle Liebling {Schirmer} 11/034

Mezzo-soprano songs, [vol. 1] (New Imperial Edn): [30 songs]; compil., ed. & arr. Sydney Northcote {Boosey} 11/041(1)

Mezzo-soprano songs, vol. 2 (Imperial Edn): [37 songs] {Boosey} 11/041(2)

Opera choruses: [French, German, Italian and Russian, each with parallel English text]; ed. John Rutter {choir : OUP} 06/099

Sing solo soprano: [10 songs]; ed. Jean Allister {OUP} 11/031

Soprano songs, vol. 1 (Imperial Edn): [43 songs] {Boosey} 11/044-1(1) a-c

Soprano songs, vol. 2 (Imperial Edn): [32 songs] {Boosey} 11/044-1(2)

Soprano songs (New Imperial Edn): [30 songs]; compil. & arr. Sydney Northcote {Boosey} 11/044-2 a-c

Tenor songs (Imperial Edn): [45 songs] {Boosey} 13/020-4 a,b,d


Saturday 15th February 2025

22 works in this category by 1 composers or arrangers


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