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Search limited to 'Grechaninov, Aleksandr' For miscellanies and works by unnamed composers go HEREClick on the blue shelfmark for links to similar or related items and accompaniments, publication format, languages used etc |
Grechaninov, Aleksandr Tikhonovich (1864-1956) Russian Brimborions Op. 138: [for Bb clar. & piano] {Augener} 37/033 a-b The dreary steppe (Triste est le steppe) Op. 5 no. 1: song; words by Plestcheiev; Eng. Rosa Newmarch {Chester} Cab 17/232-2 The little green house; words by Helen Douglas Adam {solo v. : Curwen} Cab 17/232-3 Romance / Claude Debussy transc. Alexander Gretchaninoff; cello part ed. Gregor Piatigorsky {cello : International} Cab 33/022.2 Snowflakes (Schneeflöckchen) Op. 47 no. 1; [poem by] W. Brüssoff [ie V. Briusov]; Eng. trans. Constance Purdy {med. v. : Oliver Ditson} Cab 17/232-1 :
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